Thursday 26th of December 2024
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Mahdism is the Seal of Historic Messianism

Mahdism is the Seal of Historic Messianism

 Man’s History will be reviewed from a religious point of view. How the humans could come up with magnificent material achievements yet miserably fail to establish equitable co-existence and social justice. Pharaoh’s reign and the like will be cited from the recorded history. How Moses, supported by his Vicegerent Aaron, unsuccessfully admonished the tyrant king of his time. The Jews anticipated the coming of a Messiah, whereas the Christ’s prophesized the coming the “Praise Worthy” prophet after him. Bani Israel revered to idolatry despite the compelling miracles of Moses’ cane. This will be put into a proper historic perspective. What lessons mankind should have learnt from the consequences of disobeying Allah’s envoys? Religion and its role in man’s life will be addressed.
Some light will be shed on laws and their importance for establishing social order and justice. For the importance of identifying one murderer, the Quran dedicates its longest surah – The Cow. How David and Solomon ruled in accordance with what Allah had instructed them? If Solomon inherited his father, why Fatimah could not inherit Fadak from her father? Depending on reliable historic sources, the reversion that took place right after the Prophet’s demise will be addressed. Who first instigated animosity towards the Prophet’s Household? Tragedy of Karbala did not come from vacuum. How revulsion against the bearer of genuine Islam has changed the course of history. Caliphs verses Imams, which model finds more support from the Quran. Like Prophet Solomon, Imam Mahdi will re-establish global peace and justice in accordance with the legacy of revelation. The difference between special and general resurrection from Quranic point view will also be explained. Supported by historic precedence, special resurrection is quite possible before the end of the time. Finally, how the suffering humanity is earnestly crying for the Heaven’s intervention will be addressed.
Throughout history, man has reached several peaks in mastering the laws of nature. Pharaoh of Egypt not only constructed one of the seven wonders of the ancient world – monumental pyramids, but also initiated a “space programme” to bluster the Lord of Moses. He failed to take heed from the soft words of admonition of Moses and Aaron. This was because of his arrogance and for being intoxicated with power. Claiming supreme lordship, he persisted on spreading mischief in the land by killing the male subjects. He gave a free hand to his hosts to rape the women. He eventually walked to his doom on his own feet. His repentance came a bit late, as he felt no remorse for the atrocities he had committed throughout his life. Matchless atrocities which forced his poor wife (Asia) to beseech help from the Almighty thus:
“O’ My Lord: Build for me in your proximity a dwelling in Paradise; and, rescue me from Pharaoh and his (wrong) doing.”
The same Almighty’s hand which had taken a floating box that carried (baby) Moses to Pharaoh’s palace, rescued Pharaoh’s body to make him a reminding sign for mankind. After all it was a period from Noah’s time, and man often believes in what he sees with his naked eyes. It was probably for this human inclination that the Israelites asked Moses to show them Allah directly. As a consequence, seventy of Prophet Moses disciples were put to death and then Allah resurrected them at the request of his envoy.
The Israelites’ lack of appreciation manifested itself in three forms:
(1) They resorted to worshipping a golden calf only a few weeks after the temporary absence of Moses in their mist (while he received the Tablets on the Mount of Sinai). This occurred despite the fact that Moses had left behind a vicegerent (and a helper) – his brother Aaron!
(2) They opted the comfort of this life, when they told their prophet: “Go you and your Lord to fight (repression); we are sitting here!
(3) Despite their rescue from Pharaoh’s tyranny and the vivid miracles unfolded before their naked eyes, the Israelites either belied or killed their prophets.
Nowadays Jews (especially the Zionists) take pride of Prophet David (and his son – Solomon)’s reign. Unlike Pharaoh, David ruled in accordance to what God had instructed him, as the Quran tells. David was a prophet before being a king. The iron was softened for him; that enabled him to make shields for his worriers. He placed his will in accordance with the Almighty’s Will. The Lord once addressed him:
“O’ David, you will and I Will. Nothing happens without My Will.”
After sending him such a humbling reminder, God revealed to David (in the Psalm) that
“ … for sure the righteous will inherit the Earth.”
For being a humble servant of the Almighty, his son Solomon enjoyed even a magnificent reign. Not only the wind but also the Jinn tirelessly worked for him. A true righteous man in his court brought the throne of Sheba (Balqees) for him in a blink of an eye. He remained sincere in his worship to the Almighty. Without turning to arrogance (or negligence) as the affluent people normally do, Solomon’s earnest prayer to the Lord was:
“O’ my Lord, inspire me to be thankful to You for all the bounties You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents.”
Neither he nor his father believed for a moment that they were (in status) above other human beings. They both were very much accessible to their subjects. They settled the disputes that had occurred between shepherds and neighbours. Actually, the selection of Solomon to be the heir of David occurred because of his fair Judgement regarding a she sheep that ate the corn ears of a neighbouring farmer. He was then at the age of 13 and the youngest amongst David’s 12 sons.
