Monday 8th of July 2024
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"Verily, the first House among all marked for worship for people is that which is in Makkah abounding in blessings and a guide for all the world." (Surah Aal e Imran, verse 96)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! The aforementioned verse proves that after the arrival of Hazrat Adam alaihis salaam, the first house built for the guidance of mankind was in Makkah. This is no ordinary house, this house is so exalted that we can see, to this day, the effects of the prayer (dua) that was made by Hazrat Ibrahim alaihis salaam whilst he was building this house. We also learn from this that Allah Ta'ala never rejects the prayers of His Prophets alaihis salaam. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all to respect Makkah Mukarrama and the Holy Ka'aba. Aameen.

Respect of Makkah

Hazrat Ayash bin abi Rabiyah Makhzumi radiallaho ta'ala anha says that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Goodness and blessings will not be taken away from this nation as long as they respect the precincts of Makkah as it should be respected. When they give up this respect, they will be destroyed." (Mishkaat Shareef, page 238)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Respect of Makkah Mukarramah will result in Allah Ta'ala continuing to shower us with blessings and goodness. Due to lack of knowledge, many people do not respect the precincts of Makkah Mukarrama as it should be respected. These things are also seen whilst they are doing Tawa'af of the Ka'aba, like speaking loudly about worldly things. Respect of Haram is essential and must be observed. We do not want to be the victims of destruction as a result of disrespecting the Blessed Ka'aba. May Allah Ta'ala guide us to respect the Haram Sharif. Aameen.

One Prayer Equivalent to 100,000

Hazrat Anas bin Maalik radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said. "One prayer in Masjid E Haram is the same as 100,000 prayers." (Mishkaat Shareef)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! The person that is blessed with the great honour of going for Hajj also has his lap filled with rewards, just as Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has mentioned in the above Hadith. If a person values his time and makes an attempt to spend this time in worship and prayer, in my opinion he can obtain unimaginable rewards. If only this was the case that a Haji did not get lazy and spent all his time in worship and prayer in Masjid e Haram. But what can we do? More time is spent in the market place, with friends, with family, and with acquaintances. We should respect and value the time we have, our friends and family can be found anywhere else as well but the Ka'aba will not be found anywhere else.

May Allah Ta'ala guide us all towards good deeds. Aameen.

Descent of 120 Mercies

Hazrat Ibn Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Each day 120 mercies of Allah Ta'ala descend on this house (the Ka'aba) . 60 on those performing Tawaf of the Ka'aba, 40 on those praying Namaz, and 20 on those that are looking at the Ka'aba." (Fazail e Hajj, p100)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! The most blessings (60) descend on those that are walking around the Ka'aba (Tawaf). 40 blessings are on those that are busy in prayer (Namaz) in Masjid e Haram and 20 blessings are on those that are simply looking at the blessed Ka'aba. These excellencies have been told so that people do not waste their time but spend it wisely in the House of Allah Ta'ala. If you are able to do Tawaf then do so, if you can perform Namaz, pray Namaz. If you cannot do either, then at least you can sit and look at the Ka'aba. May Allah Ta'ala guide us to take advantage of the gifts that He has granted us. Aameen.

The Aameen of 70 Angels

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "There are 70 angels assigned to Rukn E Yamani (one of the corners of the Ka'aba). These angels say 'Ameen' if the following dua is prayed, "O Allah! I ask You for safety and security in this world and the next. O our Provider! Grant us goodness in this world and the next and save us from the punishment of hell." (Mishkaat, Page 228)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Those that are granted the opportunity to see the sacred Haram are blessed if they make this dua between Rukn e Yamani and Hajr e Aswad. This part of Haram is also called "Maqaam E Mustajaab." Seventy angels are assigned to say "aameen" at the end of the believer's prayer. Subhan Allah! May Allah Ta'ala grant us a visit to this blessed place as soon as possible and guide us to make this dua. Aameen

Places Where Prayers are Accepted

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma says that I heard Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam say. "Multazim is a place where prayers are accepted. No one makes a prayer there but that it is accepted. There are many places in Makkah where prayers are accepted. Multazim, below the Mizaab e Rehmat, close to Rukn e Yamani, on the mountains of Safa and Marwa, between Safa and Marwa, between Rukn e Yamani and Maqaam e Ibrahim, Inside the Ka'aba, Mina (Masjid e Khaif), Arafat, close to the three pillars. (Sharhe Hadaiq e Bakhshish)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! May Allah Ta'ala guide us all to pray at all the places mentioned above. Aameen.

General Invitation For Hajj

"And proclaim among people the pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel coming from every distant track." (Surah Hajj, verse 27)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Allah Ta'ala ordered his Khaleel (friend), Hazrat Ibrahim alaihis salaam, to invite all to come for pilgrimage. At that time there was no modern technology, no computers, and no televisions through which this call could easily reach the whole world. However, Hazrat Ibrahim alaihis salaam is told that people will respond to your call on foot, and on all kinds of animals. The question arises that how will the call that is made from Makkah reach the ears of all the people around the world? The heart responds, "O Innocent one, The Lord that gave the order also has the Power to make the voice reach the ears of everyone." It is reported that the call of Hazrat Ibrahim alaihis salaam was not only heard by people on the earth, but it was heard by the souls of all those that had not yet come onto the earth. The souls also responded to this call according to their faith, this is the power of the voice of a Prophet. If this is the state of the voice of the Friend (Khaleel) of Allah Ta'ala, what can be the status of the Beloved (Habeeb) of Allah Ta'ala? Subhan Allah! May Allah Ta'ala grant us all an accepted Hajj. Aameen.

Hajj is only For Allah Ta'ala

"And for the sake of Allah, the people are to perform pilgrimage to this house, who could find a way there." (Surah Aal E Imram, verse 97)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! We know that Hajj is compulsory on all those that are able to perform it, if they have the means. Those that can afford to perform pilgrimage should focus on the beginning of the ayah. Hajj is only "for the sake of Allah" and for His pleasure. It is not for fame, for a name or title, there should only be one yearning, and that is "O Allah, I am performing this only for You." You will see the blessings of this in both worlds Insha Allah. May Allah Ta'ala grant us all Hajj for His pleasure. Aameen

Journey for Hajj and Umrah

"Then whoso makes pilgrimage to this house or performs Umra, there is no sin for him that he may go round both." (Surah Baqarah, verse158)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! In the days of ignorance (Jaahilayat), it was the custom and belief of the Arabs that Hajj and Umrah had to be performed separately, they could not be performed together on the same journey. That is why they had allocated separate months for Hajj and Umrah, and would travel separately for Hajj and Umrah. The arrival of Islam put an end to this false practice and belief and permission was given to perform Hajj and Umrah on the same journey. My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! This is a blessing on this nation through the sadqa of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Otherwise it would have been very difficult to make separate journeys for the Hajj and Umrah. May Allah Ta'ala make our journey in both worlds easy. Aameen.

Restraints of Hajj

"The months of Hajj are known; then whosoever determines to perform Hajj in these months, then there should be no mention of copulation before women nor any sin nor quarrelling with anyone till the time of Hajj." (Surah Baqarah, v 197)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Allah Ta'ala has forbidden three things in particular during Hajj. 1) Acts that ignite passion for sexual relations. 2) Committing sins. 3) Quarrelling (fighting or arguing) with others. The reason is that shaitaan wants to take people's focus away from Allah Ta'ala and move it somewhere else, so that a person stays devoid of the benefits and blessings of Hajj. Shatiaan desires that we keep doing those things that Hajj wants to teach us to stay away from so that we can become true slaves and followers of Allah Ta'ala and Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Committing sins, fighting and quarrelling are not permissible at any time, but it is crucial to stay away from such things whilst performing Hajj. The benefit of this is that that you will be acting on an order given by Allah Ta'ala and will obtain the blessings of Hajj. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all to respect the days of Hajj and stay away from sin, quarrelling and fighting. Aameen.


