Friday 20th of September 2024
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Dua to be recited on the twenty sixth day of Ramadhan

 Dua to be recited on the twenty sixth day of Ramadhan

 اَللّـهُمَّ اجْعَلْ سَعْيي فيهِ مَشْكُوراً، وَذَنْبي فيهِ مَغْفُوراً وَعَمَلي فيهِ مَقْبُولاً، وَعَيْبي فيهِ مَسْتُوراً، يا اَسْمَعَ السّامِعينَ .

Lord! Make my endeavor in it appreciated (by You), my sin it forgiven, my deed in it accepted, my defect in it covered, O most hearing of those who hear (pleas)!

source : erfan.ir
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