Monday 25th of November 2024
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Kashmir University organises Quran recitation during Ramadan

The Kashmir University organised a Quran recitation event in the month of Ramadan to spread awareness about the teachings of Quran among the Kashmiri youth.

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Kashmir University organised a Quran recitation event in the month of Ramadan to spread awareness about the teachings of Quran among the Kashmiri youth.

The participants of the event aimed at reciting the Quran with proper method and pronunciation before the audience.

“This is a great initiative that must be carried forward even after Ramadan,” a participant said, Sahil Iqbal.

Another participant, Mudabir Jan also said, “Such events motivate the students to read and learn from the Quran.”

The organiser of the event, Professor G N Khaki spoke about the significance of the teachings of love and peace of the Quran and how these lessons can help the misguided youth.

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