Monday 2nd of September 2024
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Shia cable operator martyred in terrorist attack in Karachi, Pakistan

Takfiri terrorists shot martyred a Shia cable operator and wounded another two of his colleagues at their office in Malir District of Karachi on Sunday night. The cable operator, Syed Imran Abbas, 28, was sitting outside his office with his friends, Baber Ali and Farhan, in Shadman Town, Malir when two Deobandi terrorists riding a motorcycle fired gunshots at them.
Shia cable operator martyred in terrorist attack in Karachi, Pakistan

Takfiri terrorists shot martyred a Shia cable operator and wounded another two of his colleagues at their office in Malir District of Karachi on Sunday night.

The cable operator, Syed Imran Abbas, 28, was sitting outside his office with his friends, Baber Ali and Farhan, in Shadman Town, Malir when two Deobandi terrorists riding a motorcycle fired gunshots at them.

The three men suffered bullet wounds and were rushed to the Jinnah hospital, where Imran Abbas breathed his last.

Saudabad SHO Ghanwar Ali Mehar said Abbas had suffered bullet wounds to the chest. He added that the attackers had used a 9mm pistol.

Shia parties and their leaders have condemned the targeted murder of another Shia Muslim in Karachi.
They termed it continued Shia genocide by takfiris. They demanded elimination of all takfiris and public hanging of Ahmed Ludhianvi, Malik Ishaq, Aurangzeb Farooqi and their abettors.

source : abna
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