Thursday 13th of June 2024
نفر 0

Martyrdom of Nafe’ bin Hilal

Naf’e bin Hilal Jamali (or Bajali) had engraved his name on his arrows and dipped them in poison and shot them one after the other towards the enemies saying, “I shoot these arrows whose teeth contains signs, while it will not benefit those who fear, they are smeared in poison which keeps the enemies in motion, and it’s striking fills the earth with blood.”

He shot the arrows one after the other until they were exhausted and his quiver became empty. Then he placed his hand upon his sword and said, “I am a youth of the Yemeni tribe of Bajalah, I follow the Religion of Husain and Ali, I shall be martyred today and this being my heart’s desire, and I shall meet my actions.”

Tabari says that he killed twelve men from the companions of Umar bin Sa’ad, apart from those whom he wounded, until both his arms were severed. Then he was arrested by Shimr, who called his companions to drag him to Umar bin Sa’ad. Umar bin Sa’ad told him, “Woe be to you! What have you done to yourself”? Nafe’ replied, “Verily my Allah knows my intentions.” The narrator says that blood was flowing on his beard while he was saying, “By Allah! I have slain twelve men among you, excluding those whom I have wounded, while I do not reproach myself for this. And if my hands would have been present, and my wrists would have been there, you would not have arrested me.” Shimr told Umar bin Sa’ad, “May Allah straighten your affair, kill him.” Umar replied, “You have brought him, then kill him if you de‌sire.” Hearing

this Shimr unsheathed his sword and Nafe’ said, “If you are a Muslim, you would have despised meeting Allah with our blood upon your neck. Praise be to Allah, who has destined our death at the hands of the most accursed of the creation.” Then the accursed (Shimr) killed him. (May Allah’s Mercy and Blessing be upon him).

Then Shimr attacked the army of Imam while saying, “Leave him, O Lion of Allah, leave Shimr, so that he may strike at them with his sword and will not flee, and he is a bitter tree and a fatal poison for you.”

Martyrdom of Abdullah and Abdul Rahman Ghifari

When the companions of Imam Husain (a.s) perceived their loss and realised that they themselves were incapable of defending the Imam and his rela‌tives, they hastened to lay their lives in the presence of Imam Husain (a.s). Then Abdullah and Abdul Rahman, the sons of Urwa Ghifari, came to the Imam and said, “Peace be upon you O Aba Abdillah! The enemy has reached us and have hastened towards you from all sides, hence we desire to be killed before you and sacrifice our lives for you.” Imam replied,

“Welcome! Come closer to me.”

They came closer to the Imam and started fighting with the enemies in his side. One of them said, “Verily the Bani Ghifar and Khandaf, as also Bani Nizar knows, that I fight the adulterous group with my clear-cut and swift sword, O nation! defend the sons of noble fathers against the enemies with Eastern swords and sharp spears.”

(Tabari) The narrator says that two Jabirite men, named Sayf bin Hurayth and Malik bin Abd, who were cousins and foster brothers, came closer to Imam Husain (a.s) while they were weeping. Imam asked them,

“O sons of my brother! Why do you weep? By Allah! I desire that your eyes would be glowing.”

They replied, “May Allah make us your ransom! We do not weep on account of ourselves, rather we weep for you. We see that you have been surrounded, while we are incapable of defending you.” Imam replied,

“O sons of my brother! May Allah reward you fairly for this conscience and sym‌pathy.”

(Manaqib) Then they advanced further saying, “Peace be upon you O son of the Prophet of Allah”, and Imam too replied their salutations. Then they attacked and were ultimately martyred. (May Allah’s Mercy and Blessings be upon them).

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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