Friday 27th of September 2024
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The Thaqalayn and Noah’s Ark Narrations

The Thaqalayn and Noah’s Ark Narrations

The Recording of the Thaqalayn Narration

One of the most famous narrations for both Sunni and Sh¢`ah scholars is the Thaqalayn Narration.

This narration is recorded directly from the Prophet by a large group of the Prophet’s close companions, and according to some sources the number of these narrators was thirty persons from among them.([1])

This narration is recorded and mentioned by a great number of interpreters, narration experts and historians. There is therefore no doubt concerning the authenticity or the validity of this narration.

The distinguished scholar, Sayyid H¡shim al-Ba¦r¡n¢, in his book, called “Gh¡yat al-Mar¡m,” relates this narration with thirty-nine documents from Sunni scholars and eighty documents by distinguished Sh¢`ah scholars. Further research has been carried out by another researcher named Mir °¡mid °usayn al-Hind¢, who has narrated this narration from nearly two-hundred Sunni scholars and has collected his research concerning this issue in six large volumes.

Among those who recorded this narration were the following: Ab£-Sa`¢d Khudr¢, Ab£-Dharr al-Ghif¡r¢, Zayd Ibn Arqam, Zayd Ibn Th¡bit, Ab£-R¡f¢`, Jubayr Ibn Mu§`im, °udhayfah, Samarah al-Aslam¢, J¡bir Ibn `Abdull¡h An¥¡r¢, and Ummu-Salamah.

According to Ab£-Dharr al-Ghif¡r¢, the narration is as follows:

“While holding the door of the Ka`bah, he looked at the people, saying: I have heard the Prophet (s) saying,

إنِّي تَارِكٌ فِيكُمُ الثَّقَلَيْنِ كِتَابَ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي، وَإنَّهُمَا لَنْ يَفْتَرِقَا حَتَّى يَرِدا عَلَيَّ الْحَوْضَ.

“I leave you two weighty things: the Holy Qur’¡n and my Household. And these two will never separate till they both arrive at the Kawthar Pond near me. Therefore take care of these two.”([2])

This narration is recorded by the most reliable Sunni scholars, such as ¯a¦¢¦ al-Tirmidh¢, Nas¡’¢, Musnad A¦mad, Kanz al-`Umm¡l and Mustadrak al-°¡kim.

In some versions of this narration the word “Thaqalayn,” two weighty things, is recorded. However, in others version the word Khal¢fatayn, meaning two successors is used. These two, however, are semantically identical.

It is worth mentioning that, according to sources on traditions, the Prophet(s) had related this on several occasions.

In the narration recorded by J¡bir Ibn `Abdull¡h An¥¡r¢, we read that the above speech was given to the people during Hajj pilgrimage, on the day of `Arafah.

In the narration recorded by `Abdull¡h Ibn °an§ab, it is said that this speech was given to the people at Ju¦fah, a location between Mecca and Medina a designated site for some pilgrims to don the garb of ihram.

In the narration by Umm-Salamah, the place where the speech was heard was Ghad¢r Khumm.

In yet other narrations, it is mentioned that it was made by the Prophet during his last days while on his deathbed. And according to another narration, he made this speech from the pulpit in the city of Medina.([3])

According to a narration recorded by the most famous Sunni scholar, Ibn °ajar, in his book called al-¯aw¡`iq al-Mu¦riqah, the Prophet of Islam (s), after having said this, took `Al¢’s hand and raised it, saying: This `Al¢ is with the Qur’¡n and the Qur’¡n is with `Al¢; They are inseparable until the day when they meet me at Kawthar.”([4])

Thus, it becomes clear that the Prophet(s) had made this statement on significant occasions and had taken every opportunity to do so is order to stress that it shouldnt be forgotten.

The content of the Narration of Thaqalayn

The following points should be noted:

1. Presenting the Holy Qur’¡n and the Household as two caliphs or two weighty things is a clear reason why Muslims should never let go of these two, especially when we see that it emphasizes that “if you do not leave these two, you will never go astray.”

2. Mentioning the name of the Holy Qur’¡n along with the name of the Prophet’s Household indicates the fact that in the same way that the Holy Qur’¡n would never lead anyone astray the respectable and Honorable Household would always remain intact and flawless.

3. In some narrations, it is recorded that on the Day of Judgment the Prophet will ask the people about their treatment of the two weighty things.

4. However we interpret the word Household, `Al¢(s) would always stand out as a prominent figure and member of this family, and in accordance with some reliable sources, he never strayed away from the Holy Qur’¡n. Furthermore, we see in many narrations that at the time of the revelation of the verse of Mub¡halah, the Honorable Prophet of Islam (s) called `Al¢, F¡§imah, °asan and °usayn [May God praise them all] and said: These are the members of my Household.

5. Although the issues related to the Resurrection Day are not clear to us due to the fact that we are encompassed in the walls of this world, we understand from the narrations that Kawthar is a special river in Paradise with special qualities reserved only for the sincere believers, for the Prophet(s), the Infallible Ones and their followers.

From what we have read so far concerning this issue, we will come to the conclusion that the leaders of the Muslims after the Prophet(s) are the Imams from this Household.

The Narration of Noah’s Ark

One of the interpretations made on one of the Prophet’s statements, reported by both the Sunni and Sh¢`ah scholars, is the content of what is called “the Narration of Noah’s Ark:”

In this narration according to Ab£-Dharr: the Prophet(s) had said:

ألاَ إنَّ مَثَلَ أَهْلِ بَيْتِي فِيكُمْ كَمَثَلِ سَفِينَةِ نُوحٍ؛ مَنْ رَكِبَهَا نَجَى وَمَنْ تَخَلَّفَ عَنْهَا غَرِقَ.

“My Household resembles Noah’s Ark, those who heed their instruction shall be saved and those who separate themselves from them shall be drowned.”([5])

This well-known narration emphasizes the obedience of people towards `Al¢(s) and the Prophet’s Household(s).

Considering the fact that Noah’s ark was the only safe place during that tremendous storm, it becomes clear that after the stormy events that took place within the Muslim community after the demise of the Prophet(s), the Muslims have no other option than resorting to the Prophet’s Household(s).


What is the content of the Narration of Thaqalayn? What prerogatives does it ascribe to the Household?

Who narrated this tradition?

What does “Thaqalayn” mean? Is there any other interpretation offered in its place?

And what time did the Prophet(s) declare it?

Describe the Narration of Noah’s Ark with reference to its content and transmission.


([1])S¢rat al-°ill¢, Vol. 33, P 308.

([2]) Reported from J¡mi` al-Tirmidh¢, as recorded by Yan¡b¢` al-Mawaddah, P 37.

([3]) Al-Mur¡ja`¡t, P 42.

([4]) Al-¯aw¡`iq al-Mu¦riqah, P 75.

([5]) Mustadrak al-°¡kim, Vol. 3, P151.

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