Sunday 1st of September 2024
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Saudi Arabia Destroys Holy Prophet's House, Reconstructs Ibn Saud Palace

According to Ahlul Bait News Agency - ABNA – The Saudi regime which started the destruction of historical and Islamic monuments of Mecca a decade ago -destroying the house in which Holy Prophet of Islam was born and the house of his wife Khadīja and replacing them with libraries and public WCs- has finished the reconstruction of the palace of the founder of Saudi Arabia, king Abdulaziz.
Saudi Arabia Destroys Holy Prophet's House, Reconstructs Ibn Saud Palace

According to Ahlul Bait News Agency - ABNA – The Saudi regime which started the destruction of historical and Islamic monuments of Mecca a decade ago -destroying the house in which Holy Prophet of Islam was born and the house of his wife Khadīja and replacing them with libraries and public WCs- has finished the reconstruction of the palace of the founder of Saudi Arabia, king Abdulaziz.

The Saudi authorities who stress on the development of religious tourism have reconstructed the palace of king Abdulaziz which was built 107 years ago. 1,412,916 Saudi Rials have been spent on this palace. Saudi National Board of Antiquities has said that the reconstruction has been done meticulously so that nothing gets damaged and the building returns to its past form.

Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud, usually known within the Arab world as Abdulaziz and usually known outside it as Ibn Saud, was the first monarch of Saudi Arabia who died in 1953. His family was of traditional leaders of Wahabism which ruled over central Arabia known as Najd.

Saudi officials’ action in reconstruction of Abdulaziz’s palace is done while the grand Mufti Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-Sheikh has stressed on destruction of historical and Islamic monuments.

Reportedly, 95 percent of the buildings which were older than 100 years have been destroyed during the past two decades.

It is worth mentioning that international organizations like UNESCO which react even to minor alterations in historical buildings and monuments have not shown any reaction at all to this great wave of destruction in Saudi Arabia.

source : abna
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