Tuesday 8th of October 2024
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Professor Ansarian: avoiding arrogance and immodesty

Professor Ansarian: avoiding arrogance and immodesty

A fortunate human must come out of arrogance and self-conceit, which is the biggest sin in the universe and is sheer astray path, so that they can be among the good people. One can see the real humility and modesty in great people. Sheikh Abbas Qomi, the author of the great book of Mofatih-e-Jahan was asked by a group of believers to be in charge of leading the congregational prayers in Goharshad Mosque in Mashhad. One day, after saying the first prayer, he turned to the audience and said: “you yourself say the second prayer!” the people asked about the reason and he responded: “ from the commotion of people, I understood that the mosque is filled with audiences who have come to say prayers, this numerous crowd has made me arrogant. so, it is religiously correct to follow me in saying prayers.

source : erfan.ir
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