Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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Ambition in life

Ambition in life

Sheikh Muhammad Hasan Najafi, known as “Saheb Jawaher” [the author of the prominent book “Jawaher al-Kalam” (The jewel of speech) ] is one of the greatest Shiite scholars who began to write the book at the age of twenty and finished it at the age of seventy because the book was so detailed, complicated and in terms of Ijtihad (Understanding religious issues of the Qur'an, hadith, and news.) was so perfect and applicable.

One day while he was holding a pen in his hand, someone came to his holy presence tearfully and said to him that his twenty-year-old juvenile son had passed away early this morning. Having heard this he shed tears and picked the pen again and recited and fatieh and said that’s all I can do, my duty is no more than this because I need to finish the Allah,s work. Since the burial is not obligatory upon me, go and inter him. He went on to say that I do feel pity because I am the father but the work is Allah,s and the time which I have been given for the work I can not spend it other than the work itself.

This is my duty now.

Quantity is not counted for Allah, although six hours seem a little for us, it is worth a lot. These six hours can be spent for eternal benefit and permanent profits, paradise, the happiness of people’s heart,Allah’s satisfaction and guidance of an astray one.



source : erfan.ir
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