Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Was Jesus the only begotten son of God?

Was Jesus the only begotten son of God?
In the book of Psalms 2:7 we find "I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee." David, in this verse, is saying that God had told him he was the son of God and God has begotten him. Clearly Jesus is not the only begotten son of God.Of course, one could say that although Jesus was not the only begotten son of God, he had no human father in contrast to David who had a human father. That is ...

Is asking the rightful intercessors for intercession [shafā‘ah] tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?

Is asking the rightful intercessors for intercession [shafā‘ah] tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?
                                                                                  While discussing this question, it is assumed that intercession [shafā‘ah] exclusively rests with God as it is stated in the Holy Qur’an: ﴾ جَمِيعًا الشَّفَٰعَةُ للهِ قُل ﴿ “Say, ‘All intercession rests with Allah’.”[1][1] Therefore, turning ...

Do the Shī‘ah believe in the taḥrīf [distortion] of the Qur’an?

Do the Shī‘ah believe in the taḥrīf [distortion] of the Qur’an?
Reply: Renowned Shī‘ah scholars are of the opinion that the Holy Qur’an is free from any kind of taḥrīf [distortion], and the version of the Qur’an which is in our hands today is the same as the heavenly book which was revealed to the Holy Prophet (ṣ) and it has been subject to no deletion or addition. In order to clarify this point, let us consider pieces of evidence that follow: 1. The Lord of the worlds has guaranteed the Muslims ...

Does Imam Mahdi (A.S) get depressed and shed tears because of the sins we commit?

Does Imam Mahdi (A.S) get depressed and shed tears because of the sins we commit?
It has been mentioned in the Holy Quran that says: and say do whatever you desire that Allah Almighty, his prophets and the believers will soon observe your deeds and you will soon be returned to the one who is all-knowing. Then you will be aware of what you used to do.it has been explicitly mention in a narration that the believers in this verse are the infallible ...

Does the verse "فما استمتعتم به منهّن فاتوهن اجورهنّ فریضة" imply temporary marriage?

Does the verse
What is meant by istimta in the verse "فما استمتعتم به منهّن فاتوهن اجورهنّ فریضة"; (For the enjoyment you have had from them thereby, give them their dowries, by way of settlement) , is intimacy and taking pleasure, so the verse is saying: Whenever you have taken pleasure in women provide them with their mahr (dowry). The Shiite and also a group of scholars from the Sunni school of thought maintain: The ...

Late Ayatollah Bahjat has been quoted as having said: "The aged ones of this era will witness the moment of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)." What is your opinion concerning this saying of the late Ayatollah?

Late Ayatollah Bahjat has been quoted as having said:
Late Ayatollah Bahjat has been quoted as having said: "The aged ones of this era will witness the moment of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)." What is your opinion concerning this saying of the late Ayatollah?Concise answer We have enquired the office of late Ayatollah Bahjat about whether or not the Ayatollah had said those words and they denied that he had said them. Instead, His Eminence had said that whenever difficulties and ...

What is the Ruling of Shaking Hands by Muslims with Non-Muslim Members of the Opposite Sex?

What is the Ruling of Shaking Hands by Muslims with Non-Muslim Members of the Opposite Sex?
One of the difficulties faced by Muslims in non-Islamic countries is that in many instances they are exposed to situations where they are in a dilemma regarding shaking hands with non-Muslim women. Some examples are parties, formal and diplomatic meetings, their work place, governmental departments or at the time of an interview to receive visa and so on.Muslim men and women are exposed in emergency times to shake hands with non-Muslims of the ...

Some relatives insult people's beliefs and sanctities, should we stop visiting them?

Some relatives insult people's beliefs and sanctities, should we stop visiting them?
If there is an opportunity of enjoining good and forbidding wrong (Amr bil Maroof & Nahi Anil Munkar), it is incumbent upon you to do your duty, but if there is no efficacy in doing so, you are expected to restrict your relationship with such people but cutting and abandoning family Ties or “Silat-ur-Rahim” is not advisable. “Silat-ur-Rahim” which means maintaining the bond of kinship and visiting relatives is of the ...

The Origin of Shiaism

The Origin of Shiaism
QUESTION:Have historical factors influenced the development of Shiaism, or is this sect a set of beliefs derived from the Qur’an and the clear traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family)?ANSWER:We need to explain several points in order to shed light on the topic and show that:(a) historical factors and events had no role in the development of Shiaism and the belief in the existence of an Imam who will save humanity (b) ...

Was the wife of Hazrat Abbas, Lady Lubaba, present in Karbala?

Was the wife of Hazrat Abbas, Lady Lubaba, present in Karbala?
Lubaba was the daughter of Ubaidullah bin Abbas[1] (the Prophet”s cousin) and the wife of Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas (AS).  Following the event of Karbala and the martyrdom of Hazrat Abbas, she married Zaid bin Hasan[2].[3] It has been said that she had two sons from Hazrat Abbas (AS) who were named Fazl and ”Ubaidullah.  It has been further added that Abbas” lineage and offspring continued through ”Ubaidullah ...

What is our duty during the time of Imam Mahdi’s occultation?

