Friday 27th of September 2024
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The Quranic Youth

The Quranic Youth

"We need Quranic Youth ...a Quranic generation..."

How can we bring this about?

When you use the phrases "Quranic generation" and "Quranic youth", you refer to the concepts of the Quran which one desires to reflect on with respect to the actions of youth, whether these are doctrinal concepts, notions of worship, ethical concepts, or basic action concepts. For this, we require that the youth open themselves to the Quran through contemplative study, in such a manner that there are Quranic directives based on motivational, reflective study, not barren directives based on imitation which seek a literal understanding of the text.

Our youth who live in the path of Islam, and that of propagation of the religion, are able to live anew the trials experienced by the active youths of the first era of the Islamic Call-the time of the revelation of the Quran. They do this from the perspective that the Quran was the divine, active element which motivated the outlook and deeds of youth; enough to face the task of the call to God with all its attendant responsibilities and to face the entire world.

The issue then is that the generation of Muslims make the understanding of the Quran part of their cerebral makeup, emotionally and through actions, in their sphere of activities, so that the Messenger of God could become an example for them in this endeavor. We saw that one of Prophet's wives described his morals thus: "His character was the Quran." Our character then should be the Quran, so that it will be possible for the people to see in our lives and conduct, the functional embodiment of it.

Addendum on Narrations (1)

On Longing

Imam Ali said:

  • "Longing is the ruin of the intellect." "Base desires are lethal poisons."
  • "The sweetness of lust is spoiled into the baseness of humiliation."
  • "Heaven welcomes calamities, and Hell welcomes base desires."
  • "Depravity is commensurate with the level of delight."

The Messenger of God said:

  • "It is possible that an hour of lust gains long lasting grief."

Imam Ali said:

  • "God will grant a legacy of abasement unto those who delighted in disobeying Him."
  • "Lust is a god worshipped, the intellect a praiseworthy friend."
  • "If you bow to your lust, it will make you deaf and blind, and spoil your hereafter."
  • "The first part of lust is happiness, its last part is destruction."
  • "Tame your lusts for they are loose; if you submit to them, they will pull you to the greatest depths."

Imam al-Sadiq said:

  • "Beware of your lusts as much as your enemies, for there is nothing more inimical to men than those who follow their lusts and speak emptily."

Imam Ali said:

  • "Ridding the soul of its base desires is the greatest jihad."

On Getting Together ("Hanging Out")

The Messenger of God said:

  • "The totality of evil is comparable to the mate of evil."

Jesus was asked by his disciples:

  • "O spirit of God, whom do we take as friends then?" He said: "He who, when you see him, makes you remember God, and his logic helps you in your work, and his works make you long for the hereafter."

Imam Ali said:

  • "A good friend is a blessing; an evil companion is an affliction."

Imam Zayn al-Abidin said:

  • "Sitting with the righteous is an invitation to propriety. Luqman said to his son: "O my son, sit with the scholars, and touch knees, for surely God enlivens the hearts with the light of wisdom, the same way that the earth is enlivened by the torrents from the sky."

Imam Ali said:

  • "Sitting with the scholars brings joy.

The Messenger of God said:

  • "Befriend the pious, for if you do good, they will praise you, and if you err, they will not be harsh with you."

Imam Ali said:

  • "Sit with the poor, you will receive more thanks."

The noble Prophet said:

  • "Ask the scholars, address the sages, and sit with the poor."

From Ali:

  • "The company of the people of lust is the abandonment of faith and a nursery for the devil."

He also said:

  • "Eschew the evil ones, and sit with the good ones."

On Shyness or Shame

The Messenger of God said:

  • "Shyness comes only with good."

And he said:

  • "Shyness is from the ways of Islam."

And he said:

  • "God loves the shy, moderate person, and detests the lewd, demanding, forward boor."

Imam Ali said:

  • "Shyness is a way to everything beautiful."

And he said:

  • "He who takes shyness as a garment has his faults hidden from view."

And he said:

  • "Shyness lowers the eyes."

And he said:

  • "The best garment in this world is that of shyness."

The noble Prophet said:

  • "Lewdness is only what disgraces; shyness is only what beautifies."

And he said:

  • "Were shyness a person, he would be righteous."

Imam al-Kazim said:

  • "Shyness is from faith, faith from heaven, lewdness from loathsomeness, and loathsomeness from the hellfire."

On Social Relations

The Messenger of God said:

  • "Someone who follows the religion of his friend, observe carefully whom you befriend."

Ali said:

  • "Grant your blood and property to your brother, justice and objectivity to your enemy, and your good deeds and participation to the general public."

He also said:

  • "Love your friend only so much, for perhaps one day he will be someone you hate; hate your enemy only so much, for perhaps one day he will be someone you love."
  • "Deal with your brothers by being good to them, and cover their sins with forgiveness."
  • "To show love to people is the height of intelligence."
  • "Affection emphasizes love."
  • "Excellence in social relations eternalizes love."
  • "Never send your friend away with a farewell that expels him from your friendship, but strive to show him a friendship to which he is certain to return."
  • "The heart is structured on social relations with wise people."
  • "Companionship with those who are virtuous gives life to the heart."
  • Social relationships uncover the hidden aspects of character.

Imam Ali counselled his son Hasan thus:

  • "Love for your brother what you love for yourself, and hate for him what you hate for yourself."
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