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Purity, Cleanliness and the Virtues of Good Food

  • Publication date:   2014-08-23 16:32:19
  • Number of views:   872

Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (as) said, "The cleanliness of the head gets rid of the dirt from the body and gives light to the eyes. Wearing clean and tidy clothes keeps away cares and sadness from the person. It becomes a cause for the acceptance of the person's prayers. Taking regular bath and hygiene of the body keeps one in good health. People prefer the company of clean and tidy persons. Wearing a good perfume is very necessary. At least on Fridays, one should wear a good perfume. This was the tradition of the Prophets (as). Our Prophet (S) used to spend more on perfumes than on his personal food."
Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) has said that wearing perfumes gives contentment to one's heart. He also said that one genuflection (Rakat) of prayer wearing a perfume is better than seventy without it.
Remember, there are plenty of traditions about the virtues of purity and cleanliness. We are contenting ourselves with the few examples quoted above.

The virtues of good food
There are several traditions of the Prophet of Allah (S) and the Imams (as) about the virtues of good food. They have said that meat is the tastiest and the most nutritious of the foods. Some people wrongly feel that the Prophet (S) has deprecated the household that has plenty of meat. This is a misnomer. In fact khana al-pur gosht is an idiom that means a household where people sit and do backbiting of others. The Prophet (S) definitely has deprecated this habit of people. Otherwise meat, in fact, is complete food. When a person eats meat, the flesh of his body increases and consequently his strength too enhances. He will have more energy for physical work and prayer.
Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) says that it is a saying of the Prophet (S) that if a person doesn't eat meat for forty days at a stretch, he should borrow money to buy and eat. Meat. Allah will give him means for clearing his debt. If Allah has provided a person to eat well after meeting all his obligations, he must! Otherwise, his abstention from good food would be termed as refraining from using Allah's Bounties!
Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (as) has said that Allah likes people of piety. Piety is the ornament for a person. But the most important thing for a pious person is honest livelihood and good food. A pious person lives with his worldly brethren earning honest livelihood and wholesome food. The worldly people, however, cannot be in the company of the pious in the Hereafter.
Good food improves the physical strength of the bodies, which helps in the good performance of the worldly duties and spiritual prayers. If a person doesn't get proper nutrition, he might be weak and sickly and consequently unable to discharge his duties properly.
Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (as) further said that good food, fruits and beverages are allowed to be used by a person who can acquire them through fair means. However, gluttony is bad. And excessive use of anything can have negative effect on the health of a person.


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