Sunday 19th of January 2025
نفر 0

Whatever will befall Husain (A.S)


Through successive chain of authorities till Shaikh Sadooq, who relates with his chain of narrators from Imam Ja\\\'far as Sadiq (a.s), that he said regarding the verse of the Qur\\\'an:

\\\"And mention Isma\\\'il in the Book, surely he was truthful in (his) promise, and he was a Messenger, a Prophet.\\\"[1]

The Isma\\\'il referred to by Allah in the above verse is not the Prophet Isma\\\'il (a.s) the son of Prophet Ibraheem (a.s), but is another Prophet from among the Prophets of Allah. He was chosen by Allah for his people, who tortured him to such an extent, that they peeled the skin off his head and face. An Angel descended unto him and said, \\\"Allah the glorious has sent me to you, ask whatever is your heart\\\'s de sire.\\\" The Prophet replied,

\\\"I am symphathetic towards whatever will befall Husain.\\\"

Tradition 26

Through my successive chain of authorities reaching Shaikhut Taifa (Toosi), who through his chain of narrators relates from Zainab binte Jahash, the wife of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), that she says: One day the Prophet (s.a.w.s) was sleeping in my house when Imam Husain (a.s) entered there in. I tried to keep him busy so that he would not wake up the Prophet from his sleep. Then I became engrossed in some work and Husain entered the room wherein the Prophet was sleeping. I followed him and saw that he was lying on top of the Holy Prophet and urinated on his stomach. I tried to lift him up, but the Prophet said,

\\\"O Zainab! Leave him alone until he finishes.\\\"

When he finished, the Prophet arose and purified himself and started recit ing the Prayers (Salat). As soon as he went into prostration (Sajdah) Husain sat on his back. The Prophet remained in prostration until Husain himself got off from his back. Then when he arose Husain returned and the Prophet lifted him

[1] Surah al Maryam: 54.

up. When he finished his Prayers he stretched his hands forward and said, \\\"Come near, come near O Jibra\\\'eel.\\\" I asked, \\\"O Messenger of Allah! Today I found you doing something which you have never done before.\\\" To which the Prophet replied,

\\\"Yes, Jibra\\\'eel came to offer condolences and told me that my people would kill my Husain, and he brought alongwith him red sand for me.\\\"

Tradition 27

Through successive chain of authorities reaching the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\\\'far bin Qawlawayh Qummi, who relates with his chain of authorites from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s) that, one day the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) came to visit us. I brought some food for him which Umme Ayman had brought as a gift for us viz. a tray of dates, a cup of milk and a bowl of butter so that he may partake of it. When he finished eating I arose to pour water on his hands to wash it. When he finished washing it, he rubbed the wet hands on his blessed face and beard. Then he went to the place of worship in the corner of the room and went into prostration and started weeping for a long time. Then he raised his head and none from among us had the courage to go near him and inquire. Husain arose and went and sat upon the thigh of the Prophet of Allah, and put his head to his chest and placed his jaw on his head and said, \\\"O dear father! Why do you weep\\\"? The Proph et replied,

\\\"I looked at you all and was happy and contented to an extent as I was never ever so much pleased before. Then Jibra\\\'eel descended and reported to me that you all will be martyred, and your graves will be far away from one another. Hence I thanked Allah for what will befall (you all) and asked goodness for you.\\\"

Husain said,

\\\"Then O father! who will look after our graves and come to visit them inspite of such distance\\\"?

To which the Prophet replied,

\\\"Those people among my nation (ummah) will come to visit your graves, who intent seeking my pleasure and goodwill. And hence I will go to assist them on the station of accounting (in Qiyamah), and hold their hands and relieve them from the fear and hardships of that day.\\\"

Tradition 28

Through my successive chain of authorities reaching the Noble Shaikh Mufeed, who in his Irshad relates from Awza\\\'ee, from Abdullah bin Shaddad, from Ummul Fazl binte Hurayth, who says that, one day I went to the presence of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) and said, \\\"O Prophet of Allah! Tonight I saw a very bad dream.\\\" The Prophet inquired as to what it

was. I said that it was very hard upon me, to which he again asked me to relate it to him. I said, \\\"I saw that a piece of your body cut off and fell in my lap.\\\" The Prophet replied,

