Monday 22nd of July 2024
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Qiyamat from viewpoint of logic

Suppose we had no religious texts and had there been no arrival of all Prophets and messengers who have informed us that a day will certainly come for taking account of human deeds and who told people that, "You will have to, on one day, answer for all of your words and deeds," reason and logic itself is a very big proof and testimony indicating that this revolving of skies and the initiation of the creation of every being and everything is not without any aim or intention. Every wise and intelligent man, whenever he looks all around him, he observes that day and night come one after another and man eats and drinks and sleeps and goes in privacy and fulfils all of his desires; that a child grows up and turns into a youth and then an old man and then dies. Is all this huge and vast unending movements and happenings which all of us always observe with our own eyes aimed only at these movements and is it limited only upto here? Has it no aim or object? If it is so, then it only means that man has been created just for creating dirt. This is merely a false and aimless notion. There were animals to fulfil such deeds like eating, drinking, sleeping and gratifying passions. There was no need at all for the creation of man.

Unbelievers of Hereafter do not understand God's Wisdom

Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, in fact, do not believe in the wisdom and intelligence of God Almighty (God forbid). This denial only means that all of this vast and huge universe has been


created without any aim or object.

And Allah's is the East and the West, therefore, whither you turn, thither is Allah's purpose; surely Allah is Amplegiving, Knowing. (23:115)

But to think thus is the fault and error of their thinking. Whenever and wherever we look at anything we find that it has thousands of wisdoms (proper aims) and that man can hardly comprehend even a few of them. Even the most trifling and ordinary atom is not without wisdom behind its creation. Then what to say about bigger and higher things!

Nail as a Support

This hair and fingernail too are not aimless. For example, take the case of a fingernail. One of the wisdoms behind its creation is that, despite it's being a short and apparently insignificant part of human body, it serves as a support for fingers. Whenever one wants to pick up something, it is only this fingernail, which enables the fingers to bear the pressure. Otherwise it was not possible to bear such crushing weight for the fleshy fingers. That is why; if nails are drawn out from their base it will be difficult to lift things. What would then have happened had there been no nails at all?

Moreover, these nails help us in scratching. Again, dirty and excessive matters within the body also go out through these nails. That is why it has been ordered that nails must be cut at least once a week (specially on Friday).

Exit of Excessive Matter through Hair

Not a single strand of hair on our body is without wisdom or strategy. Imam Sadiq (a.s) tells Mufaddal Ibne Umar, "Some ignorant people say it would have been better were hair not to grow on certain parts of the body. They do not know that those are the parts where excess and dirty (impure or unclean) body matter concentrates. Was that dirt not to be driven out through hair human


body would become ill and diseased."[1] That is why we have been commanded to remove this hair as soon as possible (within two weeks at the most).

If man ponders deeply he will realize that all the elements of the world of creation are full of wisdom and strategy.

Medicine from Cow dung Beetle Proved Effective for Eye Trouble

It is said that the famous physician Galen once looked at the dirty insect cow dung beetle and expressed his opinion saying, "I do not see any wisdom in the creation of this thing. Why, after all, had God created it?" After sometime he developed severe pain in his eyes. Despite using all medicines in his expert knowledge no remedy worked on that trouble. Other doctors also tried in vain. At last there came an old woman and said, "I have a pill. It is very effective for the illness of eyes." When Galen used it, he became all right. He asked how the pill was prepared. She said it was a paste having cow dung beetle as one of its ingredients.

Is the World's Existence Void of Wisdom?

Not even a single particle in the world of existence is created without any wise aim. Can then the entire universe be aimless at all? In the human body, even a nail and a hair are not without utility. Can then the whole human body have been created without any aim or intention? Never! All modern day scientists are unanimous in their opinion that they have not been able to comprehend all the wisdoms and strategies behind all the things in this world. Only God knows how many new and astonishing things will come to light in future. About half a century ago, people in Europe were of the opinion that in our body at the end of intestines there is an extension called appendix; that it is of no use. So, many healthy persons got it removed. But soon thereafter they were to realize that they were wrong. So, they announced that healthy persons should not remove it because now they had come to understand that the said extension

[1] For further detail please refer to Tawheed Mufaddal


was a sort of alarm. When much impurities pile up in intestines, this extension exudes pain thus cautioning them before the impurities could havoc. So, the patient becomes alerted and resorts to remedy. It is also possible that it may have other benefits too which have not yet come to our notice despite research and about which we may know in the days and years to come.


Not a Single Tooth is Without Wisdom

In human mouth not a single tooth is void of usefulness. The job of the molars cannot be performed by canines. Not a single bone out of the 248 in human body is useless, that is, if even one of them is missing, and it renders the whole body defective. Similar is the case with veins, nerves and fats etc. Can then the entire body be ever void of utility and wisdom behind it?

After recognizing the creator of the universe as most wise and after realizing that even the tiniest atom is not useless here, it is now our duty to try to understand the wisdom and aim behind the great creation. We see how many benefits we derive from various kinds of innumerable stones, vegetables and animals.

The clouds, wind, moon and sun all are busy in their duties so that, O Man! You may get bread and do not eat it unheeding. All these are busy, worrisome and obedient to you. Is it, then, not very unjust that you do not obey the commands of your Lord?

Creation would have been Aimless had there been Only Happiness

Is the aim of man's creation only this worldly and material life? Is there nothing after death? Are we to be totally and suddenly annihilated? If it is taken for granted that the only aim of human life in this universe is eating, drinking, resting and pleasure-hunting to gratify passions, lust, greed and desires and had it been so that man would not ever taste what is pain, trouble and difficulty and grief and sorrow throughout his life then, in that case, also the creation would have been aimless. The reason for this conclusion is that even though the said life is full of pleasure and happiness it is yet unreliable and untrustworthy because, after all, it is passing and it is


bound to end one day. So it is unthinkable that such a wide and huge universe should be for anything, which is to perish while human life is, from it's beginning to end, full of different kinds of difficulties, troubles, pains and sorrows.

As the poet Aasoodeh has said:

I have seen in this world only one person called 'happy' (Aasoodeh). But then, it was only his penname.

Another poet says:

You will not find any man in this world who has no worries. If he has no worry then he is not the son of Adam.

Every Gulp after Thousands of Stings

The fact is that, if man is to perish after his death and if his life is limited only to this world of matter which is made up of various kinds of sorrows, physical and spiritual and mental troubles, sufferings, mischiefs, fornications, usurpations, illness of children, death of progeny, separation from friends then this life is totally senseless and void of wisdom. This is against the divine attribute like the Just, the Kind, the Most Merciful, the Most Wise etc. In that case the creation of human beings in the world would be like an example in which, suppose, a generous man invites guests in a house which has all kinds of harmful animals like tigers, leopards, wolves snakes, scorpions and wasps. And when the guest arrives he may be served with eatables in that very horrible house, but any morsel taken by him is accompanied by the stings of several troublesome and poisonous insects. Not only this, there also may be some attackers with swords in their hands ready to attack that guest even before he completes his feast (and thereafter nothing at all)! Just say, is there any use of such a feast? Is it not a futile endeavour?

For the Sake of a Joy which will be Without Sorrow or Pain

What can be surmised from the above discussion is that, for man, another life or world will surely arrive in which all of his pleasures and joys will be available. It is absolutely essential that he (a good


man or woman) must get a joy and relief and comfort which has no pain with it and also an everlasting happiness which must not be followed by any trouble, grief or sorrow. The deserving persons must get comforts which should never end.

