Saturday 29th of June 2024
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my covenant does not include the unjust

The objective meaning of the arabic word ' the unjust ' mentioned in this verse: " my covenant does not include the unjust " is not only ' being unjust to others '. but the term ' unjust ' (in contrast with the philosophical meaning of ' justice ' which means to set everything in its own proper place), here, is used with its broad sense of meaning. thus, committing an ' unjust ' act means that ' a person, an action, or a thing has been arranged in a situation which is not appropriate '.

Since the position of Imamat and the outward and inward leadership of people is an extraordinarily splendid position with many responsibilities, the committing of the slightest sin or disobedience disqualifies a person from attaining this rank.

So, in the traditions of ahlul-bait (a.s.) we see that, for proving the vicegerency of hadrat ali (a.s.) immediately after the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.), they have quoted this very verse as justification, indicating that others had been idol-worshippers before islam, in the age of ignorance, and the only person who did not prostrate before an idol, besides prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h.), even for a moment was ali-ibn-abitalib (a.s.) what unjust act is greater than that a person performs idol-worshipping! did luqman not tell his son: "o my son! join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest worong - doing " ? (sura luqman, No.31, verse 13).

Hisham -ibn- salim, as an example, narrates from Imam sadiq (a.s.) who said: " surely, Abrahamwas a prophet but he was not an Imam until when Allah said: 'verily, i have appointd you an Imam (leader)for mankind '. Abraham pleaded: 'and of my offspring (as well) ? ' he (Allah) answered: ' my covenant does not include the unjust'. those who have worshipped an idol, they will not be an Imam (leader)." (2)

In another tradition, 'abdillah-ibn-mas'ud narrates from the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.)who said: " Allah told Abraham: 'I do not give you my covenant (of Imamat) for the unjust of your children.' Abraham said: who are these unjust whom your covenant does not include of my offspring? ' Allah said: ' whoever prostrated before an idol, leaving me, I will never make him an Imam', and hi is not worthy of being an Imam ..." (3)

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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