\\\"It is fine, for verily my Fatemah (a.s) will soon deliver a boy and you will be her midwife then.\\\"

Hence Imam Husain (a.s) was born and lay in my lap as the Prophet had predicted. One day I took him to the presence of the Prophet. Suddenly I looked at his eyes and saw them filled with tears. I asked, \\\"May my parents be your ransom O Prophet of Allah! What has happened to you\\\"? He replied,

\\\"Jibra\\\'eel came to me and reported that the people from among my nation (ummah) will kill this son of mine, and he has brought red coloured sand (from the earth of the place of his martyrdom).\\\"

Tradition 29

Through my successive chain of authorities reaching Shaikh Mufeed, who in his Irshad relates from (the mother of the faithful) Ummu-Salamah (a.s), that she says, one night the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) went away from our midst and did not return for quite a long time. When he came back his hair was disheveled and he was covered with dust and one of his palms was closed. I asked, \\\"O Prophet of Allah! What has happened, for I now see you distressed and covered with dust.\\\" The Prophet replied,

\\\"I was taken to Iraq at a place called Karbala, and was shown the place where my son Husain and other members of my family and children will lay slain. I have gathered their blood (red sand) and it is here in my hand.\\\"

Then he opened his palm and said,

\\\"Take it and preserve it with you.\\\"

I took it from him and saw that it was red coloured sand. I kept it in a bottle and sealed it\\\'s lid and preserved it with me. When Husain left for Iraq from Makkah, I would remove that bottle every day and night and smell it and look at it and weep over the sufferings, which would befall him. Then on the tenth of Moharram, the day on which Husain was martyred, I removed it in the first part of the day and it was as usual. Then when I removed it in the last hours of the day, I saw that it had turned into pure blood. I was grieved and started wailing in my house, but I concealed it, lest the enemies in Madina might be informed of it and may hasten to rejoice over it. From that day onwards I kept this sorrow concealed in my heart until the time and day the news of his martyrdom reached Madina, thus its verity was proved.


Tradition 30

Through my successive chain of authorities reaching Shaikh Mufeed, who relates in his Irshad that, one day the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) was seated and Imam Ali (a.s), Hazrat Fatemah (a.s), Imam Hasan (a.s), and Imam Husain (a.s) were sitting around him. The Prophet addressed them and said,

\\\"What will be your state when all of you will be killed and your graves will lie scattered\\\"?

Imam Husain (a.s) said,

\\\"Will we die a natural death or will we be martyred\\\"?

The Prophet replied,

\\\"O my dear son! You will be killed with oppression and cruelty, and your brother (Hasan) too will be killed with tyranny and cruelty, and your offspring will be scat tered over the land.\\\"

Husain asked,

\\\"Who will kill us, O Prophet of Allah\\\"?

He replied,

\\\"The worst among men\\\",

then Imam Husain inquired,

\\\"Then will anyone come to visit us (our graves) after our death\\\"?

The Prophet an swered,

\\\"Yes my dear son! A group of people from among my community will come to visit your graves seeking my pleasure. Then on the day of Qiyamah, near the station of accounting, I will go to them and catching hold of their hands will save them from it\\\'s terrors and sorrows.\\\"

Tradition 31

Through successive chain of authorities Allamah Majlisi has quoted in Bihaar al-Anwaar, that the author of Durrus Sameen has written in the inter pretation of the following verse of the Qur\\\'an,

\\\"Then Adam received from his Lord (certain) words, and Allah turned to him (mercifully)\\\"[1]

that Prophet Adam (a.s) saw the names of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) and Imams (a.s) written on the base of the Empyrean (Arsh) and Jibra\\\'eel instructed him to say: O the Praiseworthy (Hameed), by the right of Mohammad (s.a.w.s), O Most High (Ali), by the right of Ali, O Creator

[1] Surah al Baraqah: 37.

