Friday 27th of September 2024
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In al-Madina al-Munawwara

In al-Madina al-Munawwara Al-Miqdad lived happily in Madina The Muslims were full of faith, for the Prophet [s] treated them all kindly. Our Master Muhammad [s] was very careful of the Muslims. He was always thinking about their security and future in here and hereafter.
In al-Madina al-Munawwara

In al-Madina al-Munawwara

Al-Miqdad lived happily in Madina The Muslims were full of faith, for the Prophet [s] treated them all kindly.

Our Master Muhammad [s] was very careful of the Muslims. He was always thinking about their security and future in here and hereafter.


Al-Miqdad was deeply believing. He loved Allah's Apostle. He was always going with him to wage holy war against the polytheists.

One day, the polytheists attacked Madina pastures and robbed them of their cattle. So, our Master Muhammad [s] asked the Muslims to chase them.

Al-Miqdad was among the first Muslims who obeyed the order of Allah's Apostle. Our Master Muhammad [s] led two hundred horsemen to chase the attackers, but they ran away.

After the Prophet [s] had dismayed the polytheists, he came back to Madina. That raid was named Badr Minor Battle.


source : sibtayn
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