Friday 27th of September 2024
نفر 0

The penitence of sainthood Horr and the circumstance

The amazing story of sainthood Horr’ penitence and his circumstance of martyrdom are narrated by some erudite like Sheikh Mofid, Syed-Ibn-Tavus, Allame Majlesy and Mazandarany-e-Haeri that here is an excerpt of it:

When Imam Hussein (God bless him) caravan wanted to move from Zobale to Kufe, Imam Hussein (God bless him) ordered that take a lot of water. Imam Hussein (God bless him) command has obeyed. The caravan moved with a lot of water, while they were traversing the way, one of the companions said Takbeer (saying Allah-o-Akbar with loud voice), Imam Hussein (God bless him) also said Takbeer and asked from him “why did you say Takbeer?” he said “I saw the date’s palm.

 The others said “we are familiar with this desert, there isn’t any date’s palm, Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “look carefully and say what do you see?” they said “the neck of horses.” Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “I see them too.” Suddenly Ibn Ziyad’s corps arrived while they were thirsty. Imam Hussein (God bless him) commanded to quench their thirsty and also water to their horses too.

The Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) companions that had a lot of water gave water to all the members of that corps and their horses. They hold the containers which were full of water in front of the horses’ mouth so that they can drink water completely. Ali-Ibn-Altaan says “I was in the corps of Horr, I dropped behind, and when I arrived all were given water, the horses also were watered. When Imam Hussein (God bless him) saw my thirstiness, showed me a camel that was loaded by leather bottles which were full of water, and said “lay the camel down and drink water. I laid down the camel, and put my mouth at the opening of leather bottle, water was pouring from the corner of my mouth, I wasn’t able to drink water, Imam Hussein (God bless him) himself came and rolled the leather bottle’s opening and put it in my mouth till I drank and also my horse drank water too.”

The Kufe corps whose were commanded by Horr-Ibn-Yazid took a rest after drinking water until it became noon. Here Horr-Ibn-Yazid took a step of politeness toward right, how? At noon Imam Hussein (God bless him) said to Hajaj-Ibn-Masrugh, the muezzin of his corps, that say azan, then said to Horr “will you say your pray with your corps?” the commander of enemy corps said unlike the expectation “no but I say my pray with you.”

This politeness and this pray that he wanted to say behind Imam Hussein (God bless him), in fact was a rejecting to the culture of enemy and it brought him a step close to the God and his this work was a key to opens the doors of God’s mercifulness toward him. Corps said their pray with Imam Hussein (God bless him) and Imam said a sermon until it became the time of Asr pray. Horr said his Asr pray with Imam Hussein (God bless him) again, after pray a discussion occurred between Imam Hussein (God bless him) and Horr about the people of Kufe and Imam’s returing to Mecca or Medina, but Horr insisted that I have to bring you to Kufe.

Imam Hussein (God bless him) said to Horr “May your mother be mournful for you! What do you want?” Horr became silent for a moment, then looked at Imam Hussein (God bless him) and said “swear to God that if another person from Arab told me such a word and was involved in such horrible situation, I wouldn’t have left him and would have remembered his mother to moan and the loss of her child, definitely I would have given his answer, but swear to God! I’m not allowed to say your mother name except with the best words.[1]

After pray, this was the second step of Horr’s politeness that showed because of this reverence toward sainthood Fatima (God bless her), the special door of God’s mercifulness opened to him. It passed till the day of Ashura, that he had an amazing mood of penitence and luminous emotion despite the promotion that was given to him by Omar-Ibn-Saad and with great humility and humbleness along with the calling that he had heard at the beginning of his travelling - that enunciated him to heaven – walked toward the tents of Imam Hussein (God bless him).

 He dismounted near the tents, put his two hands on his head, when he neared to Imam Hussein (God bless him), fell himself down on earth and soil and was saying continuously “O God I have repented, accept my penitence. I have frightened the hearts of your slaves, O God the heart of your Prophet’s daughter; I have frightened the hearts of your Prophet’s daughter’s children.

Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “raise your head.” He said “O the son of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)! I’m the person who didn’t let you come back to Medina, I blocked your way, is there really any chance for me to repent?” Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “yes you have the chance to repent, raise your head from soil, God accepted your penitence.”[2] Then as Sheikh Ibn Naamy-e-Helli has narrated in Macero-al-Ahzan, Horr said to Imam Hussein (God bless him) “O the son of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)! When I came out from Kufe, I heard a voice at the back of myself that was saying “O Horr you are enunciated to hevean.” Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “you have well realized God’s reward and the good that has left the corps of Yazid and joined to Ahle Bait (God bless them) and you have well approached yourself to that enunciation.” Then he asked for Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) permission and went to battlefield, after he fought extremely against the enemy corps, he martyred.[3]

Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) companions took his body from earth and brought him near the tents, then put him down in the presence of Imam Hussein (God bless him), Imam sat beside him and touched his bloody face fondly, wipe up dust from his face and said this sentence “you are horr (Arabic word means “independent”) as your mother named you Horr, you are free in this world and fortunate in hereafter.[4]


What happened in the night of Ashura

When Imam Hussein (God bless him) and his household’s stay lasted until the night of Ashura, the night that this world will not be able to see such wonderful night. The night when they became certain that they have involved with those enemies and there isn’t any way to coming back to Kufe or Medina or Mecca and it got apparent for Imam Hussein (God bless him) that he and his household and his companions will be killed by the dissolute people, so he gathered his companions and his household in a tent at night and according to narrations of most Maghtal’s books (some books which contain the story of Karbala and the way Imam Hussein[God bless him] and his household and his companions has been killed) said to his companions:

“O my companions! These people (enemy) have work with me and want to kill me, O my household! They have come to surround me. Tonight I announce to all of you that I ignore the vow that you had made with me, God gives you the best reward, the way of desert is open and I want you to leave me and come back to your hometown and your household;” but no one come back, and also anyone didn’t even stand and all of them stayed firmly and steadfastly.

Imam Hussein (God bless him) asked “I have ignored the vow so why you didn’t go?” the companions and Imam’s household answered one by one. Sainthood Abas (God bless him) answered “O the son of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)! We will never leave you alone.” All of companion answered exclusively. One of them said “if they kill me more than seventy times, fragment me, scattered my ashes around, and the alive me again, I will never leave you.”

The other companion said “O the son of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)! If they make me to walk on all deserts and wastelands barefoot and torture me so that I leave you, I will never leave you.” Some of Imam’s household answered him in this manner. When Imam Hussein (God bless him) saw that his household and his companions are firm and steadfast, said this sermon “I glorify Allah with the best glorification, and praise him in times of prosperity as well as misfortunes,” then sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) cried and said “I wish death overtakes me and didn’t see a day like this. I wish sky dropped on earth, I wish mountains scattered.”[5] These sentences of Imam Ali’s (God bless him) daughter shows that this tragedy was very hard and harrowing for Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) household.

The martyrdom of sainthood Muslim Ibn Osaje

The most famous Maghtal’s books has written that when the battle started at the day of Ashura, Omar-Ibn-Hajjaj who was placed at the left side of Omar-Ibn-Saad’s corps, attacked to the right side of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) corps and Shemr-ebn-Zeljuoshan attacked to the left side of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) corps. At this time Muslim Ibn Osaje attacked to the corps of enemy like a brave lion and was bragging and saying some poems which means that if you want to identify me and ask me about my emotion, so definitely I’m a brave lion from the noblemen of Bani Asad’s tribe, the one who oppress me will be away from the way of deliverance and salvation and becomes infidel upon the religion of needless God.

The people who were present in the scene of Karbala said that when the dust settled, they saw that Muslim Ibn Osaj has fell on earth and it was the last moment of his life that Imam Hussein (God bless him) came beside him and said “God bless you O Muslim Ibn Osaj” and recite the verse of Holy Quran “so some of them resist on that vow and some withstand with waiting and didn’t alter their vow.”[6] Then Habib Ibn Mazaher came beside him and said “O Muslim Ibn Osaj your martyrdom is harrowing for me, now be happy that I enunciate you to heaven.

Muslim Ibn Osaj said with a weak voice “God enunciate you to deliverance and felicity.” Then Habib Ibn Mazaher said to him “O Muslim! If I known that I’ll be alive after you, I liked that if you have any testament, regard me as your executor so that I will carry it out.” Muslim Ibn Osaj said “I testate that you sacrifice yourself for this man (he beckoned with his hand to Imam Hussein [God bless him]). Then Muslim Ibn Osaj passed away and laid calm in the presence of God.[7]

The martyrdom of sainthood Habib Ibn Mazaher

It has been mentioned in reliable books that when Imam Hussein (God bless him) wanted an opportunity from the corps of Kufe to say the pray of noon, Haceen-Ibn-Tamim said “your pray isn’t acceptable (in the presence of God)” Habib Ibn Mazaher answered him “you suppose that pray isn’t acceptable from the household of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and the pray of a person like you that is ignorant and stupid would be acceptable?”

 Haceen-Ibn-Tamim attacked to Habib Ibn Mazaher and Habib reciprocally attacked to him and hit on the face of his horse and because of this stroke, Haceen fell down from his horse, his companion came and rescued him and Habib attacked to them while he was bragging and saying some poems which means that “I’m Habib and my father is Mazhar, riding in the scene of fighting while the fire of battle is ignited, your weapons and fighters’ number are better than us and also we are more loyal and patient than you.”

Then he perished some of them till Badil-Ibn-Saream attacked him with sword and hit him. A person from Tamim also attacked him with lance, Habib fell down from horse and when he wanted to stand, Haceen-Ibn-Tamim hit on his head with his sword again and that person who was from Tamim cut his head off.

Mohammad Gheys has narrated that Habib-Ibn-Mazaher’s martyrdom was very harrowing for Imam Hussein (God bless him) and his holy heart broke and said “I hope God gives reward to my companions and assistants.” And also it has narrated that Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “O Habib what a favorite man you were that God granted you to recite whole Quran in a night.”[8] The writer of Maalio-al-Sebtein wrote “when Habib martyred, Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) heart so broke that the signs of decrepitude and inquietude has been appeared at the holy face of Imam Hussein (God bless him).”[9]

Sainthood Ghacem’s (God bless him) taking permission for going to battlefield and the circumstance of his martyrdom

One of the harrowing tragedy that comes upon Ahle Bait (God bless them) in the day of Ashura was the martyrdom of Sainthood Ghacem (God bless him). Abu Makhnaf,[10] Sheikh Mofid,[11] Abu-al-Faraj Esfahany,[12] Allame Majlesy[13] and Tabary[14] has narrated the circumstances of Sainthood Ghacem’s (God bless him) martyrdom. But the circumstances of Sainthood Ghacem’s (God bless him) martyrdom has been narrated in some other sources thus:

When all of companions have been martyred and it was the turn of Imam Hassan’s (God bless him) children, Sainthood Ghacem (God bless him) came in the presence of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and said “O uncle! Let me go.” Imam said “O nephew! You are my brother sign and reminder of him; don’t go to battlefield because your existence consoles my heart.

What a majestic dignity it is that gives calmness to the uncle at the age of thirteen? When he saw that his uncle don’t let him go, he became extremely upset and while he was crying sat on the earth. He insisted and put his head on the foot of his uncle, and then he remembered that his father had fasten an armlet on his arm that it has a Herz in it that his father had told to him “when you become upset and restless open this armlet and read the Herz in it and understand its meaning and certainly carry it out.” Sainthood Ghacem (God bless him) said to himself “after the passing of all these years I hadn’t such sadness, now you have to open the armlet and read the paper which is in it.”

When he opened it he saw that it is written “O my son! I recommend you that when you see your uncle in Karbala that has been surrounded by enemy, don’t leave the fight against the enemy of God and God’s Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and don’t refrain from sacrificing yourself for your uncle, if your uncle don’t let you go, insist to him till you can take his permission.”

Sainthood Ghacem (God bless him) stood up and showed the writing to Imam Hussein (God bless him). When Imam Hussein (God bless him) saw the writing of his brother, put his hand around the neck of Ghacem (God bless him) and embraced him. The uncle and the nephew cried a lot. Anyway Imam (God bless him) brought Ghacem (God bless him) to the tent and hailed Abas (God bless him) and Oun (God bless him) and Ghacem’s (God bless him) mother and said to sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) “bring my special box,” then put him on the cassock of Imam Hassan (God bless him) and put the turban of his brother on Ghacem’s (God bless him) head. Ahle Bait (God bless them) cried a lot by looking this scene.

