Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Islamophobia on rise in Germany: study

Islamophobia on rise in Germany: study
 Islamophobia has risen markedly in Germany, a study published on Wednesday showed, underscoring the tensions simmering in German society after more than one million migrants, mostly Muslims, arrived last ...

Where Are Two Easts And Two Wests?

Where Are Two Easts And Two Wests?
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi & Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani Question: What does the following verse denote? He is the Lord of two Easts and two Wests what is the meaning of this?[48] Answer: In the Holy Qur’an the mention of East and West is done in the form of dual also. (i.e. two easts and two wests) and in the plural form of also e.g. “But nay! I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests that We are certainly able.”[49] At one more ...

How to Live by the Shari'ah?

How to Live by the Shari'ah?
By: Sayyid Muhammad RizviThe Muslims during the days of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived by the shari’ah by following the Qur’an and the sunnah. Sunnah means the example of the Prophet.Was not the Qur'an enough on its own? The Qur'an is a book of guidance which was sent for the entire human world till the end of time. As such, it only deals with the general issues and mentions only the basic principles underlying the Muslim way of ...

Iran rejects remarks by UN Human Rights Commissioner as ‘untrue and false’

Iran rejects remarks by UN Human Rights Commissioner as ‘untrue and false’
 The Iranian High Council for Human Rights dismissed as “untrue and false” recent remarks made by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights about lack of cooperation from Tehran over the past years. In a statement, the Iranian Judiciary’s human rights body expressed surprise and sorrow over the September 13 statement made by Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein and rejected as "fallacious" his allegations that the Islamic ...

Satanic Insinuation

Satanic Insinuation
An Exposition of Hadith by Imam KhomeiniThrough my continuous chain of transmitters reaching up to the shaykh of the traditionists and the best of them, Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni (M) who reports from Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, from Ibn Mahbub, from ‘Abd Allah ibn Sinan, who said: I mentioned to Abu ‘Abd Allah (A) a man who was troubled by waswas in his wudu, and salat, adding that he is a man of ...

Punishment for Theft in the Islamic Laws

Punishment for Theft in the Islamic Laws
Sin which is certainly a Greater one is stealing or thievery. Imam Riďa (a.s.) has included stealing among the Greater sins according to the tradition reported by Fazl Ibn Shazān. Amash says that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has related from the Holy Prophet (S) that he said, “A believer cannot commit fornication and a believer cannot steal.” (Wasa’il ul-Shia)Thus one who fornicates or steals is not a believer. Such a person is devoid ...

Judging in contrast to Allah’s Rules

Judging in contrast to Allah’s Rules
Because it is too critical to judge about muslim affairs, too strict rules are prescribed for believers in the position of a judge. In “commentary on Kumayl supplication” this issue is not ignored and it is touched along with some examples. The aforementioned book is written by professor Hossein Ansaryan. The present text is adopted from this book. Another sin, which descends adversities, is judgment in contrast to the divine rules. If a ...

Beautification, Ornamentation and Nutrition in Islam

Beautification, Ornamentation and Nutrition in Islam
Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (as) says that Allah is Magnificent and likes beauty and charm. Therefore, taking care of one's own person is a good act.Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) says that when Allah has bestowed a person with good personality, he must make it visible! He should take care of his person that the angels say, ‘this is Allah's friend who is expressing gratitude to Allah by manifesting the good personality endowed to him!' If the person ...

Sheikh Isa Qassim not among those given back Bahraini citizenship

Sheikh Isa Qassim not among those given back Bahraini citizenship
Major opposition and activist figures who were stripped of Bahraini citizenship are not among hundreds of people whose nationality will be restored under an amnesty announced last week. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Major opposition and activist figures who were stripped of Bahraini citizenship are not among hundreds of people whose nationality will be restored under an amnesty announced last week. Bahrain, a close ally of the US in the ...

The Bible Proves ''The Only Religion is Islam'

The Bible Proves ''The Only Religion is Islam'
As we look around us we find the world and admire the universe and we come to know that there is a Creator and also there is a power which controls this system systematically and the Creator, power is God which is Supreme. But peoples have different opinions about God. Some Say that he is an incarnation, some say he has a son, given birth to a human being, some say He begets not, nor is He begotten, etc etc.Some say Jesus is a son of god, some ...

