On the last day of Ramadan, the angels call: Good news for the servants of God! God has already forgiven your past sins, so be careful what you do from now on!
The felicity and piety of the child depend largely upon the spiritual and rational state of the parents as well as the Halal foods they have eaten.
When Hazrat Zahra (AS) enters the gathering place of mankind on the day of judgement, the Lord addresses her: O my friend! go to Paradise! Hazrat Zahra (AS) says: I cannot find it in my heart to go to Paradise alone. I will take with me to the Paradise anyone who has been in touch with Ali emotionally, verbally or financially and has worked for my son, Hussein!
The Criterion of Shia is to abide by Ahl al-Bayt (AS), the one who can easily consume Haram things has got no relationship with the school of Ahlul Bayt (AS) and they are far apart from each other.
Source: the lecture by professor Ansarian.
A part of Hazrat Zahra’s speech in defense of her right and the guardianship (wilayat) of Imam Ali (as)
O son of Abū Quhafah (Abu Bakr)! Is it contained in the Glorious Qurʾan that one should inherit from their father; while in your opinion, I should not inherit from my father? Indeed, you have come with an unusual thing (attributed) upon Allah and His Prophet.
Each sentence, each line, each letter, each context, each speech and every maxim of the commander of the faithful is an ocean of concepts and meanings. It ripens the mind, purifies the soul and guides the actions, cures the moral vices and contains humane teachings.
Observing the right of reciting the Holy Quran is to recite it, understand it and act upon it.
According to Holy Quran, Knowledge is of two parts: one is material knowledge which is about how to do business; this type of knowledge will only work for us in this world. The second knowledge is known as spiritual one, namely, conscientiousness which is found in the book of divine prophets. The Lord refers to this book as light and guidance