When Imam (God bless him) saw the moment of his preparing, shouted “O my son! Are you going toward the death by your foot?” he said “O uncle! How can I don’t go when I am looking that you are alone and friendless among these amount of enemy? O uncle! My entity be sacrificed upon you.” Imam (God bless him) slashed the collar of Ghacem’s (God bless him) dress and hanged the turban on the two sides of his face and sent him to battlefield with this condition so that save him from the heat of sun and the hit of enemy.[15]

It has been narrated from Imam Sajjad (God bless him) that in the night of Ashura when Imam Hussein (God bless him) showed the dignity of martyrs to themselves and said to them that all the people who remain with him will be martyred in the next day except Imam Sajjad (God bless him), sainthood Ghacem (God bless him) feared that lest he will not be martyred because of his little age, so he said “O uncle! Will I be martyred?” Imam (God bless him) fondled Ghacem (God bless him) with kindness and affection and said “how is the death in your observation?” sainthood Ghacem (God bless him) said “the death is sweeter than honey in my observation.” Imam (God bless him) said “O my eyes sight, you will be one of the martyrs tomorrow after being stamped by the hoofs of horses![16]

Hamid-Ibn-Muslim Azady, the reporter of Karbala’s incident, says “I saw that an adolescent came into the battlefield, he had put on a little dress and had Naleyn (an Arabic shoe) in his feet that the shoelace of his left foot wasn’t fasten, started to fight against the enemy and killed about thirty five people. The corps realized that they are not able fight against him so they started to throw stones toward him.” Omar-e-Azady said “swear to God! I’ll attack to him and will flow his blood.” Then he cleaved his holy skull.

 Ghacem (God bless him) called his uncle to help him. Imam Hussein (God bless him) came like an eagle and attacked to the enemy in order to disperse them; when he arrived, he saw that Omar-e-Azady want to cut Ghacem’s (God bless him) neck off. Imam Hussein (God bless him) attacked to him with sword. The killer hand has been cut. He called his tribesmen to help him and they attacked to Imam (God bless him). The battle became much severe. The body of Ghacem (God bless him) placed under the hoofs of horses.

When the flame of battle quenched, Imam Hussein (God bless him) came beside Ghacem (God bless him). Ghacem (God bless him) was rubbing his leg against the earth because he was dying. Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “O my nephew! Swear to God, it is difficult for me that you request your uncle to help you, and he can’t answer you and do something in order to solve your problem.” Then he attached Ghacem’s (God bless him) chest to his chest while his leg was dragging on the earth because his body was stretched by the hoofs of horses. Imam Hussein (God bless him) brought him to tents and put him down near the corpse of sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) and recommended Ahle Bait (God bless them) to be firm and patient.[17]


The going of Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) absolutely resembled, sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) to battlefield and his martyrdom

One of the most harrowing and upsetting tragedy that comes upon Ahle Bait (God bless them) in the day of Ashura was the martyrdom of sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him). Abu Makhnaf,[18] Sheikh Mofid,[19] Abu-al-Faraj Esfahany,[20] Syed-Ibn-Tavoos,[21]Allame Majlesy,[22] Mazandarany,[23] Sheikh Abas-e-Qomi,[24] has narrated the tragedy of martyrdom that here is an excerpt of these honorables’ narrations:

When the all companions and assistants of Imam Hussein (God bless him) drank the nectar of martyrdom and it was the turn of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) household’s members, the first person who went to battlefield and sacrifice himself in order to fight against the enemies of Islam and holy Quran was sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him), the elder son of Imam Hussein (God bless him).

Abu Hamze has narrated a lengthy Ziyarat from Imam Sadegh (God bless him) for sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) that Imam says in that Ziyarat: “God bless you and your household and your family,[25]” that shows that sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) had a wife and some children. It is inferred from the text of Ziyarat and the words of Imam Hussein (God bless him) that sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) had the dignity of Esmat (not doing any sin in lifetime); the Esmat which acquiring wasn’t essential for him; but he acquired and made himself equal with the messengers of God.

Allame Majlesy says in Beharo-al-Anvar:

The largeness of tragedy is cleared by the curse of Imam Hussein (God bless him), despite that the messengers and Aemeye Atehar (God bless them) didn’t curse immediately, but when sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) started going to battlefield Imam (God bless him) shouted to Omar-Ibn-Saad and said “(I want to) God extinct your descendants, your life won’t be blessing for you, I curse you that God dominate someone upon you who behead you in your bed as you want to kill my descendants, (and you) didn’t regard my relationship with Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).[26]

Imam Hussein (God bless him) himself described the personality of sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) near the tents:

Be witness to the fact that now I am sending my son to be sacrificed who looked exactly like your Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in appearance, in speaking, in walking and in temperament and character. When we wanted to see your Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), we used to look at him.[27]

When sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him) saw his father loneliness and friendlessness, became impatient and intolerant, went near his father and requested for his permission to go to battlefield. Imam’s (God bless him) tears flow like a flood, embraced him, smelled him like a flower and moaned. Imam Hussein (God bless him) himself put him on the dress of battle, fasten a leathery belt which was remained for him from Imam Ali (God bless him) on his waist and prepared Oghab which was a special horse for his riding.

The writer of Aldamato Alsakeba book writes “when he wanted to go to battlefield, the women surrounded him like a ring and said to sainthood Ali Akbar (God bless him): relent to our loneliness, don’t be hurry to go to battlefield, we can’t endure your separation.” The women took his turban; the sisters took the bridle and the stirrup of his horse. On this occasion Imam Hussein (God bless him) got changed as he was impending to die and shouted “O my wives and household leave him. My Akbar (God bless him) is in touch with God’s essence and is the martyr of God’s way.” Like the sentence that Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said about Imam Ali (God bless him) “Ali (God bless him) is in touch with God’s essence.”[28]Sheikh Jafar-e-Shushtary, the great scientist and knowledgeable person has written:

Imam Hussein (God bless him) went in the condition of death and impended to die for three times in the tragedy of Ali Akbar (God bless him):

First when he saw that Ali Akbar (God bless him) is ready to go to battlefield.

Second when Ali Akbar (God bless him) came back and requested for water.

Third when Ali Akbar (God bless him) fell down from horse and hailed his father.

Sainthood Sakyna says “when (my father) heard the voice of Ali Akbar (God bless him), I saw my father that has impended to die. His two eyes were like a person who is in the condition of death; he saw around the tents, it is likely that his soul leave his body. He shouted at the middle of tent ((O my son God kill the people who killed you)).”[29]

Sheikh Mofid says “when the sound of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) yell raised, Zaynab (God bless her) moaned and said “O the blossom of my heart, I wish I had become blind before it.” All women started to wail. Imam (God bless him) said “calm down! You have a lot of crying in future.[30]

Anyway Ali Akbar (God bless him) went to battlefield and came back to tents after fighting for a short time while his body had received a lot of wounds and was losing a lot of blood. Thirstiness had dominated him because of these wounds and the warmth of weather and the severe fighting which he had with the enemies. He said to his dear father “O father! The thirstiness is killing me; the heaviness of weapon is annoying me, is there a little water? I want to drink this water so that I can energize myself and fight with the enemies.”

Imam Hussein (God bless him) cried and said “it’s really difficult for Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and Ali (God bless him) and me that you call us but we can’t answer you, you ask for help, but we can’t help you, O my son! Take out your tongue.” Then his put his tongue in his mouth and sucked, then he gave his ring and said to him “put this ring in your tongue and come back to battlefield, I hope that your ancestor, Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) himself give water to you with a full goblet before the night so that you will never become thirsty.”

Ali Akbar (God bless him) came back.[31] It has narrated in Alavalem[32] and Tarikh-e-Tabary[33] and Ershad books that: Morat-Ibn-Monghez said “all sins of Arab nation be upon me if I don’t burn his father heart by killing him,” then he attacked and beat by a sword to his skull so severely that his skull cleaved and blood flowed on his face, the severity of blood flowing blocked his eyes and fell on his horse because of wounds’ severity and then he put his hand around the neck of his horse. Because the horse was in siege and there wasn’t any way to bring him out of corps so he entangled.[34] Most of famous writer of Karbala adventure has written:

In this condition they strike to him with swords from every direction and fragmented him. As he was falling from his horse, he cried out. "O Father, this is my ancestor, Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), and has brought a goblet for me which is full of water to give to me, after this I won’t be thirsty and he is saying: O my Hussein (God bless him) hurry up, hurry up too. I have also brought a goblet for you so that you come and drink it.[35] The writer of Beharo-al-Anvar wrote:

Hameed-Ibn-Muslim said “I saw a woman who ran quickly to outside, she was shining like sun, she was shouting, crying out and was saying: O my dear, O the blossom of my heart, O the vision of my eyes. I (Hameed-Ibn-Muslim) asked “who is she?” they answered “she is Zaynab (God bless her), the daughter of Ali (God bless him).” She came and fell herself down on the body of Ali Akbar (God bless him).

 It is concluded that Zaynab (God bless her) arrived there before Imam Hussein (God bless him) because Imam Hussein (God bless him) came after her. Imam (God bless him) took the arm of her sister and returned her to the tents and turned his face toward Bani hashem’s youths and said “come and bring back the body of my dear from soil.” Because he was killed, they carried him and brought him back and put him down near the tent which was beside the corps.[36]

It has been narrated in Maalio-al-Sebtein book that Imam Hussein (God bless him) came toward the tents of women after Ali Akbar’s (God bless him) martyrdom, Sakina (God bless her) came out and said “O father! You look as you have brought your death news and your eyes are turning, where is my brother?” Imam Hussein (God bless him) cried and said “O my dear! They killed him” Sakina (God bless her) shouted “O my brother, O Ali” and she wanted to leave the tent and go toward battlefield. Imam (God bless him) said “O my dear! Regard piety, be patient.” She said “how can I be patient, the one whose brother is killed and whose father become alone (how can a person be patient in this condition).

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) used to say Ali Akbar’s (God bless him) lamentation in his home and used to say “my father and mother be sacrifice to your separated head from body, O innocent martyr, my father and mother be sacrifice to you when you fell down from your horse and Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) tool your blood. My father and mother be sacrifice to you that you went to battlefield in front of your father, Hussein’s (God bless him) eye and he devoted you for the right and he was crying when you were going and his heart was burning and cried for you till the afternoon that he was alive and his word was “Ali Ali”.

It has been written that after Ali Akbar’s (God bless him) martyrdom Imam Hussein (God bless him) cried for Ali Akbar (God bless him) in a way that no one heard the crying sound of Imam Hussein (God bless him) before that time.[37]


The martyrdom of Ali Asghar (God bless him), the six month old baby of Imam Hussein (God bless him)

One of the most harrowing and upsetting tragedy that comes upon Ahle Bait (God bless them) was the martyrdom of six month old innocent baby of Imam Hussein (God bless him).[38] It has been narrated in some important book like Vaghato-al-Taf from Abu Mokhnaf,[39] Alershaad from Sheikh Mofid,[40] Nafso-al-Mahmum from Qomi,[41] Behar-al-Anvar,[42] Ehtaja from Tabarsy,[43] Montakhab Altavarikh from Molla Hashem-e-Khorasany,[44] that:

Imam Hussein (God bless him) recommended to Ome Kolsume (God bless her) in his last farewell “O my sister! I recommend you to protect from my baby who has just six months.” The sister said “O brother! This infant is thirsty and didn’t drink milk about three days and nights, if it is possible to provide a little water for him.

Imam Hussein (God bless him) embraced his six months baby and went toward the corps, when he placed in front of them, he said “O people! You have killed my brothers, children and my companions, there isn’t anyone remains for me except this baby, this innocent baby is touching his two lips together because the severity of thirsty like a fish which has dropped out of water, give him water, if you don’t relent to me, relent to this six months baby. O people! Milk has been dried in his mother breast.

Imam Hussein (God bless him) was talking when Harmale shot an arrow and hit baby’s throat. The word of Maghtels (the books which has written about the adventure of Karbala) says: Zebh means a person who has been beheaded.[45] Sebt-Ibn-Jozy, a Sunny erudite says “the baby head has cut off in his father bosom, Imam (God bless him) poured six months old baby’s cut throat blood to sky with the palm of his hand and was saying: O God! Be witness to these people, they have avowed to don’t remain any of Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him)

descendants to be alive.[46] It has been narrated in Nafso-al-Mahmum that Imam Hussein (God bless him) cried and said “O God! Rule between us and these people who invited us so that they help us, but they have killed us.” He heard a voice “leave your baby; we have brought a nursemaid in heaven for him.” Imam Hussein (God bless him) was complaining when Haceen-Ibn-Tamim shot an arrow toward Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) holy mouth that it cleaved Imam’s (God bless him) lip and blood flowed.