King Solomon sent a message, delivered by a bird, inviting the Queen of Sheba and her people to worship the One True Lord – and desist worshipping the Sun. He rejected the Queen’s gift (or bribery) and insisted on his demand to bring her to worship the Almighty. Not only Balqees entered the fold of Al-Islam, but she later became the king’s wife.
No where in the legacy of David and Solomon we find a tendency for territorial expansion (or amassing wealth). The Jews later lived not only in Palestine, but also in Egypt and then they did spread to Africa westward, Iran eastward, until they reached northern India. As the first Abrahamic religion, Judaism heralded the coming of a Messiah – or a Saviour. When Jesus embarked on his mission, many Jews turned to him as a personal (and collective) saviour. Jesus himself denied any deity status during his 33 years in this world. He heralded the coming of a prophet after him, by the name Ahmad, i.e. the praise worthy.
The Jews, who did not accept Jesus as a Messiah, continued anticipating the coming of a prophet from the progeny of Abraham. According to their scrolls, this prophet will be a resident of what now is known as the Arabian Peninsula. Following further meticulous details about the new prophet’s attributes mentioned in their scriptures, some of them migrated south to reside in Khaybar – in anticipation for his coming. When he came, the majority of their learned leaders rejected him despite the fact that they had recognized him as their recognition of their own sons.
Similar to their maltreatment of their prophets, the Jews opposed the seal of Allah’s Prophets. Their animosity towards the believers has always surpassed that of their co-religious Christians. While the Quran invites the people of the book to worship none but Allah, it tells the Prophet that they will never be pleased with him until he follows their folk.
The holy Prophet endured all the pain inflicted on him by the pagan Arabs and the people of the book. Once he stated that: “no other prophet has suffered to the extent of my suffering.” Similar to his experience, the appointed Imams have gone through all kinds of hardships.
The Imams faced monumental odds as they endeavoured to preserve the true religion of Allah (from being altered). The progenies of the pagan Arabs, who later monopolized the political scene, became their arch enemies. Two of the Imams were slain, whereas 9 others were poisoned (like their grandfather). It was the Will of Allah to preserve the 12th Imam. Thus, he went into occultation, waiting for Allah’s permission to reappear to bring about peace, justice, and harmony in man’s life.
The Glorious Quran has alluded not only to the reversion of the Muslims after the Prophet’s demise, but also to the attributes of the rightly guided Imams who will follow him. The Prophet of Islam foretold their names. Explaining their role complement his, he prophesized their coming. This successively occurred during about two centuries after his demise. In a Hadith, he stated:
“Our first is Muhammad; our middle is Muhammad (ref. to Al-Baqir); and, our last is Muhammad (ref. to Al-Mahdi).”
To one of his close disciples – Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, he confided that this disciple will live long enough to see the middle Muhammad (bin Ali bin Al-Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib). History recorded that Jabir actually conveyed the prophet’s salutation to (the middle) Muhammad. This Imam became commonly known as Al-Baqir for his sharpness and brilliance in tackling very many difficult theological issues of the time. He and his son Jaffar lived at a period in which the Omayyah dynasty was falling and the Abbasids dynasty was in the formative stage. This presented an opportune time to train their followers. Thus, the Jaffari school of thought carried the mark of the unofficial brand of Islam. It is indeed the genuine form of Islam. Its roots go back to even before the appointment of Imam Ali by the Prophet at the famous Al-Ghadeer location, while returning from the farewell pilgrimage.
Each Imam spoke about the coming of the last Imam, who will fill this world with peace and justice after being filled with wrongdoing and injustice. For example, like his grandfather, the second Imam had uncovered a prophecy when he foretold Mo’aawiyah that the Omayyah’s tyrannical reign will last only for 83 years, i.e. 1000 months. In one of his letters, the Imam reminded him of a short surah in the Quran by the name Al-Qadr, i.e. The Determination. In a sense he foretold the life span of the Omayyah Dynasty that fell in the year 132 A.H. It is well recorded in history that Mo’aawiyah poisoned the second Imam in the year 50 A.H. Like Pharaoh and other tyrants, Mo’aawiyah was intoxicated with power and paid no heed. By revoking a peace treaty he had stricken with Imam Hassan, he committed yet one more heinous crime when he appointed his drunken son Yazid – to be a caliph for the Muslims.
It was the second caliph who had appointed Mo’awiyyah to be his governor over Syria. Reversion of the Muslims right after the Prophet’s death has left deep marks on the course of mankind’s history. The tragedy of Karbala did not come from vacuum. The martyrdom of Imam Hussain along with his 72 companions including his new-born baby was very much in line with the killing of his unborn brother Mohsin. The Prophet’s only daughter Fatimah was deprived of Fadak, too. Because of unbearable atrocities inflicted on her, she lived only for 75 days after the Prophet’s death. As he confided with his companion Jabir about what the latter will be experiencing in the future, the Prophet shared this news with his daughter. This news put a big smile on her shinny face.
