Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Uncle, Guardian and Protector to the Holy Prophet

Uncle, Guardian and Protector to the Holy Prophet
  Name:Abd Manaf Ibin Shaybah Al-Hashim Kunyat:Abu Taleb Father:Shaybah Al-Hashim or better known as Abdul-Muttalib Mother:Fatimah Wife:Fatimah Bint Assad Brothers: Hamza Abu Lahab Abbass Relation:Uncle, Guardian and Protector to The Prophet(pbuh&hf) Children: Taleb Ageel Jafar Ali(as) The infallible 1st holy Imam & calipha of all Muslims Fakhitah (Umm Hani) The great chieftan of Bani Hashim Abdul-Muttalib, dying on his death bed, ...

Arab Spain

Arab Spain
Muslims need first of all to insist before the world that the Iberian peninsula (Jazirat al‑Andalus) flourished, culturally speaking, under Islam. Those nine Islamic centuries (711‑1610) were glorious, and they made the rest of Europe look pale and barbarous by comparison.  The southern portion of Spain that is still called Andalusia remains as al‑Firdaws al‑Mafqud or `Paradise Lost' in the North African imagina tion, for Arab ...

Musa (a.s.) and Firon

Musa (a.s.) and Firon
History records that the tyrant rulers have always oppressed Allah's representative on earth, the Prophets and the Imams. These rulers have made relentless use of all the might and power at their command to pursue the Prophets and terminate their lives. But the Almighty Allah used to render their efforts null and void. The life of Musa (a.s.) during the reign of Firon is full of such instances from the beginning to end. A powerful king like ...

Malik Ashtar

Malik Ashtar
The death of Malik Ashtar and Mohammad Abubakr After dealing with the revolt of the Kharijites. Hazrat Ali had to face the problem of consolidating his control over Egypt. He had sent Qais-Ibne-Saad as Governor of Egypt but had to call him back and to send Mohammad Ibne-Abubakr in his stead. Unfortunately Mohammad though brave and sincere was no match for Moawiya and Omar-Ibne-Aas. He was forced by Moawiya into battle. He wrote to Hazrat Ali ...

Some Useful Sayings of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)

Some Useful Sayings of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (S.A)
1- Allah made the obedience of Muslims to us (Ahlul Bayt) as discipline for the Ummah, and our leadership as safety from differences.2- Praise and Eulogy is for Allah for the blessing and bounties which He has bestowed. And thanks to HIM upon what He revaluated (to His servants) And Praise is for HIM upon the common boons and blessings which He bestowed upon His servants without their request And upon the comprehensive and complete blessings ...

The followers of Imam Ali (a.s)

The followers of Imam Ali (a.s)
Shi'ism began with a reference made for the first time to the partisans of Ali (shi'ah-i ' Ali), the first leader of the Household of the Prophet, during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. The course of the first manifestation and the later growth of Islam during the twenty-three years of prophecy brought about many conditions which necessitated the appearance of a group such as the Shi'ites among the companions of the Prophet. The Holy ...


  Anyone approaching Baghdad from the north or the west will be impressed by the sight of the four golden minarets at Kadhemayn, the Shrine of the Two Imams, Imam Musa al-Kadhim and Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad, peace be upon them. They are respectively the Seventh and the Ninth of the Twelve Imams, at whose tombs we are accustomed to seek healing and to invoke their intercession for the forgiveness of our sins and the fulfillment of our ...

The Creation of the Universe

The Creation of the Universe
He initiated creation most initially and commenced it originally, without undergoing reflection, without making use of any experiment, without innovating any movement, and without experiencing any aspiration of mind. He allotted all things their times, put together their variations gave them their properties, and determined their features knowing them before creating them, realising fully their limits and confines and appreciating their ...

The Historical Occasion of the Triumphant Victory of Islam over Christianity

The Historical Occasion of the Triumphant Victory of Islam over Christianity
24th Zilhajj 10th Hijrah is celebrated as the Eid al-Mubahila. On this historical occasion, Islam emerged triumphantly against Christianity. The historical event of Mubahila also reveals the exalted status of the Ahlul Bayt [Family of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)].This milestone event in Islamic history since then has assumed the status of Eid in the history of Islam.In the early days of Islam, Najran was a large centre of people in Yemen who had ...

Recognizing Jesus (pbuh)

Recognizing Jesus (pbuh)
People are curious about how Jesus (pbuh) will be recognized on his second coming and what features will reveal his true identity. As a person of superior knowledge, intellect, body, and virtue, he will have an expression of Prophethood on his face. His strong fear and respect of God and deep faith will enlighten his face. This enlightenment on his face will be so revealing that people who encounter him will know that they are dealing with a ...

Lineage of Umar (Omar) Bin Al Khattab

Lineage of Umar (Omar) Bin Al Khattab
Muhammad Bin Saaib Al Kalbi narrates in his book (Al Salabah Fe Ma'rifat Al Sahabah) (3/212)... Nufayl was working for Kalb Bin Luayy Bin Ghalib AlQarshy and he (Kalb) died. His new master was Abdul Muttalib; Sahak was also working for Abdul Mutalib she was shepherd taking care of his sheep. He separated between them in the pasture and they agreed one day to meet in a rest home. Nufayl desired and loved her. Abdul Muttalib had made her put on ...