 Imam Hussein (God bless him) said while he was crying “O God! I complain to you about what these people have done with me and my brothers and children and my family.” It was happening while beheaded baby was at his bosom, and then he embraced the baby and came back to the tent. While Sakina (God bless her) was greeting his father, she said to him “O father! I hope that you have given water to my brother.” seemingly Imam (God bless him) had hidden the martyred baby under his cloak. Because Sakina (God bless her) didn’t see him and thought that they have given water to him and he is sleeping at his father’s bosom under the cloak. Imam (God bless him) said “O my daughter! This is your brother who has been beheaded by the arrow of enemies.[47]   

The writer of Maalio-al-Sebtein book narrates from Rozato Alkafy written by Koleyni that Komyt-Ibn-Zeyde Asadi says “I visited Imam Sadegh (God bless him), he said: read some poems about my ancestor, Imam Hussein (God bless him). When I started to read some poems about Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) tragedy, Imam Sadegh (God bless him) cried extremely. The women and household started to cry extremely in their rooms. Imam Sadegh (God bless him) was crying while a bondwoman entered suddenly from backward of curtain and put a six month old baby in Imam’s (God bless him) bosom. In this time Imam’s (God bless him) crying reached to its extremity and his voice raised, the voices of women were heard that they were crying too.[48]

It is concluded from this event that the household intention was this that they have remembered Karbala’s six month old baby by looking at a six month old baby and they cried more severely and this is a guidance to all mournful that the dramatically affairs which cause them to remember Karbala adventure and lead them to crying more don’t have any problems.

The martyrdom of sainthood Abbas (God bless him)

One of the most harrowing and upsetting tragedy of Karbala was the martyrdom of Sainthood Abbas (God bless him). The magnificence of his personality and martyrdom has been narrated by sheikh Sadoogh,[49] Sheik Mofid,[50] Abul Faraj-e-Esfahany,[51] Tabarsy,[52] Syed Ibn Tavoos,[53] Allame Majlesy[54] and Sheikh Abbas Qomi.[55]

Imam Ali (God bless him) said to his brother, Agheel who had good knowledge about Arabic descent “I want you to wooed a woman for me who be highborn and has bravery, so I will be able to have some powerful and brave children from her so that they help my son Hussein (God bless him).” Agheel wooed sainthood Fatima Kallabiya (God bless her) entitled Omme Baneen for Imam Ali (God bless him) and she gave birth to four children for Imam Ali (God bless him):

Sainthood Abbas (God bless him), Abdullah, Jafar, Osman[56]

When sainthood Abbas (God bless him) saw that most of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) companion has been martyred, said to his brothers “O the children of my mother! Go ahead so that I can see you to fighting for God and his Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). You haven’t any child and you are young so hurry up, my life be sacrificed to you! Defend from your lord till you will be sacrificed in front of his eye.” All of them went and martyred happily.[57] It has been written about the dignity of Sainthood Abbas (God bless him):

He was scholarly and learned, he was real slave of God and was pious, devout and virtuous.[58] Ghamar-e-Bani Hashem is one of his titles and it has been written that because of his shiny and spiritual face which had its light from three suns, Imam Ali (God bless him), Imam Hassan (God bless him) and Imam Hussein (God bless him), so he is called Ghamar-e-Bani Hashem. Bab Alhavaej is his another title. Because one who has any problem and difficulty provided resorting to him, his problem will be solved. Shaheed, Sagha, Almostajar, Ghaedo-al-Jeysh, Alhamy, Almosaffa and Alzeygham are among his titles.

Sadoogh has narrated from Imam Sajjad (God bless him) in Khesal book “God bless my uncle Abbas (God bless him) who sacrificed himself, fought in a great manner and devoted himself for his brother till his two arm cut off from his body. God will give him two wings in hereafter instead of those two separated arms and he will fly in heaven along with angels. There is a great dignity for Abbas (God bless him) that all martyrs will grudge to that dignity in hereafter.”[59]

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “my uncle Abbas (God bless him) had penetrating insight and strong and firm faith, he crusaded beside his brother and fought in a great manner and martyred.[60] It was because of this much magnificence that Sheikh Mofid said: in the afternoon of Tasua when Omar Saad commanded to attack, Imam Hussein (God bless him) had put his head on his knee and was sleeping.

 Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) shouted and came near his brother and said “O dear Hussein (God bless him)! Don’t you hear the sound of enemies that has come near?” Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “O sister! I have dreamed Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) now, he said to me: you are coming towards us.” Zaynab (God bless her) beat to her face and moaned. Imam (God bless him) said “calm down and don’t moan.”

Sainthood Abbas (God bless him) said “O brother! Enemy’s corps is coming toward us.” Imam (God bless him) stood up and said “I be sacrifice to you O brother! Go toward them and if it is possible to turn them back so that we can pray tonight and repent and praise our God all this night. God knows that I love to pray him and recite his book.”[61]

Sainthood Abbas’s (God bless him) dignity can be understood from this sentence (I be sacrifice to you) of Imam Hussein (God bless him). The uncle of Abbas (God bless him) who was one of the enemy commander wanted to tempt his nephews by taking an official immunity for them and sent it via a courier to Karbala. Sainthood Abbas (God bless him) said to courier “go and say to him that God exemption is better for us.”

When Shemr came behind the tents and called sainthood Abbas (God bless him) and his brothers, Abbas (God bless him) didn’t answered him, his brothers didn’t answered him too. Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “O dear Abass (God bless him)! It is true that he is dissolute but it’s better to answer him.” So they came out and said “what do you want?” he said “all of you are safe and no one wants to hurt you.”

All of them said “God curse to you and to your exemption, is it true that we have the exemption and Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) son doesn’t have?”[62] It has been narrated in Behar and some other books: when sainthood Abbas (God bless him) saw the loneliness and friendlessness of his brother came near Imam (God bless him) and said “O brother! Do you let me go to battlefield?” Imam (God bless him) cried extremely and then he said “O brother! You are my flag-bearer, if you go, the arrangement of my work will be disintegrated and our connection will be dispersed.”

 Then he said “O dear Abbas (God bless him)! Bring a little water for these children. Sainthood Abbas (God bless him) came and stand front of corps and preached them and frightened them from God; but it hadn’t any benefit. He came back toward Imam Hussein (God bless him) and heard that the children are shouting “Oh we are thirsty, Oh we are thirsty.” So he mounted on a horse and picked up a lance and placed a leather bottle on his shoulder and attacked to enemies.

He killed eighty people and arrived himself to water. Here he showed the extremity of magnanimity. He wanted to drink a palm of water but he remembered the thirstiness of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and his household and said “swear to God that I won’t drink water when my brother Hussein (God bless him) and his children are thirsty, it is impossible that I drink water.” He filled the leather bottle and placed it on his right shoulder and moved toward the tents; but they surrounded him from every direction and shot the arrows toward him from every direction.[63]

It has been written that they shot the arrows toward him so much that his armor was like a porcupine which had been full of arrows. Zeyn-Ibn-Varghaa and Hakeem-Ibn-Tofeyl ambushed and cut his right hand behind a date palm. He quickly took his sword with his left hand and threw the leather bottle’s cord on his left shoulder and shouted “swear to God that if you cut my right hand, I’ll always defend from my religion and the supporter of my Imam who is honest in his faith and (who is) the son of purebred and trustee Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).”

He continued to fighting in this condition till he became unable. Nofel-e-Azady and Hakeem-Ibn-Tofeyl ambushed and cut his left hand too. So he shouted “O ego! Don’t fear from infidels and be happy to God’s mercifulness.” You are going to be killed for Hussein (God bless him) so I enunciate you to God’s mercifulness; don’t fear. But yet he was happy because he was able to bring the water to the tents and wasn’t upset because of his hands loss. Suddenly an arrow hit to the leather bottle and all water poured and another arrow hit to his chest and they hit to his head by an iron pole, crushing his skull. He wasn’t able to ride.

He fell down from his horse. This was for the first time that he called Imam Hussein (God bless him) as his brother. Imam (God bless him) quickly came and saw that his hands has been cut and his skill has been crushed and his body has been fragmented so he shouted “O brother! Now is the time my backbone broke; I can see no way out, and hope broke, and my enemy is rejoicing at my misfortune, and your loss will kill me before the sunset. The corps fled by arrival of Imam (God bless him).

 Imam (God bless him) shouted “where are you fleeing? You killed my brother, where are you fleeing? You broke my power.” He couldn’t move Abbas’ (God bless him) body because they have fragmented his body. So he didn’t mount on his horse, because he hadn’t any power, he took his horse bridle and walked toward the tents.[64]

When the women and daughters saw that Imam (God bless him) is coming, Sakina (God bless her) came toward Imam (God bless him) before all of them and took his father’s horse bridle and said “have you any news from my uncle Abbas (God bless him)? He promised me to bring water for me, and he doesn’t break his promise, O father! Did he drink water himself?” Imam (God bless him) cried when he heard Sakina’s (God bless her) words and then he said “O my daughter! They killed Abbas (God bless him)”

 When sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) heard the news of Abbas’ (God bless him) murder she shouted “O my brother! O my Abbas (God bless him)! Woe to friendliness, woe to being contempt after you.” Then he sat beside his body and put Abbas’ (God bless him) head on his knee and wiped blood from his two eyes. Sainthood Abbas (God bless him) had a little breath and he consumed that breath for crying on Imam Hussein (God bless him).

Imam Hussein (God bless him) said “why you are crying?” he answered “O my brother! O my eyes vision! Why shouldn’t I cry? You have come and picked up my head from earth, but a little bit later when you will be martyred, who will pick up your head from earth and who will wipe soil from your face?! Then Sainthood martyred.[65]

  The going of Sainthood Fatima (God bless her) darling son Imam Hussein (God bless him) to battlefield and his martyrdom

One of the most harrowing, severe and painful tragedy that happened in Karbala and was traumatic for all creatures, skies, earth, jinn, mankind, angels and all messengers was the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (God bless him).[66] The tragedy of Imam Hussein (God bless him) has been expressed by Ahle Bait (God bless them) and Imams (God bless them) as a Ziyarat (a piece of text written about the dignity and tragedy of Ahle Bait [God bless them]) or as a quotations and it has been narrated by scientists as history of Karbala in some books like Ershaad,[67] Abu Mokhnaf’s Maghtal,[68] lahuf,[69]Montahao-al-Aamaal,[70] Nafso-al-Mahmum[71] and Kamelo-al-Ziyarat[72].

One of the most important matter which is necessary for Shiite to know, utilize, preserve and recommend it to the next generations is crying for tragedy of Imam Hussein (God bless him), that all messengers, Imams (God bless them) and religious people have participated in this crying and as Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “all creatures of skies and earth, birds, animals, jinn, mankind and angels have participate and participating in this crying.”[73]

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “if the memory of Imam Hussein (God bless him) would be told in the presence of someone and his eyes filled with tear, God will ban the hell fire on his face.”[74] And it is expected from preachers and encomiasts of Imam Hussein (God bless him) to don’t finish their performance without mentioning Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) tragedies and it is a reality that our great religious experts used to regard it.

 Some of the religious experts have made an official order that preaching and praising isn’t compulsory but if someone holds such a meeting, at the end of their session it is compulsory to mention Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) tragedies and some religious experts made it compulsory. For example decedent Golpayegany and even some great religious experts like decedent Haery-e-Mazandarany who is the writer of more than one hundred scientific books has made an official order that all commandments which should be regarded for mosque, they should be regarded for Hosseineeye (a place where people mourn for Imam Hussein [God bless him]).

Temptations of some liberals and the writings of some westernized people who have disdained crying on Imam Hussein (God bless him) and Ahle Bait (God bless them) should be considered as satanic orders; so we have to cry and also make others to cry and we should preserve this custom. Sheikh Tusy narrated in Amaly from Maviya-Ibn-Vahab that Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “all crying and moaning and shouting is unpleasant except crying and weeping for Imam Hussein (God bless him).[75]

Sheikh Sadoogh narrated that Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said to Abu Ammare “versify from the tragedy of Imam Hussein (God bless him) for me.” Abu Ammare said “I recited some poems and Imam (God bless him) cried, I continued, Imam (God bless him) cried again, I continued still, Imam (God bless him) cried yet until I heard sound of crying from his household. Imam (God bless him) said “whoever recite any poem about Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) tragedies and lead fifty people to cry, the heaven is for him and whoever lead thirty people to cry and whoever lead twenty people to cry and whoever lead ten people to cry and even lead one person to cry, the heaven is for him and whoever recite poems himself and cry or make his face like the person who cries, the heaven is essential for him still.”[76]

Of course we should keep it in our mind that crying isn’t enough, pray and fast should be regarded, Khoms and Zakat should be regarded, Hajj should be regarded. Crying for Imam Hussein (God bless him) is one of the most important things which can pass mankind on to heaven. Imam Reza (God bless him) said to Ibn Shabib “if you want cry for something, cry for Hussein (God bless him). If you cry for Hussein (God bless him) insofar as your tear pour on your face, God will forgive your all sins that you have done, small or great sin, little or much.

