Saturday 27th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Major Forbidden Acts in Islam

The Major Forbidden Acts in Islam
  If we study the forbidden things in Islam deeply and in detail, wewill find that proscribing them is a step taken by Islam to protecthumanity from perverse conduct and keep it away from dangers andevils.Through these injunctions Islam protects man's psyche, body andsoul within the individual sphere, and it safeguards other humanrelations and community life, within society from the risks ofsubversion, perversion and decadence.Ideologically, ...


Out of His Affection, Allah Has bestowed upon man the following assets: wisdom and conscience; self and nature; spirit and heart; prophethood and imamate; velayat and honor; khelafat and guidance; knowledge and insight; body and soul; the earth and the sky; the sea and the desert; the air and the mountains; the mines and resources; clothing, foods and drinks and the like. Then man is asked to appreciate these blessings and spend each in its ...

Prayer, The Most Comprehensive Worship

Prayer, The Most Comprehensive Worship
Prayer, The Most Comprehensive Worship For true believers there are moments when, whatever the posture of body, the soul is on the knees. To experience the shortest distance to the almighty, through prayer, is the sweetest delight for those who are true prayfuls. This subject is interpreted by Professor Hossein Ansaryan in his book “ a commentary on Kumayl supplication”. The text to be followed is a part of the present book.    The ...


The literal meaning of zakat In defining zakat, it is said to have both the meaning of cleansing and nurturing. If zakat's definition is taken from the root Arabic word, tazkiya meaning cleansing, the sense of zakat becomes attached to property, i.e. cleansing one's property from God's share of the work and others' past efforts, or primary materials and investment. Zakat in practice From the perspective that the rights of every manufacturer and ...

Signs: Last Days

Signs: Last Days
Below you will find the excerpt from Day of Judgement by Moulana Sayyid Saeed Athtar Rizvi, 1978. (Moulana's source is Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III). The hadith is a conversation between Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. and the great Salman-e-Farsi R.A. Make sure to take mental notes on how many of these signs we have now seen in the world; some to such an extent that we take them for granted these days. Abdullah bin Abbas said that after completing ...

A Healthy Guide To Fasting

A Healthy Guide To Fasting
  First please note: Consult your health practitioner for confirmation that you are fit to fast, especially if you are taking prescription drugs, are diabetic, have heart & circulatory problems, epilepsy or you are breastfeeding or pregnant. The information provided is not intended as medical advice and I am not responsible for the decisions you make and the steps you take. It is my dearest wish that your fasting may be very special and ...

Few great stories on Allah's forgivness

Few great stories on Allah's forgivness
وَكُنِ اللّهُمَّ بِعِزَّتِكَ لي في كُلِّ الاَْحْوالِ رَؤوفاً وَعَلَيَّ في جَميعِ الاُْمُورِ عَطُوفاً And by Your Might, O Allah! Be kind to me in all states and be gracious to me in all affairs! No one in the world can describe Allah’s kindness, however knowledgeable he or she may be. But His kindness can be understood from pondering in Qur’¡nic verses ...

5 Islamic Philosophers Every Muslim Must Read

5 Islamic Philosophers Every Muslim Must Read
Islamic intellectual culture suffers from a philosophy deficit. While there are a few philosophical thinkers in the Muslim World today none of them enjoys the rock star status that many pedestrian preachers and YouTube stalwarts enjoy. What this tells us is that people are beginning to value knowledge but are unable to distinguish between preaching and thinking.What we need today are critical thinkers who force Muslims to think and not feel-good ...

Imam Sajjad(s) and 44 destructive factors

Imam Sajjad(s) and 44 destructive factors
In the description of 8th  invocation, which is the most significant of the invocations recorded in Sahifeh by Imam Zainol Abedin(s), Professor Hossein Ansarian  presents you with a taxanomy of the crucial points in this invocation and then will briefly explain each one. This text is adopted from “The land of lovers” written by the professor. Imam Sajjad(s) has referred to forty four significant factors each of which could easily lead a ...


The Budget for Strengthening the Religion and Management of Muslims The Religion and Almighty God has made it obligatory on every Muslim to toil for the growth of religion and to acquaint other  people with the commands of God and life in the Hereafter, and  to take help in this path from one's life and one's wealth, which means to work hard for the spread of Islam and also to pay khums from one's income. What is Khums? How must it be paid? ...


Every nation has an axiom or a proverb dealing with the precious value of time. The most famous of them is the expression: Time is gold. But the magnificent Islamic culture has never evaluated time with the material things, however precious these things may be. This is because in the scale of justice and wisdom there is nothing equal to man’s precious life. Life-time in Islam is measured with the scale of faith, good deeds and good ...