Contributions of Islamic Scholars to the Scientific Enterprise

Contributions of Islamic Scholars to the Scientific Enterprise
Abstract This paper presents a discussion regarding the role that Muslim scholars played in the development of scientific thinking in the Middle Ages. It argues that the Muslims were not just the preservers of the ancient and Greek knowledge, but that they contributed original works to the different fields of science. They were inspired by the Islamic view of nature that is, mankind had a duty to ‘study nature in order to discover God and to ...

The Divine Rights in Islam

The Divine Rights in Islam
    Rights vary from one to another according to values of favors. A friend has his own familiar rights that are a degree lower than these of the affectionate brother who joins the tie of relation to the tie of kindness. The right of the brother, in a like fashion, comes after that of parents, because of their superior favors to sons.Through such standard, we can realize the grand value of the divine rights that excel any other rights, ...

Is Islamic Culture Compatible with Western Culture?

Is Islamic Culture Compatible with Western Culture?
If by “culture” here we refer to phenomena making man's logical mode of life understanding, objective and mentally enlightening, it is not only certainly compatible with Islamic culture, but also even encouraged and promoted by it. The criterion is, however, whether Western culture is capable of basing itself upon an objective man in an objective world or not.During the last decade of the twentieth century, hedonism and utilitarianism ...

Science and the Muslim Ummah

Science and the Muslim Ummah
Introduction One of the distinctive features of Islam is its emphasis on knowledge. The Quran and the Islamic tradition (sunnah) invite Muslims to seek and acquire knowledge and wisdom and to hold men of knowledge in high esteem. Some of the Quranic verses and relevant traditions will be mentioned in the course of our discussion. At the outset we may recall a famous hadith of the Holy Prophet upon whom be Allah's peace and benedictions that ...

Etiquette of Walking and Riding in Islam

Etiquette of Walking and Riding in Islam
Imam Ali (a.s) said: “ Walking fast takes away the believer’s brilliancy.” [Reference: Al-Bihar Ch.73, pp.301] The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Ladies must not use the middle of the road, but rather its sides.”[Reference: Al-Bihar Ch.73, pp.302] The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Do not use mosques as roads (short cuts) until you have performed a two-units prayer in them.” [Makarim al-Akhlaq] The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Part of a Muslim’s ...


Seyyid Jawad Ameli, a great Mujtahid, was having his dinner when someone knocked at his door.  A servant from his master, Ayatullah Seyyid Mahdi Bahrul Uloom appeared and said: "Your master has sent for you immediately.  He has just sat down for his dinner but refuses to eat till he sees you."    There was no time to lose.  Seyyid Ameli left his dinner and rushed to Seyyid Bahrul Uloom's residence.  Just as he entered, the master ...

The Flexibility of Islamic Laws

The Flexibility of Islamic Laws
Another matter which should be made clear is that Islamic thinkers believe that within Islam there is a enigmatic secret which enables this religion to adapt to and improve according to the advance of time. They believe that this religion is in harmony with the forward movement of time, with the development of learning, and with the changes that arise from such development. Now we must see what this secret is. In other words, we have to look ...

The Chapters and Titles in Fiqh

The Chapters and Titles in Fiqh
As mentioned earlier, the range of topics covered by Fiqh is very wide. It is therefore necessary to briefly acquaint oneself with the chapters and headings of these subjects. The only subjects which are outside the pale of Fiqh are the fundamentals and the Islamic ethics. It must be noted that the classification of the subjects under Fiqh was first organised by Muhaqqiq Hilli in his famous work 'SHARAE', and later, 'SHAHEED-E-AWWAL', glossed ...

The Status and Rights of Woman in Islam

The Status and Rights of Woman in Islam

Those Whose Prayer Is Not Answered

Those Whose Prayer Is Not Answered
It has come in the traditions that the Prophet (S) has said. In my Ummat there are some people whose prayers are not accepted. Among them are those who pray for harm to their own parents. Then,, there are those who give loans and don't take a witness for these transaction. The third category is of such men who, when in disagreement with their spouses, reproach them continuously, instead of giving them divorce (Talaq) which is allowed to them by ...