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “if the memory of Imam Hussein (God bless him) would be told in the presence of someone and tear come from his two eyes as the size of gnat’s wing, his reward is upon God. God won’t be satisfied with any reward for him except the heaven.[77] Allame Majlesy narrates in Beharo-al-Anvar that God himself mentioned the tragedy of Imam Hussein (God bless him) directly and indirectly for sainthood Adam (God bless him) and Noah (God bless him) and Abraham (God bless him) and Ishmael (God bless him) and Moses (God bless him) and Zechariah (God bless him) and Jesus (God bless him) and Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and they cried. Crying for Imam Hussein (God bless him) is actually a kind of coordination with all messengers (God bless them) and Imams (God bless them) and God’s beloveds.

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said that Imam Sajjad (God bless him) cried for his father about forty years while he had fast in days and used to pray in nights, and when they used to bring food and water at the time of breakfast for him he used to say “my father was killed hungry, my father was martyred thirsty and they used to change his food and beverage for many times so that he can eat and drink them.”

And it has been narrated that sometimes Imam Sajjad (God bless him) took a water container to drink but he used to cry so much that his tears scratched his face, a drop of blood poured in that water and they used to changed water for him.[78] So crying for Imam Hussein (God bless him) is an important matter that its preservation is essential. Crying or lead others to cry are ethnical necessity.

But the circumstance of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom is thus:

Imam (God bless him) was fighting when someone shouted that “your tents burnt.” He quickly came back. All of Ahle Bait (God bless them), women, daughters and children ran and surrounded him like a ring. Some of the children shouted that they are thirsty and they want water and when they saw the wounds on the body of Imam (God bless him), they screamed and hurt to their faces. Imam (God bless him) told them “calm down, don’t cry, you have a lot of crying in future.” Then he said “O Zaynab (God bless her), O Ome Kolsume (God bless her), O my daughter Sakina (God bless her), Roghayeh (God bless her), Fatima (God bless her), goodbye!”

Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) came and said “O brother! Are you ready for being martyre?!” he answered “how can I don’t be ready? I haven’t companions and assistants anymore.” Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) tore collar and disheveled her hairs and hit to her head and face with her hand.” Imam (God bless him) went some steps toward the battlefield and saw that all women are following him.

 He came back and returned them to the tents. When he wanted to go to battlefield, Sakina (God bless her) who was thirteen years old on that time stood front of the horse. Imam (God bless him) dismounted and talked to his daughter. She said to him “O father! Return us to Medina.” Imam (God bless him) said “if they had let me do so, I would have come back you. O my daughter! You had a request from me that I wasn’t to do it, now I have a request from you.” She said “O father! What’s your request?” he said “don’t cry that much in front of me. Your crying fires my heart.”[79]

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “Imam Hussein (God bless him) attacked and fought, thirty three lance lesion and thirty four sword lesion were on his body. He tired. He was thirsty, hungry and mournful; he was hearing the sounds of crying. He leaned to his lance sitting on the saddle.[80] Sheikh Mofid says in Behar-al- Anvar “Abu-al-Hotuf-e-Jofy stroke to his forehead by an arrow. The arrow split the forehead. He wanted to prevent his blood to be flowing but he saw that it is impossible. He opened his belt and took out a piece of cloth to wipe the blood from his face that they hurled a three-pronged arrow and it lodged into his chest in the area of the heart. It was the arrow that when his sister came in his place of killing and saw that piteous scene, cried and said “O my Hussein! I wish they had hurled this arrow to my heart, and had cut my life vessel and I wouldn’t have seen you in such a condition!”When they hit his heart with three-pronged arrow, he couldn’t to pull out the arrow from front side so he bent down and pulled out the arrow from back side and then he wasn’t able to riding and said “In the name of Allah, by Allah, and following the path of the Apostle of Allah.” The horse was well- instructed and it understood that its owner is not able to sitting. That’s why the horse came at the middle of a ditch and prolonged its two hands forward and then prolonged its two legs backward so that Imam Hussein (God bless him) become close to the ground. He was placed gently from his horse to the ground.”[81]

Ibn Gholviye has narrated from Imam Sadegh (God bless him) “Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), Imam Ali (God bless him), Sainthood Fatima (God bless her) and Imam Hassan (God bless him) was looking these conditions. Imam Hussein (God bless him) was fall down on the ground, sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) and the children came toward the battlefield and sat beside Imam Hussein (God bless him), Imam (God bless him) was alive then. Suddenly the enemies attacked and hit sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) and the children with whipped them and said “leave him otherwise I’ll join you to him.

Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) turned back and saw the owner of voice who was Shemre. Then she put her hands around his brother neck and shouted “I’ll never leave him. If you want to behead him, you have to also behead me.” Shemer whipped her and shouted “if you close to him anymore, I will decapitate you.” Imam Hussein (God bless him) was really weak and powerless, he beckon to Ahle Bait (God bless him) and told them to come back and they came back. He was lie down on the ground with those much lesions and wounds. Shemer sat on his chest. He opened his eyes, as soon as he saw Shemer he said “Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah and his Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said truly. Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said “I’m looking a dog which has put its claws in the blood of my household.”

Shemre got angry and turned Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) body inside out and cut the holy head of Imam Hussein (God bless him) from backside of his neck by a lot of stroke and to inform all members of corps about Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom, Omar-Ibn-Saad ordered to put the head on the lance and to turn it around the ground.

Imam Bagher (God bless him) said “my forefather Imam Hussein (God bless him) was killed in such a condition that Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had banned that way of killing. Every creature is killed in some special ways. For example we Nahr (without beheading) camels and Zebh (with beheading) sheeps, but they killed my forefather Imam Hussein (God bless him) by swords, lances, stone, woods and walking stick and after them they ran their horses on his body.”[82]

Imam Ali (God bless him) cried for Imam Hussein while he was passing from the earth of Karbala (God bless him) to some extent that he got unconscious and his companions weren’t able to restore him. “Peace be upon you O Aba Abdellah-al-Hussein, Peace be upon you and God bless you[83]

Returning of Zuljanah to the tents

Abu Mokhnaf,[84] Mazandarany,[85] Behbahany[86] and Ghandoozy have narrated the returning of Zuljanah to the tents in this way that when Imam Hussein (God bless him) fell down from the saddle after the poisonous three-pronged arrow hit his heart and he martyred, his horse came neighing near the body of Imam (God bless him) and kissed his body by its lip and smelled his body while this animal was crying and its tear was pouring from its eyes like a mother who is grieving. Zuljanah colored its mane with Imam’s (God bless him) blood and came back to the tents while its saddle was upside down and neighing and was hitting its head against the earth and came around the tents.

By hearing the neigh of horse, sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) told to Sakina (God bless her) “I think your father comes back and he has brought water, go and welcome him;” but when Sakina (God bless her) came out and saw the horse, she shouted “O father! O Hussein (God bless him)…”[87] it has been come in Ziyarat-e-Nahiya which ascribes to Imam Mahdi (we praise God for his advent) “when the women and daughters saw the horse, with the condition that its saddle has been upside down, all of them disheveled their hairs under the veil of chastity and hit their faces and after those amount of honor, now they had to be captured by the enemies after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (God bless him), so they wailed and ran toward ghatlegah (a place where someone was killed).[88]

It has been narrated in Ershad from Sheikh Mofid that sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) shouted “Omar-Ibn-Saad! They are killing my Hussein (God bless him), are you watching?” Omar-Ibn-Saad didn’t answer. Imam Ali’s (God bless him) daughter turned to the corps of enemy and said “ouch to you! Are there any Muslim among you?” no one answered her again. Shemer called the corps and told them “May your mother be mournful for you! What are you doing? What are you waiting for? Then they rushed into the ditch of ghatlegah from every direction and attacked to the body of Imam Hussein (God bless him) by arrows, lances and swords.[89]

Incidents of Ashura’s evening and setting fire to the tents

One of the saddening tragedy which came upon Ahle Bait (God bless them) was setting fire to the tents by the enemy. This upsetting tragedy has been narrated in the Maghtal of Abu Mokhnaf,[90] Alershaad from Sheikh Mofid,[91] Macero-al-Ahzan,[92]Behar-al-Anvar[93] and Maalio-al-Sebtein.[94]

When Ahle Bait (God bless them) became sure that Imam Hussein (God bless him) has been martyred by looking the scene of horse, raised their voice to crying and wailing. Omar-Ibn-Saad shouted angrily “ouch to you! Collapse the tents above these weepers, set fire to them and burn the tents with whoever is in it.” Then Shemre commanded “pillage whatever is in the tents.” The enemy pillages the tents and on the other side they sat fire to the tents.[95]

Hameed-Ibn-Muslim says “some fighters attacked along with Shemre to the tent of Imam Sajjad (God bless him) while he was extremely sick and was lying down, I saw that they pulled the carpet which was under Imam Sajjad (God bless him). They told to Shemre “don’t you want to kill this sick young?” I said “that’s amazing, what are you doing?” they gave up till Omar came and shouted “leave this young person.”[96]

Any way Ahle Bait (God bless them) fled from flame of fire and any of them went to a direction, but the enemies were chasing them and attacked to them with whip and with the bottom of their lances. They pillaged their earrings and bracelets and anklets and their ears tore by pulling out the earrings.[97] In this strange situation Syed-Ibn-Tavoos said: Ahle Bait (God bless them) that all kind of tragedies were happening for them and were fleeing, they came near the ghatlegah of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and his companions and by looking at those bodies they shouted and hurt their faces.[98]

One the witnesses says “swear to God that I will never forget Zaynab (God bless her) that was crying for Imam Hussein (God bless him) in that condition and was saying with a broken heart and disconsolately “O Mohammad (peace be upon him)! Salaam to you O the person that skies’ angels salaam you! This is your Hussein who has fell on the ground, his has been colored by his blood, his organs are fragmented and they have captured your daughters and have killed your descendants and desert’s wind is blowing on them. My mother and father be sacrifice to one whose companions and glory was pillaged on the day of Monday in Saghyfe and they overturned his tents! My mother and father be sacrifice to that friendless traveler that there isn’t any hope for his returning! My mother and father be sacrifice to a body that hasn’t any unwounded place in his body and there is no chance for his remedy and treatment. My mother and father be sacrifice to one whom I only sacrifice myself for him! My mother and father be sacrifice to one who was swamped in discomfort and uneasiness till he died! My mother and father be sacrifice to one who martyred with thirsty lip and whose holy beard was colored with his head blood and blood was trickling from his beard! My mother and father be sacrifice to one whose ancestor is Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)! My mother and father be sacrifice to one who is grandchild of guidance messenger! My mother and father be sacrifice to Mohammad-e-Mustafa (peace be upon him) and Khadije-e-Kobra (God bless her) and Ali-e-Mortaza (God bless him) and Fatima-e-Zahra (God bless her) the lady of all women!

The witness says “swear to God! Whether friend or enemy cried to this condition, then Sakina (God bless her) came and fell herself on the body of his father, embraced the separated throat and didn’t leave it; but some of those enemies gathered and violently kept her apart from his holy father’s body.”[99]

The bondage of Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) and Imam’s (God bless him) household and bringing them to Kufa

The heart rending adventure of Ahle Bait’s (God bless them) bondage has been narrated by Sheik Mofid,[100] Allame Majlesy,[101] Syed Ibn Tavoos[102] and Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi[103] thus: Omar-e-Saad commanded to mounting Ahle Bait (God bless them) on the camels which hadn’t any litter or the camels which litters was broken. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) was mounted on a naked camel and they fasten his leg under the stomach of camel and put some heavy fetter on his neck, as Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “they dealt with us in a way as if we were captives of Deylam and Khazar.

Ibn Gholoviye has narrated from Imam Sajjad (God bless him): that day in Karbala, the doors of grief and pain and hardship were opened for us. I saw my father was killed and bleeding on the ground. I saw my brothers and cousins and the children of my fathers who were martyred and slain and I saw my sisters and the women as if they were the captives of Turk and Rome. These tragedies and calamities were so unbearable for me that my heart got crashed and I was close to dying.

When my aunt saw me in this condition she said “O the memento of my ancestor and father and brothers! Why you are playing with death” I said to my aunt “how can’t be I grieving? Why shouldn’t I cry? I am looking that my sir, my brothers, my uncles, the children of my uncles and my household have been colored with their blood and have been fallen down on earth, their bodies have placed on the scorching desert, no one compassionate to them and don’t close to these bodies.” My aunt consoled me and informed me from the prosperous of the Karbala in future.[104]

Then the crossed Ahle Bait (God bless them) with a piteous condition from the near of martyrs and brought them to Kufa and passed them with that heart rending condition among the crowded of people and placed them at the lanes and bazaar and exposed the cut off heads in front of the viewers and spectators eyes and men and women came to see that cut off heads and the captives.

