Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Oneness of Allah (Tawhid)

First Proof (dalil)

        Those who deny the existence of Allah say that there is no creator[1] of this universe and this universe has come into existence by itself.  If it is said to them that this watch we are wearing on our hands came into existence by itself then they will reply to us that we are not foolish that we would accept this statement of yours that this watch has come into existence by itself.  So if a small thing like a watch, which has an extremely reduced (condensed) system, cannot be made by itself, then how can this entire universe, with its splendid (grand)and astonishing system, come into existence without any counsellor [adviser (mudabir)] or creator? 

        There is no limit to that man’s foolishness who does not believe anyone to be the creator of the entire universe and who says that the universe has come into existence by itself.  However great this universe is, its Creator[2] is also that great.


Second Proof

        When the deniers of Allah see that they will be called foolish for the condition of not believing any power to be the creator of the universe, they say that the creator of the universe is matter.  If  we ask them if matter really is the creator, then are intellect and reason necessary for a creator?  Does matter possess intellect and reason?  They will answer no.  Since man is the possessor of intellect. Thus, how can matter, which lacks intellect, be the creator of the possessor of intellect?

        If matter is believed to be the god of the universe, then it is as if matter has been accepted as the master of the (cause of) benefit and harm of the universe.  This belief is of the past idol-worshippers[3] who made idols from matter and believed them to be their gods.  The only difference between past idol-worshippers and present idol-worshippers is that the old idol-worshippers believed the gods they built by themselves to be the controller of benefit and harm, while new idol-worshippers want to hide their idol-worship behind new ideologies (theories) and new titles and make themselves famous with words like communist, socialist, comrade (?), nationalist, etc.

        One worshipper of Allah saw that some idol-worshippers were standing worriedly.  The worshipper of Allah asked them, “Why are you so depressed?”  They replied that a dog has urinated upon our idol.  That is why we are standing sorrowfully.  The worshipper of Allah answered, “If the idol cannot save itself from harm, how can it be the controller of your benefit and harm?”  An intelligent human being will never accept matter, which lacks intelligent and reason, to be his creator.  On the contrary, he believes the Master of this Universe to be that Great Being Who possesses Infinite Knowledge and Wisdom.


Third Proof

When those who deny Allah[4] saw that by believing in matter they would be included in the group of foolish idol-worshippers, they began to say that a Big Bang (explosion) occurred, as a result of which the universe came into existence by itself.  Now, if we place a picture before them and say that this picture is the result of a bang, they will never accept this statement.  We have the knowledge that a camera is necessary in order to take a picture.  If it is impossible for a picture to be taken without a camera, if we say that the picture came into existence by a big bang how can anyone accept There are also two types of pictures one is black and white and the other is colour.

        In order to take a picture, one has to take the distance and lighting into regard.  It is necessary to pay attention to different things just for one picture which is taken from a camera.  Then a person who is endowed (gifted) with sense cannot say that this camera came into existence without any maker.  Thus, a magnificent camera like the human eye, which can take pictures of many colours at one time without needing any film, what intelligent human will accept this statement that this camera which takes hundreds of millions of pictures of the universe came into existence by itself.

        The famous scientist Newton writes about the structures of light and the eye that the structures of light and the eye is so astonishing (amazing); however, the relation between these two structures is even more astonishing.  If there was even the slightest difference between the structures of light and the eye then man could not see anything well or correctly.  The relation between these two systems is so beautiful and wonderful that it compels (forces) us to accept this fact that whoever is the creator of light is also the creator of the magnificent master of the eye.  Newton also writes this statement about the structure of the ear and sound waves.  If there was the slightest difference between these two systems and if there was not order and balance (nazm-o-zabt) among them, man would not be able to hear.  The balance and order between these two systems prove the fact that that creator of the ear and sound is the same.  Similarly, each part of the human body and the order that is present in all of the creatures of the universe prove the fact that this universe did not come into existence by a bang.  On the contrary, its Creator[5] is Wise, Knowing, and Great.  In all the creatures of the universe such order is present that each creature announces by means of this order that my Creator is infinitely (limitless) Magnificent.  As an example, hundreds of millions of human beings abide (tolerate) in the world, but the appearances of any two people are never 100% alike.  Everyone has just one tongue; nevertheless, each person’s voice is different.  Even the fingerprints of each person are different.  Allah has granted man each and everything which is necessary for him.  For example, if the thumb did not exist we could not even open a button.  For a long time doctors used to say that the part of the human body called the appendix is useless, but today new research has revealed that the appendix is a blessing from amongst Allah the Most High’s blessings which prevents diseases like cancer.

        Besides man, the revolution of the earth around the sun is such a magnificent system which immerses (submerges) man into wonder.  In this solar system, besides the earth, Mercury, Uranus, etc. are revolving around the sun in their orbits.  If there is an increase or decrease in the speed of these planets, or if these planets leave their orbit, then the entire universe can be made non-existent in the twinkling of an eye.  The order that is present in numerous solar systems is established evidence for the clear proof that the universe was not made from a bang.  Rather, a Magnificent Master made it with Infinite Wisdom.  The Great Force Who created them, that Possessor of Excellence, from His Perfect Power has also established their balance and order.