(Fatir), by the right of Fatemah, O Benevolent (Mohsin), by the right of Hasan and Husain, and from you is goodness. When Prophet Adam uttered the name of Husain his eyes were filled with tears and his heart was pained. Adam told Jibra\\\'eel,

\\\"O brother Jibra\\\'eel! When I take the name of the fifth one among them, my eyes get filled with tears and my heart gets shattered.\\\"

Jibra\\\'eel replied, \\\"This son of yours (Husain) will be sur rounded by such afflictions that all other calamities will seem low and less when compared to it.\\\" Prophet Adam asked Jibra\\\'eel as to what those afflictions would be, to which Jibra\\\'eel replied, \\\"He will be killed as a thirsty, forlorn and a lonely traveller. He will have no friend or helper. Would that you see him calling out: O thirst! O loneliness! and his thirst would spread between him and the heavens like smoke. No one will answer his call except the swords and the rain of death, and he will be butchered like a sheep from the back of his neck. And the enemies will rob the belongings from his tents, and his blessed head, while those of his companions, will be paraded on the points of lances in the cities in the midst of his (imprisoned) ladies. Thus it has been revealed in the knowl edge of the Lord.\\\" Thus Prophet Adam and Jibra\\\'eel both started weeping as a mother weeps over the loss of her son.

And it has been narrated from other trustworthy reports, that on the day of Eid, Imam Hasan (a.s) and Imam Husain (a.s) entered the house of their Grandfather the Prophet of Allah Mohammad (s.a.w.s) and said,

\\\"O grandfa ther! Today is the day of Eid, and the children of Arabs have worn new and colourful clothes, while we do not have any new dress with us, hence we have come to you.\\\"

The Prophet pondered over their state and wept that he did not have a dress with him suitable for them, nor did he desire to send them disheartened and with a broken heart. He lifted his hands and prayed,

\\\"O Allah! Make ammends for their and their mother\\\'s heart.\\\"

Suddenly Jibra\\\'eel descended with two white dresses among the dresses of Paradise. The Prophet was overjoyed and said,

\\\"O Masters of the youth of Paradise! Take these dresses which have been stitched by the tailor (from Allah) according to your sizes.\\\"

Both the Imams saw that the dresses were white in colour and hence said,

\\\"O Grandfather! These are of white colour, how can we wear it, when the children of Arabs have worn colourful clothes\\\"?

The Prophet put his head down and started thinking about it when Jibra\\\'eel said,

\\\"O Mohammad (s.a.w.s)! Rejoice and cool your eyes. The powerful dyer of

the Divine colour will fulfil their desire and make them happy by those colours which they desire. Hence O Prophet, do order that a ewer and vessel be brought.\\\"

A vessel was brought and Jibra\\\'eel said, \\\"O Prophet of Allah! I shall pour water over these dresses and you wring them until the desired colour appears. The Prophet soaked the dress of Imam Hasan (a.s) and said,

\\\"Which colour do you desire\\\"?

Imam Hasan (a.s) replied that he preferred the green colour, to which the Prophet rubbed the dress with his own hands which turned into bright green colour similar to emeralds, by the will and command of Allah. He then handed it over to Imam Hasan (a.s) who wore it. Then Jibra\\\'eel took another dress and started pouring water in the vessel. The Prophet then turned towards Imam Husain (a.s), who was of five years of age at that time, and asked,

\\\"O light of my eyes! Which colour do you desire\\\"?

To which Husain replied that he preferred the red colour. The Prophet again rubbed the dress with his own blessed hands and it turned into bright red colour similar to rubies. He then handed it over to Imam Husain (a.s) who wore it too. The Holy Prophet and both Imams were over joyed and they returned to their mother. When Jibra\\\'eel saw this he started weeping. The Prophet said,

\\\"O brother Jibra\\\'eel! This is not the day to mourn, when my sons are rejoicing and are happy. By Allah! Please let me know the reason for your grief.\\\"

Jibra\\\'eel replied, \\\"I mourn because your sons have selected one colour each. As regards your son Hasan, he will be poisoned and because of it\\\'s effect his body will turn green. And as regards your other son Husain, be will be killed by swords and his head severed, while his body will be smeared with red blood.\\\" Hearing this the Prophet started weeping and his sorrow increased.

