(SALAT) of Ameerul Momineen Ali
- Publication date: 2011-08-17 19:42:27
- Number of views: 2854
Imam Jaffar-As-Sadiq (as) said that whoso prays the 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT) of Ameerul Momineen Ali (as), comes out of the evil whirlpool of sins, as a baby comes out from the womb.
The Holy Prophet (SAWW) said that whoso prays this namaaz and recites the Dua'a at the end, is absolved from the accountability of all his sins (provided no more sins are committed).
Pray this 4 Raka't Namaaz exactly like any 4 Raka't obligatory Namaaz (Zuhr, Asr, Ishaa) on Friday or during the night of Friday with the following adjustments:
(a) In each raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 50 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Tasbih of Hazrat Imam Ali (AS):
(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Glory be to He Whose signs never disappear!
Glory be to He Whose reserves never grow less.
Glory be to He Whose Glory never runs low.
Glory be to He Who never suffers loss in what He has.
Glory be to He in Whose range and reach there is no gap!
Glory be to He Who shares with no one in the administration of His affairs,
Glory be to He, except Whom, there is no God.
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
(c) Now invoke Allah to fulfill your desires and recite the following Dua'a:
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O He who overlooks sins, and does not inflict punishment in return, have mercy an Thy servant,
O Allah, be sparing with me, save me,
I am Thy servant.
O my Chief, I am Thy servant. I am at Thy disposal.
O my Lord, O Allah, in the name of Thy Being,
O Hope, O Beneficent, O Supporter, Thy servant, Thy servant, has no strategy,
O the Ultimate Beloved,
O He Who makes the blood run into my veins.
O Chief, O Master, It is He whom I desire, Its is He whom I desire,
O Lord, Thy servant, Thy servant, has no strategy, has noting of his own, has no control over loss, nor over profit.
I do not find any one to seek help, so all profitable avenues have been blocked, all my expectations have turned into disappointments, helpless and forsaken I came to Thee and (now) stand before Thee.
O my Allah, Thou art aware of that which I speak about, so how would Thou deal with me?
If I but knew how would Thou dispense with my prayers?
Or No?
If No, then I am ruined! I am ruined! I am ruined!
Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! Oh my misery! Oh my misery! Oh my misery!
Oh my ill-luck! Oh my ill-luck! Oh my ill-luck!
To whom? By whom? Or from whom? Or how? Or in which place to take shelter?
Who shall pay attention and show favor to me, when thou had forsaken me?
O Liberal Forgiver,
if it is yes,
as I expect and desire, then it is an occasion for joy, I am successful, I am happy, I have been chosen to receive (Thy) mercy. and I receive mercy,
O Merciful! O Compassionate!
O Pardoner! O Omnipotent!
O Sovereign! O Just!
If I do not have a clean record to show thee for obtaining fulfillment of my desires, (then) I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name which Thou has kept invisible. safely under Thy control, and nothing comes out from there except by Thy leave.
I beseech Thee by it, for certainly it is the most high and honored of Thy names,
I have nothing to mention except this, and no one is more beneficial for me than Thee.
O Absolute Being!
O Creator of creation!
O He who made my mind and soul perceive His Being
O He who commanded me to obey!
O He who directed me not to disobey!
O He who is besought!
O He who is requested!
O He who is desired!
I overlook Thy instructions which Thou gave me and did not obey Thee, although in that which Thou orders me I obey Thee; (but) in all events, for my every work I turn to Thee and Thou effectively accomplished it. In spite of my transgression I am hopeful of Thy kindness, so do not let my hope remain unfulfilled.
O Most Merciful, keep me safe, under Thy protection, from (all evils) that are before me, behind me, above me, below me, and surround me from all sides.
O My Allah,
for the sake of master Mohammad and my chief, Ali (AS), and the righteous Holy Imaams peace be on them.
Bestow Thy blessings (on us) treat us kindly, and have mercy (on us).
and multiply our livelihood,
make us repay our debts, and satisfy all our wants and needs.
O Allah,
O Allah,
O Allah,
Verily Thou art able to do all things.
O Allah, send blessings on Mohammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.