Syed-Ibn-Tavoos has narrated that a Kufi woman shouted from a roof “what captives you are?” Ahle Bait (God bless them) answered “we are the captives of Mohammad’s (peace be upon him) descendants.” She came down from the roof and gave them scarf and cloth so that they cover their holy and celestial faces and their daughters and children’s faces.[105]

Allame writes that Muslim who was a plasterer said “I was plastering the wall of Daro Alemareh that I heard sounds of wailing and shouting have been raised from around of Kufa. I told to worker who was near me “what has happened that people of kufa are shouting? He said “they are bringing the head of someone who had risen against Yazid.” I said “who is that person?” he said “Hussein-Ibn-Ali (God bless him)” I came out from Daro Alemareh and hurt to my face so badly that I feared my eyes have been blinded. Then I washed my hands and clean the plasters from hands and came in the town. I saw that people are waiting for captives’ arrival.

Suddenly I saw that forty broken litters have been carrying on the forty camels and the descendants and women of Fatima (God bless her) were placed in them. Suddenly I saw Imam Sajjad who was on a camel which hadn’t any litter and his neck vessels were bleeding. People of Kufa started to give bread and date and walnut to captive children; but Ome Kulsume shouted “O people of Kufa! Alms are taboo for us.” She took those breads and dates and discarded them. People started to cry by looking at these scenes.[106]

Zeyd-Ibn-Argham says “I heard the sound of holy Quran from the two saintly lips of Imam Hussein (God bless him) that was reciting “Do you think that the people of the Cave and the Inscription (the news or the names of the people of the Cave) were a wonder among Our Signs?”[107] I said “your story is more wonder than the people of the Cave.[108]

Plasterer Muslim says that when Ome Kulsume heard the sound of people’s crying brought out her head from litter and said “O the people of Kufa! Be quiet, your men killed our men and your women are crying for us, God will judge between us and you in hereafter.” Suddenly they brought the cut off heads which were on the lances. Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) head was in front of all heads, a head that was shiny and emitting light like the moon and had the most similar face to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) with bloody beard that lance keeper moved it to left and right.

Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) saw his brother cut off head on the lance so she hurt her head against the wood of litter. I saw that blood poured down from the head of sainthood Zaynab (God bless her). She beckoned to the head with a burning heart and shouted with crying “O the moon that became full like Badr! Suddenly lunar eclipse despoiled him and went down. O dear! I didn’t think that this could be our destiny, but this was predestined and fated. O my brother! Talk with your little daughter Fatima, her heart is going to melt because the intensity of separation and grief and sadness.[109]


Meeting of Ibn Ziyad (God curse him)

Sheik Mofid,[110] Syed Ibn Tavoos[111] and Allame Majlesy[112] have narrated about this meeting thus:

Ibn Ziyad celebrated a celebration after the arrival of Ahle Bait (God bless them) in the Daro Alemareh of Kufa because of their victory. He allowed people to enter in this celebration freely and commanded to bring the cut off head of Imam Hussein (God bless him). They brought the head and put front of him and ordered to enter women and children of Ahle Bait (God bless them) in that celebration.

Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) entered while she was put on her oldest dress and she disguised herself among the other women, she sat in a place and bondwomen surrounded her. Ibn Ziyad said “who is that disguised woman who has sat in a corner and other women are along with her?” No one answered him; he repeated his question for three times. One of the bondwoman said on the third time “She is Zaynab (God bless her), the daughter of Fatimah (God bless her), daughter of Ali (God bless him).

 The Shameless Ibn Ziyad said “Praise be to Allah who disgraced you, and revealed your sayings as false.” Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) answered “depraved people scandalized and sinner lies and we aren’t among them. Ibn Ziyad said “How did you find the way Allah treated your brother and your family?” Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) answered “I saw nothing but beauty. Be worried about the winner at that day (either it will be you or them). O son of Marjanah! May your mother be mournful for you.”

These few statements made Ibn Ziyad so angry that he decided to kill sainthood Zainab (God bless her). Omar-Ibn-Harys Makhzumy said “O Ibn Ziyad! She is a mournful woman and don’t reprimand a woman because of her speech.”[113] Then Ibn Ziyad looked at the Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) cut off head while he had a smile on his lip and began to poke its teeth and lips with a stick.

Zayd-Ibn-Argham who was one of the companions of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) protested “Take away your stick! By God, I saw the Apostle of God often kiss these lips.” He stood up and wanted to leave the meeting while he was crying that Ibn Ziyad said “Had it not been that you are an old and senile man, I would have cut off your head.” Zayd-Ibn-Argham said “O Ibn Ziyad! I saw the Apostle of God seating Hassan (God bless him) on his left leg and Hussein (God bless him) on his right, and say, “O God, I commend them and the most righteous of the people of faith to your trust.” How have you dealt with the trust of the Prophet, O Ibn Ziyad?[114]

Then Ibn Ziyad turned to Imam Sajjad (God bless him) and asked “who is this young man?” they answered “Ali-ibn-Hussein (God bless him). Ibn Ziyad retortedWas not Ali Ibn Al‑Husain slain by Allah?”  Ali-ibn-Hussein (God bless him) answered “Allah takes away the souls at death;” Ibn Ziyad said “how have you the boldness and audacity to answering me.” He ordered to bring him out and cut off his head. When sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) heard this statement, she said “O Ibn Ziyad! The blood which you have poured from us are enough for you, there is no one left for us.” Then she embraced Imam Sajjad (God bless him) and said “by God! I will not leave him! If you want to kill him, Then kill me with him if you so wish.” Ibn Ziyad said “that’s wonderful kindness!” then he retracted.[115]


In the monastery of monk between the path of Kufa and Shaam

The massive incident of arrival to the Kufa has been narrated by Syed Ibn Tavoos,[116] Allame Majlesy[117] and Sheikh Abbas Qomi that here is a summary of caravan’s incidents:

They moved Ahle Bait (God bless them) from Kufa to Shaam by a path that most of people who lived in the towns between these two towns weren’t Muslim and the towns were decorated and adorned by the order of their governors before the arrival of Ahle Bait (God bless them). They encourage people to come and watch the captives and encourage children to play there.[118]

One of the strange incidents which happened in the way of Kufa to Shaam was the incident of monk’s monastery. It has been narrated that: one night the corps arrived to the monastery of monk and dismounted. They put the holy head in a box and started to drinking wine and eating food near that box; but suddenly they heard that a harbinger is saying “Are the people who killed Imam Hussein (God bless him) hoping for the intercession of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in hereafter? God resented to them, they have disagreed God and didn’t fear from hereafter, God’s curse be upon Bani Ziyad and accommodate them in hell and torture them.”

This night was frightening for that group and they slept with fear and horror. The monk felt a kind of thunder sound at the midnight and a clamor arrived to his ear. When he paid attention, he got that this is the sound of God’s parsing and veneration. He stood up and brought out his head from monastery, he saw a box near a wall that a great light way emitting from it. The light was rising to sky as if it is touching the sky and angels are saying in front of that box group by group “Peace be upon you O the son of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), peace be upon you O Aba Abdellah-al-Hussein, Peace be upon you and God bless you.”

The monk feared very much, he wondered, he waited so that sun rises. Then he came out from his monastery and shouted “who is the chief of this corps?” they answered “Kholi” he went to Kholi and said “what is in this box?” he answered “here is the head of a man who risen up against Yazid’s government and Ibn Ziyad has killed him in the earth of Iraq.

The monk asked “what’s his name?” he answered “Hussein-Ibn-Ali-Ibn-Abi Taleb (God bless him).” The monk asked “what’s his mother name?” Kholi answered “Fatima Zahra (God bless her) the daughter of Mohammad-e-Mustafa (peace be upon him).” The monk said “death to you from the work which you have done.”

Our Christian predecessors said truly that when this grand person would be killed, sky rains fresh blood and it doesn’t happen except by killing of a messenger or his substitute, if it is possible for you to give this head to me for a while. Kholi said “we don’t bring out the head from this box until we give it to Yazid and take our prize from him. The monk said “which prize?” Kholi said “a pouch containing ten thousands Dirham.”

The monk said “I will give you this amount, give me the head.” Kholi said “prepare it now.” The monk brought the money and took the cut off head and brought it to his monastery and washed it with musk and camphor and put that near himself and said mournfully “by God! It is difficult for me that I wasn’t in Karbala along with you so that I could sacrifice myself for you.

 When you visit your ancestor Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), testify the thing that I’m testifying near you “I testify that there is no God but Allah who is one and who hasn’t any partner and I testify that Mohammad is his messenger and I testify that Ali is God’s supervisor, I accepted Islam by your hand.” I accepted Islam by your hand and I’m your servant. Then the cut off head talked to monk and accepted his intercession in hereafter and promised to save him in hereafter.[119]


Arrival of captives’ caravan to Shaam

Syed Ibn Tavoos[120] and Allame Majlesy have written about Ahle Bait (God bless them) arrival to Shaam town thus:

When Yazid hirelings brought Ahle Bait (God bless them) near of Shaam, Ome Kulsume said to Shemr “I have a request.” Shemr said “what’s that? She said “here is Shaam town, enter us from a door where a few people are moving so that they don’t watch us and put the cut off heads ahead of us so people occupied by watching those heads and don’t pay attention to us.[121]

But Shemr ordered against the request of Imam Ali’s (God bless him) daughter to enter Ahle Bait (God bless them) from Saat door where a lot of people were living and ordered to put the cut off heads among their litters. They moved Ahle Bait (God bless them) in this condition and conveyed them to the near of Jame mosque where was the residence of captives.[122]

A old man who was from Shaam thought that all of these captives are infidels so he came near and said “I thank God that killed and perished you, and purged towns from your men.” When he silenced, Imam Sajjad (God bless him) asked from him “have you recited holy Qraun?” he answered “yes I have recited it.” Imam Sajjad (God bless him) asked “have you recited this verse: No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin﴿.[123]

He answered “yes I have recited it. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) asked “have you recited this verse: And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah, and to the Messenger, and to near relatives﴿[124] He answered “yes I have recited it. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) asked “have you recited this verse: And render to the kindred their due rights﴿[125] He answered “yes I have recited it. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) asked “have you recited this verse: And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to purify you a thorough purification﴿[126] He answered “yes I have recited it.”

Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “O old man! Indeed we are the members of the family, who were talked about in the Purification verse” The old man extremely became upset and raised his hand toward sky and said “O God! I repent. O God I detest from Ahle Bait’s (God bless them) enemies and their killers.” And then he said “O the son of Holy prophet! Have my penitence been accepted?” Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “Yes, if you repent, God will forgive you and you would be considered with us” When Yazid heard this news, he ordered to kill the old man immediately.[127]

Sahl Saedy who was Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) companion said “I was going to Jerusalem and when I reached the Sham, I found myself in a city with long rivers and heavy trees, while its people had hung the decorations everywhere happily and excitedly, and their women were playing the drums and the tambourines, so I said to myself “maybe the people of Sham has an Eid (festival) that we are not aware of it!”

 I saw some people talking among themselves, so I said “do you have an Eid that we do not know?” They said “O old man, we see that you are a stranger,” I said “I am Sahl Saedy, I had seen the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and narrated his Sayings.” So they said “O Sahel, it is a wonder that the sky does not rain blood, and the earth does not swallow its people!”

I said “why is that?” They said “this is the head of Hussein (God bless him), the grandson of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), it is being carried as a gift from Iraq to Sham and it is almost here.” So I said “It is a wonder! As the head of Hussein (God bless him) is given as a gift and the people are pleased?” then I said “which door they are bringing them?” he said “Saat door.”

 I came to Saat door, I saw that they are carrying the martyrs’ head on lances and they had sat up Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) that was the most resemble people to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) on a flag. I saw a girl who was behind that flag and was on a camel which was without litter. I went ahead and asked her “whom daughter are you?” she answered “I am Sakina, the daughter of Imam Hussein (God bless him).”

 I said “Sahl Saedy, your ancestor’s companion, if you have any order, tell me to do that.” She said “say to lances’ holders to keep away these lances from us so that people pay attention to them and don’t watch to the Holy Prophet’s (God bless him) household.” I went near those who were holding the lances and said to them “take this forty red golden Dinar from me and keep away these cut off heads from Ahle Bait (God bless them).[128]

Menhal-Ibn-Amar says: one day I visited Imam Sajjad (God bless him) in Shaam and said to him “how are you spending your days?” he answered “like Bani Esraeel among the pharaohs that they (the pharaohs) killed their sons and kept alive their women. We as Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) descendants were involved and martyred and dispersed.”[129]


What’s happened in Shaam’s ruin? The circumstance of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) three year old daughter’s martyrdom

One of the harrowing tragedy which came upon Ahle Bait (God bless them) in Shaam town that has been narrated in Maghtal books[130] was Ahle Bait’s (God bless them) accommodation in a ruin and the death of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) three year old daughter. Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “they accommodate Ahle Bait (God bless them) in a dilapidated house which was beside the Damascus Jame mosque and had a little distance from the palace of Yazid and because no one lived in that place so it was called ruin.[131]

When they accommodated Ahle Bait (God bless them) in that ruin despite their magnificence and munificence and personality, they said “certainly they have accommodated us in this dilapidated house so that its roof collapses on our heads and fordo us.[132] Sheikh Sadoogh in Amaly[133] and Syed Ibn Tavoos in Lahoof have written:

The dilapidated house where Ahle Bait (God bless them) were accommodated wasn’t guarded against days’ heat and nights’ cold. Because of this condition the women and daughter’s face skin peeled off. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “Ahle Bait (God bless them) were hungry on the days and were spending their night praising God and crying on Imam Hussein (God bless him).”[134]

Ahle Bait (God bless them) were hiding the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and his households and companions from children and babies as much as they can. But one of the children who was a three year old girl and Maghatel books have written that her name was Roghayeh (God bless her) started to crying and said “I want my father.”