Very happy will be the day when I will walk away from the passing world for finding out peace for soul and to meet the beloved. (Persian Couplet)

So it has been established from viewpoint of logic and reason and it is now realized that God Almighty has created man for eternal and everlasting happiness. He has detained man for a little temporary period so that he may prepare to be eligible for the sure and permanent life, which is full of joys and bounties. God has given him two wings of knowledge and action with which he may fly high to gain extreme heights in the eternal realm.

Qiyamat Cannot be Doubted

The fact is that if man turns towards his God-given mind and nature and thinks deeply he will very soon find that there can be a doubt in each and every possible thing but there is no room for any doubt at all in the belief in God, His creation and the Hereafter, eternal life after death and reward or punishment in the everlasting Hereafter.

And because the hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and because Allah shall raise up those who are in the graves. (22:7)

Of course, some people, because of their drowning in desires and constant engagement in material affairs and continuous commitment to sins have disfigured their nature thereby falling in doubt about the above-mentioned doubtless matters.

Nay! man desires to give the lie to what is before him. (75:5)

So the verdict of reason has established that there is an aim, utility and wisdom behind the creation of the earth, the sky and each and every part of the human body which will be known to him on the day when he will have to leave this material world. On the basis of all this, the coming of another world or realm is a must after the end of this world.


Divine Justice Demands a Day of Judgement

While describing the attributes of the Lord Almighty during the discussion of the Oneness of the Creator of the Universe, we have said that God is Just and so He has provided each and every essential thing for everything and every being, without being requested.

A Persian couplet says:

We were inexistent and we never requested to come into existence. But the Mercy and Kindness of the Merciful Lord even hears our unsaid pleas.

One of the demands of God's justice is to give reward to those good people who, as we see, passed their whole lives in obedience, worship and piety but, in this world of ours, they got no reward in proportion with their labours and hardships. Likewise, the Just Lord's attribute of Justice also demands that He should punish offenders who, as we see, have indulged in various mischiefs and conspiracies and devastating corruption but no punishment is or has been given to them in this world. They pass away from this world continuing their offences and sins. Often it also happens that mischievous offenders live easy and luxurious lives whereas good people live in difficulties. We also see how much cruelty man shows towards man. They loot one another's property; kill one another and trample others' honour under their feet. Since God Almighty is Just, certainly a day will come when everyone will get his due based on his good or bad deeds. Right of everyone will be restored to him or her.

This day every soul shall be rewarded for what it has earned; no injustice (shall be done) this day; surely Allah is quick in reckoning. (40:17)

Those who had oppressed others will, surely be thrown into fire on that Day as warned:

Surely We have prepared for the iniquitous a fire, the curtains of which shall encompass them about… (18:29)

The poor person who was unjustly killed will be able to take revenge


from the evil oppressor.

And when the female infant buried alive is asked

For what sin she was killed, (81:8-9)

And God may give reward/compensation to the oppressed victim. Good people may get rewards and evil ones may get chastisement so that His justice is manifested.

True People have Informed about Qiyamat

All the Messengers and Prophets who were most true in the entire universe and whose word is an exhaustive argument for us have given the news that Qiyamat will surely come. Pious and religious minded people belonging to every religion and sect believed in life after death. In fact religion is based only on two principles: Origin and returning to life. Most verses of Holy Quran concerning faith in God at the same time demand faith in the Hereafter and Resurrection.

The love of desires, of women and sons and hoarded treasures of gold and silver and well bred horses and cattle and tilth, is made to seem fair to men; this is the provision of the life of this world; and Allah is He with Whom is the good goal (of life). (3:14)

And all the religions and faiths are unanimous about the aforesaid two principles of Origin and Hereafter.

In short, not one or two but thousands of true announcers have given the news of the arrival of the Day of Judgement. (So also) logic demands it must be accepted, understood and believed that the Day will certainly come.

The Best Proof of Resurrection is the Possibility of its Coming

As said earlier, the issue of resurrection is not against logic. Whenever mind thinks about it, it says that it is a 'possibility or a likely' thing. Moreover, all the true informers whose number is one lakh twenty-four thousand (Messengers and Prophets) and so also all of their legatees have said so and the word of each and everyone of them is sufficient for the intellect to accept.


Some ill informed persons have tried to create a doubt that coming back of a perished thing is impossible. They say how is it to appear again? But they have no proof (argument) in support of this claim. The only word which they have with them is 'necessity'. Taking support of this word they say our argument in this matter is the said necessity. In any case, if anybody puts forth a logical argument, our reply is as given earlier.


There is no Return of a Perished Thing in Qiyamat

First, we put forth the words of Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi. He says: In Qiyamat, there is no returning of a perished thing. It is, rather, the reconnection of separated and scattered elements. The explanation of this word is that the body was a mixture and collection of many atoms and elements. After death it got scattered in different particles. When Qiyamat will occur, all of these scattered particles will, by the Command of God, rejoin one another. Thus the meaning of 'Maad' is the rejoining of scattered particles and the joining of soul with body after their separation. Thus it is understood that Resurrection is not the return of perished things. (Apart from this, this issue is also not an agreed one).

The Strongest Argument is the Possibility of its Occurrence

Secondly, for the existence of any thing, the possibility of the existence of something similar to it is the best and greatest argument or proof. Every man should think over the earlier condition of his body. He will know that in the beginning there were many innumerable particles including dust, air, and some were mixed with air in atmosphere. With God's imperative power they came together, and took the forms of various different things like food articles, vegetables, seeds, grains, fruits and animals etc. All these things, after getting down the throat of a father entered his stomach and, for a second time, scattered in the forms of the limbs of the father. Then at the time of passion or sexual arousal the substance which was made up of all digested materials and which contained the essence of all useful eatables and had taken the form of semen, got dragged


from all parts of the body and jumped out of his sexual organ and settled in the womb of a mother. (This is why it is obligatory to wash each and every part of the human body while taking the post-coital bath). It is because the semen was drawn from all body.

In short, everybody was, in the beginning, in different forms of separate elements. God collected them in one substance, first in the hearts of earth (dust), water and air,

O people! if you are in doubt about the raising, then surely We created you from dust, (22:5)

Secondly, it remained scattered in the physical parts or organs of a father's body.

He will Gather them for the Third Time too

After seeing and knowing about the said separation and recollection on two occasions, is there anything which cannot be believed if it is said that in the grave, for the third time, after the decomposing of body and scattering of body particles, the said elements will be recollected for the third time too?

And certainly you know the first growth, why do you not then mind? (56:62)

You have known about the first worldly creation and the first birth, then why do you not, O man! Recollect that you were dust, Our Hand of Power collected you, that you became a part of the father's body in the form of edible matter, then, after these parts were scattered in the father's different body organs, We recollected you, that is, after ejecting you in the form of semen made you enter your mother's womb. You have already seen this scattering and recollection in the worldly life. Now, even after this observation, why do you get astonished when you are told that We will after the scattering your body particles throughout the universe, recollect them for the third time too?


Dead Coming to Life in the World

On several occasions the dead do come to life in this world also. Just look at the vegetable world. You observe in the spring season that trees become alive after their death due to drying up. They once again get a fresh spirit or life. The earth, which had died, also becomes alive.

then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; (30:24)

On a number of occasions a dead man has also become alive again. People who had died had come to life through Isa (Jesus a.s.) and also Infallible Imams (a.s.). Some such events are recorded in history and biography books we present here two events mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Uzair (a.s.) Remained Dead For a Hundred Years

The Lord of the Universe has, in verse 259 of Surah Baqarah, mentioned the story of Uzair (a.s.).