The Best Deed

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam was asked what the best deed was. Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam replied, "To believe in Allah Ta'ala and his Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam" He was asked, "After that?" Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam replied, "To struggle in the path of Allah (Jihad)". Someone asked, "After that?" Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam replied, "An accepted Hajj."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Sins of a Haji....
Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that he heard Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam say, "Whoever performs Hajj and commits no indecency, nor does he commit any sins, then he will return from Hajj as though his mother has just given birth to him. (Meaning pure from sins)." (Bukhari and Muslim)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! We realise the importance of Hajj from these Ahadith. If one stays away from indecency, fighting and quarrelling and transgressing then Allah Ta'ala purifies him as though he has just been born. Just as a newborn child is free of all sins, a person who is blessed with an accepted Hajj is free of all sins. May Allah Ta'ala grant us all an accepted Hajj.

Paradise is the Reward for Hajj... 

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "An Umrah followed by another Umrah compensates (kaffara) the sins committed between the two, and the reward for Hajj is nothing but Paradise." (Bukhari and Muslim)
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! An Umrah is described as compensation (Kaffara) for sins and the reward for Hajj is paradise. We see from this that putting up with problems during the journey, trying to control our desires and travelling for the sake of Allah Ta'ala is very much loved by Him. That is why Allah Ta'ala rewards it with Paradise. May Allah Ta'ala bless us with the great bounty of Hajj and Umrah. Aameen.

A Sinner on the Day of Arafat...

Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa radiallaho ta'ala anha narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "There is no day on which Allah Ta'ala frees more people from the fire (Hell) than the day of Arafat." (Muslim Shareef)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Allah Ta'ala has granted certain days excellence over other days. The excellence of the Day of Arafat is very high amongst these days of excellence. Allah Ta'ala's special Mercy looks at his slaves on this day. All in one dress and all of them focused on their Creator with tears of sorrow and regret in their eyes. This intensifies His Mercy and the Beneficent One frees His slaves from the fire. May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the Day of Arafat in the field of Arafat and free us from the fire of Hell. Aameen.

No Accounting After Death

Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa radiallaho ta'ala anha narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Whoever dies in the Haram (Makkah Mukarrama or Madinah Munawwara), he will not be brought for accounting, nor will he be asked to account for his deeds, and he will be told to enter Paradise." (Daar e Qatani)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Allah Ta'ala grants Paradise without any questioning or accounting to those that die in the two blessed Harams. This is a great favour of Allah Ta'ala on His bondmen. May Allah Ta'ala grant us Paradise with his kindness and save us from Hell and grant us death in Madinah Munawwara. Aameen.

A Haji and One who Performs Umrah will Intercede

It is reported in Hadith that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Those that perform Hajj or perform Umrah are guests of Allah Ta'ala. If they ask him for something, He grants it to them. If they seek forgiveness, He forgives them. If they make Dua, their Dua is accepted by Him, and if they intercede for someone, He accepts their intercession." (Ahya ul Uloom)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Allah Ta'ala has given those that perform Hajj and Umrah a very exalted status, as we can see for the above Hadith. If a Haji makes dua or someone, his dua is accepted. We should make sure that before a Haji returns home we ask him to pray for us and our families and the whole Muslim nation. May Allah Ta'ala grant us an accepted Hajj and grant us a share and include us in the prayers of those that perform Hajj. Aameen.

One Tawaf Equivalent to Freeing a Slave
Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has said, "The person that walks around the Ka'aba seven times (Tawaf) with nothing on his head or his feet, he will be rewarded the same as one who frees a slave. The person that walks around the Ka'aba seven times in the rain, all his previous sins are forgiven." (Ahya ul Uloom)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the opportunity to act upon the Hadith mentioned above, that we can go to the Holy Ka'aba and walk bare foot and bare headed around the glorious House of Allah Ta'ala and have our sins forgiven. Aameen.

Thinking You Have Not Been Forgiven is a Sin

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The biggest sinner amongst the people is one who stands in Arafat on the day of Arafat and thinks that he has not been forgiven by Allah Ta'ala." (Ahya ul Uloom)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! We are given a lesson in having complete faith in the Benedictions and Blessings of Allah Ta'ala. We should have total belief and not doubt at all that we have been forgiven on the day of Arafat. One that has even a slight doubt has been described as a sinner. May Allah Ta'ala give us the guidance to have total faith in forgiveness and save us from doubt or confusion. Aameen.

Compulsory Hajj.... and Death

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The person that does not perform Hajj (after it has become compulsory) and dies without performing Hajj, then he can die as a Christian or die as a Jew." (Tirmizi Shareef)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! As soon as Hajj becomes compulsory (Farz) on us, we should do it as soon as possible and not delay it at all. If we do there is a danger of us having a bad ending. Those people that do not perform Hajj because they are waiting to marry off their son or daughter should pay special attention and should learn from the above Hadith. There is no mention of weddings or marrying off children in the order to perform Hajj. Therefore, when the conditions are met for performing Hajj, we should perform it as soon as possible and not delay it. May Allah Ta'ala give us all death with faith. Aameen.

Hajj e Badal - (Hajj on Behalf of Another) 

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that a lady came to Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam and asked, "Ya Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, those people on whom Hajj is compulsory (Farz), if they find their parents in old age and can not sit on any animal or conveyance, can they perform Hajj on their behalf?" Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam replied, "Yes." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Hajj e Asghar

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Performing Umrah in the month of Ramadhan is the same as performing Hajj", or he said "it is the same as performing Hajj with me." (Bukhari and Muslim)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! There is great reward in performing Umrah in Ramadhan as Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has said that it is the same as performing Hajj with him. Subhan Allah! May Allah Ta'ala grant us Umrah every Ramadhan and grant us a resting-place in Madinah when our time is up. Aameen.

Excellence of Tawaf

Imam Ahmed writes on the authority of Ubaid bin Umar that he asked Ibn Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhuma, "What is the reason that you kiss Hajr e Aswad (Black Stone) and Rukn e Yamani?" He replied, "I heard Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam say that kissing them wipes away sins. I also heard him say that whoever does seven circuits around the Ka'aba with respect and sincerity, and then performs two rak'ats Namaz, then it is the same as freeing a slave. I also heard Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam say that ten rewards are given, ten sins are wiped away, and status is raised ten graded each time the feet are lifted and put down during Tawaf." (Bahar E Shariat)

Interceding for 70 People

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar bin Aas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Whoever performs complete and perfect ablution (wudhu), then comes to the black stone to kiss it, he has entered into Mercy. Then when he kisses it and recites "Bismillahe Wallaho Akbar, Ash-hado Anl-La Ilaha Illal Laaho Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-Hado Anna Muhammadan Abdohoo Warasooluh", the Mercy covers him completely. When he is walking around the Ka'aba, each step will earn him 70,000 rewards and 70,000 sins are forgiven and his status will be raised 70,000 grades. The one that performs Tawaf will intercede for 70 people of his household. Then when he comes to the Station of Ibrahim and performs two rak'ats Namaz for reward, he is given the reward for freeing 4 slaves from the children of Hazrat Ismail alaihis salaam. He will be so free from sins that it will be like he was given birth by his mother that day."