        Remember that where there is a bang, balance and order do not remain, whereas order is present in every particle of the universe from the ant to the elephant, balance and order are seen in every creature.  Even if one denies the view that existence was the result of a bang, even if he accepts the bang, every bang needs someone who made the bang; so even then we cannot deny a creator without existence. 


Fourth Proof

        Today scientific facts have established that if something is stationary, it will always remain stationary.  If it is active, it will remain in motion until an external force acts upon it.  It has been proven by today’s new scientific research that this earth upon which we are passing our lives is revolving around the sun, i.e. it is active.  According to this scientific and intellectual fact, the movement of the earth and the movement of other planets are proof of the fact that there is such a Magnificent Being Who has granted motion to the earth and all the planets.

        The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) asked an old woman, “What evidence do you have to prove Allah’s existence?”  That old woman stopped her hand from spinning the spinning wheel.  The spinning wheel stopped.  Then that woman stated that when a spinning wheel cannot spin without someone to spin it, then the rising of the sun and the setting of the moon, the movement of the planets in this universe are proof of the fact that some Magnificent Force exists Who brought this universe to life.  We believe this Magnificent Force to be our God (Allah).


Fifth Proof

        Whatever things have come into existence in the universe, have come into existence as a result of one cause or another.  For everything there is some reason or cause.  For example, a son would not come into existence if there was not a father.  Now the son is the effect and the father the cause or reason.  Hence, we will have to accept a cause or reason for everything.  It is impossible for a cause or reason to be continuous.  It will have to finally stop at one existence which will be the cause for all creation, but there will no cause for its creation. 

        Those who deny Allah believe the final cause for all things to be matter.  Now if we ask them what is matter made of and who is its creator, they will fall silent.  Those who believe in matter consider un-intelligent matter to be the Final Cause, but those who worship God Allah consider Allah[6], the Most Wise, the Most Knowing, to be the Final Cause for the creation of the universe.  The thing that is dependent upon another for its existence is called Possible Existence, but that being Who is not dependent upon anyone, but the entire universe is dependent upon Him, is called the Obligatory Existence.  The worshippers of Allah have accepted Allah as the cause of the entire universe, Who is not dependent upon anyone, but those who believe in matter believe matter to be the final cause.  In matter changes occurs in it and it moves toward destruction and decline.  Everything in the universe is moving toward decline.  The movement of material things toward decline and destruction is proof of the fact that matter did not always exist.  Rather, some non-material force has brought it into existence, the existence that will be the cause for the creation of the entire universe.  Then one will have to accept that existence to be the Oldest (Qadim), i.e. that existence has always been, and will always be.  Matter cannot be the oldest because it is in the quality of matter to decline (refuse), decay (decompose), and change.  Therefore, it will have to be accepted that the Oldest (Qadim) or the Creator of the entire universe is that being which is a non-material existence.  Decay and decline are necessary in matter.  All material things slowly, slowly become old and keep moving toward destruction.  Just look at man’s existence that man slowly, slowly becomes old and then death comes to him and his material body reaches the stage of destruction.  As long as the soul is present in the human body the signs of life will remain.  Even when the soul leaves, the body, which is matter, remains.  Since the soul is non-material, it does not decay or decline (descend).  The soul is the Perfect Life.  Today’s scientific experiments have also established the existence of the soul.  Recently in a hospital patients were laid to sleep on such beds that told the weight of the patient.  When these patients died, the weight of all the patients decreased by twelve grams, even though among these patients were old and young patients.  The decrease of those few grams is proof of the fact that some non-material thing has left the body, which has caused the loss of weight.

        Matter can never be everlasting and eternal because, firstly, material things are moving toward destruction.  Secondly, they depend upon a non-material force for their life.  So we will have to accept that the Creator and Master of the entire universe is He Who is a non-material existence and He Himself is the Perfect Existence.          



Sixth Proof

        The main criticism of those who deny Allah is that Allah cannot be seen by the eyes, nor can Allah be recognized by the five senses.

        The first answer to this question is that we cannot hear from the ability of seeing that we possess within us; likewise with the other parts.  One thing can perform one function.  For example, one can hear from the ear but cannot touch from it because its sense is limited to hearing.

        There are thousands of such things in the world which the eye cannot see, such as very small germs (bacteria).  Many types of gases cannot be seen by the eye nor can the human eye see inside the human being how much love or hate he has for someone.  Therefore, the sight of the human eye is also limited according to various qualities such that it cannot sense thousands of material things.  That thing comes into sight which is material and dependent upon a body.  We have also established that matter is a thing which will be destroyed.

        Therefore, whoever will be the Creator of the universe i.e. the cause for everything but there is no cause for Him will be non-material existence and He Himself is the Perfect Existence.   