Roghayeh (God bless her) extremely loved his father and Imam Hussein (God bless him) also loved her highly. She cried in that dilapidated house all the days and night and wanted her father. They told her over and over that your father has gone to a journey but she didn’t calm down till one night she dreamed her father. When she awaked, she started to crying and weeping. They highly tried to calm her down, not only she didn’t calm down but also she cried more extremely.

All women and girls weren’t able to tolerate, and by looking her crying they started to cry. The women and girls were hurting their face by looking her crying. They poured the soil of that ruin on their heads and disheveled their hairs and started to cry so loudly that the noise reached Yazid in the palace and he awaked.

He asked the guards what all the noise was about. When they told him what it was, Yazid ordered that Imam Hussein (God bless him) head be taken to Roghayeh (God bless her) in order to keep her quiet. He said “she is a child and she can’t realize it, she will be quiet by looking at the face of his father. They brought the head in a tray and had covered it by a cloth and put it front of her. Roghayeh (God bless her) said “I didn’t want food, I wanted my father.” They said “your father has come.”

When she picked up that cloth she saw a cut off head. Then she lifted the head with her little hands and placed it on her chest. She was saying continuously “O father! Who has colored your beard with your head blood? Who has cut your vessels? Who has orphaned me in childhood? O father! Who will help the orphans? Who will take care of these mournful women? Who will soothe these women who had given martyrs? Who will assist to these tearful women? O father! Which hand fondles these children’s disheveled hairs? O father! Who is our supporter after you? Woe to our saddening condition, Woe to our loneliness, O father! I wish to die for you. O father! I wish I was blind before it so that I wouldn’t have seen such a scene.” Then she put her lip on his father lip and cried so extremely that she fainted; but when they moved her, they got that she has died.[135]


What’s happened in the palace of Yazid? (Sainthood Sakina’s dream)

One of the strange events which happened in Shaam and Allame Majlesy,[136] Ibn Naamy-e-Helli,[137] Syed Ibn Tavoos,[138] Bahrany,[139] and Sheikh Abas-e-Qomi[140] have narrated that is Sainthood Sakina’s (God bless her) dream.

Sainthood Sakina (God bless her) said to Yazid in his palace “I have seen a dream, if you listen, I will tell you.” Yazid accepted. She said: last night I slept after praying God and orison and crying a lot. I dreamed that universe doors opened, I saw myself in a light that was shining from sky to the earth. Suddenly I saw myself in a garden, I saw a servant from heaven’s servants. I saw a palace in that garden and I entered in that palace along with five people.

I asked from servant “whose palace is this?” The servant answered “this is your father Hussein (God bless him) palace because of the patience and tolerance that he had.” I asked “who are these five great people?” he answered “the first person is Adam (God bless him), the second person is Noah (God bless him), the third person is Abraham (God bless him), the fourth one is Moses (God bless him),”I asked “who is the fifth one that have kept his beard and grief and sadness have surrounded his entity and tears are flowing extremely from his eyes?” he asked “O Sakina (God bless her)! Don’t you know him?” I answered “No,” he said “he is your ancestor Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) that is going to see Hussein (God bless him).

I went toward my ancestor quickly and said to him “O great ancestor! By God! They killed our men, By God they poured our blood! By God they dishonored us and mounted us on camels which hadn’t any litter and brought us toward Yazid.” Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) embraced me, turned to Adam and Noah and Abraham and Moses and said “are you looking what’s my nation have done with my dears after me?

The servant said “O Sakina (God bless her) be quiet! You have made your ancestor extremely sad and sorrowful and tearful.” Then he took my hand and brought me into the palace. I saw five women whom God had beautified their entity and had filled their nature with light. I saw a distinctive and special woman among them who had disheveled her hairs; she had put on black dress and had a bloody shirt on her hand, when she stood up, all people stood up for her and when she sat all people sat.

I asked “who is she?” the servant said “these are Eve (God bless her), Mary (God bless her), Kadijah (God bless her), Hagar (God bless her), Sarh (God bless her) and the woman who had a bloody skirt in her hand is the lady of women sainthood Fatima (God bless her).” Then I went toward my mother sainthood Fatima (God bless her) and said to her “By God! They killed my father and orphaned me in this little age.”

Sainthood Fatima (God bless her) embraced me and cried extremely. Those five women cried too and said “God will judge between you and Yazid.” Then sainthood Fatima (God bless her) said to me “O my daughter! Don’t cry, you have torn the bond of my heart, this is your father Hussein (God bless him) skirt. I will not keep it away from myself till I visit God with this bloody skirt.”[141]


Returning of Ahle Bait (God bless them) to Karabla on the day of Arbaeen

One of the piteous and heart rending events was Returning of Ahle Bait (God bless them) from Shaam to Karbala and from Karbala to Medina that has been narrated by Sheik Mofid,[142] Syed Ibn Tavoos,[143] Allame Majlesy[144] and Sheikh Abas-e-Qomi[145] thus:

When they wanted to return Ahle Bait (God bless them), Yazid said to Imam Sajjad (God bless him) “tell me whatever you want, I will definitely accomplish three of your wishes.” Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “first let me visit my father head. Second, command to return us whatever they have pillaged from us. Third, if you want to kill me so appoint a trustworthy agent to convey Ahle Bait (God bless them) to Medina so that the women can easily and comfortably return there.”

Yazid said “visiting your father isn’t possible for you. Second, I don’t want to kill you, you have to return Ahle Bait (God bless them) to Medina by yourself. Third, I will pay money to you many times more than what have been pillaged. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “we don’t want any worldly property from you, there was a cloth among those pillaged things which was fabricated by my mother sainthood Fatima’s (God bless her) hands and also there were her necklace, scarf and her skirt.[146]

Yazid ordered to return all of those pillaged things, then said to Imam Sajjad (God bless him) “I you want you can stay in Shaam. Imam Sajjad (God bless him) answered “we want to return and mourn for Hussein (God bless her).” They gave a house to Ahle Bait (God bless them), all the men and women who were from Hashemi and Qoreish tribes were put up black clothes and participated in the mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein (God bless him) which was held by Ahle Bait (God bless them) in Shaam. This mourning ceremony lasted for seven days and nights.

On eighth day, Yazid called Ahle Bait (God bless them) and said to them “if you want to stay, you can, or if you want to go, you can go. What’s your opinion?” they answered “we want to come back to our ancestor Medina.” Then Yazid called Noman-Ibn-Basheer who was one of the companions of Holy prophet (God bless him) and ordered him to return Ahle Bait (God bless them) to Medina and ordered him to make suitable arrangements for their journey as they want.

When Ahle Bait (God bless them) returned from Shaam and became near to a two way path that one of them went to Medina and the other one went to Iraq, they said to Noman-Ibn-Basheer “ convey us from the way of Karbala.” Noman-Ibn-Basheer accepted. It’s acceptable that they arrived to Iraq from Shaam in the first forty days after the tragedy of Karbala, because Shaam and Iraq had a same border.

Their arrival to Karbala was simultaneous with the arrival of Jabir and some other people who had come to Karbala in order to visit the tomb of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him). The voices of mourning and wailing rose.[147] All people put on black clothes and arrived themselves to there, they hit to their heads and chests and hurt to their faces.

Ahle Bait (God bless them) were saying “we have lost the life and soul and spirit and a basil branch and the olive here. We have lost a bright and shiny moon here that deviants’ people used to be guided from his lights. It was here that they obstructed between Abbas (God bless him) and the water in that hard day. It was here that they martyred our six month old baby by a hostility arrow. It was here that they weren’t compassionate to our six month old baby. It was here that Shemr cut off the throat of Imam Hussein (God bless him) by his sword. It was here that Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) face was soiled. It was here that they tore and burnt or tents and apportioned our property as booty among the traitor people.”

When sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) saw the holy tomb of Imam Hussein (God bless him) on the day of Arbaeen, she cried and moaned so extremely that she fainted. The women of Ahle Bait (God bless them) poured water on her face till she recovered; Ome Kulsume (God bless her) disheveled her hairs and hurt to her face and cried with a loud voice.

Sakina (God bless her) shouted “O Mohammad (peace be upon him)! O our honorable ancestor! The things which happened for your household are really difficult for you, they pillaged the clothes of your descendants after killing them, they injured their bodies, and they pulled them on the ground and beheaded them.”

When Imam Sajjad (God bless him) saw this condition of Ahle Bait (God bless them), he ordered to leave there after three days. Sainthood Sakina (God bless her) called the women of Ahle Bait (God bless them) to farewell from holy tomb of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and she herself embraced the holy tomb of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and cried loudly and said “O Karbala! We put a body in you that his cerecloth was his clothes but they brought his clothes.”

It has been narrated in Maalio-al-Sebtein that: sainthood Robab (God bless him) asked for Imam Sajjad’s (God bless him) permission to stay in Karbala to mourn for Imam Hussein (God bless him). Imam Sajjad (God bless him) enjoined Bani Asad to preserve her. She used to came to the women of Bani Asad in nights and went to the holy tomb of Imam Hussein (God bless him), and sat under the hot sun and cried and didn’t let them build a sunshade for her.[148]

Imam Sadegh (God bless him) said “she stayed and cried near the holy tomb of Imam Hussein (God bless him) for one year, the women of Bani Asad tribe and their bondmaids cried with her too, she cried so much that the tears of her eyes dried.”


Returning of Ahle Bait (God bless them) to Medinato-al-Nabi

After staying three days, Ahle Bait (God bless them) moved to Medina according to the order of Imam Sajjad (God bless him). When they reached near Medina, Ome Kulsume read some lengthy poems by looking at the walls of Medina. Here are some of those poems:

“Oh the city of our grandfather, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), how can you accept us at all, because we have come with a sorrowful and saddening heart. Our men fell down on the soil of Karbala with cut off heads. They beheaded our children. They beheaded Hussein (God bless him) and didn’t respect our rights as the descendants of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). We left you along with all Ahle Bait (God bless them); but we have returned while we haven’t any men or children.[149] 

It seems that when Imam Sajjad (God bless him) heard the moaning of his aunt, he thought that his Ahle Bait (God bless them) don’t like to enter in Medina without informing them. He ordered that all of them dismount and set up two tents; one of them for themselves that when the men of Medina come, enter in this tents and another for women of Ahle Bait (God bless them). The order has been done.


Then he said to Basheer-Ibn-Jozlam “God bless your father, he was a poet, can you do his work?” he answered “yes.” Then Imam Sajjad (God bless him) said “Go and inform the people of Medina from the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (God bless him) and the returning of Ahle Bait (God bless them).” Basheer entered in Medina and didn’t talk to anyone till he entered in mosque. Then he cried loudly and read these two lines of poems in the mosque of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him): 

O the people of Medina! Medina isn’t your place anymore, they have killed Hussein (God bless him) and tears are flowing from my eyes abundantly. His body colored in Karbala with blood and they carried his holy head on the lances.” Then he shouted “Imam Sajjad (God bless him) has come to your land along with his aunts and sisters. They have placed behind the door of Medina.” 

All of men and women ran to out of Medina while they were foot-bared and head-bared and were moaning and crying and wailing and were saying “O Mohammad (peace be upon him), O Hussein (God bless him).”A special condition had been created that no one had seen such scene in Medina before. The men of Medina came to the tent of Imam Sajjad (God bless him) and saw that he has a handkerchief in his hand and is wiping the tears of his eyes. 

They saw that Imam Sajjad (God bless him) was crying so extremely that he can’t speak. On the other side women, especially sainthood Ome Salameh (God bless her) and sainthood Ome Baneen (God bless her) went to the tent of Ahle Bait’s (God bless them) women while they were moaning and crying and by looking sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) and sainthood Ome Kulsume (God bless her) they started to crying more severely. 

After that all men and women entered in Medina of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) along with Ahle Bait (God bless them) while they slashed their collars and put on mourning clothes and were wailing.[150] When sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) saw the tomb of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), she came and held the ring of his holy shrine and said “O my ancestor! I have brought the news of my brother Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom for you.”

