Saturday 29th of June 2024
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The time when supplication is accepted

Zayd bin Ali narrated from his fathers that his grandmother Fatima (a.s.) said, ‘I heard the Prophet (a.s.) saying: On Friday, there is an hour (certain time) when every Muslim asks Allah for something good, Allah will grant it to him.’

I (Fatima) said, ‘O messenger of Allah, which hour is it?’

He said, ‘When a half of the sun goes downward for setting.’

Zayd said, ‘Fatima (a.s.) often said to her servant: Ascend the hill, and when you see a half of the sun going downward for setting, let me know so that I shall supplicate Allah.’

Allah has opened the doors of responding to His people’s supplications. He has said, (Call upon Me, I will answer you. 40:60).He has assigned some times for responding to supplications such as the last hour of the day of Friday.

7. The time when Allah determines the livelihood for His people

Fatima (a.s.) said, “Once, the messenger of Allah (a.s.) came to me while I was lying in the morning. He shook me with his leg and said, ‘O my daughter, get up and witness the gift of your Lord and do not be from the inadvertent, for Allah divides the livelihood of people from the dawn to the sunshine.’”8. The du’a at entering a mosque

Abdullah bin al-Hasan narrated from his mother Fatima that his grandmother Fatima az-Zahra’ (a.s.) said, ‘When the messenger of Allah (a.s.) entered the mosque, he recited: “O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the doors of Your mercy”, and when he left the mosque, he recited: “O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the doors of Your favor”.’

9. Two oppressive armies

 Abdullah bin al-Hasan narrated from his mother form Fatima az-Zahra’ (a.s.) that the Prophet (a.s.) said, ‘When two oppressive armies meet, Allah abandons them both, and He does not care which of them will be the winning one. When two oppressive armies meet, the more insolent of them will suffer more adversities.’

When neither of two meeting armies is with the truth, Allah will not include them with His mercy, and He will let them fight each other until one of them will do away with the other.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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