Monday 22nd of July 2024
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Qiyamat (Day of Judgement)

Any conscious and intelligent person in this world does not like desperation, so it can undoubtedly be said that hope is good whereas hopelessness bad and hence a hopeful view is preferred to the one full of desperation. With this is mind, let us assess the points of view of Islam and Materialism. Materialism says, a human being lives his fixed life in this world and then dies and thereafter he will never be bestowed with life again., he will become dust or assume any other form of matter but can never be a human being again meaning, there is no hope at all of life after death! There is not an iota of hope in this point of view, there is just utter darkness. When a person contemplates over such a point of view, he is drastically hurt. He then falls victim to desperation and depression. He thus admits that materialism can subjugate a human being into desperation, depression and darkness. Islam on the other hand gives consolations, tranquillity and hope. O human, do not despair! You are neither a transient nor an adventitious creature that exists for just a few years. You are rather a permanent and not a temporary creature, rather death is temporary. You will die for some time and then be raised back to life with your complete body; you will see with your eyes, you will hear with your ears, you will have your full consciousness and senses, you will feel cold and warmth. This new life of a human being after death will commence with the day of judgement which is called ‘Ma’aad’, Resurrection. The light of hope of being alive for a human being that is found in Islam is not to be found in Materialism. There is nothing other than utter desperation in materialism. Therefore, Islam is enough to suppress the materialist point of view.

Allah (s.w.t) has mentioned about Ma’aad at over eight hundred places in the Qur’an. The hereafter is supplementary to this life. Even in the informing of the holy prophet (s.a.w), this fact has been repeatedly reiterated. This is not just the belief of Muslims but all religions have emphatically built it within their basic foundational beliefs. Not only are all religious sects in this world in unanimous agreement over the factuality of this point of view but also that the faculty of intellect deems it appropriate and the narrations verify its correctness so much so that there does not even remain the need to prove it because after the confession of Allah’s oneness and after having believed in the fact that the apostles have been nominated for the sole purpose of conveying the commandments of Allah (s.w.t) to mankind so that they may attain the success of the hereafter, it just becomes too obvious to question. But in refutation of materialistic and communalistic perceptions, it is necessary to mention something pertaining to the importance of Qiyamat or Ma’aad.

The purpose and objective of a human life and societal civilization is not mere fulfilment of the desire for food and sleep. In fact the difference between the Islamic system of the Qur'an and that of materialism or communalism is that a human being is tantamount to a beast in accordance with the point of view of the latter wherein he/she is focused on the fulfilment of worldly desires only. Islam on the other hand has high esteem for human beings and raises them high above the perception of materialism, other creatures cannot match this dignity for them, the reason being their acquaintance with and obedience to Allah (s.w.t). As evidenced by observation, a person given a particular task to accomplish may or may not actually fulfil his responsibility. To this, justice may call for immediate reward or punishment respectively. But normally this is not the case and to add to it, it has been witnessed that those who spend almost their whole life in disobedience to the Almighty enjoy a fruitful life in this world whereas those who sincerely commit themselves to worshiping Allah (s.w.t) are seen to have an agonistic life. Hence this proves that this world is, as a matter of fact a land of deeds and not retribution whereas the hereafter is for reward and punishment. Therefore actions are committed in this world and recompense awaits us in the next.

Human nature demands a world wherein good actions are rewarded for and bad ones translated into punishment, Qur’anic system of life conveys an important message of eternal living. Make an assessment of materialism, life is too short, no sure result of a deed is promised, no light, regardless of the amount of an effort a person may put in, it would not yield him/her any fruit, materialism would consider him dead together with his deed, but Islam gives out a message that do not lose courage. If your efforts do not produce immediate effect than remember it is for your own good as it may have a special reason. If not in this world then the hereafter has an outcome for you for your effort. By being alive, you will remain alive. And you would be rewarded for your effort. A belief in the day of judgement is such a belief that if it is submitted to, could eradicate every evil off the society. This world could become earthly heaven. This very belief makes us duty bound and responsible. Because once someone realises that he/she has to be accountable for every deed performed in this world, he/she would think twice before doing anything that could make punishment inevitable on the day of judgement.

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