Stone Makes You a Dweller of Paradise

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Walking around the Ka'aba (Tawaf) is the same as Namaz. The difference is that you may talk during Tawaf, but only speak words of goodness. Do not speak evil or useless talk, only good things." (Tirmizi, Nisa'ee, Daarmi)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Allah Ta'ala will raise the Black Stone (Hajr e Aswad) in such a way that it will have eyes with which it will see. It will have a tongue with which it will speak. It will testify on behalf of all those that kissed it with sincerity and true love." (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)

Method Of Performing Tawaf

Before beginning Tawaf the cloth of the Ehraam (blanket) should be taken under the right shoulder and placed on the left shoulder so that the right shoulder is open. Now stand facing the Ka'aba with Rukn e Yamani on your left and Hajr e Aswad and the Station of Ibrahim on your right. Now recite the niyyah (intention) for Tawaf, "Allahumma Inni Ureedo Tawafa Baitekal Haramey Fayasirho Lee Wa Takabbalho Minni." (Oh Allah I am intending to perform Tawaf of Your blessed house, make it easy for me and accept it from me.) After reciting this niyyah walk to the right until you are in line with Hajr e Aswad. Raise your arms in such a way that your palms are facing Hajr e Aswad and say, 
"Bismillahe Wal Hamdo Lillahe Wallahu Akbar Wassalato Wassalamo Ala Rasoolillah sallalaho alaihe wasallam"

Nafil Namaz After Tawaf 

After completing the Tawaf recite "Wattakhhzoo Mim Maqamey Ibrahima Musalla" and pray two rak'at Namaz close to the Station of Ibrahim. This prayer is Wajib after Tawaf. In the first Rak'at recite "Qul Yaa Ayyohal Kaafiroon" and recite "Qul Huwallaho Ahad" in the second rak'at. Ensure that is not a forbidden time for Namaz, such as sunrise or sunset or mid day or after you have prayed the Farz Namaz of Asar. If you perform Tawaf during these times then perform the two rak'ats at a later time.

Dua at the Station of Ibrahim
The person that performs two rak'ats behind the Station of Ibrahim has all his previous and future sins forgiven and his accounting will be with peace on the day of judgement. A dua has been mentioned in the Hadith and the words of that dua are as follows:

"Allahumma Innaka Ta'lamo Sirri Wa Ala Niyati Fa Aqbil Ma'zerati Wa Ta'lamo Haajati Fa A'tini Suwaali Wa Ta'lamo MaFee Nafsee Fagfirli Zonobee. Allahumma Inni As-aloka Imaanay Yubasshero Qalbi Wayaqeenan Saadeqan Hatta A'lamo Annaho Laa Oseebani Illa Maa Katabta Lee Waredam Manal Ma-Eeshatey Bema Qassamata Lee Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen."
Translation: "On Allah You know my open and hidden things so please accept my apologies, You know my needs so grant me what I need. You know all that is in my soul and my desires so please forgive me. O Allah I am asking you for the Belief that is absorbed in my heart, and I am asking you for complete faith in that I accept that I will only get that which you have written for me. May I be happy with all that you have destined for me, O Most Beneficent and Kind One."

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam stated that Allah Ta'ala said, "Whoever recites this prayer (dua), I will forgive his sins, and save him from sadness and wanting for anything. I will keep his business ahead of all other businessmen and then the world will be forced to come to him." In other words those that become Allah Ta'ala's and His Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's with a true heart and with sincerity, the world tries to get close to them. However he has rejected the world. The world is then dejected and is forced to fall at the feet of such a person. (Bahar E Shariat)

Dua At Multazim

Go to Multazim and take hold of the stone that is close to it. Hold it close and hug it and place your chest, stomach, left side, right side, and face one by one on the stone. Place your arms above your head and spread them out, the right hand by the door and the left hand by Hajr e Aswad and recite the following Dua, "Yaa Waajido Yaa Maajido Laa Tozil Anni Ne'Matan An-Amtaha Alayya" (Oh Powerful One, Oh Noble One, Do Not Take Away The Blessings You Have Given Me."

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Whenever I want, I see Jibrael alaihis salaam clutching Multazim and making dua."

Make dua with extreme sincerity, humility, humbleness and honesty. Make sure to recite Durood Shareef before and after every dua.

Method and Dua For Drinking Zam Zam 

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has said that the intention with which Zam Zam is drunk will be fulfilled. Zam Zam should be drunk facing the Qibla, standing and in three gulps. Start will "Bismillah" and end with "AlhamdoLillah" on each sip. And each time look up towards the Ka'aba, and seek the fulfilment of all the wishes of your heart. The specific Dua for drinking Zam Zam is as follows: "Allahumma Inni As-aloka Ilman Naa'Fe-an Wa Riz-qaw Waa Se-an Wa Amalam Motaqab-balan Wa Shifa-am Min Kulla Daa-in" (Oh Allah I seek from You knowledge, and increased livelihood and accepted deeds and safety from all illnesses)


The First Day Of Hajj - 8th Zill Hajj
" Leave Makkah for Mina. " In Mina pray Zohar, Asar, Maghrib and Isha. " Spend the night in Mina

Second Day Of Hajj - 9th Zill Hajj
" After Fajar in Mina leave for Arafat. " Pray Zohar Namaz in Arafat. " Woqoof E Arafat (Standing In Arafat)
" Asar Namaz has to be prayed in Arafat. " At Maghrib time, leave for Muzdalifa without praying Maghrib. " Maghrib and Isha have to be prayed together at Isha time in Muzdalifa. " Spend the night in Muzdalifa.

Third Day Of Hajj - 10th Zill Hajj
" Leave Muzdalifa after Fajar for Mina. " Rami of the Big Shatiaan (throwing pebbles). " Sacrifice an animal. " Shaving the hair or cutting it. " Going to Makkah for Tawaf e Ziarah " Come back to Mina and spend the night in Mina.

Fourth Day Of Hajj - 11th Zill Hajj
" Perform Rami after mid day (throwing pebbles). " First the small shaitaan. " Then the middle shaitaan. " Then the large shaitaan. " If Tawaf e Ziarah was not done yesterday, perform it today. " Spend the night in Mina

Fifth Day Of Hajj - 12th Zill Hajj
" Perform Rami after mid day in Mina. " First the small shaitaan. " Then the middle shaitaan. " Then the large shaitaan.
" If Tawaf e Ziarah has not yet been done, it must be done before Maghrib today. " If you intend to spend the night in Mina you may throw the pebbles before mid day.

Detailed information about Arafat and Mina follows in the next few pages. Other than that the days of Hajj should be spent in performing Namaz as normal. The time for Tawaf e Ziarah is from Fajar on the 10th Zill Hajj until Maghrib on the 12th Zill Hajj. No matter what time of the night you finish the Tawaf e Ziarah, you should return to Mina and spend the night in Mina.


Ummul Mo'mineen Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa radiallaho ta'ala anha narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "On no day does Allah Ta'ala free more of His bondmen from hell than on the day of Arafat. Then he expresses pride on them amongst the Angels."

Hazrat Amar bin Shoaib radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The best prayer (dua) for Arafat is my dua and the dua that the Prophets before me used to make, and that is Laa Ilaha Illal Laaho Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulq Walahul Hamdo Wahuwa Ala Kulley Shayin Qadeer"

The Commander of the Faithful, Sayyedina Hazrat Umar Faruq E Azam radiallaho ta'ala anhu was asked about standing in Arafat (Wuqoof), and why it was not ordered to stand in Haram Shareef? He replied, "This is the door of the Ka'aba and Haram, so when people come to visit they are stopped at the door and must make dua and request permission to enter ."