History recorded that Allah’s arch angel Gabriel solaced her during those difficult last days of her life. Surpassing the rank of other ladies such as Sara, Moses’ mother, and Mary, Fatimah became a Muhaddathah, i.e. spoken to by the said Messenger of Allah. Similar to recording what Allah revealed to the Prophet (pbuh and his progeny), Imam Ali scribed what Fatimah received from the angel. Thus, Fatimah’s book became a private legacy in hands of the holy Imams from Al-Hussain’s progeny. In it there are some directives for the 12th Imam to execute. The Muslims should not confuse this book neither with the Glorious Quran that was revealed and compiled at the Prophet time, nor with another book Imam Ali had compiled for himself scribing all what he gleaned from the Prophet.
It is not the purpose of this essay to talk about Fatimah’s or Ali’s spiritual status. The intent is to record the legacies the consequent Imams received from their forefathers. Carrying the same Quran which is frequently read by millions of Muslims, the Imam of our time possess the authentic knowledge about its true meaning and much beyond. Like his grandfather Imam Ali, he is the speaking book of Allah. Rather, he is the soul of the Prophet Muhammad – by reflecting a bit on the Mubahalah verse. Therefore, the Immate will be a continuation of the Prophethood. The humans are not left without guidance at any stage of their history. Additionally, the Muslims can understand better the meaning of their Prophet’s saying:
“Allah has two evidences against mankind: one is the Prophethood (Nubowah) which is apparent; and, the intelligence (‘Aql) which is hidden.”

Special and General Resurrections
Resurrection is the life after death. Islam, among other faiths, tells that all people will be assembled one day in the court of the Almighty – that is a General Resurrection or the day of Reckoning. God’s justice necessitates rewarding those who do good and punishing the wrongdoers, in the Hereafter. Reviewing the history of religions, we deduce that God’s swift punishment engulfed many individuals and nations often in this life. Is that the end of accountability for the human deeds in the book of Allah? Certainly not. What is about those who put the cloak of piety on their faces while their hearts are filled with evil plans for the friends of Allah? Some hypocrites are exposed here, but the majority get away with their heinous crimes. How many serial killers and seasoned criminals were vindicated in man’s courts of law?
The main purpose for sending the Prophets and descending the book and iron with them was for the mankind to establish justice. Islam’s book is the Quran. The Cow is its longest surah – which comes right after the opening of the book. It narrates, among other stories and parables, the case of an Israelite who killed a rich relative in order to inherit his wealth. He covered up for his crime (as did the Children of Israel after dropping their half-brother Joseph in a deep well). The morale of this story is that the human beings often collude with the criminals and conduct “business as usual”, even after great atrocities committed.
When Moses instructed his people to slaughter a cow to identify the real killer, he faced lots of hesitations.
The Prophet of Islam also faced many objections from individuals in his own circle, both during his life and after his demise. While the Quran says loudly on the tong of the Prophet: “I ask you no compensation for my preaching (Islam) except to be compassionate with my relatives,” we read about a bunch of thugs who broke into Fatimah bint Muhammad’s house and caused the killing (abortion) of her unborn child - Mohsin. While we read the authentic Hadith of Status “O’ Ali, you to me are similar to Aaron to Moses, except there is no prophet after me,” we come to learn that one companion was of the opinion that the house of Bani Hashim cannot combine the Prophethood and the Immate.
Examples of special resurrections are ample in the Quran. In addition to solving the murder case in the above example from Bani Israel era, the Quran cites the case of a man with two horns! He was a pious man who invited his people to Allah only to face their escalating objection which eventually led to his killing. Allah resurrected him to resume his mission. Once again, he faced another fatal severe objection. When Imam Ali once spoke about that man, he added to the questioner that you have his similitude – referring to himself.
Not only his martyrdom in Kufa in the year 40 A.H., but also his household massacre in Karbala in the year 61 A.H. went unpunished for. What crimes the man with two horns, Fatimah, or Mohsin has committed in order to deserve such savage treatment. Why Solomon has the right to inherit his father David, whereas Fatimah has no right to inherit Fadak from her father - Prophet Muhammad?
Is it not a Hadith that “… Allah is displeased with whoever displeases Fatimah”? Many historians recorded that agonized Fatimah passed away while she was displeased with the two Shaikhs. Yet, they add (R.A.), meaning Allah was pleased with them, after the names of these and several other known collaborators!
Moving from the suffering of the Prophet’s household to the suffering of humanity, one finds a few commonalities. Big crimes usually covered up. Religion is used as a cloak. No justice is served especially when the victims are genuine friends of Allah. Yet Allah promised to make his friends victorious in this life. Therefore, the doctors of religion conclude that the apex of belief and the apex of disbelief will be resurrected with the advent of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance. In addition to what he has inherited from his grandfather – Prophet Muhammad, he will be empowered with two further tools, among others. The first is the cane of Prophet Moses, representing the Imam’s miraculous achievements. The second is the ring of Prophet Solomon, which speaks to the Heavenly-guided, universal government of Allah on Earth.
That is an eventual ending towards which our suffering humanity is inching!

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