Or the like of him (Uzair) who passed by a town, and it had fallen down upon its roofs; he said: When will Allah give it life after its death? So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him to life. (2:259)

The summary, cause of revelation and explanation of this verse is that Uzair was one of the Prophets in Bani Israel. He had memorized the whole Torah by heart and also was a leader and teacher of Jews in Jerusalem. Once he was travelling on his donkey. He had some bread and few grapes with him. When he reached a village wherein all its residents had died years ago and there was no sign of their life except their worn and torn bones. Uzair threw a glance full of gloom and astonishment at those bones and exclaimed: How will God turn these torn and worn bones into living beings again? (This statement of Uzair was only by way of wonder. He never doubted God's might and never denied Resurrection).

The Lord of the Universe, in order to make Uzair (a.s.) understand that Resurrection might be an astonishing thing for him but for Him it is nothing strange or difficult, made him die instantly. So Uzair


(a.s.) remained in the condition of death for one hundred years. The bones of his ass decayed. Of course what was wonderful to human eye was that grapes were fresh and sweet despite passing of such a long time. There was no change even in their colour!

God made Uzair (a.s.) alive after one hundred years. An angel came to him in human form and asked him, "How long have you remained here?" He replied, "For one day or a part of it." The angel said, "No, but you have stayed for a full period of a hundred years. Just look at your food. It has not at all decayed or deteriorated. (But) look at your donkey. Its bones have become rotten. Now you see what happens before your eyes and realize the Might of your Lord."

Uzair (a.s.) saw that the particles of the decayed body of the ass began to move and instantly joined with one another, restructuring its legs, head, eyes and ears etc. The donkey soon got up. Then Almighty Lord said, "See how We are able to recollect and reassemble the particles of the body of the donkey and to give it a new life. So understand that God is able to do everything."

When Uzair (a.s.) returned to Baitul Maqdas (Jerusalem), there also he found a totally different scene. The city had been totally altered. None of the people known to him was found there. In a very astonished state of mind he knocked at the door of his house. People inside asked, "Who is it?" He said, "It is I, Uzair." People rushed out and said, "Are you joking? There is no trace of Uzair for the last one hundred years. Have you any of his signs of identification?" (Uzair was one of those whose prayer was answered by Almighty God). An old lady stepped forward and said, "If you are Uzair, then I am his aunt and I have become blind. Pray to God so that I may regain my eyesight."

Uzair (a.s.) prayed to God Almighty and that lady could see again. Then both described what had happened during the past years. All understood what had happened and the story became a reminder for all.


Four Birds whom God Made Alive after Dissection

Another event mentioned in the Holy Quran concerns Ibrahim (a.s.). Once he submitted to the Almighty God, "My Lord! I want to see how You make the dead alive, so that my heart may get satisfaction." Came the Command, "Take four birds (four kinds viz. a crow, a cock, a dove, and a peacock). Slaughter them and dissect their bodies into pieces and mix up their pieces of all of them with one another. Then make four heaps of the said mixed up meat and put one heap each on four different hills. Then call up each one of the birds by their names. Every one of them will fly and come to you within no time.

And when Ibrahim said: My Lord! Show me how Thou givest life to the dead, He said: What! and do you not believe? He said: Yes, but that my heart may be at ease. He said: Then take four of the birds, then train them to follow you, then place on every mountain a part of them, then call them, they will come to you flying; and know that Allah is Mighty, Wise. (2:260)

It is mentioned in the commentary that Ibrahim (a.s.) had held the heads of all the four birds in his hands and he was calling them one by one. Then he saw that the body particles (dissected portion) began to join with one another and to reform the bodies as they were re-assembled the head-less birds flew speedily towards their heads in the hands of Ibrahim (a.s.). In order to check the accuracy, Ibrahim (a.s.) tried to make the body of one bird join with the head of another but he could not succeed as every body was rushing towards its own head and finally got joined. All the four birds thus became alive.

Almighty Allah has Power over Everything

It is likely that some may think how many forms (due to change) might have been taken in the scattered particles of a dead body. How then it is possible for them to reassemble as before? But such thinking is only the result of ignoring the all-encompassing power of Almighty God.

When we have learnt in the discussion about God's Oneness that God's knowledge covers everything and that not a single particle


from the particles of each and everything is beyond His knowledge. He also has power of everyone and everything. After this there is no scope at all for any doubt about the fulfilment of His Wish. It is true that a dead body, after a long time, becomes scattered and also emanates foul smell and also becomes the food of ants and many other insects and that even if it does not go in the stomach of any animal it does turn into dust which also is swept far and wide by winds. Then it becomes the ingredients of wheat, barely, seeds and vegetables or is used up in house building materials. In any case it still remains in this world and by no means goes out of the all-encompassing Knowledge of God. Then, at His Will, Almighty Allah recollects and reassembles them from wherever they may be and in whichever form they may be (rather they themselves get remixed at God's Command). We have seen this in the story of Ibrahim (a.s.) and four birds. It is mentioned there that, as ordered by God, Ibrahim (a.s.) cut the birds in to pieces and then mixed up that meat. Then dividing the mixed meat into four heaps, he placed those heaps on four hills… In short, Almighty Allah knows each and every particle in the universe (His creation) even if they have changed forms on thousands of occasions. Likewise, He is also able to reassemble them and to take them to the station (place) of either reward or punishment.[1]

To show the Might of Allah and in order to prove that He can do whatever He likes and that He can do everything, we give below some examples as testimony to this truth.

Fire and Water Together

He Who has made for you the fire (to burn) from the green tree, so that with it you kindle (fire). (36:80)

The trees named Markh and Aqaar are such that if a branch is torn off from any of the two, waters, drips therefrom. One of the two is masculine and the other feminine in nature. Water drips from both. But when one is brushed against the other, it gives out fire. These

[1] For removal of doubts regarding the eater and the eaten one, refer the Ayatullah's book, 80 questions.


two trees are considered very important in the Arabian Peninsula. In olden times there were no matchboxes. People used to ignite fire with the help of the branches of these trees. How wonderful that if they remain apart they give out water but if they are brushed against one another they give out fire! How these two opposites are placed in one and the same thing? If it is wet and has not yet become dry it should not emanate water. Scholars of science say that except the tree of Unnab, there is hidden fire in every other tree. Then cannot such Mighty and Powerful creator reassemble a dead body and put soul (life) in it again?

How will the Powdered Bones Become Alive?

And he strikes out a likeness for Us and forgets his own creation. Says he: Who will give life to the bones when they are rotten?

Say: He will give life to them Who brought them into existence at first, and He is cognizant of all creation, (36:78-79)

Once Ibne Abi Khalaf came to the Holy Prophet with an old bone in this hand. He was pressing and crushing it with his hand. When it all became powder he blew it off with his mouth and asked, "Who will make this stuff alive?" In the above verse, Almighty Creator of the universe, talks about this foolish and ignorant talking of this man and scolds him. God Almighty says, "This man gives us an example but forgets his own creation. (O the one who takes such objections! You were nothing. God brought you into being after you were nothing; from non-existence to existence). Say (O Messenger!) Only He will make them alive Who had created them first. He has knowledge of every creation." O Man! You also were nothing before and now you are something. The same powered elements of human body of faithful persons are like particles of gold, distinct from all other particles. When it rains, it sweeps aside the particles of dust and golden particles begin to shine out. Here there is no room for doubt. The elements of everybody's will be re-assembled by Almighty Allah through His Command.