He was then asked what the reason for standing in Muzdalifa was. He replied, "Once they have received permission to enter the door, they are stopped at the second stage. When the prayers and dua's increase they are ordered to go to Mina and perform the sacrifice. When they have removed the dirt and grime from themselves (by performing sacrifice), they are now pure and clean. Now they are allowed to visit the Ka'aba in a state of purity.

The person asked, "Why is fasting not allowed during the days of Hajj?" He replied, "These people are the guests of Allah Ta'ala and guests do not have permission to fast without being ordered to."

"What is wrapping yourself in the cloth of the Ka'aba for?" asked the person.

Ameer Ul Mo'mineen radiallaho ta'ala anhu replied, "The example of this is that if someone has wronged another person, he grabs the clothes of the person he has wronged and begs for forgiveness with humility and humbleness, so that he may be forgiven. Similarly, once a person has been purified after standing (Wuqoof), the time for forgiveness is close, so prepare yourselves and follow the right path."

Information Regarding the 8th Zill Hajj In Mina

Those that have not yet put on their "Ehraam", should take a bath, put on their Ehraam and proceed to Masjid E Haram. He should then perform Tawaf and pray the Namaz that should be prayed after Tawaf. Then he should pray two ra'kat's Namaz with "Sunnah Ehraam" intention (Niyyah). Then he should recite the Niyyah for Hajj and recite "Labbaik."

After the sun rises he should leave for Mina. It is permissible to leave before sunrise also but it is better to leave after sunrise. You can also leave after midday but you should pray the Zohar Namaz in Mina. If possible travel by foot, because until you return to Makkah, Allah Ta'ala will write 70 million rewards (7 Karor) for you for each step taken. Along the way, keep reciting "Labbaik", dua's, and durood shareef in abundance. When you see Mina recite the following Dua:
"Allahumma Haaza Minan Famnun Alayya Be-maa Mananta Be-Hee Ala Auliya-eka" (O Lord, this is Mina, shower the same favours on me that You showered on your friends).

The night must be spent in Mina. Five prayers, from Zohar on the 8th to Fajar on the 9th have to be performed in Mina. Some organisers have started the practice of not going to Mina and going straight to Arafat on the 9th. Do not listen to such people and do not forsake this blessed Sunnah. If the whole group insists on going to Mina they will be forced to take you to Mina.
After praying Zohar Namaz and eating, rest for a little while.

After Asar prayer, spend your time in reciting Qur'an shareef, Durood shareef, Labbaik and Istigfaar in abundance. After performing Maghrib prayer, continue reciting these things as much as possible. Take care of all necessities (eating, bathroom etc), and prepare for Isha prayer. This 'night of Arafat' of Arafat (Shab e Arafat) is a very exalted and blessed night.

Night of Arafat (Shab e Arafat)

Spend the night in Mina busy in remembrance of Allah Ta'ala and worshipping him until morning. There are many other days in which you can sleep. At a minimum, perform the Isha and Fajar prayers in congregation (Jama'at) so that you are there for the first Takbeer (Takbeer E Oola). This will give you the reward for staying up all night in worship. (Remember! Do not pray behind a Najdi Imam). Ensure that you sleep with ablution (wudhu) as your soul will reach the Throne of Allah Ta'ala.

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Whoever recites this Dua on the night of Arafat 1000 times will receive whatever he asks Allah Ta'ala for. But do not ask for sins or to break relations." (Bahar E Shariat)
Dua is as follows:
Subhan-Allazee Fis Samaa-e Arshohu (Pure Is He Whose Throne Is Exalted)
Subhan-Allazee Fil Arde Mau-te-uh (Pure Is He Whose Authority Is On The Earth)
Subhan-Allazee Fil Bahre Sabeeluh (Pure Is He Whose Path Is On The Seas)
Subhan-Allazee Fin Naarey Sultanuh (Pure Is He Whose Kingdom Is In The Flames)
Subhan-Allazee Fil Jannatey Rahmatuh (Pure Is He Whose Mercy Is In Paradise)
Subhan-Allazee Fil Qabrey Qada-uh (Pure Is He Whose Order Is In The Grave)
Subhan-Allazee Fil Hawa-e Roohuh (Pure Is He Who Owns The Soul Of The Winds)
Subhan-Allazee Rafa-as Samaa-a (Pure Is He Who Raised The Heavens)
Subhan-Allazee Wada-al Arda (Pure Is He Who Laid Out The Earth)
Subhan-Allazee La Malja-a Wala Manja-a Minhu Illa Ilaih (Pure Is He Who Is The Only Refuge For Forgiveness And Freedom) 

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam prayed for the forgiveness of his ummah on the evening of Arafat and this was accepted. Allah Ta'ala said, "I have forgiven them except for the rights of people, I will ask the oppressor about the ones that he oppressed" Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "O Supreme Lord, If you want you can grant Paradise and forgive the oppressor!"

This dua was kept on hold on that day, Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam made this same dua in the morning in Muzdalifa and the prayer was accepted, and Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam smiled. Hazrat Sayyedina Abu Bakr Siddique and Sayyedina Faruq E Azam radiallaho ta'ala anhuma said, "May our parents be ransomed on you Ya Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, what is the reason for smiling?" Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "When the enemy of Allah Ta'ala, shaitaan, found out that my prayer has been accepted and that Allah Ta'ala has forgiven my ummah, he started putting dirt on his head and started screaming. Seeing him in this panicked state made me smile." (Bahar E Shariat)

Hazrat Jabir radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "No days are better that the first 10 days of Zill Hajj. One person asked, "Ya Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, are these days better or the days that are spent fighting in the path of Allah ta'ala?" Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam replied, "These days are better in the sight of Allah Ta'ala and no day is more exalted than the day of Arafat. Allah Ta'ala looks upon the people in Arafat with special grace and blessings and expresses pride on those that are on the earth with those that are in the heavens (Angels). He says, "Look at my bondmen, their heads and faces are covered in dirt, they are withstanding the heat, they have come from far and wide seeking My Mercy." On no day are more people forgiven than on the day of Arafat.

In another narration it states that Allah Ta'ala says to the Angels, "I am making you witnesses that I have forgiven them." The Angels say, "There are people amongst them that have done such and such a thing." Allah Ta'ala says, "I have forgiven them all." (Bahar E Shariat)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma reports that a person looked at some women on the day of Arafat. Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Today is the day that if one guards his ears, eyes and mouth, he will be forgiven." (Bahar E Shariat)

Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The Muslim that stands in Arafat (Wuqoof) in the early hours of the afternoon and then recites "Laa Ilaha Illal Laaho Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulko Walahul Hamdo Yuhyee Wa Yomeeto Wahuwa Ala Kulley Shay-In Qadeer" 100 times. Then recites "Qul Huwal Laaho Ahad" 100 times and recites the following Durood shareef 100 times, "Allahumma Salley Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Kama Sallay-ta Ala Sayyedina Ibrahima Wa Ala Aaley Sayyedina Ibrahima Innaka Hameedum Majeeduw Wa Alaina Ma-Ahum."

If a person does this Allah Ta'ala says, "O My Angels! What reward should be given to this bondman of Mine, who has praised and exalted Me and remembered Me? He has recognised Me and praised Me. He has sent blessings on by Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam. O Angels! Be witness that I have forgiven him. I will accept his intercession for himself and if he were to ask me I would accept his intercession for all those that are present here," (meaning all the people in Arafat)."

