DarolErfan/ the researcher, exegete and scholar of the Holy Quran said: the true believer always prioritizes the Will of Allah over his will on whatever regarding the worldly affairs, in return, the Allah Almighty gives this believer dignity.
According to public relation and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Hussein Ansarian during his lecture in Aazam mosque in the holy city of Qom talked about grace, mercy and some very important promises that the lord of the universe has for his servant and said: the narrator of this important points is the Hadhrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) which can be understood that the sacred heart of Imam Baqir peace be upon him had communicated with the unseen world and he was capable of receiving the divine and heavenly truths. This narration has been quoted in the second volume of the great book of Usool Kafi which has been written by a great and productive man by the name of the Kolieni. This is one of the greatest narrations ever quoted from Ahlulbayt peace be upon them. The guidance of this narration is very strong and it is of the highest spirituality as well. Imam Baqir peace be upon him talks about the five promises of Allah Almighty in the beginning of the narration. The most frequently sworn oaths by Allah Almighty has been mentioned in the holy chapter of Shams in the holy Quran.
The true believer is free of any doubts
Professor Ansarian added: the oath which is sworn by Allah Almighty means the issue that is going to be mentioned after oath is of significance importance. in this narration five oaths are mentioned in a row unlike other narration which if an oath is mentioned, it is only two times. He is not willing to make his servant certain so that he does not doubt about the issues. The true servant, the believer is never doubtful about the words and promises of Allah Almighty. The true believer is totally devoid of any doubts and will never be doubtful. When the true faith radiates from his heart and resembles the sun, he would never be doubtful.
source : ERFAN.IR