No Scope for Doubt in Divine Knowledge

As we have described in the story of Ibrahim (a.s.) and four birds, he caught and cut into pieces a crow, a cock, and dove and a peacock. Then he mixed their minced meat so that it could not be separated from one another. Then, as per a narration, made seventeen heaps of it and put them at seventeen places on different hills. Then he took the head of dove in his hand called it out. In response, all the particles of its meat flew from every station and re-assembled to form the body as it was before being slaughtered and then it joined with its head. Then Ibrahim (a.s.) called out the peacock; all the particles of its meat flew from every station and re-assembled to form the body of the peacock. Ibrahim (a.s.) put the head of the cock before it but it did not join. One's head was not being joined with another's body. In short, there is no chance of any error in the knowledge of God.

Creation of Skies is More Difficult and Important than Creation of Man

Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the men, but most people do not know. (40:57)

To create the skies and the earth, to fix separate orbits for the rotation of each of them, and to arrange their affairs etc are works, which are greater and more complex than the creation of man. Now what is to be seen is that the One who created skies will He not be able to create a man again and to take account of his deeds?

His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is. (36:82)

As and when He will wish, the Qiyamat will come up instantly. The moment Allah wishes all will become alive.

For more details please refer Martyr Ayatullah Dastghaib's commentary Qalbe Quran (Explanation of Surah Yasin).


It is obligatory to remove the Harm if there is any Likelihood of it

If intelligence tells that there is a likelihood of harm at a certain place something must be done which can avoid or remove that harm. For example, while passing through a forest or path there is a danger of a carnivorous animal or of bandits or thieves who can harm our lives and or property then, even if this possibility is not certain, reason demands that we should not take that path and go by any other avenue where there is certainty of safety. Of course, such harms can also be of various degrees and kinds. For instance, if the danger is about falling down due to rough roads then man does not pay much attention to it. But if there is a danger of jumping over a pass, which can risk life, then surely it is a very serious matter. Then how dangerous and risky it would be to cross the bay of hell? So it is absolutely essential to take utmost care for avoiding every likely danger. Even the slightest possibility of a great harm makes it compulsory to take defensive steps. Here is an example for further clarification.

If Mind Hints at a Danger or Harm, Attention Must be Paid

If a child tells you that there is a scorpion under your clothes and that it is crawling upwards. Will you tell him, "You are a child. You do not know anything. We cannot believe you?" No. You will never say so because there is a likelihood of a great harm. What is more important is a scorpion, not a straw or a stalk. You will, at once, take off your shirt and try to find out the scorpion even though you had no certainly of its presence. There was merely a likelihood or possibility. Yet intelligence says that such possibility is worth taking cognisance.

Or for example, you want to proceed on a journey. Someone tells you that you will not get any water anywhere on this route. The demand of intelligence then is that you should keep a container full of water with you. Now, if you get fresh water on your way, you will throw away the old water and fill up your container with fresh water. By so doing you will suffer no loss and save yourself from the


possibility of remaining thirsty. But, if thinking that this is merely a possibility, you did not take water with you and found no water enroute then you will have to die of thirst and you will get nothing except grief and sorrow.

All Prophets and Messengers Warned People

After understanding this logical problem, now we say that one lakh twenty-four thousand (1,24,000) Messengers and Prophets came to the world and all of them unanimously warned humanity of a danger saying, "O People! All of your words and deeds are being constantly and instantly being recorded. God has appointed two angels for every person. Whatever good or bad you do, they note it down:

He utters not a word but there is by him a watcher at hand. (50:18)

Suppose even if you are not sure about the coming of Qiyamat or of the Day of Judgement (Resurrection), if you have any brain, your intelligence will call upon you to take precautionary action and to be cautions. There is indeed a possibility of Qiyamat if not certainly. So, responding to this demand of reason, do not oppress anyone, do not be unjust towards anybody, and do not attack anyone's honour. I would now like to give some admonition and give a logical argument about Resurrection to make one understand that it is the demand of reason and logic to put faith in Resurrection.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) Admonishes an unbeliever of Resurrection

It is mentioned in Usoole Kafi, Tradition: 2; in Kitabut Tawheed that Imam Sadiq (a.s.), during his sermons, told Ibne Abil Awjaa, "If what the religious people say is true, and doubtlessly it is true, then the believers will certainly get salvation, and you will be destroyed. And if what you say (denial of Hereafter and accounting) is true, though it is certainly not true, even then both of you (the believers and the unbelievers) will be on an equal footing."

Ibne Abil Awjaa said, "Is not our and their word the same?" The Imam said, "How can it be same or equal when they (religious people) believe that Qiyamat will surely arrive and there also will be


reward or punishment and when they also believe that the sky is full of its residents and that the Creator of all the skies and the earth is Only One God, you say that skies are void and that there is no God…"

You have seen that in this tradition Imam (a.s.) used the argument of cautiousness for proving Resurrection. This is the minimum argument. Otherwise there must be certainty of belief about the Day of Judgement. Doubtfulness or hesitation is not at all enough, not even mere imagination.

Resurrection is Great

We hear news about Qiyamat but imagine that it is an ordinary matter, though we give much importance to this world, the same world which the Lord Creator of the Universe has termed a 'plaything':

The life of this world is only idle sport and play, (47:36)

But about Qiyamat, which is an ordinary thing in our (mistaken) view has been given much importance by God and He has called its news "The Great Event":

Of what do they ask one another?

About the great event, (78:1)


Doubtlessly Qiyamat is very great. It will be the Day when all the first and last (earlier and latter) human beings will be made to assemble. Such a huge gathering will be such that in it, everyone will be worrying about his or her result (consequences of deeds before death). All will be weeping and wailing save a few about whom we shall talk later on.

Amr Became Frightened by Qiyamat

Amr bin Maadikarb was one of the most famous brave and courageous men among Arabs. History of Islam has recorded him as one of the greatest warriors in a number of battles. Once, when he was a polytheist, he visited the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) invited him to Islam, and said, "If you believe in Islam, God Almighty will protect you from the greatest fright on the Day of


Resurrection." He asked, "O Muhammad! What is the great fright? I am so tough-hearted that nothing can frighten me." The Holy Prophet said, "O Amr! It is not so, as you imagined. It will be a tremendously frightening sound, which will make all the dead alive and make the entire living die, except those whom God wishes that they should not die. Then again there will be terrible roar which will make all the dead stand and line up. The sky will be fragmented. All the mountains will break up and become scattered. Thus there will be no living being whose heart will not be palpating due to fear, remembering the sins committed by it. All will be worrying only about their own selves except those whom God wills (that they may not become restless). O Amr! What do you think?"

In short, the Holy Prophet described the frightening events of Qiyamat in such a manner that the whole body of Amr began to tremble. He said, "What should I do to avoid that fright on the most terrible day?" The Holy Prophet said, "Say 'Laa Ilaah Illallaah' (There is no God except Only One God)."

So Amr instantly became a Muslim then and there along with his entire people.

