Friday 20th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Protest in Vienna capital of Austria against beheading of 7 Afghan Shia Hazaras

Protest in Vienna capital of Austria against beheading of 7 Afghan Shia Hazaras
Protest in Vienna capital of Austria against beheading of 7 Afghan Shia Hazaras. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Hundreds protest in Vienna capital of Austria against killing of 7 innocent Shia Hazaras in Afghanistan. The murdered Shia Hazaras included four men, one woman and two girls. Some had their throats slit - it is not clear by whom.Their bodies were found at the weekend in southern Zabul province where fighting between rival Taliban factions ...

The Place of Knowledge

The Place of Knowledge
In Book Two of the noble Mathnawi-, Jala-l ad-Di-n Muhammad Mawlawi- [Balkhi- ar-Ru-mi-] has a short and elegant story. An ignorant desert Arab has a sack full of grain and he wants it to load on top of his camel. But instead of dividing it into two, he takes another sack full of sand so as to balance the weight of the sack full of grain and load the two on both sides of the camel. Along the way, a sage man becomes his co-traveler and talks with ...

Jihad Al-Nikah

Jihad Al-Nikah
Jihad Al-Nikah (Arabic: جهاد النكاح‎, often translated as Sex jihad or Sexual jihad) is a controversial concept that refers to Sunni women allegedly offering themselves in sexual comfort roles to fighters for the establishment of Islamic rule.[1] Allegations of this practise is related to the Tunisian government's war effort against Al Qaida linked Islamic terrorism in the mountainous Jebel ech Chambi region bordering Algeria. The ...

Marriage, Family and Life

Marriage, Family and Life
Men and women need each other spiritually and intrinsically and such a need is something that does not change because of social changes and industrial and technological advancement. This need is rooted in the nature of human beings and it is this very nature which drives human beings to form families and sound family relations. It is an important concern of our age which accounts for the decrease in wrong-doing, mental aberration and ...

The cultural invasion of the minds

The cultural invasion of the minds
Today we suffer from early maturity. This is due to the cultural invasion of the minds and spirits of our youth by the voices and images of the atheist global media. Pornography is an international catastrophe causing sexual arousal. Therefore, it is both religiously ordained and morally expected of the Islamic government and people, the rich, the relatives and the parents to do all they can to ease the marriage of the youth. They should ...

Salāt (/Salāh: Prayer; in Persian: Namaz)

Salāt (/Salāh: Prayer; in Persian: Namaz)
The word "salat" is derived from Syriac, or from Aramaic, where the root si' means to bow or bend, the Arabic verb salla, to perform the salat, is derived from the noun.The salat, one of the pillars of Islam, is mentioned in the Qur'an as a duty performed by believers who give the Zakat, or alms. The times and regulations for the salat are given in detail in the hadith, and were eventually fixed at five times: Dawn,Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, and ...

Exanimates have couples

Exanimates have couples
Considering The Principle of Marriage in the Cosmos, we come to intersting conclusions that are informed in the Holy Quran in advance. As an example  the honorable verse in Zaryat Surah makes the case clear “ And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.[Holy Quran: Zariyat”. The text to be followed is a part of the book “  The Islamic Family Structure” by Hossein Ansaryan that elaborates on the importance ...

The Qur'an and the Nature of Life

The Qur'an and the Nature of Life
Here we intend to carry out a Qur'anic study of the problem of life to find out the specific viewpoint of the Qur'an about life. In particular, we intend to study the view that the Qur'an takes of the relation between life and the supranatural world and Divine will.  The Noble Qur'an recurringly mentions life. In many of its verses, the coming to life of creatures, the different stages of life, the system involved in the creation of living ...

Divine Tests

Divine Tests
Divine Tests   Question: If Allah (awj) is omniscient, why does He need to test mankind?     Brief Answer   As implied by the question, because Allah (awj) is omniscient, the purpose of His tests is not to unveil something hitherto unknown. Rather, the Qur`an and ahadith suggest that these tests serve two purposes. First, they comprise a Divine precedent (sunnah ilahiyyah[129]) that is in turn based on another Divine precedent ...


THE LAWS WHICH HAVE A RIGHT OF VETO  Another aspect of Islam which has given this religion the characteristic of mobility and applicability to varying circumstances, and has kept it as a living and everlasting religion, is that within it there exists a body of laws whose object is to control and modify other laws. They are called by the jurists, 'the governing rules'.  The rule of "No harm" and "No loss", that a law will not apply to those ...