Tradition 32

Through successive chain of narrators till Shaikh Sadooq, who relates from Ibne Abbas that he says, I was alongwith the Commander of the faithful Imam Ali (a.s) when we were going towards Siffeen. When we passed by Naynawah, on the banks of the River Euphrates (Farat), Imam Ali said in a loud voice,

\\\"O Ibne Abbas! Do you recognize this place\\\"?

I replied in the negative. Imam continued,

\\\"If you had known that what I know, you would not move from here without weeping.\\\"

Then Imam Ali (a.s) wept such bitterly that his beard became wet and tears


started falling on his chest, and I too started weeping. He started calling out,

\\\"Alas! What business the children of Abu Sufyan and Harb have with me, they being of the group of shaitan and friends of disbelief. O Aba Abdillah (Imam Husain)! Adhere to patience and forbearance. Your father sees all that which shall befall you.\\\"

Then he called for water and performed ablutions and recited Prayers as much as he desired and then repeated what he said before. After finishing he slept for sometime and then awoke and called me. I said, \\\"Here I am at your service, O Commander of the faithful.\\\" Imam Ali (a.s) said,

\\\"Shouldn\\\'t I narrate to you what I dreamt now\\\"?

I replied, \\\"Verily you slept and what you dreamt would be true and fair, O Commander of the faithful.\\\" Imam replied,

\\\"I dreamt that some men have descended from the heavens carrying white stan dards and equipped with bright and shining swords and have drawn a line on this ground. I saw that the branches of the palm-trees are reaching on the ground and frantic pure blood was dripping from them. And I saw my dear son and the light of my eyes Husain smeared in blood calling out for help, but nobody is responding to them. The men who had descended from the heavens are calling to him: O Progeny of Prophet! Adhere to patience and for bearance, for you will be killed at the hands of the most accursed people. O Aba Abdillah (Imam Husain)! This is Paradise that eagerly awaits you. Then they condoled me and said: O Abul Hasan! Glad tidings to you, for on the day of Qiyamah, Allah will cool your eyes due to him, then I awoke as you now see. By Him in whose hands is Ali\\\'s life! The most honest Abul Qasim (Holy Prophet) had related to me, that I would come to this valley, whilst going to fight the rebellions and mischievous people. And this valley is known as Karbobala, where my Husain together with seventeen people among mine and Fatemah\\\'s progeny would be buried, and this place is renowned in the heavens. And this place of Karb (grief) and Bala (trials) will be mentioned as the two Harams (of Ka\\\'bah and Prophet\\\'s Mosque) and Baitul Muqaddas are mentioned.\\\"

Tradition 33

Through successive chain of authorities reaching Shaikh Sadooq, who relates through his successive chain of authorities from Harsamah bin Abi Muslim, who says that we fought the battle of Siffeen alongwith Imam Ali (a.s). While returning back we halted at Karbala and recited the morning Prayers there. Then he gathered a handful of earth and smelt it and said,

\\\"Praise be to you O earth (of Karbala)! A group of people will be associated with you, who will enter Paradise without any accounting.\\\"

When I returned to my wife who was of the followers (Shi\\\'ah) of Ali, I told

her, \\\"Shouldn\\\'t I narrate to you a tradition from your Master Ali? Ali dismounted at a place called Karbala and recited the morning Prayers and lifted up a hand ful of earth and said: Praise be to you O earth (of Karbala)! A group of people will be associated with you, who will enter Paradise without any accounting.\\\" My wife replied that the Commander of the faithful said that which was truth and right. When Imam Husain (a.s) came to Karbala, I was present among the forces of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. When I saw the place and the trees, I remembered the tradition of Imam Ali (a.s). I sat on my Camel and went to Imam Husain (a.s). I saluted him and narrated to him whatever I had heard from his father Imam Ali (a.s) about this place. Imam Husain (a.s) asked me,

\\\"Are you with us or among our opponents\\\"?