Red Hot Earth Under the Unbeliever's Feet

On that day, wherever will a man look he will see only frightening things. The condition of this earth will be totally changed. In addition to all that we have said earlier, the ground of Resurrection will also become alive and intelligent. It will remain stable, calm and wise under the feet of the believers but, the same ground will turn into a burning piece of land under the feet of an unbeliever and will be red hot, giving out flames. No curtain or barrier will be seen over there, no tree or a mountain. Everyone will look at one another. All will be human beings but their faces will be changed. In this world all are alike but on the Day of Judgement, they will take shapes and forms according to their deeds (before death).


Different Faces in the Field of Mahshar (Grand Assembly)

The day on which the trumpet shall be blown so you shall come forth in hosts, (78:18)

It is mentioned in Tafsir Majmaul Bayan that Muaaz asked for the explanation of this verse from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) who replied, "You have asked a very important thing." Then the eyes of the Holy Prophet became tearful. He said, "On the Day of Judgement, my community (Ummah) will be divided into ten groups. God Almighty will cut all those ten from the Muslims. He will change theirs faces and appearances. Some will come in the shape of monkeys, some in the form of swines, hands and legs of some will be cut off, and some will be blind, some deaf and dumb. One of those groups will arrive in the grand field chewing their own tongues, dirt dripping from their lips the bad foul of which will make all restless. One group will arrive upside down and will get punishment in the same position. One group will be hanging on branches of fire. One group will be spreading an obnoxious and foul smell, which will be worse than that of corpses. One group will be wearing shirts made of Qitraan, which will stick to their bodies.

People asked, "O Messenger of God! Who will be these people?"

Fate of Backbiters, Usurers and Corrupt People

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, "Those who will assume the forms of monkeys will be backbiters. They create enmity between two parties and carry one's talk to the other, and make them quarrel."

"Those who will be seen as swines will be eaters of unlawful earning. For example, who give (in trade or business or bargaining) less then due, who are dishonest in their dealings with others and who mix up bad things with good to earn unlawfully and who usurp the properties of others.

Those who will arrive on their heads will be eaters of interest, the usurers.

Those who will be chewing their own tongues will be the scholars


who did not act according to what they taught to others, whose deeds were different from their words. They had given many sermons but never acted accordingly. Others had benefited from their advices and admonitions but they themselves had remained unfortunate and unlucky. Such scholars will chew their own tongues and will worry very much but to no avail."

Those who Harassed Their Neighbours, the Oppressive Rulers and the Proud

"Those who will arrive with their hands and feet cut off will be those who had harassed their neighbours. Those who will come blind were oppressive rulers who did not do justice. Who were proud and self-centred will come dumb and deaf. Those who were putting innocent people to trouble by reporting falsely against them before rulers will be clinging to branches of fire. Foul smell will emanate from those who were gratifying their passions by resorting to unlawful sexual pleasures and also those who did not pay poor tax (Zakat or purifying deductions). Those who were making a show of their pomp by wearing clothes of pride will be, on that Day, wearing shirts of fire."

It is mentioned in another tradition that there will also be some people with rods of fire in their eyes. They will be those who were casting their lustful eyes starring at prohibited men and women.

Offenders will be Recognised by their Faces in the Grand Gathering

Muhaddith Faiz quotes in his book Ainul Yaqeen, "When a drunkard will arrive in the Grand Gathering (Mahshar), a bottle of wine will be dangling from his neck and a cup of wine will be stuck to his hand. His body will be spreading obnoxious and foul smell, which will be worse than any dead body's smell. All in the gathering will understand that this fellow was a drunkard in his worldly life. Everyone passing by him will curse him."

The singers and musicians will have their music instruments in their hands, which will be hitting their heads. On that Day everyone will be recognized by his condition as to what he was in the world.


The guilty shall be recognized by their marks, so they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet. (55:41)

How will they Walk with their Disfigured Faces?

In the aforesaid book it is also mentioned that some people will arrive with faces looking worse than the faces of monkeys and pigs. (These animals will seem good looking compared to them).


The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said, "People will be made to come to the Mahshar field in three conditions: Some on backs of animals, some on foot and some on their own heads (upside down)." People asked, "O Messenger of Allah! How will they walk on their heads?" The Prophet replied, "The one who enabled them to walk on their feet in the world will also enable to walk on their heads."

Hearts will Stick to Throats

And warn them of the day that draws near, when hearts shall rise up to the throats, (40:18)

The fear and fright of that terrible Day will make hearts jump from their chests and to stick to their throats. They (hearts) will neither go back to their original place (so that they may feel ease) nor they will jump out so that life may end and one may feel freed. On that Day people's hearts will be full of worries and sorrows.

In short, the fear of that Day will make hearts jump from their chests and they will be sticking to throats and block the passage of breathing. This is a Divine Word of the Holy Quran. Lord Almighty has repeatedly warned of such a fear some day and also said that, on that Day, a brother will run away from his brother and hide his face from him. Man will keep distance from his own parents too and so also from his family members.

The day on which a man shall fly from his brother,

And his mother and his father,

And his spouse and his son- (80:34-36)

In this Holy verse the Lord of the universe has described the frightful condition of man saying that the terrific fright will disrupt even the closest relations like that between man and wife, father and


children and brothers and sisters. All relations will be cut off and everyone will worry breathlessly about himself or herself and will find no time to think about others. So, he will avoid everyone. The reason for such avoidance could also be that he will fear the demand of their rights, which were trampled by him in the world. Man will become almost breathless. Despite such a big gathering the only voice audible on that Day will be like that of bees.

On that day they shall follow the inviter, there is no crookedness in him, and the voices shall be low before the Beneficent God so that you shall not hear aught but a soft sound. (20:108)

The Fortunate Ones who will be Safe from the Fear of Qiyamat

There will also be some groups about whom the Holy Prophet has promised that they will be in safety and peace on that Day Of Resurrection. One such group will be of those who became old and aged as Muslims. Giving honour and respect to such Muslims will provide safety and peace from the great calamity of Qiyamat. If those (respectable) people were their weak aged parents, then giving respect to them will bring further peace. Secondly, help and assistance to poor and suffering people. If a man had helped such deserving persons, for instance had raised up a fallen man or had removed the worry of someone etc.[1]

Masjid will be the Ark of Salvation in Qiyamat

The mosque in which one was praying regularly with a sincere and zealous heart will be, on the Day of Judgement, be brought in the form of a saddle to the grave of that person and he will be made to ride thereon and thus he will be carried to Paradise.

It is mentioned in narrations that a faithful believer will ask, "Where is Sirat (the Bridge)?" Angels will reply that it has already passed from beneath your mount. He will ask, "What kind of a rider is it? He would be replied, "This is the changed form of those Masjids in which you were regularly and zealously offering Prayers sincerely."

[1] Safinatul Bihar, Vol. 2, p. 360


Undoubtedly Mosque is the house of God. So it must be given every respect. No stone should be left unturned in maintaining its dignity.

Death in or En-route to Mecca

Among those who will be saved from the fear and fright of the Day of Judgement are also those who die or get buried either in Mecca or Medina. Similarly those also who die while going to the said Holy places or while returning from there.

Among such fortunate persons are also those who had regarded their desires as their enemies (they did not consider others as their foes). The apparent meaning of a tradition sentence is that while passing life in the society, if he finds unpalatable things in others he would not blame others but only himself. He will scold only himself for having hoped otherwise from others. Such people would ask themselves, "Why not find fault with one's own self? Why find faults with others at all?"

