Sunday 6th of October 2024
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Why to face the Kiblah in Prayers?

Question: Why it is necessary to stand towards Kiblah (the Holy Ka’bah) while praying, while Allah is everywhere and does not have a specific direction?

Answer: To pray in a specific direction does not mean that Allah is in a specific direction. The glorious Quran says about Kiblah and explains its reality:

And Allah’s is the East and the West, therefore, whither you turn, thither is Allah’s purpose… [Surah Baqarah 2:115]

And in another verse Allah says:

The East and the West belong only to Allah. [Surah Baqarah 2:142]

It means east and west belongs to Allah (and all places are similar for Him).

In fact to pray facing the Kiblah is due to that since a person has physical body, while praying he has to face some direction and Islam desires that for the perfection of this worship, he should take as much benefit as possible. The reason to face the holy Ka’ba is, as we all know, the holy Ka’ba is the oldest center of monotheism. It is the house built by the hands of the Pillar of Monotheism, Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and was the center of attention of all the Prophets and guides of Monotheism that is why turning towards this center of Monotheism means turning towards Allah. It is correct that Allah is not confined by space, but when a person stands towards such a center, because of many reasons he is nearer to Allah and feels himself in Allah’s proximity. The turning of

the Muslims of the world towards this holy center five times a day creates the inspiration of oneness and unity and this creates the similarity between the Muslims of the world and connection between them who are spread from East to West and shows their magnanimity and greatness and after all represents to the world the purpose and faith of Islamic teachings.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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