Thursday 2nd of January 2025
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Muslims defy terrorist attacks, celebrate Prophet’s birthday in Potiskum

Despite spate of bomb attacks recently in Potiskum, north-east Nigeria, members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under Shaikh Ibraheem Zakzaky have been conducting Maulud Nabiy in honour of the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad (SAWA) in all localities in the town. Last Saturday (28/2/2015) the peak (Khatmah) of the celebration was conducted at the Fudiyyah School in Potiskum in the evening, attended by multitude of people far and near. MalamAbdullahi bn Sa’id, who oversees Gashua chapter of the
Muslims defy terrorist attacks, celebrate Prophet’s birthday in Potiskum

Despite spate of bomb attacks recently in Potiskum, north-east Nigeria, members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under Shaikh Ibraheem Zakzaky have been conducting Maulud Nabiy in honour of the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad (SAWA) in all localities in the town.

Last Saturday (28/2/2015) the peak (Khatmah) of the celebration was conducted at the Fudiyyah School in Potiskum in the evening, attended by multitude of people far and near.

MalamAbdullahi bn Sa’id, who oversees Gashua chapter of the Islamic Movement opened the occasion with prayers, followed by recitation from the Holy Qur’an by a Fudiyyah School pupil.

Sayyed Mustapha Lawan Nasidi,guest speaker and Ameer of Potiskum delivered inspiring lecture on the virtues of invocation of blessing on the Holy Prophet and his progeny (Salawat).


According to him proper and full invocation as was revealed, cleanse the heart of ailments and hypocrisy, and people at the events invoked blessings on the Holy Prophet and his Infallible Progeny at the top of their voices to testify to the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAWA) and the Imamate of his progeny.


Sayyed Lawan Nasidi also spoke on the divine status of the Holy Prophet as a model and path of salvation to mankind.


Also speaking at the occasion, Malam Mukhtari Waliy Ibn Shaikh Kabir spoke on the necessity for unity among Muslims, especially in the current challenges.


“Do not allow hypocrites of any shade among Muslims instigate us into sectarian violence”, he advised.


Highlights of the occasion were songs of praise, march pass and karate demonstration by Fudiyyah School pupils, as well as stage drama by Thaqalain Film Productions, Potiskum.


Malam Abubakar Maina offered the closing prayer.

source : abna
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