It is no manhood and fortitude to find faults with others. Look also into your own self. You will realize that you too are full of sins.[1]

Patience in Passion and Anger

The third group which has been promised to be protected and safe are those who, despite being able to react angrily and thereby to do something unwise, restrain themselves just due to remembrance of God. Thus, they suppress their anger only for God's sake. Such are the people who will be protected from the fright on the Day of Judgement because they did not indulge in any carnal desire and any selfish act to save their prestige but only for fear of Almighty Allah. One of the Divine Mercies mentioned in books is that if a Faithful puts his hand on one's grave and recites Surah Qadr seven times, the body in that grave also remains protected from the fear and fright of Qiyamat.

[1] Persian Couplet.


The Love and Guardianship (Wilayat) of Ali is a Guarantee of True Safety and Protection

The real and true guarantee of protection from the terrible fright on the Day of Judgement is the guardianship and love of Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.). It is called the greatest good (Hasana). No other good can surpass this good. Everyone having this good in his heart will remain safe on the Day of Judgement:

Surely (as for) those for whom the good has already gone forth from Us, they shall be kept far off from it;

They will not hear its faintest sound, and they shall abide in that which their souls long for.

The great fearful event shall not grieve them, and the angels shall meet them: This is your day which you were promised.

On the day when We will roll up heaven like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first creation, (so) We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about. (21:101-104)

The Holy Prophet is reported to have said, "O Ali! You and Your Shias (followers) will remain in peace from the terrible fright. And this refers only to you."

The Absolute 'Hasana' (Good) is the Wilayat of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)

Similarly, the Hasana, which is the 'absolute good', is the Love and friendship of Ali (a.s.) and the progeny of Ali (a.s). Quran has promised that on the Day of Resurrection, the one who will come with 'absolute good' will get the best reward and he will remain in peace from the fright of that Day:

Whoever brings good, he shall have better than it; and they shall be secure from terror on the day. (27:89)

In the Quranic commentaries of the Ahle Sunnat people like Tafsir Kashshaf of Zamakhshari, Tafsir Kabir of Fakhruddin Raazi, Tafsir of Tha'labi and Tafsir Ruhul Bayan etc, it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that the one who dies with the love and


friendship with Aale Muhammad (a.s.) in his heart will die as a repentant and clean one and when he is raised from the grave he would enter the grand field of gathering (Mahshar) happily. He will neither feel afraid nor any uneasiness overtake him. Paradise will be decorated for him just as the bridal apartment is adorned for the bride…(till the end of the lengthy narration).

What I wanted to present was the part showing that the followers of Ali (a.s.) will be in peace in Qiyamat.

Precaution or Preparation for the Future

The aim of this admonition is to create the fear of the Almighty God through these Holy verses and thereby to make ourselves ready for the forthcoming events. So, make arrangements for protecting yourselves from the fears and terrors about which you have read; for example, the three or four matters just mentioned.

Efforts for Betterment of Future and Entanglement in Greed

All say that we should think and worry about the future and make preparation for it. It is true and wise. But what is regrettable is that they take precautions in the wrong way. They do not understand the reality. If we want to prepare for the future (Hereafter/life after death) what is the way to be safe there? Is it to deposit amounts in banks? Is the life span of fifty years (even less in some cases) so insignificant that man should spend this precious time of his life only for gathering wealth and then go away leaving it all here? This is sheer ignorance and nonsense. Is one to remain hungry materially after death so that he should collect more and more wealth and money? How many people have you met who died of hunger?

Yes, of course, if there is a famine, hunger may be one of the reasons for people's death, which has been destined. But, in normal conditions, no one's future is in danger of starvation to death, however long his age. It is so because, God Almighty has guaranteed sustenance for everyone:

And in the heaven is your sustenance and what you are threatned



And by the Lord of the heavens and the earth! it is most surely the truth, just as you do speak. (51:22-23)

He provides sustenance to every living being and He will continue to do so.

And there is no animal in the earth but on Allah is the sustenance of it, (11:6)

But, in the matter of Hereafter (life after death) it is ordered, with emphasis and encouragement and warning also that everyone must worry before reaching the dangerous place (Hereafter) and make advance arrangement for it. Man must try and make efforts so that he may not stand empty-handed in the grand gathering (for giving accounts) in Mahshar.

The True Savings Account is with God

All of us say that God is Bountiful and Generous (Kareem). Quite true. But if we really consider Him bountiful then why do we not regard Him so in the worldly (material) matters. Why do we make so much strenuous efforts in the worldly affairs, especially in the matter of sustenance? This shows that what we say is not based on real conviction. We are not truly convinced that God is Bountiful.

If you really and factually want to make arrangements for your future (after death) then you should open your 'Saving Accounts' with God. These prayers and charity are your savings, which are being credited to your account with God and the Generous God protects it in a better way and also gives better reward for it on the Day of Resurrection and in this world also.


Whatever of good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will find it with Allah; that is best and greatest in reward; (73:20)

The Lord of the Universe has, in the Holy Quran, told His Prophet (s.a.w.s.): Warn My servants about the events of future (Hereafter). Now all of us know very well that all of us have to face a Day, which will be full of hardships, dangers and anxieties.


Israfil will Blow the Trumpet

When God will intend to bring forth Resurrection, the first thing to happen will be the blowing of the Trumpet as described earlier. God of the Universe mentions this several times in the Holy Quran:

And the trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except such as Allah please; then it shall be blown again, then lo! they shall stand up awaiting. (39:68)

Quranic verses, traditions, and narrations show that there will be two blowings of the trumpet. First, when the trumpet will be blown all will die except those about whom God desires otherwise. Then the trumpet will be blown again which will cause all formers and latters to become alive. God says in the above quoted verse: "When the Trumpet will be blown all in the earth and the sky will be destroyed except those whom God may desire that they should not die. Then the trumpet will be blown for the second time when all the formers and the latters will become alive and it will be Resurrection and all will stand staring."

Four Favourite Angels and their Responsibilities

The summary of this discussion is that there are four favourite or esteemed angels with God (Jibraeel, Mikaeel, Israfil, and Izra'eel). Each of them has a separate and distinct responsibility. Jibraeel has to convey Divine Message (Revelation) from God to Prophets and Messengers (a.s.). Mikaeel has been entrusted with the responsibility of providing sustenance. Izra'eel is in charge of collecting of souls and the job of Israfil is to blow the trumpet at the time of Qiyamat. He is ready to carry out his work with the trumpet in his hands, waiting for Divine Command. (As mentioned in narrations) when Almighty God will order him, he will come down to the earth from the sky and perform his duty.

Noise in Skies at the Thought of Qiyamat

When Israfil will proceed from the sky, those in the sky will tremble with fear. When he will reach the earth and reaching the Holy House, stand opposite the wall of Ka'ba and announce through the


trumpet, "Die, all of you." Then no living thing will survive. There will be none who will not breathe his or her last. It is mentioned in narrations that at that time many people will be busy in markets. They will die then and there. No one will get any respite even to make his will or to return home. So the Lord of the Universe says, in the Holy Quran:

So they shall not be able to make a bequest, nor shall they return to their families. (36:50)

Then will come the Divine Command that the trumpet should be blown towards those who are in the sky. So (Israfil will do so). No one in the skies will remain alive. Then Israfil will be commanded, "You too die." So he also will be no more.

Only God will be there

(Of) the day when they shall come forth, nothing concerning them remains hidden to Allah. To whom belongs the kingdom this day? To Allah, the One, the Subduer (of all). (40:16)

Then a voice will be heard: O Revolters! O Traitors! O Arrogants! O those who were always shouting 'I'! Where are you now? Tell whose kingdom and rule prevails today?" No one will reply. Then again a voice will be heard, "Today rule and kingdom belongs only to Allah, the Only One, the Almighty." A period of time will pass after the blowing of the first trumpet. Then will come the blow, which will make everyone alive. After that would be the Day of Judgement.

