Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

The downpour of divine mercy

The downpour of divine mercy

The downpour of divine mercy, the growth of plants, the formation of gardens and fruits, and the various fruits are all indications of the power of the Lord of the universe.

Ashura is the manifestation of worshiping

Ashura is the manifestation of worshiping

Professor Ansarian: Ashura was the manifestation of worship and mysticism of the master of the martyrs (AS). The battle of Ashura was the peak of the scene of worship and the piety of Imam Hussein and his companions.

Professor Ansarian: thinking a lot about sins

Professor Ansarian: thinking a lot about sins

 Belittling the sins and thinking a lot about them pave the way for promoting and promulgating the sin both in individuals and society. The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says:

The one who thinks a lot about sins will be led toward the sins.

Ghurar al-hikam: 623


Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remembering God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remembering God
In one part of his lecture, professor Hussein Ansarian talked about one of the recommendations of Imam Hasan al-askari (as) and said: "Remembering God", "Remembering Death" and "Reciting the Holy Quran" are the three most important recommendations of Imam Hassan al-askari (AS), If these three truths are united with the human being, it is a unique event and his both worlds will be replete with beauty. Turn your heart, ears, and eyes away from the ...

Professor Ansarian: Allah Almighty provides the worldly affairs with tools

Professor Ansarian: Allah Almighty provides the worldly affairs with tools
According to public relation and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Hussein Ansarian, the exegete, researcher and scholar of the Holy Quran and Islamic principles by referring to the importance of paying attention to prayer said: human must know the method of prayers.. Professor Ansarian added: if a prayer does not happen or come to pass, the problem should be probed either in the prayer or ...

Professor Ansarian: You do not have the right to spread the sins of others among the people

Professor Ansarian: You do not have the right to spread the sins of others among the people
the commander of the faithful says as well as the holy Quran in the Surah al-Nour: you don’t have the right to spread somebody’s sins among your family, relatives and people, Those who like to publicize indecency among the believers will face painful torment in this world and in the life to come. God knows what you do not know. (Surah ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Zienab means a father's precious jewel

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Zienab means a father's precious jewel

Zainab is a recondite name. it's a name selected by the Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as), it means "a father's precious jewel", or "the adornment/beauty of the father"- namely, a part of the beauty of my soul and intellect is this daughter.

The story of the birth of Hazrat Zeinab Kobra (AS):

The story of the birth of Hazrat Zeinab Kobra (AS):
They waited for the holy prophet’s arrival. The holy prophet came and awaited the revelation. Gabriel was sent down and said, The holy prophet (PBUH) asked for Hazrat Zeinab Kobra and kissed her and said: The dignity of her is similar to Hazrat Khadijeh Kobra (AS) and her Infallibility and modesty is likened to Fatima Zahra (AS) and her eloquence is like Imam Ali (a.s) and her patience and tolerance is akin to Imam Hassan Mojtaba peace be ...

Do not let this ephemeral worldly life deceive you

Do not let this ephemeral worldly life deceive you

فلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا

Do not let this ephemeral worldly life deceive you and make you arrogant.

Surah FATIR (THE ANGELS)-  Verse 5

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The very severe disease which has afflicted the nations

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The very severe disease which has afflicted the nations

The very severe disease which has afflicted the nations of the world and is the origin of all corruptions and wickedness is that people are devoid of belief in monotheism of God with all their heart. For this reason, the slogan of all divine prophets was " there is no God but Allah" until the day they were martyred.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: How to become an eternal person?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: How to become an eternal person?

We can turn into someone whose character and works are not only buried even after they die but arise from various horizons.

If you build a mosque, even after you die, whatever prayers people say in this mosque will all be written in your Scroll of Deed.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan is a blessed and auspicious month

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan is a blessed and auspicious month

Ramadan is a blessed and auspicious month, safe from the dangers of the devil, and brings about the health of body and soul, the path for spiritual progress toward Allah Almighty, the month of forgiveness, the month of special attention of Allah to the fast of the fasting people, to the people who stay up late praying, the virtuous, and the lovers of Allah.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the real meaning of the servant who doesn't say prayers

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the real meaning of the servant who doesn't say prayers
The question "what does being grateful for the blessings of the lord of the universe" was answered by professor Hussein Ansarian as he said: Imam Reza (A.S) says: saying prayers is appreciating and being thankful for the blessings of the Lord of the universe and the one who doesn't say prayers is ungrateful of Almighty God; in other words, he is saying: I don't say prayers, because I don't accept you, I don't say prayers, because I don't love ...

Professor Ansarian: Controlling and maintaining one's tongue

Professor Ansarian: Controlling and maintaining one's tongue

Maintaining and controlling one's tongue is much more important than paying attention to the perfect outfit, good perfume and permanent adornment. The peak of one's personality and character is manifested through his words and kind of speech.

There is a Hadith from Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) that says: try not to talk about the thing that reduces your value.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The whole world means nothing to Hazrat Zahra (as)            

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The whole world means nothing to Hazrat Zahra (as)            

The whole world means nothing to Hazrat Zahra (as) and she has no emotional attachment or dependency to the worldly stuff. For this reason, the daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp) says that she loves three things from this world; intellectual attention to the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp), recitation of the Holy Quran and sincere charity.

Professor Ansarian: who does Paradise run after?

Professor Ansarian: who does Paradise run after?
The four women used all their strength, power, talent, wisdom, and spirit to gain all the divine values that the prophets and heavenly books put forward. They did not get tired in their path, they were not discouraged, they were not disappointed, and all four women went through bitter events during their own time, but these bitter events did not prevent them from moving forward. "Asiyah", the wife of Pharaoh, that the paradise is eager to meet ...

Professor Ansarian: the completion and sublimity of the religion of Islam

Professor Ansarian: the completion and sublimity of the religion of Islam
Kamaaluddin: 401, Sahih Muslim/ 3: ...

Professor Ansarian: patience and the worldly afflictions

Professor Ansarian: patience and the worldly afflictions

Hazrat Zeinab (peace be upon her) is Umm al-Masa'ib (mother of calamities) as well as the true heroine of patience. There is a beautiful bond of patience and worldly suffering in the character of this great lady.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The epithet of Amir al-Muminin

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The epithet of Amir al-Muminin

The epithet of Amir al-Muminin (the commander of the faithful) is exclusively for Imam Ali and it is not suitable for anyone, even the other Infallible Imams, and according the words of the holy Prophet (pbuh &hp), whoever names himself this title is cursed.  

A true believer may do wrong at times but never overrides people,s rights.

A true believer may do wrong at times but never overrides people,s rights.
Qom- DarolErfan/ the researcher, exegete and scholar of the Holy Quran counts faith, good moral, and being submissive before the Almighty Allah as signs of true believer. He also added that a true believer is not tight fisted, envious, pessimist and oppressor, he might do something wrong for related to himself but does not loot the nation,s rights. He never stops people,s progress in their lives, never puts people in troubles, never tramples ...