What is our duty during the time of Imam Mahdi’s occultation?
Our duties during the Imam’s occultation are very much the same duties we have during his presence. One could briefly say that the greatest duty of the Shias during this period is to await Faraj and Imam Mahdi’s government. Awaiting Faraj means to carry out all commands of the Quran, the prophet and his household.Detailed Answer 1- Learning and gaining knowledge about religion in terms of Aghaed, Ahkam, Akhlagh. He must enhance his ...

Is Hazrat Ali Asgar (AS) buried on the chest of Imam Hossein (AS) in the same grave?

Is Hazrat Ali Asgar (AS) buried on the chest of Imam Hossein (AS) in the same grave?
Concise answerIn this regard, Martyr Qadhi Tabatabai (ra) says in the footnote of his book titled "An Investigation into the First Arba'ein of Imam Hussein (a.s)" as such: "This story is heard on the tongues of some people especially those who give lectures on the pulpits that when Imam Sajjad (a.s.) wanted to bury Ali Asghar (a.s.), he placed him on the chest of the Chief of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (a.s). This allegation is unsubstantiated and ...

Is it allowed to lie for guiding others? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answers

Is it allowed to lie for guiding others? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answers
Question: Is it allowed to lie to guide a person? For example, telling lies to a person who commits bad deeds, by saying I dreamed last night you were in hell, in order to scare him to give up his bad deeds; or for making peace between two persons and similar cases. And please say if telling lies based on convenience is allowed or not? To remove harm from self or other believer. To make peace between two persons and instead of telling lies for ...

Who are the Ahlulbayt?

Who are the Ahlulbayt?
Who are the ahlulbayt? "Ahlulbayt" literally means "People of the House" ('Ahl' means "people", while 'bayt' means "house"). Its meaning in context of Islamic vernacular is "members of the household of the Prophet". The Ahlulbayt are one of the two most important sources of Islamic guidance after the demise of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). The holy Qur'an, when referring to them, states:" . . . . Verily Allah intends to keep off from ...

The Secrets of the Quran oaths

The Secrets of the Quran oaths
  The term oath (ghasam- قسم) in the Arabic language is synonymous with swear (sogandسوگند-). In other word it means a confession and admission that a person says over his honor and counts Allah or someone great as a witness. Swearing is not  for a nation or a particular language but during all past eras it was commonly used among the nations and people. In the Qur'an, in the verse of  104, about 118 oaths have been ...

Do the Shia consider Abu Bakr and Umar as Kafirs?

Do the Shia consider Abu Bakr and Umar as Kafirs?
The Shia say that Abu Bakr and Umar were kafirs, but on the other hand, we see that Ali (as), whom the Shia believe to be infallible, accepts their caliphate and does bey'ah with them and doesn't rise against them.This means that Ali is not infallible because he has done bey'ah with two oppressive Nasebi kafirs, and has verified them through such; this is a flaw in his infallibility and a form of helping oppressors in their oppression, something ...

When it is Haram to ask a woman for marriage/the Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer

When it is Haram to ask a woman for marriage/the Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi answered a question about when it is Haram to ask a woman for marriage.

Question: Is it allowed to ask a divorced woman for marriage when she is observing her Iddah (certain period of time a woman must observe after divorce before she can marry again)?

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi: If she is in Iddah of revocable divorce, asking to marry her is Haram.

What is the history of Ibadiyya and where do the Ibadies live?

What is the history of Ibadiyya and where do the Ibadies live?
Most of the Orientalists consider the Ibadi movement or Ibadism as the last survived branch of the Kharijites. Most of them live in Oman or some places in North Africa. What are the theological viewpoints of this People and are they Nasibis?Concise answerThe Ibadi movement linked to Abdullah bin Ibadh is a group of moderate Kharijites and the dominant sect in Oman and north Africa. However, Ibadis deny anything more than a passing relation to ...

Are we allowed to attend the majalis (gatherings) of Imam Hussein (as) at the houses of those muslims who treat Imam Ali (as) as God?

Are we allowed to attend the majalis (gatherings) of Imam Hussein (as) at the houses of those muslims who treat Imam Ali (as) as God?
Concise answer Although holding mourning sessions and gatherings for Imam Husein (as) and his companions is a great act that brings one massive blessings and rewards, yet if these gatherings are used to strengthen and propagate false teachings that contradict true Islamic beliefs taught to us by the imams, not only will attending them not draw any blessings, it will most probably entail the anger of Allah (swt) as well. Detailed Answer Your ...

During ziyārah, why do the Shī‘ah kiss the doors and walls of the shrine of awliyā’ and seek blessings [tabarruk] whereby?

During ziyārah, why do the Shī‘ah kiss the doors and walls of the shrine of awliyā’ and seek blessings [tabarruk] whereby?
During ziyārah, why do the Shī‘ah kiss the doors and walls of the shrine of awliyā’ and seek blessings [tabarruk] whereby?                                                               Reply: Seeking blessings [tabarruk] through the remnants (and symbols) of the saints [awliyā’] of God is not a new phenomenon among Muslims; rather, this behavior can be traced back to the ...