Wonders before the Arrival of Qiyamat

People asked the infallibles as to what will be the length of the gap between the first trumpet (killing) and the second one (making all alive)? It is mentioned in narrations that the Imam replied, "Forty years." According to another report it will be a period of four hundred years. Yet another tradition says that astonishing events (as mentioned by us earlier) like splitting of skies, their breaking into pieces, earthquake, crushing of mountains into dust and the flaring up of oceans etc will take place during the said period. Then will


come the Divine Command for rain. So it will rain for forty years continuously all over the entire earth.

Blowing of the Second Trumpet

After all living things will die and after the intermediate period passes, the first one to become alive will be Israfil who will have to blow the trumpet for the second time. Taking the trumpet to his mouth, Israfil will announce, "O the souls! Come out of your scattered bodies. O flesh and O worn out bones and O hair! All of you come together so that your account may be taken. Run and rush speedily for giving the account of your deeds."

Then it will be revealed to the earth, "Throw out whatever is inside you."

And the earth brings forth her burdens, (99:2)

Thereafter earth will, through severe jerks, throw out all the particles of bodies lying in it. In short, all the particles of bodies will come together and retake the form of their earlier bodies. Souls would be put into them once again and all will rise up at once. There is no deterrent or impossibility in the collection of particles and the entering of spirit in them after the second formation of bodies. For God Almighty, there is no difference in the affair of creating one person and the recreation of millions of people:

Neither your creation nor your raising is anything but as a single soul; surely Allah is Hearing, Seeing. (31:28)

God will command and all would become alive and gather at once.

Thank God who Fulfilled His Promise

Though all the earlier and the latter will come together in the grand field of Mahshar their appearance and talk will be different. The obedient and faithful servants of God will, while coming out from their graves, would be praising and thanking their Lord Who fulfilled His promise and held the Judgement so that they may get rewards of their good deeds.

And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made


good to us His promise, (39:74)

But, on the other hand, there also will be people who will lament regretfully, "Alas! Who made us rise from our graves?"

They shall say: O woe to us! who has raised us up from our sleeping-place? (36:52)

According to some narrations, one of their legs will be in the grave and the other one out of it and they will stand there spell bound for three hundred years. This will be the beginning of the chastisement.


How will they Raise their Heads from Graves?

One day Jibraeel came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and asked, "Would you like to observe the condition of people on the Day of Gathering?" "Yes," the Prophet replied. Jibraeel, the trustworthy angel, took the Holy Prophet to the graveyard of Baqi (Medina). He kicked a grave and said, "Get up at the order of your Lord." The grave split at once and a man with radiant face raised his head from the grave saying,

(All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made good to us His promise, (39:74)

Thereafter, he kicked another grave and said, "Rise up at the command of your Lord." At once, another man with a very ugly and frightened face came out of this grave and said,

O woe to us!

Jibraeel said, "The faithful and the unbelievers will rise up from their graves in this condition."

Two Contradictory Hopes about Qiyamat

It is mentioned in narrations that the faithful would wish in their graves that God may establish Judgement soon as they had already tasted samples of the bounties of Paradise and hence they desire it early. On the other hand, the unbelievers and offenders will say, "O God! Let us remain here only, because they have seen samples of the chastisement of hell here."


Abasing (one party), exalting (the other), (56:3)

On the Day of Resurrection, those who were low and weak materially but had the riches of God's fear will become masters and great. Contrary to this, those who were materially great and powerful in the world but had no piety will become dishonoured and degraded. 'Degrader' and 'Upgrader' are two Quranic names of the Resurrection Day.

All Secrets will become known

Another thing, which will happen on the Day of Judgement, will be that all those things, which were kept hidden in hearts, will become open and manifest. In this world there are veils on everyone's beliefs and deeds. But in Qiyamat both the inner and outer state will become same, fully apparent.

So, O people who are very mindful of your positions! Have you also thought about protecting yourselves from shame on that Day? On that Day those whose hearts are clean and bright like angels will have similarly shining faces. Those whose hearts are full of passions and lust will, on that Day, have faces of monkeys and dogs.

Have you done anything for the stages to come after death so that you may not have to be ashamed in front of all the past and later people? Do you know how difficult problems you will have to confront, like being naked in the Great Gathering? Have you done anything to save your honour on that Day?

The Dress on the Day of Judgement will be Piety

And clothing that guards (against evil), that is the best. (7:25)

On the Day of Judgement, when all will come out of their graves, everyone will be naked, except some people who have been promised that they will not be without clothes on that Day. They are those who feared God in the world.

The one who will leave this world as a God fearing person will appear in the Grand Gathering of Mahshar adorned in the Divine attire of Taqwa. Likewise, also those faithful people who died without repenting but who became purified by suffering hardships in


graves. Of course, God forbid, if anyone enters Field of Mahshar without becoming purified, he will aspire to go to hell at the earliest so that his shamefulness in front of the greatest gathering may end.

Adam (a.s.) Covered his Body with Leaves

The father of mankind, Adam erred by discarding a desired thing (Tark-e-Oolaa) and he was driven of out of paradise naked. Now, finding himself naked in front of angels, he hid his organs of shame with foliage at once:

And they both began to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden; (7:21)

Remember that the one who is sinful will not be eligible for Divine raiment. It may be you or I. No day ever passes in which we do not add a sin in our account of deeds. Should we not worry about the hardships of Qiyamat, if we don't have the dress of Piety?

It was the Infallible Imam Zainul Aabedeen (a.s.) who used to pray till dawn during nights of the Holy month of Ramadhan, remembering the nakedness of the Day of Judgement:

I am weeping remembering the naked rising from grave.

Come; let us all join the prayer of the sinless Imam (a.s.):

O Lord! Dress me in Your Bountiful Mercy so that my mistakes may be covered and forgiven.

The Sinners will be Recognised

The guilty shall be recognized by their marks, so they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet. (55:41)

The first stage in the Gathering field will be astonishment which is mentioned a number of times in the Holy Quran:

Hastening forward, their heads upraised, their eyes not reverting to them and their hearts vacant. (14:43)

Eyes will make no movement due to extreme astonishment when one will be a sinner having a sign of that sinfulness along with him or her, which will make known to all in the grand gathering what sin he


or she had committed.

A bottle of wine will be stuck to his hand when a drunkard will arrive in the field of Mahshar. (If you can remember, we have quoted the narration of Muaaz while explaining this.) God has sworn by His Might and Honour saying He will make the drunkard drink as much wine in hell as he had drunk in the world.

Scene of a Drunkard in the Gathering

It is mentioned in the book Layaliul Akhbaar that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, "When a drunkard will arrive in the field of Qiyamat his face will be dark, he eyes blue, his lips hanging and his saliva flowing over his chest upto his feet. His tongue will project out of his mouth. Anyone who passes by him will suffer a lot of uneasiness due to the stench emanating from the drunkard's mouth." The Holy Prophet also said, "By the God Who made me His messenger, the drunkard will die thirsty; that he will remain thirsty in his grave; that he will continue crying due to thirst for a thousand years. Thereafter, he will be made to drink the water of Hell (Hameem)."

