Wednesday 20th of November 2024
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Professor Ansarian:There are three groups of people on the day of resurrection

Professor Ansarian:There are three groups of people on the day of resurrection

By referring to Surah Al-Waqi'ah Professor Ansarian said there are three groups of people on the day of resurrection: “The foremost ones (in faith and virtue) - the foremost ones in receiving their reward. (The foremost ones) will be the nearest ones to God, (Surah Al-Waqi'ah- verse 10 and 11)”, these are the divine prophets and the infallible Imams peace be upon them all. “The people of the right hand - those whose books of records will be placed in their right hands. How happy they will be!” (Surah Al-Waqi'ah- verse 8)- the people who believe in Allah and the day of resurrection are in the second line, in other words, they are moving along with the divine prophets, because they have taken this belief from them. The people of the left hand - those whose books of records will be placed in their left hands. How miserable they will be! (Surah Al-Waqi'ah- verse 9) are the third group, these people are of ominous, filthy, foul and ugly personality and essence who dare to commit any kinds of sins without any fear. If people believe in the day of resurrection, they will live better and in a correct way. Those who have usurped and stole billions of money from this nation and these people, how are they going to answer on the day of resurrection, those who have committed adultery while they had their spouses, how are they supposed to answer on the day of resurrection. How are the sinners going to answer Allah Almighty on the day of resurrection? They will certainly have no answer and they are all doomed to punishment and hellfire.

source : erfan.ir
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