Thursday 12th of September 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Proclamation of Prophethood

Proclamation of Prophethood
I praise Allah seeking completion of His Blessing, submitting to His Glory and expecting safety from committing His sins. I invoke His help being in need of His Sufficiency (of protection). He whom He guides does not get astray, He with whom He is hostile gets no protection. He whom He supports does not remain needy. Praise is most weighty of all that is weighed and the most valuable of all that is treasured. I stand witness that there is no ...

The Beginning Of The End

The Beginning Of The End
  "Qays b. Sa`d's letter arrived, for the first time, to al-Hasan, peace be on him, informing him that they had stopped Mu'awiya at a village called al-Jinubiya opposite Maskan. Then Mu'awiya had sent to `Ubayd Allah b. `Abbas, urging him to come to him and offering him a million dirhams, half of which he would give him immediately, and the other half on his entry into Kufa. `Ubayd Allah had slipped away in the night with his close associates ...

Ibn Ziyad’s letter to Imam al-Husayn (as)

Ibn Ziyad’s letter to Imam al-Husayn (as)
Ibn A‘tham narrates that Hurr ibn Yazid and his companions had descended upon Imam al-Husayn with the intention of encountering him at war. Hurr wrote a letter to ‘Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad informing him that Imam al-Husayn (as) had arrived at Karbala. The son of Ziyad decided to write a letter to Imam al-Husayn (as), in which he said, "... and after this, O al-Husayn! News has reached me that you have arrived at Karbala. Amir al-Mu'minin Yazid ...

The Imam Husayn's Concepts of Religion and Leadership

The Imam Husayn's Concepts of Religion and Leadership
S.H.M Jafri Vol XI No. 1 ONLY now and again does there arise above the common level some rare spirit, who, having looked upon God face to face, reflects more clearly the divine purpose, and puts into practice more courageously the divine guidances. The light of such a man shines like a strong beacon on a dark and disordered world. Our concepts of human values, human dignity and human freedom are better understood today because ...

Defining a Nasibi

Defining a Nasibi
For an introduction to the literal meaning of Nasibi we have relied on the definitions stipulated by several recognised Ahl'ul Sunnah scholars:"Famhuus" page 53, Chapter "Al Ba"."Taj al Uroous page 277, Volume 4 Chapter "Al Ba Murtazi al Zubaydi"."Lisan al Arab" page 762, by Ibn Manzur."Hadiya al Sahil ay adalta al Masail" page 96."Tadhrib al Radhi" page 311 Allamah Jalaladeen as-Suyuti."Akrab al Muwarid" page 2 Chapter "Lananat Nusub".In "Lisan ...

The History of the Shrine of Hazrate Imam Hussain A.S

The History of the Shrine of Hazrate Imam Hussain A.S
Unlike any other city, Karbala has its named engraved in the memory of generations, and in the expanse of the Muslim world...Believers remember that name with sorrow and distress, for they remember the history of the master of all martyrs, Imam Husain, peace be upon him, and his sacrifice for Islam.The wave of visitors never stopped coming to Karbala, from the time the Umayyad and Abbaside caliphs prevented the construction of the shrines to the ...

The seven Sahn (Courtyards) Of Holy Shrine of Imam Raza A.S

The seven Sahn (Courtyards)  Of Holy Shrine of Imam Raza A.S
After the twenty one Riwaqs there are seven Sahn (Courtyards) and four Bast (the Sanctuary) around the holy shrine which occupies a total area of 331578 square meters.Sahn(courtyard)are the magnificent buildings within the holy shrine where the pilgrims perform religious services like congregational prayers,anniversary ceremonies of martyrdoms and birthdays of the Infallible Imams(A.S.).The courtyards are very magnificent and distinguished and ...

Martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib (a.s)

Martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib (a.s)
  Mas’oodi says that when their speech concluded and Muslim spoke harshly to Ubaydullah, he ordered that Muslim should be taken to the roof of the palace and it was said to Bukayr bin Humran Ahmari to behead him and take his revenge. Jazari says that Muslim (a.s) told Mohammad bin al-Aash’as, “By Allah! I would never have surrendered if you had not given me the promise of protec­tion. Then defend me with your sword for your promise has ...

Attraction of the Holy Qur'¡n

Attraction of the Holy Qur'¡n
Attraction of the Holy Qur'¡n Inviting people to his religion, the Holy Prophet rarely spoke of himself; rather, he made use of the best means available to him, i.e. the verses of the Holy Qur'¡n which had enchanting effects on the Arab's ears. The Holy Qur'¡n is the Holy Prophet's great miracle—a miracle of eloquence. The lexicon and the lexical items, the structure of the verses, and the melody of the Qur'¡nic verses are so attractive ...

Inviting the Arab Tribes to Islam

Inviting the Arab Tribes to Islam
Inviting the Arab Tribes to Islam The Holy Prophet carried out his invitation to people in Mecca and elsewhere. For instance, he went to the following tribes: Kindah, Kalb, Ban£-°an¢fah and Ban£-Am¢r ibn ¯a`¥a`ah to invite them to the new religion. However, Ab£-Lahab used to follow him and discourage people from accepting his religion.[1] In his dialogues with Ban£-`ªmir, the Holy Prophet was told by one of the elderly chiefs of that ...