Information about 9th Zill Hajj

Perform the Morning Prayer at it's time and remain busy in remembrance of Allah Ta'ala, Labbaik and Durood shareef until the sun is visible above Mount "Thabeer" (this is a mountain opposite Masjid e Khaif). When the sun is visible above this mountain, start heading for Arafat. Try and remove all distracting thoughts from your hearts and minds as this is the day people's Hajj is accepted and countless people will be forgiven by its blessings. A person is truly ill fated if he fails to take advantage of this day. If temptations arise do not fight or quarrel because that will please the enemy and his aim will be fulfilled. He wants to divert our attention, therefore pay no attention to whispers and evil thoughts. Insha Allah that rejected, despised shaitaan will return empty handed. Remain busy in remembrance (Zikar) and Durood along the way. Do not waste any time in idle chat, only talk if it is absolutely necessary. Recite "Labbaik" in abundance and when you have left Mina recite this dua:

"Allahumma Ilayka Tawaj-jahto Wa Alayka Tawak-kalto Waley Waj-heykal Kareemey Aradto Faj-al Zambee Magfooraw Wa Hajja Mabrooraw Warhamni Wala Tokhay-yabnee Wabaarik Lee Fee Safaree Waqdey Be Arfaatin Haajatee Innaka Alaa Hulla Shay-In Qadeer. Allahummaj Alha Aqraba Ghadwatahaa Mir Ridwaan-eyka Wa Ab-adahaa Min Sakhateyka. Allahumma Ilayka Ghadauto Wa Alayka I'Tamad-to Wa Wajhoka Arad-to Faj-Alnee Mim-man Tobahil Yauma Pan Huwa Khairum Minni Wa Afdal. Allahumma Inni As-Alokal Afwa Wal Aafiyata Wal Mu-Aafatad Daa-emata Fid-Dunyaa Wal Aakheratey Wa Sallal-laaho Alaa Khaira Khalqehee Sayyedina Muhammadiw Wa Aalehee Wa Sahbehee Ajma-een"

Translation: "Oh Allah I Have Turned Myself Towards You And I Depend And Rely On You Alone And I am Seeking Your Mercy, Forgive My Sins And Accept My Hajj And Bless Me. Do Not Put Me In Difficulties, And Make My Journey A Prosperous One And Fulfil My Needs In Arafat, Undoubtedly You Have Power Over All Things. O Allah I Am Walking To Get Close To Your Pleasure And Keep Me Far From Your Displeasure. O Lord I Have Walked Towards You And Trust Only You And Am Seeking Your Exalted Self. Make Me Among Those On Whom You Will Express Pride On The Day Of Judgement Who Are Better And More Exalted Than I Am. O Lord I Am Asking You For Safety And Well Being And That Safety Which Will Be Forever In The World And The Hereafter. O Allah Send Blessings on The Best Creation Muhammad sallalaho alaihe wasallam And On His Family And His Companions."

When You see the Mount of Mercy (Jabl e Rehmah), make as much Dua as possible as this is a time when prayers are accepted. Try and find a place close to this mountain in Arafat. Nowadays there are millions of people and thousands of tents. It is very difficult to recognise one tent from the other so try and pay attention to a landmark so that you can easily find your tent. If ladies are present tie a piece of coloured cloth on their Burkha so that you can notice them from a distance and are not constantly worried. Remain busy in prayer, Durood, Zikar, Dua, and Istigfaar, helping others, giving charity, Labbaik, Kalima E Tauheed, as much as possible until the afternoon.

It is reported in Hadith Shareef that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The Best prayer (dua) on this day is the prayer I made and the Prophets before me made, and that is as follows:
Laa Ilaha Illal Laaho Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulko Walahul Hamdo Yuhyee Wa Yomeeto Wahuwa Hayyo Laa Yamooto Beyadehil Khair Wahuwa Ala Kulley Shay-In Qadeer. And you can also recite the following with it:

"La Na'bodo Illa Iyyaho Wala Na'refo Rabban Siwaho. Allahummaj Al Fee Qalbee Nooraw Wafee Sam-ee Nooraw Wafee Basaree Nooraa. Allahummash Rahlee Sadree Wayassar Lee Amree Wa-Aoozobeka Min Wasaa Wisis Sodoorey Wa Tash-teetil Amrey Wa-Azaabil Qabrey. Allahumma Inni A-oozobeka Min Sharrey Maa Yalejo Fil Lai-le Wa Sharrey Maa Yalejo Fin Nahaarey Wa Sharrey Maa Tahab-bo Behir Reeho Wa Sharrey Bewa Ikid Dhahr. Allahumma Haaza Maqaamul Mustajeeril Aa-ezey Minan Naarey Ajirnee Minan Naar La-afweyka Wa Ad-khilnil Jannata Berah-mateka Yaa Arhamar Raahemeen. Allahumma Ij Haday Tanil Islama Falaa Tanze-ahoo Anni Hat-ta Taq-bedanee Wa Anaa Alaih.

Translation: "No One Is Worthy Of Wors hip Except Allah, He is One, He Has No Partner, Everything Belongs To Him And All Praise Is For Him, He Gives Life And Death And Will Bring To Life After Death. In His Hands Is All The Goodness And Blessings And He Has Control Over All Things"... "O Allah! Fill My Heart With Light, And Fill My Ears And Sight With Light! Open My Heart And Make My Deed Easy For Me. I Ask For Your Refuge From The Whispers Of The Heart And From Evil Work And Punishment Of The Grave. O Allah! I Seek Your Refuge From The Mischief That Enters In The Day And The Night And The Mischief That Arrives With The Wind And The Mischief And Misery Of The Time. O Allah! This Is The Place To Ask For Peace And Seek Refuge From The Fire Of Hell, Save Me From The Fire Of Hell With Your Kindness And Enter Me Into Paradise With Your Mercy. O Most Beneficent One! When You Have Guided Me Towards Islam Do Not Take Me Away From It And Give Me Death On Islam."

Important Request

Ensure that you free yourself from eating, drinking, bathroom etc before the afternoon so that your mind is not elsewhere. Just as fasting on this day is not allowed, as it will distract you from praying, similarly excessive eating will make you tired, weary and lazy. A person that is used to eating 3 chappatis should only eat 1. Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam always taught this and acted upon it himself as he never ate a stomach full, even though he had control over the whole universe by the command of Allah Ta'ala. To obtain the full blessings and benefits, you should make it a permanent habit to not fill your stomach more than one third full. And whilst in Haram, you should make extra efforts towards it. You will see the benefits of this with your own eyes. When afternoon approaches take a bath or shower as it is Sunnat e Mu'akkidah to take a bath. If this is not possible them perform ablution (Wudhu).

To Stand (Wuqoof)

This means the place where you have to stand from the afternoon until sunset and are ordered to make dua. Leave for this place and if possible go on a camel as this is Sunnah and is safety from being crushed in the crowds. Certain Mutawwa's advise not to go into the crowds and frighten people, but do not listen to them.

This is a special time and place for Mercies and Blessings to be showered. Women, the elderly, and weak men should stand whereever they are and make dua, as all of Arafat is the place to stand not just the heart (middle) of Arafat. These people should also imagine that they are amongst the crowds of people in the middle of Arafat, do not think of themselves as being separate. Definitely in this crowd are many Friends of Allah Ta'ala (Auliya). Two Prophets are also a part of this gathering. Imagine and believe that the blessings that are raining down on that crowd are raining down on us too.

