Thursday 19th of September 2024
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Grand Ayatollah Safi receives seminary officials

Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani, a senior Shia cleric received Hujjat al-Islam Jamshidi , head of Iranian women seminaries along with a group of other seminary officials in his office in Qom on Monday, June 19.

During the meeting, the senior Shia cleric expressed his condolences on the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (as) and thanked the women Islamic seminaries for gathering a comprehensive encyclopedia consisting of poems regarding Imam al-Asr (as);"Encyclopedia of Imam Mahdi (as) poems is a magnificent piece of art and I hope that more encyclopedias for all holy infallibles (as) get published in the future." Grand Ayatollah Safi said.

In the end, the Shia source of emulation highlighted the importance of the issue of Mahdism and thanked all those who were involved in gathering and publishing this valuable encyclopedia.

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