Sunday 1st of September 2024
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Egypt; a Land of Lovers of Ahul Bait (AS)

According to Ahlul Bait News Agency’s Cultural Services: Who can know there and realize its dignity and grandeur? A land reflecting signs of God and his descendants; full of people infatuated with goodness.
Egypt; a Land of Lovers of Ahul Bait (AS)

According to Ahlul Bait News Agency’s Cultural Services: Who can know there and realize its dignity and grandeur?

A land reflecting signs of God and his descendants; full of people infatuated with goodness.

I am talking of Egypt. A land of love in Ahlul Bait (AS), love in grand scholars of Islam and a land of divinity. Who can deny the Egyptians’ love in Ahlul Bait (AS)? Who can deny all the papers and books the Egyptian scholars have written on the glory of Ahlul Bait (AS)? Who can deny all this infatuation? Can anyone visit Egypt and not see the people’s love of Ahlul Bait (AS)?

There is a chaos in Egypt these days. The sea of Egypt is turbulent and the waves make only one sound: Hussain.

900 years ago in such day as today, the holy head of Imam Hussain was taken to Egypt from Ashkelon to become a shrine for the lovers of Ahul Bait; a shrine called “Shrine of Hussain (AS) head”. It has become a shrine full of miracles. Such miracles that brought Saladin to his knees in respect and such that scholars and elites say if anyone wants to see a drop of this ocean must read the book “الاتحاف بحب الاشراف” ( Token of love of Elites) by the late Sheikh Shabrawi to realize how important these shrines are.

And it is for these miracles that Egyptians welcome the pilgrims from all around the world by erecting tents and setting tables for 10 days in a row.

Albeit, the enemies of Islam and Ahlul Bait (AS) are unhappy with this love and passion and do not want this shrine to remain but the huge flood of lovers of Ahlul Bait (AS) has muted and robbed them of their strength.

Egypt must be understood and the pearl of love of Ahlul Bait (AS) in the Egyptians must be appreciated

source : abna
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