Monday 16th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

minor faith, major faith, greater faith

minor faith, major faith, greater faith
On the basis of what has been said above, a devotee, making a spiritual journey has to pass through 12 Worlds before reaching the world of sincerity. The names of these worlds are: minor Islam, major Islam, greater Islam, minor faith, major faith, greater faith, minor emigration, major emigration, greater emigration, minor jihad, major jihad and greater jihad. It is necessary to know the characteristics of these worlds and to be aware of the ...

Bedouin before acquiring the necessary knowledge of religion

Bedouin before acquiring the necessary knowledge of religion
The twenty-eighth sin, which is labelled as a Greater Sin, is to become A'araab (Bedouin, gypsy etc) after Hijrat (migration). It is recorded in Usool-e-Kafi under the chapter of Greater Sins that according to the Sahih of Ibne Mahboob when he wrote a letter to Imam Musa Ibne Ja'far (a.s.) he (a.s.) replied and this sin was included among the Greater Sins. Moreover, Muhammad bin Muslim has quoted Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and stated that he ...

Third, Relief from Distress

Third, Relief from Distress
Third, Relief from Distress  Human life, whether we like it or not, has its pangs, sorrows, failures, losses, bitterness, and disappointments, as it has its joys, sweetness, achievements and successes.  Many of life’s sorrows can be either prevented or removed though often with great effort.  Obviously, man is obliged to struggle with nature and change the bitterness to sweetness.  Some of the events in the world, though, they cannot be ...

Able to ascend the heights like other groups of people

Able to ascend the heights like other groups of people
  There is hardly any doubt regarding the reality of Shafa'at (intercession). Actually it is the right bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the purified Imams (a.s.), by Allah, to show their greatness and position. The other aim of intercession is to make their respect evident. The people who have committed Greater Sins shall be entrusted to them. By the grace of their intercession the sinful people will be able to ascend the ...


ATTRIBUTES OF ALLAH Now time has come to explain in short what is our belief concerning God.. It should be apparent by now that there are many attributes which are a MUST for God, while there are others which are beneath His dignity and cannot be found in Him. Therefore, in our faith, the attributes of Allah have been grouped as 'positive' and 'negative'. Sifate Thubutiyyah The positive attributes which are benefitting Allah are Sifate ...

Desire, the Source of All Bondage

Desire, the Source of All Bondage
Let it be known to you that in a man subjugated to the domination of lust and carnal desire, his servitude, servility and indignity increase in proportion to the intensity of their domination; for servitude means complete submission and obedience. The man obedient to lusts and subjugated to the carnal self is their obedient slave. He submissively obeys whatever they command and is a humble and obedient servant and slave in front of them. This ...

Some English Books on Shi’a Beliefs

Some English Books on Shi’a Beliefs
The first book is of a Sunni brother who was exposed to the Shi’a for the first time, after studying several Sunni madhabs, including Sufism.The book is written from a Sunni prespective.1. "Then I was guided", by Dr. Muhammad al-Teejani al-Samawi $62. "Beliefs of Shi’ite School”by Muhammad Ridha Mudhaffar $63. "Probe into the History of Hadeeth”$64. "Role of Ahlul-bayte in preserving the teaching of Islam”$85. "Imamate,”by Dr. Akhtar ...

The Doctrine of al-Tawhid

The Doctrine of al-Tawhid
Beginning with tawhid it has various kinds and levels: al-tawhid al-dhati (Unity of the Essence), al-tawhid al-sifati (Unity of the Attributes, i.e., with the Essence), al-tawhid al-'af'ali (Unity of the Acts), al-tawhid al-'ibadi (monotheism in worship).  Al-Tawhid al-dhati: It means that the Divine Essence is one and unique; it does not have a like or match. All other beings are God's creations and inferior to Him in station and in degree of ...

If there are levels for heaven, are there levels for hell?

If there are levels for heaven, are there levels for hell?
What is understood from Qur’anic verses and the ahadith is that, similar to heaven [1], hell has different levels, and sinners will be put into these levels depending on the number and type of their sins. Notes:  [1] See: The Seven Heavens, Question 1859 (site: 1915). [2] Hijr: 44.  [3] The reason for this name is that “Hawiyah”‌ is derived from the root word “هوي”‌, which means to fall. The ...

Ali (a.s) Dua mentioning the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)

	 Ali (a.s) Dua mentioning the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. Praise is for Allah lord of the worlds and peace be on the Pure Messenger Mohammad son of Abdullah son of Abdul Muttalib owner of greatness the choosen one. O Lord give Hazrat Mohammed who is worth praise and a pond which is visible and seen. O Lord send blessings on Mohammad and his progeny appoint him as an intermediary and raise his status, and make his love common among Your appointed ...