The Dispute between Aishah and Ibn Umar

The Dispute between Aishah and Ibn Umar
Abu Jarih is reported to have said: I heard ‘Atà’ informing and said: ‘Urwah ibn al-Zubayr told me, saying: I and Ibn ‘Umar were leaning onto ‘A’ishah’s room, hearing the sound of brushing her teeth with the toothbrush. He says: I said: O ‘Abd al-Rahmàn, did the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him and his Household) perform the ‘umrah in Rajab? He replied: ...

Musa (a.s.) and Firon

Musa (a.s.) and Firon
History records that the tyrant rulers have always oppressed Allah's representative on earth, the Prophets and the Imams. These rulers have made relentless use of all the might and power at their command to pursue the Prophets and terminate their lives. But the Almighty Allah used to render their efforts null and void. The life of Musa (a.s.) during the reign of Firon is full of such instances from the beginning to end. A powerful king like ...

Hazrat Adam (A.S.)

Hazrat Adam (A.S.)
When the God, the Munificent (extremely liberal in giving, very generous) wished and created the earthly face and body of Adam a.s. and kindled the spirit in it and commanded the angels to prostrate before him in his respect. Iblis a specie of the Jin who by his extreme adoration to God was honoured the status, to worship God in the row of the archangels, He refused to prostrate the Adam a.s. He was the first who went against the wish of ...

History of Islamic Philosophy

History of Islamic Philosophy
History of Islamic Philosophy   The interest of Western scholars in the development of Islamic philosophical thought has been comparatively small. There appear to be two reasons for this neglect: the nature of the subject matter and the character of Western scholarship itself. The main body of Islamic thought, in so far as it has any relevance outside the scope of Islam, belongs to a remote past. In fact, as this book will show, Islamic ...

The Sahabah in Islam

The Sahabah in Islam
The Sahabah in Islam The Shia: The Real Followers of the Sunnah When going through the topic of Sahabah without any prejudice or emotions, we see that the Shi'ah have given them the ranks ordained by the Qur'an and the Prophetic Sunnah and as obligated by reason. They (Shi'ah) have never charged them all with disbelief as done by the Ghulat, nor believed in their equity (adhalah) as a whole, as done by Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jam'ah.In this ...

Irresponsible Attitudes of the Companions-2

 	   Irresponsible Attitudes of the Companions-2
The Shi'ah believe that such a repudiation (talaq) counts only as a single repudiation, and Shaykh Mahmud al-Shaltut, erstwhile rector of the Azhar, regarded Shi'i jurisprudence (fiqh) superior in this respect as well as many others. [20] No one has the right to tamper with revealed ordinances, for they are divine and immutable, not even the Prophet himself. The Qur'an says: "Were Muhammad to attribute lies to Us, with Our powerful hand We would ...

The effects of the culture of Ashura on the Performance Arts of Iran

The effects of the culture of Ashura on the Performance Arts of Iran
The effects of the culture of Ashura on the Performance Arts of Iran Ya'qoub Ali Borji The culture of Ashura has had an active presence in all domains of the Iranian art. In this paper, I will focus on the effects of the culture of Ashura on the performance as well as religious arts by canvassing such fields as literature, design, calligraphy, theater, etc. Our people call such arts as Ta 'zieyah. Ta 'zieyah takes advantage of such ...

Ashura: Reformative Thought as the Basis of a Humane Education and Social Order

Ashura: Reformative Thought as the Basis of a Humane Education and Social Order
Ashura: Reformative Thought as the Basis of a Humane Education and Social Order Ahmad Aakuchakiyan    Obright perspective of God   To life,   And to death!   We live with you,   We die with you.Ashura is the embodiment of the highest of sublime human and social values and ideals which has always summoned the people to the understanding of those values and ideals and to commit themselves to them and to live in accordance ...

The Martyrdom of Ali al-Asghar

The Martyrdom of Ali al-Asghar
Imam Husain’s call had its effect on his son Ali al-Asghar (a.s), who was six months old. The child fell out of his cradle in response to Imam Husain’s call for help. This caused a great commotion among the women, who feared that the infant was about to die out of the three day’s thirst. The commotion and wailing attracted Imam Husain (a.s) who returned to the camp. He took the child and covered him with a cloth to protect him from the ...

Who was Ibn Saba?

Who was Ibn Saba?
The mercenary writers whose goal is to split the Muslims allege that a Yemenite Jew from Sana', Abdullah Ibn Saba (also called Ibn al-Sawda), adopted Islam during the reign of the third Caliph 'Uthman. They allege that Ibn Saba, through some doctrines that he spread among Muslims, was a big factor in causing the revolt against 'Uthman.The following are some of the doctrines attributed to Ibn Saba.(1). This alleged Jew invented the idea that the ...