I replied, \\\"I am not with you nor with your opponents, but have left behind me small child ren regarding whom I fear that Ubaydullah bin Ziyad might harm them.\\\" Imam said,

\\\"Then go away to a place where you would not see the place of our martyrdom, nor hear our call (for help). For by Him in Whose hands is the life of Husain! Today there is none who hears our call (for help) and does not assist us, except that Allah will throw him headlong into the fire of hell.\\\"

Tradition 34

Through successive chain of transmittors reaching Shaikh Mufeed, who re lates from Abul Hakam, who says that, I have heard from my teachers and other scholars, that once Imam Ali (a.s) delivered a sermon in which he said,

\\\"Ask from me whatever you desire before you may fall short of me. By Allah! Will you not ask me regarding the group of people who have led astray a hundred people, or who have captivated a hundred people, but I will inform you about them as to who is the instigator and who will admin ister it until the day of Qiyamah.\\\"

A man arose and asked, \\\"Tell me as to how many hair are there in my head and beard\\\"? Imam Ali (a.s) replied,

\\\"By Allah! My friend the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s) has related to me regarding what you have asked me. An Angel is seated on the edge of the hair of your head who curses you, and on each hair of your beard a devil is seated who instigates (and invites you towards evil and immorality). And a child in your house will be the murderer of the son of the Holy Prophet, and this sign is a truthful proof about that which I have informed you. And otherwise I would have also told you regarding what you questioned me, but proving that is difficult (to count the hair). But the proof regarding it is what I have informed you regarding the curse upon you and your accursed


At that time his son was small and was crawling on his feet. And when Imam Husain\\\'s situation reached thus, he became the commander for his murder and whatever Imam Ali (a.s) had predicted took place.[1]

Tradition 35

Through successive chain of authorities reaching the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\\\'far bin Mohammad bin Qawlawayh (May Allah scent his grave), who relates through his chain of authorities from Imam Mohammad al Baqir (a.s) that: Whenever Imam Husain (a.s) went to the presence of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s), he would draw him closer to himself and would tell the Commander of the faithful Imam Ali (a.s) to take care of him. Then the Prophet would bend down and start kissing him and weep. (Once) Imam Husain asked him as to why he wept? The Prophet replied,

\\\"My dear son! I am kissing that part of your body, which will be cut asunder by the sword, thus am lamenting over it.\\\"

Imam Husain (a.s) said,

\\\"O dear Father! Will I be killed\\\"?

He replied,

\\\"Yes, by Allah! You, your father and your brother shall all be killed.\\\"

Imam asked,

\\\"O father! Will the places of our martyrdom be far from one another\\\"?

The Prophet replied in the affirma tive. To which Imam Husain asked,

\\\"Who among your people would then come to visit our graves\\\"?

He replied,

\\\"No one among my people would come to visit my grave, your father\\\'s grave, your brother\\\'s grave, and your grave, except the truthful ones (siddiqeen).\\\"

Tradition 36

Through successive chain of transmitters reaching the Noble Traditionist Mohammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob Sarawi (May Allah enlighten his grave), who relates from Ibne Abbas, that one day Hind (the wife of Abu Sufyan) called up Ayesha to ask the Prophet regarding the interpretation of a dream.

[1] It is related by Ibne Babawayh, that the one who questioned was Sa\\\'ad bin Abi Waqqas whose son was Umar, who commanded the forces at Karbala. While Ibne Abil Hadeed says that he was Tameem bin Usamah bin Zuhayr bin Durayd Tamimi and his son\\\'s name was Haseen, one of the commanders in the troops of Yazid at Karbala. In another tradition the name of the father of Sinan bin Anas is quoted.

