Friday 27th of September 2024
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Nigeria al-Abbas institute donates hearing aids to hearing impaired woman in Bauchi

Abul Fadl Abbas institute, under the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria Bauchi state branch, has assisted hearing impaired woman with hearing aids as part of its community service programme and assistance to the less privileged.
Nigeria al-Abbas institute donates hearing aids to hearing impaired woman in Bauchi
Abul Fadl Abbas institute, under the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria Bauchi state branch, has assisted hearing impaired woman with hearing aids as part of its community service programme and assistance to the less privileged.

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Abul Fadl Abbas institute, under the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria Bauchi state branch, has assisted hearing impaired woman with hearing aids as part of its community service programme and assistance to the less privileged.

The beneficiary, A’ishatu of Unguwar Karofin Madaki, who had spent over 15 years hearing disability said she had spent years receiving medication, but was recommended hearing aid as the only solution, which she could not afford.

Her ordeal prompted the Forum which sought approval to come assistance of the woman.

Delegation of the community service unit of the Forum on Saturday visited A’ishatu at her home and presented the hearing aid to her.

Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Auwal Brother told the beneficiary that the effort was out of the human service initiatives taught by Leader of the Islamic Movement Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, which he said was extended t her.

“It will please us to see that you regain your hearing ability like any other person, as it was before. This is courtesy of kind hearted gesture by our master, Sayyed Ahmad, son of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, killed by the Nigerian military a year ago”, he said.

He further said, the Forum would have assisted beyond that for the little resource at their disposal, but assured that more assistance will be on its way in future.

The delegation wished her quick recovery and thanked her for the warm reception received.

In her response, A’isha thanked the Forum for their wonderful support and said it will go a long way in making her life better and worth living.

She briefly narrated how she became impaired and how all medical treatment failed, despite huge amount of money spent. “May Allah reward you abundantly”, she added.

Also responding on behalf of her children, Usman Yusuf expressed gratitude to Sheikh Zakzaky through whom the assistance was done to them. “We will never forget this good gesture in our lives, as all effort to procure the hearing aid has proved abortive and beyond our capability”, he said.

He pointed out that there were no enough words to express their appreciation, describing the assistance as the work of rightly guided and pious people.

The hearing aid was tested on A’isha and it worked perfectly, with her hearing ability back as it was before.

The cry of joy by the beneficiary drew neighbours’ attention, who rejoiced and congratulated her for recovering her hearing back to normalcy.

source : abna
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