Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Lament of Prophet Yahya

The Lament of Prophet Yahya
It is narrated from The Prophet of Islam (S) that Prophet Yahya (as) had propensity for piety from his very childhood. He used to go to the Bayt al Muqdis and look at the hermits in prayer, wearing dress made of hair and wool tying their locks to the pillars of the building. He asked his mother to make for him similar dress that he could join the other people in prayer.The mother asked Yahya (as) to be patient till his father, the prophet ...

Ruin of a Family

Ruin of a Family
Attaining prosperity or ruin is the result of one\'s acts, morals and beliefs. Good morals, righteous beliefs and good deeds will result in prosperity, while wrong belief, bad character and wicked deeds will result in one\'s life getting ruined. Prosperity implies happiness in this world and the Hereafter, while getting ruined implies a disastrous life here and loss in the Hereafter. The result of prosperity is God\'s Pleasure and Eternal ...

Anger is the key to all kinds of vices

Anger is the key to all kinds of vices
Anger is a psychological state that results from inner agitation and desire for vengeance. And when this agitation becomes more violent, it intensifies the fire of anger. A violent commotion engulfs ones brain on account of which, the mind and the intellect lose control and become powerless. At that time, the inner state of the person resembles a cave where fire has broken out, filling it with flames and suffocating clouds of smoke that leap out ...

At least 30 killed, 120 injured in terrorist attack in Turkey

At least 30 killed, 120 injured in terrorist attack in Turkey
Two explosions have rocked a road junction in the centre of the Turkish capital Ankara, killing at least 30 people and injuring dozens of others, local media reported.  The explosions took place several minutes apart, with the first going off at around 10:00am (0700 GMT), according to local Dogan news agency. A video on social media showed the moment of the explosion: young people were dancing and waving banners as a massive fireball ...

Greek Orthodox Archbishop: We are united with Muslim brothers in face of Israeli attacks

Greek Orthodox Archbishop: We are united with Muslim brothers in face of Israeli attacks
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia Atallah Hanna visited Wednesday morning the Jerusalemite youths who were injured over the past three days while trying to prevent Israeli settlers and forces’ break-ins into al-Aqsa mosque.During a press conference held shortly after his visit to Makassed Hospital, Archbishop Hanna denounced Israeli escalated attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque and sit-inners.He stressed the urgent need ...

What Makes Sudan Shift towards Israeli Regime?

What Makes Sudan Shift towards Israeli Regime?
Sudan, since the rise of the Islamic Salvation Front to power in 1989, has established very strong ties with Iran and the resistant Palestinian groups and hosted such movements as Hamas and Islamic Jihad on its soil. Due to its Islamic and honorable stances, Sudan has undergone a great deal of difficulties. Despite the economic problems and domestic crises the nation has been suffering from, the country's support for Palestine is considered to ...

Concept of the Human Body in Islam

Concept of the Human Body in Islam
Islam emphasizes respect for the body as a gift from Allah; a Muslim does not assume absolute “ownership” of his or her body, but only cares for it as a precious gift while he/she lives, until it is returned to its Creator upon death. Muslims are required to take good care of their health and that of other Muslims as much as humanly possible. We are also required to respect nature, the environment, and the physical well-being of all ...

The Islamic Community (2)

The Islamic Community (2)
1. Equality of Believers (A) The Concept Islam came with a universal concept of brotherhood. Its foundation is based on tawhīd, the belief in One God. And its social program is also based on unity of the believers.  Just as in tawhīd, one first has to reject the false gods and then declare faith in the One and Only God, similarly, Islam rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction. No one can claim any superiority over the ...

Conflict displaces over half a million Afghans in 2016: UN

Conflict displaces over half a million Afghans in 2016: UN
 The number of people displaced by conflict in Afghanistan this year has surpassed half a million people, the United Nations reported on Wednesday, the highest number since it began tracking such statistics in 2008. More than 515,800 people have been internally displaced by fighting in 2016, surpassing the previous record of about 471,000 set last year, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Violence ...

Islam and the West, Recovering the Keys to Openness

Islam and the West, Recovering the Keys to Openness
Abstract"Are we perhaps condemned to remain prisoners of the logic of war that cannot perceive relations with others if not in terms that bring to mind hostility, such as peril, counter-position, conflict, threat etc.? In Western countries voices are raised almost everywhere against this way of seeing future relations between the West and other countries. People are starting to question the real meaning of this unfortunate dichotomy, as well as ...