Sainthood Ome Kulsume (God bless her) also talked to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) like sainthood Zaynab (God bless her). Imam Sajjad (God bless him) put his face on the tomb of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and moaned and cried. People were flowing tears along with Ahle Bait (God bless them) and were saying “O Mohammad (peace be upon him)! O Ali (God bless him)! O Hassan (God bless him)! O Hussein (God bless him)![151]

All of Medina cried continuously for Imam Hussein (God bless him) for fifteen days and Ahle Bait’s (God bless them) crying continued till their death.[152] Especially Imam Sajjad (God bless him) who cried and moaned for his father about forty years while he had fast in the days and used to pray in the nights.[153] 

One of his servants says “one day he went to desert and I went along with him. When I arrived I saw that he has put his face on a rough stone and while he genuflected for God, he was crying and praying.” I asked “O sir! Isn’t it the time to abate your grief?” he answered “woe to you! Jacob (God bless him) had twelve sons. God kept away one of them from his eye. He cried so much that his hairs got white and his back bent, his eyes lost its vision because the intensity of his crying while he knew that his son is alive and was hopeful to see him; but they beheaded my father and brothers and seventeen people of my Ahle Bait (God bless them) in front of my eye, they put their heads on the lances and fell their bodies on that desert. Now you tell me how I can abate my grief and finish my sadness?[154]



Alehtejaj Ala Ahle Allejaj, Abi Mansoor-e-Ahmad-Ibn-Ali-Ibn-Abi Taleb-e-Tabarsy, (588), researching: Ibrahim-e-Bahadori, Mohammad Hadi-e-Beh, and publisher: Osveh.

Alakhbar-o-Altoval, Abi Hanif Ahmad-Ibn-Davood-e-Aldinaviry (282), researching: Abdu Almonem-e-Amer, Qom (1419)

Alershad fi Marefat-e-Hojaj-o-Allah Ala Ebad, Abi Abdellah-e-Mohammad-Ibn-Mohammad-Ibn-Naman-e-Albaghdadi known as Sheikh Mofid, researching: foundation of Alolbeit (God bless them) Le Ehya-e-Altoras, first edition, Qom 1413.

Asraro-Al-shahadah, Akhond Molla Agha Darbandi (2186), publication of Alami, Tehran

Elamo-al-Vara be Elamo-al-Hoda, Altabarsy, researching and publication by the foundation of Alolbeit (God bless them) Le Ehya-e-Altoras, Qom, first edition.

Aleghbal be-al-Amal-e-Alhasanah Fima Yamolo Marata fi-al-Sana, Syed Raziyo-Al-din Ali-Ibn-Mosa-Ibn-Jafar-Ibn-Tavoos-e-Helli (589-664), researching: Javad-e-Ghayoomi-e-Esfahani, publisher: Maktabo-al-Elamo-al-Islami.

Alamali, Alsadoogh(381) introduction by Sheikh Hussein-e-Alami, fifth edition, Beirut 1990

Alamali, Abi Jafar-Ibn-Mohammad-Ibn-Alhassan-e-Tusi (460), researching: Ghesmo-al-Darasat-e-Aleslamiah, Albesah foundation, publisher: Daro-al-Saghalein, Qom

Ensabo-Al-Ashraf, Ahmad-Ibn-Yahya-Ibn-Jaber-e-Al-Balazi (279), researching: Mohammad Bagher-e-Mahmoody, publisher: Alelmi Lelmatbuat, Beirut, first edition, 1394

Anvaro-al-Alaviyah, Sheikh Jafar-e-Naghdi (1370), researching: Mohammad Hassan-e-Ale Taleghani, second edition, Alheidariyah publications, Najaf-e-Ashraf

Beharo-al-Anvaro-al-Jameah Ledor-e-Alakhbaro-al-Aeme Atehar (God bless them), Allame Majlesi (1037-1111), publisher: Vafa foundation, Beirut-Lebanon, second edition 1403

Basaero-al-Darajat, Abi Jafar-e-Mohammad-Ibn-Alhassan-Ibn-Forukh-e-Alsaffar Alqomi (290), revision by Haj Mirza Mohcen-e-Koche Baghi, Alelami foundation, Tehran

Tarikh-e-Tabari (Tarikho-al-Omam va-al-Molook) Abi Jafar Mohammad-Ibn-Jarir-e-Tabari (224-310) Alelami foundation, Beirut-Lebanon

Tazkerato-al-Khavas, Sebt-Ibn-Jozi (581-654), researching: Hussein-e-Taghi Zadeh, publisher: Altabaah and Alnashr-o-Lelmajma-o-Alelmi le Ahl-e-Albeit (God bless them)

Jaml Men Ansab-e-Alashraf, Ahmad-Ibn-Yahya-Ibn-Jaber-e-Albalazeri (279), researching: doctor Soheil-e-Zakkar, publisher: Daro-al-Fekr, first edition, 1417

Alkharaej va-al-Haraej, Ghotbo-al-Din-e-Ravani (573), researching and publishing by Imam Mahdi (we praise God for his advent) foundation, second edition 1411, publisher: Althooro-al-Matbuat, Beirut-Lebanon

Alkhesal, Sheik Sadoogh, researching: Ali Akbar-e-Ghaffari, publisher: Jameo-Al-Modarresyn-e-Howza-Elmiya of Qom

Dalaelo-al-Aema, Abi Jafar Mohammad-Ibn-Jarir-Ibn-Rostam-e-Altabarri, researching: Ghecemo-al-Derasato-al-Islamiah, publisher: Albesah foundation, Qom

Aldamato-al-Sakebah, Mohammad Bagher-Ibn-Abdu Alkareem-e-Behbahani (1285), publisher: Alelmi le-al-Matbuat foundation, Beirut, first edition, 1409

Omdato-al-Taleb fi Ansab-e-Ale-Abi Taleb, Abi Enbato-al-Hosna Jamalo-al-Din Ahmad-Ibn-Ali (828), researching: Mohammad Hassan-e-Ale-Taleghani, second edition, Heidariyah publications, Najaf-e-Ashraf

Alavalem (Avalemo-al-Oloom va-al-Maarefo va-al-Ahval), Sheikh Abdullah Bahrani-e-Esfahani (twelfth century), researching and publishing: School of Imam Mahdi (we praise God for his advent), year of publishing: 1407

Oyoon-o-Akhbaro-al-Reza (God bless him), Sheikh Abi Jafar Mohammad-Ibn-Ali-Ibn-Alhusseine-Ibn-Babevei-e-Alqomi well-known to veracity (381), researching: Sheik Husseino-al-Alami, publications of Alelmi le-al-Matbuat foundation, Beirut

Favaedo-al-Moshahedat, Allame Sheik Jafar-e-Shoshtari

Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi (368), researching: Sheikh Javad-e-Ghayyomi, Nashr-e-Feghahat foundation

Alkamel-o-fe-al-Tarikh, Ibn-Basheer-e-Aljazri (555-630), Daro-al-Sader, Beirut 1385

Kashfo-al-Ghommah fi Marefat-e-Alaemah, Ali-Ibn-Isa-Ibn-Abi-al-Fateh-e-Alerbali (693), researching: Ali-e-Fazeli, publisher: the central association of Majma-e-Jahani-e-Ahle Beit’s (God bless them) printing and publishing.

Macero-al-Ahzan, Sheikh Najmo-al-Din Mohammad-Ibn-Jafar-Ibn-Abe-al-Bagha-Ibn-Naamy-e-Helli, pulisher: Maktabo-al-Heidariya, Najaf-e-Alashraf

Majaleso-al-Fakherah fi Masaeb-e-Aletrat-e-Altaherah, Abdu Alhussein-e-Sharafo-al-Din-e-Musavi (1377), researching: Mahmud-e-Badri, publisher: Maaref-e-Islami foundation – Qom 1421

Majaleso-al-Mavaez va-al-Boka fi Ayyam-e-Ashura, Allame Sheikh Jafar-e-Shoshtari, publisher: Nik Maaref, Maharat printing, year of publication: 69 of Bahman

Medinato-al-Moajez (fi Dalaelo-al-Aemahto-al-Atehar va Moajezehom), Syed Hashem-Ibn-Suleiman-e-Albahrany (1107), researching: Sheikh Ezzatollah-e-Molaee-e-Hamedani, publisher: Maaref-e-Islami foundation, first edition 1413

Almazar, Sheikh Abu Abdullah Mohammad-Ibn-Jafar-Ibn-Ali Almashahadi-e-Alhaeri, researching: Javad-e-Ghayyomi-e-Esfahani, the first printing of Nashr-e-Islami foundation

Mesbaho-al-Mojtahed, Sheikh Tusi, (385-460) first edition, 1411, publisher: Fegheh-e-Shia foundation – Beirut – Lebanon

Almaref, Ibn Ghatibeh Abi Mohammad-e-Abdullah-Ibn-Muslem, publisher: Alsharifo-al-Razi publication (1415)

Maalio-al-Sebtein, fI Ahvalo-al-Hassan va-al-Hussein (God bless them), Sheikh Mohammad Mahdi-e-Haeri-e-Mazandarani, publisher: Alsharifo-al-Razi publication, printing: Amir, Qom

Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Abu-al-Faraj-e-Esfahany(356), publisher: Razi publication – Zahedi, Qom

Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him) va Mesrao Ahle Beiteh va Ashabeh fi Karbala, Tut-Ibn-Yahya-Ibn-Saeed-Ibn-Mokhnaf-Ibn-Saleem-e-Alazdi (157) known to Abi Mokhnaf, publisher: Alsharifo-al-Razi publication, Qomo-al-Moghadesah, (1362)

Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Rzio-al-Din-e-Abi-e-Alghacem Alsyed Ali-Ibn-Musa-Ibn-Tavooso-al-Hassani-e-Helli (589-664)

Managheb-e-Ale-Abi Taleb, Rsheedo-al-Din Mohammad Ali-Ibn-Shahr Ashoob-e-Alsarvio-al- Mazandarani (588), researching: Yusef-e-Baghaee, first edition 1421, Zave-al-Ghorba

Montahao-al-Aamaal, Sheikh Abbas-Ibn-Mohammad Reza-e-Alqomi (1294-1351), researching: Naser-e-Bagheri-e-Bidhendi, publisher: Daleel, first edition 1379

Nafso-al-Mahmum va Nafthat-e-Almasdoor, Sheikh Abbas-Ibn-Mohammad Reza-e-Alqomi (1294-1351), Ketabchi publication 1373

Vaceelato Aldaryn fi Ansar-e-Alhussein (God bless him), Musavi-e-Zanjani, Alalami foundation – Beirut, first edition, 1395

Vaghato-al-Taf, Lut-Ibn-Yahya-e-Alazadi-e-Alghamedi-e-Alkufi (157), researching: Mohammad Hadi-e-Yusofi-e-Gharavi, publisher: Nashro-al-Islami foundation, Jame-e-Modarresyn-e-Qom – 1376

Alhedayato-al-Kobra, Abi Abdullah-e-Alhussein-Ibn-Hamedan-e-Alkhsybi (334), publisher: Albelagh foundation, Beirut – Lebanon

Yanabyo-al-Mavadah le Zave Alghorba, Sheikh Soleiman-Ibn-Ibrahim-e-Ghandoozy-e-Hanafi (1294), researching: Syed Ali Jamal Ashraf-e-Hassani, second edition, Daro-al-Osvah, Qom

The things which protect mankind from today’s life’s ups and downs and its difficulties and defend him from life’s mistakes and lead him to achieve success and prosperity is the connection ring which he has between himself and Ahl-e-Bayt’s (peace be up on them) holy knowledge. Thus the effort in order to promote knowledge about religious commandments is a significant mission that all activists, religious and cultural literati and Islam’s sympathizer should deeply pay attention to it.

To acquiring this goal the scientific and researching center of Shia’s Darol Erfan related to the unique glorification which has done to religious and cultural programs of Professor Hussein Ansarian has taken action to print a series of books which contain texts of religious speeches. Hoping this series can create a suitable background in society to increase their knowledge and understanding from God’s commandments.    

[1] Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.167-171; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.76-79; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.68-71; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.771-774; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.301-304; Alkaamel fe Altarikh, Ibn Alacer, Volume N.4, Page N.46-47

[2] Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.213-216; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.99-100; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.102-103; ; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.814-816; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.362-363, Almajles 3; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.324-325  

[3]Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N.59-60

[4] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Page N.159-160; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.14, Chapter 37; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.110-111.

