Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Searching for God

Searching for God

Searching for God

Why Do We Think And Study In Order To Know The Creator Of The Universe?

1. The love to be informed about and know the world is deep inside every one of us

We are interested in knowing whether this lofty Heaven with its shining stars and this wide earth with its wonderful sceneries and colorful creatures, its beautiful and varied birds, its seas, mountains, flowers and blossoms, and its tall trees have come into being spontaneously or have been created by a skillful, mighty and dexterous Creator.

In addition to these questions, all of us are confronted with the following questions:

Where have we come from? Where are we now? And where are we going?

How lucky would we be if only we knew the answers to these three basic questions?

Our inquisitive souls advise us not to sit idle; rather, we should endeavor to find proper solutions to the above questions.

In a car accident, an injured and unconscious victim would be taken to the hospital to get proper treatment. However, as soon as he regained consciousness, he would ask his caregivers why he was taken there, what place it was, and when he would leave. This vividly indicates that man could never be indifferent towards the above questions.

Thus, the first thing which will lead us towards the recognition of the God of The Universe and our existence is our inquisitive soul which always wants to know.

2. A Sense of Gratitude

Suppose you were taken to an elegant party by your elder brother and suppose you had never met your host. No doubt, your first desire upon your arrival at such a place would be to identify the host and to show him your appreciation and thank him for his kindness for having invited you.

When we look at the expansive table of sustenance spread for us we are anxious to recognize the distributor of these items of subsistence and to thank Him even if He was not in need of our gratitude. We are restless until this appreciation is extended on our part. And this restlessness on our part is an indication of our desire to recognize Allah.

3. The connection of our benefit and loss to this question

Suppose on your trip you arrived at a junction where there was turmoil. Everybody would advise you not to get out of your car at that place due to the dangers looming there. However, one group might advise you to drive east and another group to drive west. Still another might advise you to take an intermediate course which is said to be the safest way towards your prosperity, welfare, and convenience.

But could we allow ourselves to take up a course without much deliberation? Or could we stay at that hazardous location without selecting a right course of action. Definitely not.

Rather, without hesitation, our wisdom would guide us to study the situation and to consider the statements and advice offered by each group and adopt the best course of action.

During our lives in this world, we are confronted with the same dilemma. Each religion and school tries to attract us. However, since our destiny, prosperity misery and our progress or lack of it, depend on the way we choose for our action, we will find it significant to deliberate seriously and to identify the most appropriate solution to our problems and to keep ourselves safe from danger.

This is another reason why we try to identify the Creator of this world. The Holy Qur’¡n says:

فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ.

Therefore, give good news to My servants, those who listen to the word, then follow the best of it. [Qur’¡n 39: 17-18]


Have you ever seriously tried to know more than what you have heard about knowing God from your parents?

Can you tell the difference between knowing God and searching for Him?

Have you ever felt a spiritual delight deep inside you when you have discovered a need for God or uncovered some mystery concerning Him?

Second Lecture
The Consequences of Knowing God in our Lives

1. Theism and the Advancement of Knowledge

Suppose your friend brought you a book as a present and told you that it was written by an all-knowing and ingenious author…

You would never study such a book indifferently or perfunctorily. Rather, you would contemplate on every single sentence and on every word. If you could not understand the meaning of any sentence at first glance, you would study it once again to have a better comprehension of it. This is because you were told the writer was not a usual one; on the contrary, you were told that he had special talents.

But suppose you had been told that the book was not written by an expert, but rather by a mediocre writer whose judgments were not to be trusted.

Under such conditions you would not take the book seriously and you would attribute any incomprehensibility in the text to the ignorance of the writer.

The world of existence resembles a huge book in which every word stands for a creature. From the viewpoint of every believer, every particle of this universe is worth our serious attention. A believer in God tries, under the light of theism, to delve into the mysteries of existence with utmost curiosity (and this curiosity has led man to improve his knowledge) since he is aware that The Creator of the Universe is The Almighty God who is The Great Knower.

Such a pious man would easily realize that even the minutest part of The Creator’s work has been designed on the basis of a special wisdom. For this reason, such a person would study the universe more deeply in the hope of comprehending more of the mysteries of this world.

A materialist on the contrary, would not feel the need for profound study of the mysteries of the world since he would attribute the whole of existence to unintelligent nature. However, there are some materialistic scientists who are convinced that a god exists but name this creator nature. This is because in their view nature is extremely well-organized.

In sum, theism is a means for the enhancement of the sciences and human knowledge.

2. Theism, Endeavors and Hopes

When man is confronted with worldly complexities and he feels desperate and alone, belief in God comes to his rescue and enables him to face his problems.

Those who believe in God do not envisage themselves as alone; neither do they feel helpless. This is because God’s Power and Might is beyond all obstacles and no hurdle exists for Him.

True believers with their trust in Allah’s Benevolence, struggle against difficulties with all their strength and do so while they are hopeful of God’s Magnificence that He will remove all obstacles.

It is a fact that belief in God is a fortified place for man; good faith is a means for man’s endurance and stamina; faith in God steadily kindles the light of hope in the hearts of genuine believers.

For this very reason, righteous believers never try to commit suicide. This is because the feeling to commit suicide is a characteristic of quitters, losers and desperate people. The true believer neither becomes hopeless or disappointed, nor does he feel failure or boredom.

3. Theism and the Sense of Responsibility

We know some physicians who provide poor, wretched sick persons with money to fill prescriptions without even asking them for the medical fees. They would even stay at a poor person’s dilapidated house if they feel that the person was in danger. Such physicians are truly pious.

On the other hand, there are some physicians who would not do anything for the poor and sick without first receiving the necessary fees. Such physicians suffer from a lack of faith.

A truly religious individual should always feel a sense of responsibility; he is generous and beneficent. He senses an internal policeman within himself at all times who watches his deeds continuously.

Faithless people however are self-centered, despotic and dangerous. They do not assume any responsibility. It is easy for them to hurt others and abstain from doing good deeds.

4. Theism and Peace of Mind

Psychologists and psychoanalysts inform us that mental diseases are more prevalent in our time than at any other time in the past. They add that one of the factors behind such mental problems is anxiety and worry over future events. Worries over death, wars, poverty and failure are also disturbing in our time.

These scientists add that one of the factors that alleviate worries is faith. This is because one’s conviction and faith deter one from anxiety.

The Benevolent, Generous God, Who is familiar with every action performed by His servants, will help them if they ask Him for assistance. Then the servants will feel peace of mind for they know that God looks after them.

That is why genuine religious people feel tranquil at all times. They are not worried and anxious because they serve God in their deeds. If they lose something in the process, they know they could ask God for compensation. They are delighted even on the war front. The Holy Qur’¡n says in this regard:

الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَلَمْ يَلْبِسُواْ إِيمَانَهُم بِظُلْمٍ أُوْلَئِكَ لَهُمُ الأَمْنُ.

Those who believe and do not mix up their faith with iniquity, those are they who shall have security. [Qur’¡n 6:82]

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