Sunday 30th of June 2024
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We still have divine scholars- do not blame them all.

We still have divine scholars- do not blame them all.

Professor Ansarian advised the youth to be cautious of satellites in order not be deceived by it. He also added: among the scholars from Qom and Tehran and throughout Iran, there are still great and divine scholars who care more about the hereafter. Try not to blame them all, remember not to call them robbers. You may claim that they are the ones who have taken and usurped the people’s properties and assets. Do not compare them with one another, on the day of resurrection you need to prove what you have claimed. Imam Sadiq peace be upon him says: the one who slanders the good ones, the sin of his slander is heavier than all the mountains, and the one who slanders people, when he is risen and become alive on the day of resurrection, he is put on the hill of fire and when all people’s deeds are considered they come to him and ask him to prove what they have slandered, but they are not able to prove.

source : erfan.ir
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