Habib Ibn Muzahir in Ashura

Habib Ibn Muzahir in Ashura
Habib Ibn Muzahir heard what that rogue had said, so he responded to him by saying, "Do you claim that prayers are not accepted from the Prophet's Family but yours are accepted, you ass?!" Al-Hasin charged at him, so Habib slapped the face of al-Hasin's horse, causing it to leap and throw its rider on the ground. Al-Hasin's men had to rush to his rescue and to carry him away to safety.28 Habib, despite his advanced age, fought them valiantly, ...

The Location of Fadak

The Location of Fadak
Fadak was a village in Hijaz. Between fadak and Medina there was a distance of two days.It was a jewish land in the begining of its history.1 It was inhabited by some Jews untill the seventh year of hijra when Allah cast terror into their hearts and they made peace with the prophet by giving him a half of Fadak.Also it was mentioned that they gave him the entire Fadak.2____________1- Mu'jamul Buldan by Yaqout al-Hamawi,vol.4 p.238-239.2- Refer ...

Establishment of Muslim Military Forces

Establishment of Muslim Military Forces
Establishment of Muslim Military Forces Formation of the Islamic Army During his stay in Mecca and propagation of Islam, the Holy Prophet acted only as a Divinely commissioned leader. His activities were restricted to guiding people and struggling against the idolaters. However, after he settled in Yathrib, his function included both religious and political leadership, because the social conditions had drastically changed in Medina and the ...

Mu’awiyah bin Abu Sufyan illness

Mu’awiyah bin Abu Sufyan illness
Mas’oodi and other historians narrate, that in the former days of his illness (because of which he died) one day Mu’awiyah went to the bath-house. When he looked at his weak and feeble body, he started weeping, for he realized that his end was near and he recited the following couplet: "I see that time has hastened to break me, and has taken some of my part from me. The deflection of his length and breadth has made him sit down, ...

When ‘Ali ibn Musa al-Rida(a.s.) came before Ma’mun

When ‘Ali ibn Musa al-Rida(a.s.) came before Ma’mun
1.5.16. Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Nufali said, “When ‘Ali ibn Musa al-Rida(a.s.) came before Ma’mun the later commanded Fadl ibn Sahl to gather the scholars (ashab al-maqalat) such as the Catholicos (Jathaliq), the Exilarch (Ra’s al-Jalut), the chiefs of the Sabeans, Hirbidh al-Akbar, the Zoroastrians, NasTas al-Rumi and the theologians so as to hear his words and their words. Fadl ibn Sahl gathered them and informed Ma‘mun of their ...

downfall of the Banu Umayyah

downfall of the Banu Umayyah
The martyrdom of Imam Husayn ibn 'Ali ('a) and his companions in Karbala' proved to be the beginning of the downfall of the Banu Umayyah dynasty which had usurped the Islamic khilafah by deceit, repression, and corruption of the Muslim community. Though the Imam ('a) was martyred with his family and companions, and apparently his murderers seemed to emerge winners from the conflict, it was the martyr of Karbala' who was the real victor. The ...

Self-Censorship in Islamic History A Case Study of Da'wat dhu 'l-'Ashira

Self-Censorship in Islamic History A Case Study of Da'wat dhu 'l-'Ashira
Self-Censorship in Islamic History A Case Study of Da'wat dhu 'l-'Ashira 1. IntroductionMany students of Islamic history begin with the assumption that if an event or a statement has not been reported in the earliest sources of Muslim history or hadith like as-Sirah an-Nabawiyya of Ibn Hisham or Sahih of al-Bukhari, it must be a later fabrication and therefore not credible. They tend to ignore the biases and limitations that are imposed on the ...

Nonaggression Pact with Three Jewish Tribes

Nonaggression Pact with Three Jewish Tribes
Besides a general treaty in which both Aws and Khazraj and other Jews of these two tribes had participated, the Holy Prophet convened separate treaties with the three Jewish tribes of Ban£-Qaynuq¡`, Ban£’l-Na¤¢r and Ban£-Quray¤ah. This treaty could be termed a nonaggression pact. As we have already said, these three tribes lived in Medina and its suburbs.[1] In this contract, the signatories were obliged: (1) Not to cooperate with the ...

Hazrat Khizr (A.S.)

Hazrat Khizr (A.S.)
3458 years after Habuth (descent of Adam a.s from Heaven)Khizr a.s was the descendant of Sam bin Nuh a.s he was the (maternal) cousin of Zulqarnain. His name was Balya, Kuniyat Abu Abbas(Kuniyat an Arabic name, a type of epithet, the person is called by the name of the first-born son or daughter along with name abu ‘father’ Like Abu musa that is father of Musa) and His title was Khizr.The reason for his name Khizr was that where ever he used ...