'irfan and 'ilm

'irfan and 'ilm
[With a continuous chain of authorities reaching up to Muhammad ibn Ya'qub (al-Kulayni), from 'Ali ibn Muhammad, from someone who reported it, from Ahmad ibn Mubammad ibn `Isa, from Muhammad ibn Humran, from al-Fadl ibn al-Sakn, from Abu 'Abd Allah, may peace be upon him, who said, "The Commander of the Faithful, may peace be upon him, said, 'Know God through God, the Messenger through the Messengerhood, and the wali al-amr by his commanding to ...

do not conceal testimony, and whoever conceals it, his heart is surely

do not conceal testimony, and whoever conceals it, his heart is surely
    The Shaan-e-Nuzool (circumstances of Revelation) of this ayat, according to Tafseer Minhaj us-sadeqeen is as follows: "Thulbe Ibne Khatib was a very staunch and a prominent Christian. One day he came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). He began to complain of his poverty, and requested the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to pray for him. The Holy prophet (s.a.w.s.) advised him, "Do not emphasise upon this prayer of yours but be patient in your ...

You (the Ahl al-Bayt) are the greatest path

You (the Ahl al-Bayt) are the greatest path
Whoever moves on this path steadily without stumbling, his feet will not stagger(limped) on that Sirat too, and he will pass over it in a moment as short as the stroke of lightning. Similarly, should his morals and habits be equitable and radiant, he will be immune from the darkness and horrors of the grave, of the Barzakh and the Resurrection, and there will be no fear upon him in those realms. Hence, here, we are ourselves responsible for ...

Can Islam be forced on others?

Can Islam be forced on others?
Having accepted that from the Islamic point of view, faith in God is ingrained in human nature, and that it is only the parents and the society that corrupts the soul and divert it from the Right Path, the question comes: Can Islam be imposed forcefully on non-Muslims? Or we may even ask: Is the minor jihād a means of imposing the faith of Islam on non-Muslims? I do not intend to get into the issue of the minor jihād; but, briefly stated, the ...

The world is the farm of the Hereafter

The world is the farm of the Hereafter
That is, if we do not sow the seeds of righteous deeds in the few days of our life here, the opportunity will be lost for ever. When we reach the threshold of the other world and death seizes us, deeds come to an end., hopes are extinguished. If, God forbid, we continue to remain in the slavery of lusts and the captivity( of various carnal desires until the Angel of Death arrives, it is possible that Satan may achieve his ultimate objective of ...

Introduction to Islam

Introduction to Islam
Introduction to Islamby Sayyid Hussein AhmedThe word "ISLAM" is derived from the Arabic words "salaam", which means peace and "taslim", which means submission. The follower of Islam is a Muslim. The word "Muslim" translated to English literally means "the one with peace". To the Muslim it has a greater meaning, Muslims believe that true peace is experienced only when Mankind acknowledges, obeys and worships the Creator, i.e. submits to the One ...

The Incarnation of Works in the Hereafter

The Incarnation of Works in the Hereafter
Know that concentration of the heart in worship cannot be obtained without making it understand the significance of the acts of worship, and that is not possible without understanding their mysteries and realities. Although such a thing is beyond our ken, I will, to the extent of the capacity of someone like me, mention here that which can be inferred from the traditions of the infallible Ahl al-Bayt-may peace be upon them-and the statements of ...

Allah's Mercy except the unbelieving people

Allah's Mercy except the unbelieving people
The second Greater Sin is to despair of the Mercy of Allah. "Al-yaa-so Min Roohallah" (To despair of the Rooh of Allah) Rooh: according to the dictionary means a breeze that pleases and comforts. Those who do not believe in the Power, the Mercy and Bounty of Allah, develop a kind of despair. The Holy Quran has termed such people as Unbelievers (Kafir). "...and despair not of Allah's Mercy; surely none despairs of Allah's Mercy except the ...

Guidance and Misguidance are in the Hands of God

Guidance and Misguidance are in the Hands of God
Ninth LectureGuidance and Misguidance are in the Hands of God 1. Kinds of Guidance and Misguidance Suppose a tourist stopped you to ask you for directions. There are two options available to you to show him the way: The first option for you is to accompany him to his destination, and then to turn back saying good-bye to him. The second option for you is to show him the way with gestures and body language. You have definitely shown him the ...

Hadith of Ghadir Khumm [A Sunni Perspective

Hadith of Ghadir Khumm [A Sunni Perspective
  Introduction It is impossible to discuss the Hadith of Ghadir Khumm without first understanding the specific context in which the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) said what he said. This is a general rule of thumb pertaining to the Islamic canon as a whole: it is important to know the background in which a Quranic verse was revealed or a certain Hadith was said. For example, the Quranic verse “slay them wherever ...