Sunday 24th of November 2024
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Shi'ite Scholars in the Field of Applied Sciences

Among such Shi'ite authors, the first one is Qudamah bin Ja'far. Yaqut has said about him that he excelled in Arithmetics, while Al-Matrizi tells that he was said to be the first one to work on Arithmetic. He died in 337 A.H.
Other writers in this field are:
1. Abu Nasr al-Farabi Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Mu'alim-uth-Thani who died in 339 A.H.
2. Ahmad bin Maskwaih wrote books on logic and many valuable articles on Metaphysics and Mathematics. He died in 421 A.H.
3. Ar-Ra'is Ibn Sina al-Mu'allim-uth-Thalith.
According to the author Majalis-ul-Mu'minin (Qadi Nurullah Shustari) he was an Imamite. He died in 428 A.H.
4. Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad bin al-Hasan Tusi. 
He is said to be Imam-u-Ahl-il-Ma'qul. He wrote Tajrid-ul-I'tiqad, At-Tadhkirah Fil Hai'ah, Ar-Risalah Al-Mu'iniyyah (dealing with Astronomy) and its explanation, Tahrir-u-Uqlidas, Tahrir-ul-Majisti, Sharh-ul-Irshadat, Al-Fusul-un-Nasiriyyah, Risalat-ul-Istarlab, Risalat-ul-Jawahir etc. He was the person who prepared Astronomical Observatory and its tables for Hulaku Khan. He died in 672 A.H.
5. Al-Hasan bin Dawud al-Hilli wrote a book on Rijal as well as others on Logic. He died during the seventh or eighth century.
6. Al-Hasan bin Yusuf bin al-Mutahhar al-Hilli, known as Al-Allamah wrote explanations and commentaries to Tajrid and Al-Fusul-un-Nasiriyyah and also wrote Asrar-ul-Malakut Fi Sharh-i-Yaqut etc. He died in 726 A.H.
7. Qutub-ud-Din Muhammad ar-Razi al-Buwaihi ad-Dimashqui.
He wrote a commentary on Ash-Shamsiyyah and Al-Mutali'a Fil Mantiq. Besides, he wrote Al-Muhakamat. He died in Salihiyyah in 
Damascus in the year 766 A.H.
8. Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad bin As'ad ad-Dawwani wrote books on logic and rational studies. He died in 908 A.H.
9. Dawud bin 'Umar al-Antaki al-Basir got setted in Jabal 'Aamil and was a scholar of philosophy and psychology. He died in 1008 A.H.
10. Ash-Shaikh Baha-ud-Din Muhammad bin al-Husain al-'Aamili.
He wrote Al-Khullasah Fil Hisab which has been translated into many foreign languages. Many commentaries and explanations too have been written about it. He also wrote Tashrih-ul-Aflak and had great mastery in geometry and other branches of mathematics. He died in 1031 A.H.
11. Ash-Shaikh Jawwad bin Sa'dullah al-Kazimi was a pupil of Shaikh Baha-ud-Din. He wrote a commentary on his teacher's book Al-Khullasah. He died during the eleventh century.
12. As-Sayyid Ne'matullah bin Nur-ud-Din bin Ne'matullah Al-Jazairi was a great master of geometry and mathematical studies. He alone made the Zij (Astronomical Table) of Muhammad Shah. He died in 1151 A.H. 
13. Sadr-ud-Din Shirazi known as Mulla Sadra.
He was a great master of metaphysics and philosophy. He wrote philosophical poetry. He was the author of Al-Asfar which is quite a famous book on metaphysics.
He died in 1060 A.H.
14. Mulla Hadi Sabzwari al-Hakim is the composer of a famous poem on philosophy. He died in 1289 A.H.


source : http://www.al-shia.org
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