[5] Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.455-457;  Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.91-93; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.90-92; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.317-319; Alkaamel fe Altarikh, Ibn Alacer, Volume N.4, Page N.57-59; Afotooh, Ibn Asam, Volume N.5, Page N.169-171

[6]Alahzab, Verse N.23

[7]Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.225-226; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2; Rozato-al-Shohada, Kashefy-e-Sabzevary, Page N. 369-370; Nafso-al-Mahmum, Alqomi, Page N.120-121; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.835-837; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.375-377, Almajles 5; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.186-187

[8]Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.229-231; Rozato Alshohada, Kashefy-e-Sabzevary, Page N.380-381; Nafso Almahmum, Alqomi, Page N.123-124; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.840-843; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.372-374, Almajles N.4; Vaceelato Aldaryn, Alzanjani, Page N.124-125; Tarikh-e-Tabary, Volume N.4, Page N.334-336.

[9]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.375, Almajles N.4 

[10]Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.243-244

[11]Alershad, Volume N.107-108

[12]Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Page N.88

[13]Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.34-36, Chapter N.37

[14]Tarikh-e-Tabary, Volume N.3, Page N.330

[15] Medinato-al-Moajez, Hashem-al-Bahrany, Volume N.3, Page N.366-369, Alraghm 84, below the quotation 931/93; Favaedo-al-Moshahed, Allame Tostary, Volume N.2, Page N.419-420 and 423-425, Almajles 9; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.450-452, Almajles 22

[16]Medinato-al-Moajez, Hashem-al-Bahrany, Volume N.4, Page N.214-216, Alraghm 805, Quotation N.1242/295

[17] Alershad, Mofid, Volume N.2, Page N.108; Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Alesfahny, Page N.585; Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N.70; [17] Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.467-468; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.134-135; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.873-874; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.341-342. 

[18]Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.243-244

[19]Alershad, Volume N.107-108

[20]Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Page N.88

[21]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Page N.166-167

[22]Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.34-36, Chapter N.37

[23] Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.409-417, Almajles 14&15

[24] Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.1, Page N.272

[25] Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.416, Chapter N.79, quotation N.639/23; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.98, Page N.168, Chapter N.18, quotation N.30

[26]Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.43, , Chapter N.37

[27]Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Abu-al-Faraj-e-Esfahany, Page N.77; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.166; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.129-130; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.43, , Chapter N.37

[28]Aldamato Alsakeba, Volume N.4, Page N.331-332

[29] Majale Almavaez-va-Alboka, Altostary, Page N.123-131, Almajles 9

[30] Yanabyo-al-Mavadah, Alghandoozy, Volume N.3, Page N.78; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.291

[31]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.166-167; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.42, Chapter N.37

[32]Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.286

[33]Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.340 

[34]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.106

[35]Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Page N.76-77; Tasliyato-al-Majales, Muhammad-Ibn-Abitaleb Almusavy, Volume N.2, Page N.312; Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N. 68-69; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.44, Chapter N.37; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.287; Levaej-al-Ashjan, , Page N.130-131; Vaceelato Aldaryn, Alzanjani, Page N.290

[36]Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.44, Chapter N.37

[37]Nafso-al-Mahmum, Alqomi, Page N.142; Tarikh Rozato-al-Safa, Volume N.3, Page N.2255

[38]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.108; Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N.70; Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.466; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N. 417, Almajles 16; Alfutooh, Ibn Asam, Volume N.5, Page N.131; Kashfo-al-Ghomah, Volume N.2, Page N.250; Alakhbar-e-Taval, Page N.258; Baghyato-al-Talab, Volume N.6, Page N.26-29

[39] Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.245

[40] Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.108

[41] Nafso-al-Mahmum, Alqomi, Page N.349

[42] Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.49, Chapter N.37

[43] Ehtaja-e-Altabarsy, Volume N.2, Page N.101, Quotation N.168

[44] Montakhab Altavarikh, Molla Hashem-e-Khorasany, Page N.275

[45]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Almazandarany, Volume N.1, Page N.423-425; Yanabyo-al-Mavadah, Alghandoozy, Volume N.3, Page N.78-79

[46]Tazkerato-al-Khavas, Ibn Sebt-e-Joszy, Volume N.2, Page N.164-165

[47]Nafso-al-Mahmum, Alqomi, Page N.161-162; ; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.420, Almajles 16

[48]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.160, Almajles 7

[49] Alkhesal, Alsadoogh, Page N.68, Chapter N.2, Quotation N.101

[50] Alershad, Volume N.2, Page N.109

[51] Maghtelo-al-Talebeen, Page N.89

[52] Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.395&466

[53] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.107

[54]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.41, Chapter 37

[55] Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.1, Page N.279

[56] Omdato Almataleb, Ibn Anbeh, Page N.356; Aayano Alshia, Syed Mohsen Alameen, Volume N.7, Page N.430; Alanvaro Alalaviya, Page N.441; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.264; Alasraro Alshahadah, Volume N.2, Page N.402&412

[57]Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.877; Alakhbaro Altaval, Aldinaviry, Page N.257

[58]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.436, Almajles 20

[59]Alkhesal, Alsadoogh, Page N.68, Chapter N.2, Quotation N.101

[60]Omdato Almataleb, Ibn Anbeh, Page N.356; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.1, Page N.436, Almajles 20; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.267

[61]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.89-91

[62]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.89; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.44, Page N.391, Chapter 37; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.242; ; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.89; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.271

[63]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.41-42, Chapter 37

[64]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.41-42, Chapter 37; Aldamato Alsakeba, Volume N.4, Page N.323-324; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.881-885; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Almazandarany, Volume N.1, Page N.437-441, Almajles 20; ; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.272-273; Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Almogharram, Page N.269-270 

[65]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Almazandarany, Volume N.1, Page N.443, Almajles 20

[66]Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.79, and the rest of it in chapter 26-29; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.201, and the rest of it in chapter 40

[67] Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.127

[68] Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.250-255

[69]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Page N.126-130

[70] Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.887

[71] Nafso-al-Mahmum, Alqomi, Page N.164-173

[72] Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.165, Chapter N.26, quotation N.1/211, and the rest of it in 181 to the end

[73]Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.165, Chapter N.26, quotation N.1/211, and the rest of it in 181 to the end

 [74] Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.207, Chapter N.32, quotation N.12/296

[75] Amaly, Tusy, Page N.162, Almajles 6, Quotation N.20/268; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.44, Page N.280, Chapter N.34, Quotation N.9

[76]Amaly, Sadoogh, Page N.141, Almajles 29, Quotation N.6; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.44, Page N.282

[77]Amaly, Sadoogh, Page N.129, Almajles 27, Quotation N.5; Oyoon-e-Akhbaro Alreza, Volume N.1, Page N.268-269, Chapter N.28; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.44, Page N.285

[78]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.233-234; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.4, Page N.249, Chapter 39; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.448  

[79]Yanabyo-al-Mavadah, Alghandoozy, Volume N.3, Page N.79; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.47&58, Chapter 39; Alavalem, Hashem-al-Bahrany, Volume N.17, Page N.289-290

[80]Medinato-al-Moajez, Hashem-al-Bahrany, Volume N.4, Page N.77; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.57 Chapter 37; Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.301; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.147

[81]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.53, Chapter 38; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.900-901

[82]Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.317; Quotation N.9; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.91, Quotation N.30

[83]Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Volume N.17, Page N.144; Favaedo Almoshahed, Volume N.2, Page N.374, Almajles 5 

[84] Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.148-149

[85] Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.2, Page N.51-52

[86]Aldamato Alsakeba, Volume N.4, Page N.364-365

[87]Yanabyo-al-Mavadah, Alghandoozy, Volume N.3, Page N.84

 [88] Almazaro Alkabeer, Mohammad-Ibn-Mashhady, Page N.504, Quotation N.9; ; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.98, Page N.322

[89]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.112

[90]Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.200 to the end

[91]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.112

[92] Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N.77-78

[93]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.58-60

[94] Maalio-al-Sebtein, Almazandarany, Volume N.2, Page N.78-85

[95]Aldamato Alsakeba, Volume N.4, Page N.369; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.343; Asraro Alshahadah, Aldarbandy, Page N.436

[96]Vaghato-al-Taf, Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.257; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.112-113; Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.469-470; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.2, Page N.82, Almajles 2; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.148-149

[97]Amaly, Sadoogh, Page N.139, Almajles 31, Quotation N.2; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.60, Chapter N.37; Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.305; Vacilato-al-Daryn, Alzanjany, Page N.343

 [98]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.180

[99]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.180-181; Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.303; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.151

[100] Alershad, Volume N.2, Page N.117

[101]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.58-179, Chapter 39

[102] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.189

[103] Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.260-261, Chapter N.88

[104]Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Page N.445, Chapter N.88; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.28, Page N.57, Chapter 2 and Volume N.45, Page N.179

[105]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.190

[106]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.114, Chapter N.39

[107] Surah Kahf, Verse N.9

[108]; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.115; Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.473; Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.131; Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.389; Alsagheb fi Managheb, Page N.333, Quotation N.273 

[109] Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.115, Chapter N.39; Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.372-373; Almajaleso Alfakherah fi Masaebo Aletrate Tahera, Syed Sharafo Aldeen, Page N.314-315, Almajles 16; Yanabyo-al-Mavadah, Alghandoozy, Volume N.3, Page N.86-87

[110] Alershad, Volume N.2, Page N.117

[111] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.189

[112]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.58-179, Chapter 39

[113]Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.166-167; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.115; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.200-202; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.947-949

 [114]Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.471;  Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.114-115; Ansabo Alashraf, Alblazary, Volume N.3, Page N.412-413; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.349;  Alkaamel fe Altarikh, Ibn Alacer, Volume N.4, Page N.81

[115]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.116-117; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.202; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.949-995; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.350  

[116] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.189

[117]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.58-179, Chapter 39

[118]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.210

[119]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.142-143; Alkharaej va Aljaraeh, Alravandy, Volume N.2, Page N.578-580, Quotation N.2; Tazkerato-al-Khavas, Ibn Sebt-e-Joszy, Volume N.2, Page N.201-202

 [120] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.210 and rest of it

[121]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.127, Chapter 39 

[122]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.210; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.971-972; Afotooh, Ibn Asam, Volume N.5, Page N.129; Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Alkharazmi, Volume N.2, Page N.61

[123]Sura Shora, Verse N.23

[124] Sura Anfal, Verse N.41

[125] Sura Asra, Verse N.26

[126] Sura Ahzab, Verse N.33

[127]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.211-213; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.974-975; Ehtaja-e-Altabarsy, Volume N.2, Page N.120-122, Quotation N.172; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.167-168

 [128]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.127-128; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.427-428; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.976-977; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.168-169; Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Alkharazmi, Volume N.2, Page N.60

[129] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.222; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1000; Afotooh, Ibn Asam, Volume N.5, Page N.133

[130]Amaly, Sadoogh, Page N.140-142, Almajles 31, Quotation N.3&4; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.219;  Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.177, Chapter N.39, Quotation N.25; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1002-1004

[131] Alkharaej va Aljaraeh, Alravandy, Volume N.2, Page N.753, Chapter N.15; Quotation N.71

[132]Basaero Aldarajat, Hassan Saffar, Page N.358, Chapter N.12, Quotation N.1; Dalaelo Alaeme, Mohammad-Ibn-Jaryr-e-Tabary, Page N.204, Qoutation N.15/125; Alkharaej va Aljaraeh, Alravandy, Volume N.2, Page N.753, Chapter N.15; Quotation N.71

[133] Amaly, Sadoogh, Page N.142, Almajles 31, Quotation N.4

[134] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.219

[135] Kamel-e-Bahaee, Volume N.2, Page N.179; Aleeghad, Alazymy, Page N.179

[136]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.140-141, Chapter N.39

[137]Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N.104-105

[138] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.188-189

[139]Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.440;

[140] Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1004-1006

[141] Previous footnote

[142] Alershad, Volume N.2, Page N.122

[143] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.224-225

[144]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.144, Chapter 39

[145] Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1010-1012

[146] [146] Previous footnote

[147]Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.183-184; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1011-1012; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.2, Page N.179, Almajles 2

[148]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.2, Page N.187-188, Almajles 4 

[149] Yanabyo-al-Mavadah, Alghandoozy, Volume N.3, Page N.94; Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.49, Page N.197; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.423; ; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.2, Page N.198; Almajles 8; Aayano Alshia, Syed Mohsen Alameen, Volume N.1, Page N.617

[150]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.226-227; Medinato-al-Moajez, Hashem-al-Bahrany, Volume N.4, Page N.76, Alraghm 129, below the quotation 145/1092; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.446-447; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1022; Levaej-al-Ashjan, Syed Mohcen-al-Amin, Page N.185-186

[151]Beharo-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.198; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1026-1027; Maalio-al-Sebtein, Volume N.2, Page N.198-199; Almajles 8

[152]Kamelo-al-Ziyarat, Ibn Gholoviye Alqomi, Page N.213, Chapter N.35, quotation N.1/306; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.223; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1028

[153]Maalio-al-Sebtein, Almazandarany, Volume N.2, Page N.200, Almajles 8

[154]Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.224; Alavalem, Abdullah Bahrany, Page N.448; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1029

source : A review on the story of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom Professor Hussein Ansarian speech’s text
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