Faces of Usurers and Musicians

When a usurer will rise from his grave, his belly will be so enlarges that it will drag on the earth. He will not be able to get up despite trying to do so. He will be sitting head bowed down. Everyone in the field of Mahshar will recognize him as the usurer.

The Musician's Instruments will be with him

It is mentioned in the book Anwarun Nomaniya that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, "One who plays violin will have a dark face and will be holding a violin of fire in his hands which will be knocking at his head. Seventy thousand angels of chastisement will hit on his head and face. A singer will rise deaf, dumb and blind."

The Condition of Double Talkers

It is mentioned in narrations that those who have two tongues, meaning those who say one thing in front of people and another (opposite) thing behind their backs will be having two tongues of fire on the Day of Judgement. Those who were harming others with


their tongues will have their tongues uprooted from their base in their mouths.

Arrogant People and Adulterers

There also will be a group in the field of Mahshar, which will be weak and insignificant like ants. They would be the people who showed their pride before others in the world. Such an offensive smell will emanate from the private parts of adulterers in the field of Mahshar that all will shriek and complain against them. Narrations indicate that every bad and sinful habit will give a similar shape or form to the sinner in Qiyamat whereby all will know what kind of deeds he was doing in the world.


Day of Fifty Thousand Years' Duration

The measure of which is fifty thousand years. (70:5)

A tradition related from the Infallible is recorded in the third volume of Biharul Anwar, which says that there will be a halt of one thousand years at every station according to our system of counting of days (solar or lunar).

The measure of which is a thousand years of what you count. (32:5)

Why Qiyamat is Called a 'Day'?

There arises a question that when, in the realm of Qiyamat, there will be no day or night, in the absence of the sun and the moon, then what is the meaning of 'The Day of Judgement'? Why is it called a Day? The answer is: We call that part of time a Day in which things become bright because of the light of the sun and thereby human eyes can see those things which are not visible to them during night. Likewise those things, which were hidden from people in the world such as their inner condition, their right or wrong beliefs, their good or bad deeds and their consequences will come to be known to all and their consequences too would become apparent in Qiyamat.

Qiyamat is the Day on which all the secrets and hidden things of man would be unravelled.


And what they never thought of shall become plain to them from Allah. (39:47)


Sun of Truth will Shine in Qiyamat

This world is a night, a darkness. No one knows about others. Rather man is unaware of even his own self (inner self). People's deeds are hidden from one another. But Qiyamat is a Day, which is a 'day' in its real meaning with which there is no night. The Day will be of fifty thousand years' duration when the sun of truth will shine. In Qiyamat we will realize what we are and what others are.

The Station of Fear in Qiyamat

We have mentioned above that there will be several stations in Qiyamat. The station astonishment has been described earlier. Another station is that of fear which causes silence and stillness as mentioned in the Holy Quran:

And the voices shall be low before the Beneficent God so that you shall not hear aught but a soft sound. (20:108)

And warn them of the day that draws near, when hearts shall rise up to the throats, (40:18)

The third station is that of talks and conversation, of questions and answers between people:

And some of them shall advance towards others, questioning each other. (37:27)

They will ask one another about their good and bad deeds.

Flying Away from one another like Locusts

One of the stations will be that of fleeing and running away wherein all will run to avoid one another. Father will run away from son, wife and husband from one another, brother from brother. Everyone would try to avoid one another. All will try to hide their faces. The Holy Quran has likened it with scattered moths:

The day on which men shall be as scattered moths, (101:3)

In Surah Qamar God says:


Their eyes cast down, going forth from their graves as if they were scattered locusts, (54:7)

Fear will show out of the eyes of the unbelievers. When they will come out of their grave, they will scatter like locusts in the field of Mahshar.

You must have observed that when an army of locusts arrives how everyone of them flies in different direction, some upward, some downward, some in the right, some in the left. They remain scattered in an unorganised manner. Husband and wife, father and son etc will also, in the field of Mahshar, on the Day of Resurrection, remain scattered likewise for avoiding one another. But this fleeing of theirs will be useless.


Their Fleeing will be of no Use

As mentioned in the explanation of Surah Rahman on that day, God will command that angels on the first sky should come down to earth and take the entire mankind in their control. The angels of the second sky will stand encircling the angles of the first sky. Similarly angels of all the seven skies will line up. These will be the Divine armies, which will encircle and the Grand Field of Gathering (Mahshar):

O assembly of the jinn and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through; you cannot pass through but with authority. (55:33

On that Day men will ask, "Where should I run away?" There is no place or room for escaping except towards the Lord. This also is only for one who had some connection with God. Otherwise, for others, there is no escape.

They will Beg Even for a Single Good on the Day of Judgement

One more station will be that of asking and begging. Everyone will request his acquaintance to offer one of his goods (reward fetching deeds) but no one will oblige because he himself is also in dire need of it. A father will say to his son, "How many hardships I suffered


for you sake in the world. How much trouble I took for training you? Now, you please give me one of your good deeds." The son will reply, "At this time, I myself am in dire need of the good and I am more needy than you." Similarly a brother will tell his brother. But none would be able to help the other. All would be in terrible anxiety and will not care for others.

Records of Deeds

Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say: Lo! Read my book:

Surely I knew that I shall meet my account.

So he shall be in a life of pleasure, (69:19-20)

One of the things in which we believe is the recording of our deeds. This is mentioned at a number of places in the Holy Quran. It is mentioned that recording angels are writing our deeds:

Honorable recorders,

They know what you do. (82:11-12)

At one place in the book, these two angels are mentioned as 'Raquebun Ateed" who note down even the most trifling and little thing:

He utters not a word but there is by him a watcher at hand. (50:18)

Of course we do not know anything about the style of their recording, that is, whether they use paper and ink or have any other way. Only the eye of the Messenger can see it.

In short, Even the slightest step that you take is being noted down by the angels. They record even the intention of doing a good deed. Of course no evil (sin) is noted until it is committed.

The Fragrance of Good Intention Alerts the Angels

The narrator asked the Imam (a.s.) how angels know good intention of a faithful person? The Imam replied, "As soon as a servant thinks of doing a good deed his body emanates a pleasing fragrance. So the angels understand it and they record that good intention."


When a fellow thinks of committing an evil, the bad smell of it hurts the angels. If a man thinks of doing good, a good is at once noted in his record of deeds. Then, if he carries out that good deed, ten goods are noted in his record.

Whoever brings a good deed, he shall have ten like it, and whoever brings an evil deed, he shall be recompensed only with the like of it, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly. (6:160)

Just see His generosity. The one who will do a good deed will get ten-fold reward of it. But if a man commits an evil he will be punished only for that one crime or offence and he will not be dealt with unfairly.

Respite in Recording Good and Evil

One of the mercies and generosities of the Most Merciful One is also this kindness that when a servant intends to do an evil the angel named Ateed wants to note it down. But the angel Raqueeb tells him, "Just wait. Give him some respite. Perhaps he may feel ashamed at his intention and may repent over it." So that person is given a respite of about five to seven hours and no evil is entered in his work sheet. It is all right if he repents during this time. Otherwise, the angels say, "How shameless is this servant." Then they enter his crime.

They Note Even the Blowing at Fire

Narrations show that there are two records for every person. One is the record of good and another of evils. Each and every deed is recorded in one of the two records. So much so that if a man blows in furnace or fire that action too is noted down. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran:

And everything they have done is in the writings.

And everything small and great is written down. (54:52-53)

source : http://www.imfi.ir/
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