Thursday 12th of September 2024
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Rejection of mediating Through the Holy Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY)

The second unbelievable belief of Wahabis is that if anyone gets himself /herself connected with the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) or some noble souls rapport, (relation) in trouble or if he/she is suffering from any type of illness and tries to rid of it with the help of that particular person, they consider it the greatest sin ever committed.
First of all it was Ibne Tamia whose profounded (deeply felt), and occulted (not revealed) it. After him, it was Abdul Wahab who considered and dubbed (named) it as the biggest sin. This belief is upheld by Muslims and Christians and Jews alike. These religions believe that by the help of good offices of some noble people, one can reach or one can get his/her rapport developed with God because being sinner he/she needs help of those big and noble souls through them he/she reaches or approaches God.
However, Wahabis consider approaching the true beloved of God on earth to be the biggest sin and the person having that belief should be slain. This stern belief makes the important ingredient (mixture) of Wahabi terrorism.
Now, it is palpable and quite obvious that this kind of belief heralded (published by Wahabis is not tenable (acceptable, which is anti Quran, anti religion and anti humanity.
In Surah Maidah verse 35 it says, 
"O you who believe! Be careful of (your duties to) God and seek means of nearness to Him strive hard in His way that you may be successful." 
Of the Holy Quran, it has been very clearly ordained that God wishes us to approach Him by some Wasila (resource, mediation), by some means.  Furthermore, in the Holy Traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) it has been repeatedly mentioned that man must hold or must have Wasila (resource, mediation). That is, one must have a means to reach God.
Imam Ahmad Hambal has written in his book ‘Musnad Ahmad Hambal’ that Imran Ibne Haseen has narrated a Tradition that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) says, ‘read the Holy Quran, and keeping the Quran as a means, beseech God Almighty. It is manifested that Holy Scriptures like the Holy Quran can be a means between God and his creatures.  Truly, in the same fashion, in Surah Baqarah verse 127 and 128, 
"And when Abrahim and Ismail raised the foundations of the House: Our Lord! Accept from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing:" 
"Our Lord! And make us both submissive to Thee and (raise) from our offspring a nation submitting to Thee, and shows us our ways of devotion and turn to us (mercifully), surely Thou art the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful." 
Hazrat Abrahim (peace be upon him) makes his request to God by the dint of one of his noble deeds, one of his noble actions. When Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) constructed the wall of the House of God (Ka'aba) Hazrat Abrahim (peace be upon him) making this action his own means prays to God for his posterity (generation) and for his scion/heir.  
Likewise, in Surah Al-Imran verse 16, 
"Those who say: Our Lord! Surely we believe, therefore forgive us our faults and save us from the chastisement of the fire." 
In this verse we find out that Moameens (believers) employ to God for His blessings through the means of their noble deeds that they perform. So it is a logical interpretation that the noble deeds help in reaching God and getting His blessing, can be a means through which God can be benevolent (merciful) upon his creatures.
Certainly, the noble people like the Apostle of God and Holy men or Saints (Aulia) can also become a means for safely reaching to God. As it is repeated in Surah Anfal, verse number 33, 
"But God was not going to chastise them while you were not among them nor is God going to chastise them while yet they ask for forgiveness." 
God has promised His Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), ‘as long as you are there among the people I will never send any adversity (misfortune), punishment from the sky on them’.
Therefore, in Surah Nisa verse 64,
"And We did not send any apostles, but that he should be obeyed by God's permission; And had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of God and Apostle had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found God Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful." 
People are directed by the Almighty God that if they have committed any sins they should go to the Prophet, the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his progeny) on the planet and seek pardon, seek forgiveness, and if the Apostle of Allah forgives you then take it for sure that you are given exemption, you are saved from punishment.
From these two verses, it is been proved that mediation (Tawwassul) is a dignified means of reaching God. It is been mentioned in Surah Yusuf verse 97 and 98 
"They said: Our father! Asked for forgiveness for our faults for us, surely we were sinners.", "He said: I will ask you forgiveness from my Lord: surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." 
The brothers of Hazrat Yusuf asked their father to seek pardon from God for them because they were sinners.
In spite of the presence of so many Quranic verses, which we have quoted, the Wahabis go on giving the verdict, (judgment, decision) of killing those who use the means of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) to God. It is quite understandable that they can only do such things in order to create havoc in the society; they want to usher in terrorism in the society.
In addition, to establish rapport through angels is proved from the Quranic verses. 
In Surah Al-moamin, verse number 7, 
"Those who bear the power and those around Him celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask protection for those who believe." 
Reveals that those who are lifting the empyrean (high seat, Arsh) of Allah, they are the angels who do Astaghfar (begging pardon) for noble doers. In Surah Hashr, verse number 10, 
"And those who come after them say: Our Lord! Forgive us and those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those who believe; our Lord! Surely Thou art Kind, Merciful. Tell those who are the believers (Moameneen), noble people they profess (declare) and say, ‘Oh God! Have pity on us and bless us and our brethren”. 
Therefore, it has been established that rapport (link, relation) with God through the believer or noble person is permissible and also possible.
There are many Traditions from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), which have proved that mediation (Tawwassul) and establishing link with God is justifiable. In fact, it is inevitable (unavoidable) as well as very important.
In Sahih Muslim in Kitab-e-Salat and in Tirmizi also it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) desired and urged his Ummat (Nation) to seek blessings from God so that God may establish him as a link for them.  Whosoever prays in this way my Shafa'at, recommendation (intercession) will be available and permissible to him.
Zakariya Mouhuddin-e-Navawi[1], who lived in 676 Hijri, writes that a pilgrim must pray duly to God for His blessing so that he may be blessed. He writes in his book ‘Majmoo'a’ that Maroof Mawardi and Qazi Abul Tayyib have mentioned the following incident from their teacher Kutaba.  When Kutaba was near to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) meanwhile a person from the dissolute, corrupt desert came over to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) having the sole (only) purpose to seek pardon and be blessed for his ill doing in the past. After saluting and greeting the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), he said, "Oh Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) of God! I have come so close to you for the purpose that all my sins are forgiven as I consider and take you up my Shafi, a person who recommends sinners to God.
Ibne Qudama Hambali[2], who died 620 Hijri, he writes in the preamble (introductory) part of Ziarat, visiting or going to the mausoleum of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) is Musta'ib, it must be done. One Tradition is quoted by Abu Hurrara that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) says, ‘whosoever salutes me, greets me I shall return the greetings; I shall return my compliment to him’. In the same way Sumhudi has written in his book ‘Musta'ib’ that Mohammad bin Abdul Samarri Hambali has described the condition of Ziarat in it he says "Oh Prophet of Allah! Accept my greetings (Salaam), as God has quoted in the Holy Quran, ‘the sinner may come to you’. Oh Holy Prophet! Ask Allah for my forgiveness and I have come to you to beg pardon (Astaghfar) and give me the blessing and forgive me the forgiveness as you have done in your lifetime to your companions.

[1] Majmoo'a Author Navawi

[2]  Muqhni Author Ibne Qudama


source : Book. how to overcome on terrorism/ written by Syed Jan Ali Kazmi
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