QUESTION AND OBSERVATION   At this stage, a question and objection comes forth; that is, if being religious is the real standard of success, then why do we see many religious ones who do not lead good lives and their lives are disturbed and unhappy? ________________________ 1- Wasail al-Shia, vol. 14, p 31. ----------------------------------------------------------     ANSWER   Firstly, religiousness (devoutness) means real ...

Trusting in everyone who has accompanied the Prophet (S)

Trusting in everyone who has accompanied the Prophet (S)
The Sunnis have trusted in every Muslim who has accompanied the Prophet (S) even for one time as if companionship with the Prophet (S), according to their opinions, has made the companions infallible; therefore they have trusted in all what the companions have narrated (as they have claimed) from the Prophet (S) concerning the laws and the verdicts of the Shari’ah. They have relied on that and acted according to it without researching whether ...

French Fears of the Freedom of the Burqa

French Fears of the Freedom of the Burqa
Recently, in an irrationally anti-Islamic move, the French National Assembly approved the controversial bill on banning the wearing of the Islamic veil or burqa in public places. Of the 557 MPs, 335 members voted in favor of the bill. If approved in the fall by the Senate and then by the Constitutional Council, the law would impose a fine of 150 euros or $190 on any Muslim lady wearing the burqa outside her home in public, when the fact of ...

India: Hindu extremists kills Muslim man

India: Hindu extremists kills Muslim man
Hindu extremists in northern India has beaten a Muslim man to death and injured four others after accusing them of smuggling cows to be slaughtered for beef.  According to local media reports, the casualties were caused after the mob chased the truck loaded with five cows and ten bulls and attacked the five men in the vehicle in Sarahan, a village in Himachal Pradesh State, located about 260 km north of the capital, New ...


THE SPECIAL PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAM IN RESPECT OF FAMILY RIGHTS  With regard to the rights of man and woman, Islam has a special philosophy of its own which differs from what happened 1400 years ago and what is happening now. It does not believe that in all cases man and woman have the same rights and obligations. In certain cases their rights and obligations are different, with the result that in certain cases their position in this respect is ...

Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Imam

Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Imam
Adopted from the book : "The Faith of Shi'a Islam" by : Allamah Muhammad Ridha al-Muzaffar"We believe that, like the prophet, an Imam must be infallible, that is to say incapable of making errors or doing wrong, either inwardly or outwardly, from his birth to his death,either intentionally or unintentionally, because the Imams are the preservers of Islam and it is under their protection. Their position in regard to Islam is the same as the ...

Israeli jets launch fresh airstrikes against Gaza

Israeli jets launch fresh airstrikes against Gaza
Israeli warplanes have carried out a wave of airstrikes against positions of the Hamas resistance movement in Gaza, promoting two retaliatory rocket launches from the blockaded enclave towards the Israeli-occupied territories. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Israeli warplanes have carried out a wave of airstrikes against positions of the Hamas resistance movement in Gaza, promoting two retaliatory rocket launches from the blockaded enclave ...

Bahrainis burn Israeli flag, express solidarity with Palestinians

Bahrainis burn Israeli flag, express solidarity with Palestinians
Hundreds of Bahraini people in Diraz burned the flag of Israel and expressed disgust against the minister of foreign affairs. The protesters show solidarity with people of Palestine. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Hundreds of people have held a rally in Bahrain to condemn the kingdom’s foreign minister over paying tribute to former Israeli president Shimon Peres, who died earlier this week after spending almost a fortnight in a medically ...

Nigeria al-Abbas institute donates hearing aids to hearing impaired woman in Bauchi

Nigeria al-Abbas institute donates hearing aids to hearing impaired woman in Bauchi
Abul Fadl Abbas institute, under the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria Bauchi state branch, has assisted hearing impaired woman with hearing aids as part of its community service programme and assistance to the less privileged. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Abul Fadl Abbas institute, under the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria Bauchi state branch, has assisted hearing impaired woman with hearing aids as part of its community service programme and ...

Ali, Zahra most popular names in Azerbaijan

Ali, Zahra most popular names in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan’s Census Bureau has announced the most popular names in the country are country are Əli and Zəhra. According to the Census Bureau of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic names, especially the names of the prophets and the Shi’a imams, are the most popular among the citizens of the former Soviet country, where atheism was forced on the traditionally Shi’a Muslim people for more than 70 years. The name of Imam Ali, ...