It is better to stand near the Mount of Mercy (Jabl E Rehmat) where there are black stones on the ground, and face the Qiblah. If this is not possible due to the crowds or troubling others then stand wherever it is possible. This standing (Wuqoof) is the heart and soul of the Hajj and its most important act. It is better to stand during this time, it is not a condition or compulsory. If someone sits down that is acceptable too. It is better to make Niyyah and face the Qiblah for Wuqoof. Some people climb the mountain and wave their towels. Save yourselves from these people and do not pay any attention to them.

This is not the time to look at the faults of others, it is a time for regretting our own faults and seeking forgiveness. All those that are here and all those that are by the tents should all focus on the Beneficent, Merciful Allah Ta'ala. Imagine that you are standing in front of Him on the day of judgement and accounting for your deeds. Stand there with complete humility and humbleness, head bowed, eyes closed, trembling and shaking with fear of Allah Ta'ala. Raise your hands for dua high above your heads and drown yourself in praise of Allah Ta'ala and in reciting His Blessed Names, asking for forgiveness, reciting Durood Shareef and making heartfelt Dua. Try to shed tears as this will be witness for you, if not make face like you are crying as imitating the good people is in itself goodness. In between dua and Zikar repeat Labbaik time and again.

There are many prayers (Dua's) that are quoted to be prayed on this day. Recite those Dua's a few times and spend most of your time in reciting Durood, Zikar, and reciting Qur'an shareef as according to Hadith you will get more than those that make dua. Hold tightly on to the blessed lap (daaman) of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, ask for the wasila of Ghaus E Azam radiallaho ta'ala anhu.

Remember your sins and the wrath of Allah Ta'ala and shake and tremble with fear. Believe that only He can save you from His grip and punishment, you can not escape His grasp and there is no where to turn to except His Court. Therefore hold on to those mediators and ask Him for refuge from His punishment, as remembering His wrath makes the heart tremble. Sometimes the expectation of His Mercy brings a withered heart back to life. Stay in this state of begging and seeking His Mercy until the sun sets and the night arrives.

Do not leave before nightfall. Some people leave early whilst there is still daylight, do not go with them. How do we know what time the Mercy of Allah Ta'ala will look down on us. If it is after you start walking then how unfortunate that would be, and if you leave Arafat before sunset it is a sin. Some Mutawwa frighten you by saying it is dangerous here in the dark. That might be the case for a single person but if the whole group stays then Insha Allah there is no danger. There follows a few Dua's that can be prayed at this time.


Recite Allah O Akbar, Wa Lillahil Hamd three times, then recite Kalima E Tauheed and the recite this dua:
Allahumma Ihdenee Bil Hodaa Wa Naqqanee Wa'simnee Bit-Taqwaa Wagfirlee Fil Aakhiratey Wal Oola.
Translation- O Allah Guide Me Towards Goodness And Purify Me, Save Me From Sins Through Piety, And Forgive Me In The World And The Hereafter. 

Then recite the following Dua three times:

Allahummaj Alho Hajjam Mabrooraw Wa Zambam Magfooraa. Allahumma Lakal Hamdo Kallazee Naqoolo Wa Khairam Mamma Naqool. Allahumma Laka Salatee Wa Nosokee Wa Mahyaaya Wa Mamaatee Wa Ilayka Rabba Toraa-see. Allahumma Inni Aoozobeyka Min Azaabil Qabrey Wa Was-wasa-tis soodoorey Wa Shata'til Amr. Allahumma Inni As-Aloka Min Khairey Maa Tajee-o Behir Rayho Wa Na-oozobeyka Min Sharrey Maa Tajee-o Behir Rayho. Allahumma Ehdeyna Bil Hoda Wazay-yanaa Bit Taqwaa Wagfir Lanaa Bil Aakhiratey Wal Oola. Allahumma Inni As-alooka Rizkan Tayyebamm Mubarakaa. Allahumma Innaka Amarta Bid-Dua-e Wa Qadayta Alaa Nafseyka Bil Ijaabatey Wa Innaka Laa Tookh-leful Mee-Aad Walaa Tunketho Ahdaq. Allahumma Maa Ahbabta Min Khairin Fahab-babho Ilayna Wa Jumbaa-hoo Wala Tanz'I Annal Islama Ba'da Iz Hadaytana. Allahumma Innaka Taraa Makaanee Ta Tasma-o Kalaa-mee Wa Ta'lamo Sirree Wa Alaa Neyatee Wala Yakhfaa Alaika Shai-am Min Amreyna. Al-Baa-esul Faqeerul Mostagee-thul Mustajeerul Wajlul Mushfey-kul Mukirrul Mo'tareyfo Bezambehee As-Aloka Mas-Alata Miskeenin Wa Abta-Heelo Ilaika Ibti-Haalal Muznebiz Zaleeley Wa Ad-ooka Dua-al Khaa-e-fill Mud-tarra Dua-a Man Khada-at Laka Rukbatohoo Wafaa Dat Laka Aynaa Hoo Wanah-Hala Laka Jasadohoo Wara Geyma Anfohoo. Allahumma Laa Taj-Alnee Be-Dua-eyka Rabbi Shakeey-yaw WaKun Bee Ra-oofar Raheemaa. Ya Khairal Mas-ooleena Wa Khairal Mo'Teen.

(O Allah Make This An Accepted Hajj And Forgive My Sins. O Lord All Praise Is For You, What We Can Say And What Is Better Than That. O Allah My Namaz And Worship And My Life And My Death Is Only For You And Towards You I Will Return. O Great Lord You Are My Only Helper. O Allah I seek Your Refuge From The Punishment Of The Grave And Whispers Of The Heart And From Evil Work. O Allah I Seek The Goodness That The Wind Has Brought And Seek The Refuge From The Mischief That The Wind Has Brought. Oh Allah Guide Us Towards Goodness And Make Us Pious And Forgive Us In The World And The Hereafter. O Lord I Am Asking You For Pure And Blessed Livelihood. O Lord You Have Ordered Us To Make Dua And You Have Taken The Responsibility To Accept It On Yourself, Undoubtedly You Do Not Go Against Your Promise And Do Not Break Your Pact. O Lord The Good Things That You Love Make Them Loved By Us Also And Grant Us Those And Save Us From Those Thing That You Do Not Like. You Have Guided Us Towards Islam, Then Do Not Separate Us From It. O Lord You Can See My Position And Can Hear My Words And You Know My Hidden And Apparent Things, There Is Nothing Of Mine That Is Hidden From You, Not My Helplessness, Not My Plea, I Am Seeking Refuge, Fearing You, I am Shameful Of My Sins, I Am Asking You Like A Beggar, Helpless In Front Of You Like A Wretched Sinner And Asking You With Humility Like An Anxious Scared Person. I am Like A Bondman Whose Head Is Bowed For You, Eyes Are Flowing Tears, Body Is Trembling, And The Nose Is In The Dirt. O My Lord Do Not Make Me Unfortunate And Be Very, Very Compassionate On Me. O One Who Gives Better Than The Best That Is Asked For).