Modesty in islamic refrences and great patterns of modesty

Modesty in islamic refrences and great patterns of modesty
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: مَنْ حَسَّنَ بِرَّهُ أهْلَ بَيْتِهِ زِيدَ فِي رِزْقِهِ. One who serves his family nicely his sustenance would be expanded.[1] حُسْنُ الخُلُقِ يَزِيدُ فِي الرِّزْقِ. Affability increases sustenance.[2] Attempt in getting lawful sustenance is considered an important Islamic worship. The Messenger of Allah (s.a) states: مَنْ أكَلَ ...

seven factors for jealous

seven factors for jealous
No doubt, man's heart would be the center for jealousy and this would be detrimental to him if he were not familiar with the facts of Quran, the programs of the Prophet(s), and Imams, and if he were inconsiderate of  his supreme dignity as a man. To better know the symptoms and factors of jealous and the consequences associated to it , we ask you to refer to the following text by Professor Hossein Ansarian in “ Land of lovers”. A jealous ...

The description of Allah's mercy in forgiving sins and concealing bad deeds & then transferring them to good ones

The description of Allah's mercy in forgiving sins and concealing bad deeds & then transferring them to good ones
  O Allah! Great is Your Kingdom. Allah's Kingdom is essential and real. Other sovereignties are conventional and temporary, but Allah's is permanent, unlimited, and endless. His Kingdom embraces hidden and apparent beings, as well as the apparent and hidden aspects of them. There is no kingdom but His Kingdom. All others are in need and have nothing of their own. Allah's Argument and Proof is great and no one can compete with it. Wisdom, ...

Quranic verses and means of sustenance

Quranic verses and means of sustenance
There are also some Quranic verses which consider the means of subsistence as God’s way to test people. It is upto man to enter this exam and show his talents. If he is wealthy, through spending benevolently he may gain high positions in front of God and people. If he does not have abundance, he may engage in patience in the face of hardships and depressions. Concerning the fact that wealth in this world is only to test the believers, the ...

Allah's great mercy and forgiveness is not underestandable by any wise & inellectual man

Allah's great mercy and forgiveness is not underestandable by any wise & inellectual man
The Kind Embrace None of the prophets (s.a), the Imams (a.s), and favorite servants expected Allah to treat them with chastisement; the Almighty Who has called Himself in the Holy Qur’¡n as the Most Merciful of the merciful, the Forgiver, the Generous, the Lover, the Holy, the Fine, and the Relenting. The chastisement of the Hereafter is not related to the believers at all. It is the bitter fruit of denying the truth and enmity with Allah. ...

Sins Altering Blessings

Sins Altering Blessings
Committing some sins alter Allah’s Blessings for human being, and replace them with calamities and adversities. These sins, as stated by Imam Al-Sajj¡d (a.s) are: 1. Oppressing people, 2. Losing the good habits 3. Abandoning good doing, 4. Being ungrateful, 5. Abandoning gratefulness. Oppressing People Oppressing people is a heinous and satanic sin. Oppression, however as much as a grain, is an obscene deed. Surely, as little as this much ...

Good mannerism and Sahifeh Saijadieh

Good mannerism and  Sahifeh Saijadieh
The significant issue of good characters and good mannerism has been among the teachings of the first Prophet appointed by God. Imam Sadiq(s), in a narration, enumerates ten traits of the good mannerism of the Great Prophet of Islam. He says: Try to see if you possess these ten. If you have them, be thankful to God and be more inclined to get them:Conviction, patience, gratitude, forbearance, good-temper, generosity, zeal, bravery, manliness, ...

The Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)

The Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)
The Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)Introduction The subject under consideration here is the 'ilm, or knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence, usul ul fiqh. The two studies of jurisprudence and its principles are interconnected. They are interconnected in the same way, as will become clear, as the two studies of logic and philosophy are interconnected. The study of the principles is tantamount to a preparation to the study of ...

Six facts in sixth Invocation-part 2

Six facts in sixth Invocation-part 2
Professor Hossein Ansarian who is a great Analysor and interpreters of Islamic texts in his book “ the land of lovers” which is an expository on Sahifeh Sajjadieh, elaborates on the issues and invocations of this treasure in a different way which is too attractive and rich. In a section of his book, the Professor writes “  A world of Knowledge deposited in this invocation” to refer to the sixth invocation of Sahifeh Sajjadieh. Here is a ...