The Prophet told her to relate as to what she had dreamt. She said, \\\"I saw a sun rising over my head and a moon emerging from my interior. A dark star came forth from the moon and attacked the sun. A small (bright) star which has emerged from the sun had been swallowed up by the dark star, engulfing the entire horizon into darkness. Then I saw that numerous stars have appeared in the heavens, while the earth was filled with dark stars who have engulfed the horizon entirely.\\\"

When the Prophet heard this, tears started flowing from his eyes and he ordered Hind to go away twice saying,

\\\"O enemy of Allah! You have renewed my sorrow and have informed me of the death of my beloved ones.\\\"

When she went away he said,

\\\"O Allah! Send your curse upon her and her progeny.\\\"

When he was asked regarding the interpretation of the dream he said,

\\\"The sun which had risen over her head is Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s), while the moon (which emerged from her interior) is Mu\\\'awiyah the seditious, trans gressor and denier of Allah. And the darkness which she refers to and the dark star which emerged from the moon and attacked the small sun (the bright star) which came forth from the sun and swallowed it, and the entire world turned dark. It\\\'s interpretation is that my son Husain will be mur dered by the son of Mu\\\'awiyah, because of which the sun will turn black (in grief) and the entire horizon dark. While the dark stars which have en gulfed the entire earth are the Bani Umayyah.\\\"

Tradition 37

Through successive chain of authorities reaching the Shaikh and Jurist, the Triumphant and Thriving Mohammad bin Maki the Martyr (Shaheedal Awwal, the first martyr) who relates from the Shaikh and Jurist, the Virtuous Scholar, the Glory of Religion, Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Ahmed (Nizamuddin) bin Moham mad (Najeebuddin) bin Nima Hilli, who relates from his Honourable father Shaikh Ahmed, who relates from his brother, the Star of the Nation and Religion, Ja\\\'far bin Mohammad bin Nima Hilli, who relates in his book Mu seerul Ehzan from Abdullah bin Abbas, who says that when the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s)\\\'s illness (because of which he later died) became severe, he called for Imam Husain (a.s) and pressed him to his chest, while the sweat of death was apparent on him. Then he said,

\\\"What business has Yazeed got with me? O Allah do not grant abundance to him, and O Allah send your curse upon Yazeed.\\\"

Then he became unconscious and remained in this state for quite a long time. Then when he regained consciousness, he kissed Husain while tears were

flowing from both his eyes, and he said,

\\\"Beware, I and your murderer will stand in front of the Almighty (Who will judge between us).\\\"

Tradition 38

Through the above referred chain of authorities from the same book, it is related from Sa\\\'eed bin Jubayr, who relates from Ibne Abbas who says that one day I was seated in the presence of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) when Imam Hasan (a.s) came. When the Prophet\\\'s sight fell on him, he started weeping and then said,

\\\"Come to me, come to me\\\"

and made him sit on his right thigh. After some time Imam Husain (a.s) came and the Prophet after looking at him started weeping. Then he made Imam Husain sit on his left thigh. Then after some time Hazrat Fatemah (a.s) came and the Prophet again started weeping and repeated as before and told her to sit facing him. Then when Imam Ali (a.s) came he started weeping and repeating his words signaled him to sit on his right side. When the companions, who were sitting there saw this, they said, \\\"O Prophet of Allah! You have not seen anyone among them except that you have wept, is there none among them whose sight could make you happy\\\"? The Prophet replied,

\\\"I swear by Him Who has exalted me to Prophethood and has elevated me above the entire creation! No one on the entire earth is more dear to me than them. While my weeping is the result of the sufferings which shall befall them after my death. And I recollect the oppression which shall befall my son Husain. It is as if I see him taking refuge under the shelter of my grave or the Sacred Sanctuary (Ka\\\'bah), but no one will let him hault there. He will then go to the place which is the spot of his Martyrdom and grief and trials. While a group of men will assist him, who will be the leaders of all Martyrs among my people on the day of Judgment. It is as if I see that arrows are shot at him and he has fallen down upon the earth of perdition from his steed. Then they will slaughter him like a sheep in an oppressive manner.\\\"

Then he started weeping and wailing and all those near him too wept and their voices in creased. Then he arose and said, \\\"O Allah, I complain to you about all those sufferings which my progeny will have to bear after my death.\\\"

Tradition 39

It is quoted in Museerul Ehzan through successive chain of transmitters reaching the Noble Shaikh Ja\\\'far bin Mohammad Qawlawayh Qummi, that it is related to me that one day Imam Husain (a.s) went to his brother Imam Hasan (a.s). When he looked at Imam Hasan (a.s), he started weeping. Imam

Hasan asked,

\\\"O Aba Abdillah! Why do you weep\\\"?