This being can be identified through means of the intellect



Seventh Proof

        The greatest evidence for the deniers of Allah is the Holy Koran.  The Noble Koran is that sole book of the universe which has challenged all of the deniers of Allah, “If you do not believe in Allah do not consider the Koran the message of Allah, then bring a chapter like one of its chapters.”  This challenge has existed for many centuries and exists even today, but no denier of Islam could answer it, even though the enemies of religion have used every weapon to eliminate Muslims and religion.  Even now hundreds of millions of dollars are being spend in the opposition of the religion of Islam, but this is the Power of Allah however much scientific findings are increasing, the truths of religion and the Koran are day by day being revealed.  If this Koran was from some human being, then it would not remain unanswerable even today; the deniers of Allah and the deniers of the Koran would certainly desire to end the challenge of the Holy Koran.


Eighth Proof

        Devotion to Allah is present in every human being’s nature, although sometimes the non-natural effects of society and the environment lead man astray (misguides) from this sound nature.  For example, love of children is present in man’s nature, but before Islam the ignorant Arabs buried their children alive.  This extremely cruel act against nature was only the consequence of a wrong environment and society.  Likewise, the people who have become distanced from the worship of Allah have become like that because of a dirty environment, society, and ignorance.

        In the heart of every human being of the universe there exists a desire that I achieve Ultimate (extreme) Perfection (excellence).  Because of this desire and longing, man works and tries extremely hard.  That love of Ultimate Perfection is present in the heart of every human being.  However, every human being (wa du) according to his knowledge and environment.  Someone thinks wealth to be the Ultimate Perfection, while someone else thinks becoming a doctor or engineer to be the Ultimate Perfection and he says that man is afraid of me.  You may have seen that sometimes man considers disgrace and humiliation to be the Ultimate Perfection and sometimes he thinks defective things to be the greatest beauty.  Yet, what is Ultimate Perfection?  That Perfection in which there is neither destruction nor defect.  That thing in which there is destruction cannot be the Ultimate Perfection or the Absolute (unlimited) Perfection.  If man considers wealth, government, fame, or great covenants (agreements) to be perfection, then all these things are temporary.  They can part from him in this world; they can be unfaithful to him.  After death all these things are certainly unfaithful to man.  Therefore, these things cannot be the Ultimate Perfection or the Absolute Good. The second proof is that if these things are the Ultimate Perfection, then after the attainment of any one thing he should not desire to receive a second.  Rather, man should be content.  Nevertheless, this does not happen because in man’s nature is devotion (loyalty) to Allah.  In reality, only Allah’s Being is the Ultimate Perfection and also the Greatest Good. 

        Even if this man becomes the king of the entire universe he will not be content (satisfy).  He will look toward the sky and toward the planets that is there any government there that I can bring under my control?  This is also the state of the attainment of wealth and the attainment of other material things.  The purpose of love of Ultimate Perfection or Ultimate Good, which Allah the Great and Most Exalted (glorify) has granted each human being, is that man attain recognition of Allah the Great and achieve nearness toward Ultimate Perfection and be attached to love of Allah the Great in order to attain splendid tranquillity in this world and comfort in the Hereafter.  This matter is proven by experiments and observations that whoever loved True Ultimate Perfection and Ultimate Good, i.e. the Being of Allah the Pure, the tranquillity and contentment he will have will not be possessed by any king or rich person in the world.  Material places and material things are temporary and, without a doubt, every human will one day depart from this temporary home and will bid (propose) farewell to all material things and will certainly go to the dark room of the grave.  If he made the things of this world beloved, then while dying he will be separated from all of his beloved things and will go toward the ultimate destruction.  However, if he made Allah the Great and Most Exalted his beloved, then death will take him even closer to his beloved.  In the grave or in Resurrection, nothing can separate him from his most beloved.  Allah the Pure declares that O servant, remember Me in the world and I will remember you in the darkness of the grave.          


[1]  "Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay, then He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid; then he fashioned him and breathed into him of his spirit; and appointed for you hearing and sights and hearts; small thanks give ye"    -The Holy Quran (32: 7-9)


[2] "So blessed the God -the Best of Creators.”

       -The Holy Quran (23:14)

[3] "It is He who has sent His messenger (Muhammad) with the guidance and the Religion of truth, to prevail over all religions, even though the idolaters may detest." (Quran 9:33)


[4] "Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay, then He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid; then he fashioned him and breathed into him of his spirit; and appointed for you hearing and sights and hearts; small thanks give ye"  

The Holy Quran (32: 7-9)




[5]   "Say: Lo! My worship and my sacrifice, and my living, and my dying are for God, the Lord of the worlds."                          -The Holy Quran (6:162)


[6] God-Almighty says to his servants:

"Oh my righteous servants! Utilize My worship's blessing in this world so that you could be benefited with them in the Next World as well."         -Bihar al-Anwar.


source : seeker of solace/ syed jan ali kazmi
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