Specific Duas

Recite the prayers and Dua's that were narrated by Hazrat Jabir radiallaho ta'ala anhu (mentioned earlier on). That is recite "Laa Ilaha Illal Laaho Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulko Walahul Hamdo Yuhyee Wa Yomeeto Wahuwa Ala Kulley Shay-In Qadeer" 100 times, and recite "Allahumma Salley Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Kama Sallay-ta Ala Sayyedina Ibrahima Wa Ala Aaley Sayyedina Ibrahima Innaka Hameedum Majeeduw Wa Alaina Ma-Ahum." 100 times. Hazrat Ali radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "My Dua and the Dua of All Prophets on the day of Arafat is: 

Laa Ilaha Illal Laaho Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulko Walahul Hamdo Yuhyee Wa Yomeeto Wahuwa Ala Kulley Shay-In Qadeer. Allahummaj Al Fee Sam-ee Nooraw Wafee Basaree Nooraw Wafee Qalbee Nooraa. Allahummash Rahlee Sadree Wayas-sirlee Amree Wa-aoozobeyka Min Wasaa Wisis Sadrey Wa Tash-tee-til Amrey Wa Azaabil Qabrey. Allahumma Inni A-oozobeyka Min Sharra Maa Yalejo Fil Lailey Wan Nahaarey Wa Sharra Maa Taheybo Behir Rayho Wa Sharra Bewa-eykid Dhahr.

(No One Is Worthy Of Worship Except Allah, He is One, He Has No Partner, Everything Belongs To Him And All Praise Is For Him, He Gives Life And Death. In His Hands Is All The Goodness And Blessings And He Has Control Over All Things. O Allah Fill My Ears, Eyes And Heart With Light. O Allah Open My Heart And Make My Task Easy For Me. I Ask For Your Refuge From The Whispering Of The Heart And From Evil Work And Punishment Of The Grave. O Allah! I Seek Your Refuge From The Mischief That Enters In The Day And The Night And The Mischief That Arrives With The Wind And The Mischief And Misery Of The Time)

There are many Duas that have been reported to be prayed at this time but these are enough. Reciting the Holy Qur'an and reciting Durood Shareef are more beneficial than all Dua's. One important thing that need to be mentioned is that you should have complete faith in the promise of Allah Ta'ala, and believe fully that you have been purified from sins today in such a way that you were when you were given birth by your mother. Now you must attempt to stay away from sins in the future and promise yourself that the marks (sins) that Allah Ta'ala has wiped away from your forehead do not come back.

Beware That Hajj Is Not Ruined

Looking at impermissible things is Haraam. However, in the state of Ehraam, or during Wuqoof, or in Masjid E Haram or in front of the Ka'aba or whilst doing Tawaf it is especially important to guard the eyes. This is the time of your examination. Women are ordered not to cover their faces and men have been told not to look at them. Remember that these are the maids of the great King. At this time, both you and them are in a special place. Without doubt, when a lion's cub is in its lap, who can look it in the eye? How strict would the punishment be for looking at the special maids of Allah Ta'ala whilst they are in His special court on this special occasion? Allah O Akbar! Be careful, guard your faith, and be careful with your heart and eyes. Haram Shareef is such a place that that you are punished on the intention of sins. One sin here is the equivalent of 100,000 sins elsewhere. May Allah Ta'ala guide us towards goodness through the blessings of His beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Aameen

Leaving For Muzdalifa And Staying There

Hazrat Jabir radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that at the time of Hajjatul Wida (The Farewell Hajj), Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam left Arafat and went to Muzdalifa. At Muzdalifa he prayed the Maghrib and Isha prayers then rested until the time for Fajar arrived. The Azaan and Iqaamat were said and he prayed Fajar Namaz. Then he got on Qaswa (camel) and faced the Qiblah and remained busy in Takbeer, Tahleel, and Tauheed (Subhan Allah, Alhamdo Lillah, Allah O Akbar) and performed the "Wuqoof" (to stand) until it was quite light and left Muzdalifa before sunrise. (Muslim Shareef)

Along the way remain busy in Zikar, Durood, Dua, Labbaik and pleading to Allah Ta'ala. Some of the Dua's for this time are as follows:

Allahumma Ilayka Afadto Wafee Rehmateyka Raghib-to Wa-min Sakh-teka Rahib-to Wa-Min Azaabeyka Ash-Faqto Fa-Akbala Nosokee Wa-A'zim Ajree Wa-Takab-bal Taubatee Warham Tadar-ro-ee Wa-Ajib Dua-ee Wa A'teenee Soo-aalee. Allahumma Laa Taj-al Haazaa Aakheyra Ahdeyna Bayna Haazal Mau-kafis Shareefil Azeemey War Zuknal Auda Ilayhe Mar-ratin Katheeratin Beylut-feykal Azeem.

Translation: O Allah I Have Returned To You And Your Mercy Inspired Me And Your Displeasure Frightened Me And I Feared Your Punishment. Accept My Worship And Grant Me A Great Reward. And Accept My Repentance. Accept My Humility And Grant Me What I Ask For. O Allah Do Not Make This Visit To This Blessed Place My last Visit Here And You Bless Me With Many Visits Here With Your Graciousness.

Dua Upon Entering Muzdalifa

Allahumma Haaza Jama-a As-Aloka An Tarjokanee Jawa-Meyal Khairey Kullahaa. Allahumma Rabbal Mash-aril Haraamey Warab-bar Rukney Wal Maqaama Wa Rab-bal Baladil Haraamey Wa Rab-bal Masjidil Haraamey As-aloka Bey-Noorey Wajheykal Kareem. An Tagferalee Zonoobee Wa Taj-ma-a Alal Hudaa Amree Wa Taj-alat Taqwaa Zaadi Wa Zookhri Wal Aakhirata Ma-Aa-Bee Wa Hab-Lee Radaaka An-nay Fid-Dunya Wal Aakhiratey Ya Man Beya-Dihil Khair Kullohoo I'-ti-nil Khaira Kullahoo Wa As-rif An-nash Sharra Kullahoo. Allahumma Harram Lahmee Wa Azmee Wa Shahmee Wa Sha'ree Wa Shaa-era Jawaa-Rehee Alan Naarey Yaa Arhamar Raahemeen.

Light Upon Light
It is stated in Hadith that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Throwing pebbles at the Jamaraat (Pillars) will be light for you on the day of judgement."

Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that they said to Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, "These pebbles that we throw every year, they seem to be decreasing." Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Those that are accepted are raised up, otherwise you would see mountains here." (Tibraani and Haakim)

In Sahih Muslim it is reported that at the farewell Hajj (Hajjatul Wida), Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam made dua three times for those that shave their head, and only made one dua for those that trim their hair. A similar Hadith is narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah on the authority of Hazrat Abu Rabiyah radiallaho ta'ala anhuma.

Hazrat Ibn Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "When you remove the hair, you get one reward for each hair and one sin is removed for each hair that is shed."

Hazrat Ubadah Bin Saamit radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The hairs that fall on the ground when you shave your head will be light for you on the day of judgement."

At Muzdalifa you need to gather pebbles that will be used over the next three days. The pebbles should be small and should be taken from a clean area. Wash them three times. Do not break a large rock to make smaller pebbles. You can collect enough for the three days from one area or from different areas. But do not take pebbles from a dirty or unclean area or from near the mosque or the Jamaraat (Pillars).

On the 10th, after Fajar Namaz, leave Muzdalifa when there is enough time to pray two rak'ats Namaz before sunrise and head for Mina. Along the way remain busy in prayer, Zikar, Durood and Labbaik. Also recite the following Dua:

Allahumma Ilayka Afad-to Wamin Azaabeyka Ash-Faqto Wa Ilayka Raja'to Wa Minka Ramayto Fataqab-bal Nosokee Wa Az-zam Ajree Warham Tadar-ro-ee Wataqabbal Taubatee Wa Ajib Dua-ee
(O Allah I Have Returned To You And I Feared Your Punishment And I Have Turned To You, And I Have Feared You. Accept My Worship And Give Me A Great Reward And Have Mercy On My Humility. Accept My Repentance And Accept My Prayer)

When you reach the "Valley of Muhassar" cross the 545 feet as quickly as possible. Ensure that no one is troubled by you and during this time repeat this Dua: Allahumma Laa Taqtulnaa Bey-Ghada-Beyka Walaa Tuhliknaa Bey Azaabeyka Wa Aafeyna Qabla Zaalik. (O Allah! Do Not Kill us With Your Wrath And Do Not Destroy Us With Your Punishment And Give Us Peace Before That).