Great Lady Mary in Islam (03 of 03)

Great Lady Mary in Islam (03 of 03)
The Birth of Jesus On the onset of her labor, she was in extreme pain, both mentally and physically.  How could a woman of such piety and nobility bear a child out of wedlock?  We should mention here that Mary had a normal pregnancy which was no different than other women, and delivered her child as others do.  In Christian belief, Mary did not suffer the pains of childbirth, for Christianity and Judaism regard menstruation and labor to be a ...

Boko Haram "Brainwashes" the Kidnapped Girls to Fight for the Group

Boko Haram "Brainwashes" the Kidnapped Girls to Fight for the Group
Some of the Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants last year have been brainwashed to begin fighting for the Islamist group, with many carrying out public beatings and even killings, other captives have told the BBC.Women who claim they lived in the same camps as some of the 219 girls who were taken from their school in the town of Chibok last April told the Panorama programme televised on Monday that many are now administering ...

Holy Ramadan at Al-Rasul Mosque in Houston, Texas

Holy Ramadan at Al-Rasul Mosque in Houston, Texas
Holy Ramadan at Al-Rasul Mosque in Houston, Texas ...

Newham Muslims in England donate £10,000 in aid to flood victims

Newham Muslims in England donate £10,000 in aid to flood victims
Several mosques in Newham city in England have banded together to help flood victims in a “clean up operation” and raised £10,000 for those ...

'Sheikh Zakzaky' Currently in Intelligence Ministry's Custody; 6 Bullets Hit Him; He Expresses Deep Regret

'Sheikh Zakzaky' Currently in Intelligence Ministry's Custody; 6 Bullets Hit Him; He Expresses Deep Regret
Nigerian army soldiers fired six bullets at Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky, seriously injuring the Shia cleric when they raided his residence to arrest him, says a member of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA).Professor Dahiru Yahaya of Bayero University Kano (BUK), who has visited Sheikh Zakzaky, said he was told by the cleric that he was severely wounded after the soldiers fired six bullets at him. The academic made the remarks ...

Sorrows of Hazrat Fatimah al-Zahra (S.A.) and Hazrat Bibi Zaynab (S.A.)

Sorrows of Hazrat Fatimah al-Zahra (S.A.) and Hazrat Bibi Zaynab (S.A.)
Lady Zaynab lived under the custody of her grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (S), for a period of her early life. During this period, she was so tranquil and at ease, as he used to receive her with hospitality and honor. Her parents, too, showed her sympathy, love, and cordiality. She also saw the great triumphs of Islam and the defeats of its enemies. The most significant thing, however, that Lady Zaynab noticed in her childhood was the Prophet’s ...

Prominent Bahraini activist 'Al-Singace' ends 313-day hunger strike

Prominent Bahraini activist 'Al-Singace' ends 313-day hunger strike
The Bahraini opposition leader Abdul Jalil Al-Singace announced on Thursday (January 28, 2016) that he ended his hunger strike which lasted for 313 days, protesting the abuse practiced against the detainees in Jaw Central Prison following the unrest that erupted in March 2015.Haq Movement said that Al-Singace's health deteriorated which required to referring him to the police clinic owned by Bahrain's Ministry of Interior at Al-Qalaa (the ...

Training-Through Deeds, Not Just Talk (Part 2)

Training-Through Deeds, Not Just Talk (Part 2)
The parents should give a thought to what sort of offspring the desire to give to the society. If they feel that their child should be a morally upright, kind, humane, freedom loving and responsible person then they too have to be owning such characteristics that they set an example for him to emulate. The mother wishes that her daughter should be responsible, kind, equanimous person who respects the feelings of her spouse then she should ...

UK troops condemned over Iraqi boy's drowning in 2003

UK troops condemned over Iraqi boy's drowning in 2003
 Ahmed Jabbar Kareem Ali, who was 15, died in Basra in May 2003 after he was detained on suspicion of looting. The British judge's report said Ahmed should never have been detained or made to enter the canal, and should have been rescued when he was "floundering". The Ministry of Defence said it was "extremely sorry". UK forces entered Basra City on the night of 6 April 2003, as part of the invasion of Iraq, and rapidly took control of ...

Imam’s sickness due to the Faithfull’s illness

Imam’s sickness due to the Faithfull’s illness
A man called Ramila had fever. It was the prayer time so he barely did ablution and went to mosque to say the prayer. After the prayer when he was leaving the mosque, he saw The Commander Of The Faithful while his hand was on Ramila shoulder.  Imam said: Ramila! You had a bad fever but you also came to mosque for prayer. Ramila was surprised. “Yes my master but how did you know that?” Ramila said. The Commander Of The Faithful ...