Imam Husain replied that he wept on account of that which would befall him. Imam Hasan said,

\\\"What shall befall me is the fatal poison, but none of my days will be similar to that of yours. Thirty thousand people, claiming to follow our Grandfather (the Prophet), will unite to attack you and shed your blood, and violate the sanctity and imprison your women-folk and children and plunder your tents. At that time the wrath (of Allah) will descend upon the Bani Umayyah and the heavens will rain blood, and all things will lament over you, to the extent that the wild-beasts of the forests and the fish of the rivers will also weep over your sufferings.\\\"

Tradition 40

Through successive chain of narrators reaching the Noble Shaikh Ja\\\'far bin Mohammad bin Qawlawayh Qummi, who through his chain of transmitters relates from Hammad bin Usman, who in turn relates from Imam Ja\\\'far as Sadiq (a.s) that when Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) was taken to the heavens (on the night of Me\\\'raj, Ascension), he was told by Allah Almighty that I test you by three ways so as to know the extent of your patience. The Prophet re plied,

\\\"I surrender to your command O Allah! But I lack the ability to forbear Your trial. Please tell me as to what the three ways are\\\"?

It was said, the first is hunger and giving preference to the needy over yourself and your family. The Prophet replied,

\\\"I accept O Lord! And am satisfied and bow my head in front of your Command, while favour and patience are from You alone.\\\"

Second being the lies which people will attribute to you, the fear and severe danger, and donating your life in My way, and fighting the forces of disbelief with your life and wealth, and patience upon the sever ity and difficulty which will befall you at their hands and the hands of the hypocrites, and the sorrows and troubles and the wounds of the battle field. The Prophet replied,

\\\"I accept O Lord! And am satisfied and bow my head in front of Your Command, while favour and patience are from You alone.\\\"

While the third one being the sufferings and martyrdom which your family will have to bear after your death. Then your cousin (Imam Ali) will have to face vilification, reproach and suppression and will be frustrated besides falling prey to severity and oppression and will ultimately be martyred. The Prophet replied,

\\\"I accept O Lord! And am satisfied and bow my head in front of Your


Command, while favour and patience are from You alone.”

As regards your daughter (sayyedah Fatemah), she too will have to bear the hardships (and all the affictions which would befall her were related to him). Then this daughter of yours will have two sons from your cousin, one of whom (Imam Hasan) will be killed by a coward and his belong ings will be looted and he will be wounded with a lance, while these acts of tyranny will be performed by the people of your nation (ummah). The Prophet replied,

\\\"I accept O Lord! And am satisfied and bow my head in front of Your Command, while favour and patience are from You alone.\\\"

As regards her second son (Imam Husain), the people will call him for a battle and kill him to the extent that his sons and whoever (from his family or friends) accompanying him shall also be killed. Then they will loot his family, and he will request for help from Me, but verily Martyrdom has been decreed for him and for those accompanying him. And his Martyrdom is a proof over all the people from the east to the west. And the heavens and the earth shall weep over him, and the Angels, who would not be able to assist him, shall lament too. Then I shall emerge a man (Imam Mahdi) from his progeny, by whose means I will assist you, and his spirit is near Me under the Empyr ean.\\\"


source : http://www.coiradio.com
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Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Power
The Holy Month of Ramadan, The Month of Glory
The Concept of al-Qur'an an-Natiq
The Mosques in the Holy Shrine
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may the blessings of Allah be ...
A Brief Account on Some Stages of
To praise the good attributes and it is optional
Death Anniversary of Lady Masouma / Biography
Causes Voluptuousness and Sensuality
The Meaning of Sileh Rahmi and Qat-e-Rahmi

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