What Is The Valley Of Muhassar?

Between Mina and Muzdalifa there is a creek that is called the valley of Muhassar. Outside the border of both as you go from Muzdalifa to Mina it starts at the base of the mountain and is 545 feet long. This is where the people of the elephant camped (Ashab e Feel). The punishment of the birds rained down on them. Cross this area quickly and seek refuge from the punishment of Allah Ta'ala.

When you see Mina recite the same dua that was recited when you saw Mina the first time you came from Makkah and saw Mina. Upon reaching Mina the first thing you should do is go to the large Jamraat, which is the one that is closest to Makkah. Stand at least 5 yards away from the Jamarat in such a manner that Mina is on your right and Makkah is on your left and you are facing the pillar. Throw your pebbles one at a time and raise your hand high in the air to throw the pebbles so that your armpit is visible. It is better if your pebbles reach the pillar (shaitaan) or fall no more than three feet away from it. If it falls further away than that then that rock will not count. Upon casting the first pebble stop reciting Labbaik and recite the following dua when throwing the pebbles:

Bismillahe Allah O Akbar Ragmal Lish-shaitaaney Redan Lir-Rahmaan. Allahummaj Alho Hajjam Mabrooraw Wa Sa'yam Mash-Kooraw Wa Zambam Magfooraa. (Allah In the Name Of, Allah Is The Greatest, To Disgrace Shaitaan To Please Allah Ta'ala, O Allah Accept This Hajj And Accept This Auspicious Deed And Forgive My Sins)

You can throw the pebbles and recite just Bismillahe Allah O Akbar. Instead of saying Allah O Akbar, Subhan Allah or Laa Ilaha Illal Laah can also be said, these are all acceptable.
Once you have thrown the seven pebbles, do not stay there, and immediately make dua and leave.

The time for this "Rami" is from Fajar on the 10th until Fajar on the 11th. It is better to do it between sunrise and midday. Between midday and sunset is discouraged (Mubah) and between sunset and sunrise is disliked (Makrooh). Similarly between Fajar and sunrise on the 10th is also disliked but if there is a problem and Rami needs to be done at that time then there is nothing wrong in doing it at that time. (Durr E Mukhtar. Radd Ul Mukhtaar)

Once Rami is completed, you have to perform sacrifice. This is not the Qurbani that we do on Eid Ul Adha as that is not necessary for a traveller. This sacrifice is actually a sacrifice to thank Allah Ta'ala for the Hajj. It is compulsory (wajib) on one that does Hajj E Qir'aan or Hajj E Tamattu even if they are poor, and it is better for one that does Hajj e Ifraad to complete a sacrifice as well. The conditions and age of the animal is the same as the Eid sacrificial animal. If you are able to perform the sacrifice yourself, do so as this is Sunnah. Otherwise be present when the sacrifice is taking place. Lay the animal down facing the Qiblah you also face the Qiblah. Then recite "Inni Wajj-jahto wajj'heya lil-lazee fataras samaa waatey wal arda haneefaw wama anaa minal mushrikeen. Inna salaatee wa nosokee wa mahyaatee wama maatee lillahe rabbil aalameen. Laa Shareeka lahoo Wa Beyzaa-leyka minal muslimeen."

Then recite "Bismillahe Allah O Akbar" and with a sharp knife quickly sacrifice the animal so that you cut the four veins. Do not use too much force so as not to hurt the animal unduly. After the sacrifice make dua for everyone's Hajj and sacrifice to be accepted. Next males should face the Qiblah and have their heads shaved as this is better. They are also allowed to cut it. It is forbidden for ladies to shave their hair, they should cut a little bit of hair.

If a person that has performed Hajj E Ifrad does a sacrifice, it is better for him to shave his hair after the sacrifice. If he shaves his hair first there is no problem either. However for those performing Hajj E Tamattu or Hajj E Qir'aan, it is compulsory (wajib) on then to perform sacrifice first and then have their head shaved. If they have their head shaved before the sacrifice a penalty (dam) will be necessary.

Those that are only cutting the hair must remember that at least one quarter of all hair must be cut. Be on the safe side and cut more than one quarter as the length of each hair varies. Whether you are cutting or shaving, start from the right side, in other words, the left side for the one that is doing the cutting or shaving. This is what is proven from Hadith and Imam E Azam alihir rahmah also did this. Some kitaabs state that you should start from the left, this is not correct. Recite takbeer at the time of having the head shaved or hair cut, "Allah O Akbar, Allah O Akbar, Laa Ilaha Illal Laaho, Wallaho Akbar Walil Laahil Hamd." You should also recite the following Dua during "Halq" or "Taqseer" (shaving or cutting):

Alhamdo Lillahe Alaa Maa Hadaana Wa An'Ama Alaina Waqadaa Annaa Nosokanaa. Allahumma Haazehee Naaseyatee Beyadeyka Fajj-al Lee Beykulley Sha'ratin Nooray Yaumal Qiyamatey Wam-ha An-nay Beyha Sayy-ya-taw Warfa' Lee Beyhaa Darajatan Fil Jannatil Aaliyah. Allahumma Baaril Lee Fee Nafsee Wa Taqab-bal Minni. Allahummag Firlee Walil Mohal-Leqeena Wal Moqas-sereena Yaa Waase-al Magfirah

(All Praise if for Allah Ta'ala In that He Guided us and favoured us and enabled us to complete our worship. O Allah! This hair of mine is in Your Hands, Make light for me on the day of judgement equal to the number of hairs, wipe away my sins because of this and raise my status in Paradise. O Allah, Bless my soul and accept this from me and O Allah forgive me and all those that shave or cut their hair, O the Greatest Forgiver). Aameen

It is better to perform the compulsory Tawaf on this day, the 10th. This is the Tawaf also known as "Tawaf E Ziarah." Go to Makkah, preferably on foot, and perform Tawaf with ablution (wudhu). There is not Iztiba (uncovering the shoulder) in this Tawaf. Once you have performed the Tawaf E Ziarah, return back to Mina and spend the night in Mina.

On the 11th "Rami" (throwing pebbles) has to be performed again after Namaz e Zohar. This time start with the small pillar (Jamara e Oola), which is closest to Masjid e Khaif. Face the Qiblah and throw seven pebbles, then move a little forward, face the Qiblah and make Dua. Make Dua with presence of heart and praise Allah Ta'ala and seek forgiveness of sins and make Dua for at least as long as it takes to recite twenty verses (ayahs) of the Qur'an. Then go to the middle pillar and repeat the same process. Then go to the large pillar and throw the pebbles but do not stop for Dua. Leave immediately and make Dua on the way back or once you have returned to your tent.

On the 12th, "Rami" needs to be performed after midday on all three pillars. Some people perform Rami before midday and then return to Makkah. This is against the original teachings and is based on a very weak report, do not act upon this. The pebbles need to be thrown after midday on the 12th. It must be done before sunset and then leave for Makkah. It is not allowed to leave after sunset. If you do not leave before sunset, then spend one more night in Mina and perform Rami on the 13th and then leave for Makkah.

source : http://muslimsinvited.blogspot.com
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