Saturday 2nd of November 2024
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Abu Mikhnaf

As far as Abu Mikhnaf's reports are concerned, it can be said that he is antiUmayyad and in favour of the Imam alHusayn, but whether he was actually a Shi’i is questionable. Certainly, he is hostile to both Ibn Ziyad and Yazid; both poke at the teeth in the head of the martyred Imam in his account.

Because of the nature of alTabaris annalistic approach to history, Abu Mikhnaf's beginning of the account is missing, as it does not belong to events of the year 60. Part of it may be preserved by alBaladhuri by using the collective term qalu. When the Imam alHasan died the Shi’i in Iraq wrote to the Imam alHusayn to ask him to come to lead them. He wrote back reminding them of the agreement that his brother had made with Mu' awiya and promising to lead them. Mu`awiya heard that the people thought that the Imam alHusayn would lead them after his death and wrote to him warning him against this. The Imam alHusayn wrote back denouncing him. Thus the scene is set for the confrontation on the death of Mu'awiya.

The variety of Abu Mikhnaf's stories and his statement about the majority of the reporters[41] suggest that he was reporting from an existing literature. We have already discussed the accounts of alAsbagh, Jabir and `Ammar, and it is noticeable that he does not report from them. His work has already been closely examined by Ursula Sezkin; but she did not attempt to reconstruct possible literary sources, despite the thoroughness of her work[42].




[41] AlTabari, op. cit., 11, 314.

[42] U. Sezkin, op. cit., pp. 11622.

source : http://www.al-islam.org
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