Philosophy of Creation of Woman
Philosophy of Creation of Woman
In two Quranic verses a reference is made to a subject from which we can conclude a supposition that the woman was created for the man and she being a parasite to him.
Herewith I cite these verses, after which I will elaborate and explain their meanings:
· "He it is Who created you from a single self and from it did He make his mate that he may dwell resting unto her, when he covereth her, she beareth a light burden and carrieth it, when it groweth more heavy they both pray to their Lord; "If Thou givest a good child, certainly we shall be of the grateful ones." 5
· And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves, mates that ye may dwell "inclined" unto them, and caused between you love and compassion: "Verily in this are signs for a people who reflect." "30:21"
Out of these verses it can be understood that the philosophy of creation of the woman being peace and repose for men. In fact, the original cause for life being men, and the women were created for giving them rest and repose.
In response to this we should say that this tranquillity and repose can never be onesided, but it is mutual between the woman and man, since the love and compassion mentioned in the second verse, is stated as mutual and reciprocal between the two. Further the verse considered this affinity as one of God's signs, and in the first verse if dwelling in rest stated onesided, but it should be interpreted in view of the second verse.
In exposing the second verse, Al'Allamah AtTabataba'i
5. Surat Al-A'raf, verse 189
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The meaning of the verse "He created for you from yourselves mates." is that He "God" created from your species the like of you so as to make you benefit and get advantage. Because every woman and every man is provided with genitals alike and similar that complement each other, and when coming into each other they give production. That is, by action of both of them "sexual organs" the work of production and procreation of offspring is achieved and fulfilled. Based on this, each one of them "man and woman" has a deficiency and in need and want to the other spouse, and from intermingling them together a complete full production will come out. Due to this need and lacking, each one of them feels inclined to and moves toward the other, and when copulation is done every one feels calm and at peace. Because every imperfect is so eager and anxious to what complements him/her, and every wanting is inclined to what meets his/her need and perfects him/her. This is exactly the sexual appetite "lust" that is established and deposited inside both the spouses. 6
In short, what the Quranic verses intend to demonstrate being not the philosophy of creation of the woman, but they in fact tell of the kind of spiritual and life connection between woman and man, and attachment to each other.
How Quran Introduces Talents of Men & Women
The second question whose answer should be found in the holy Quran being: How were the aptitudes and abilities of the woman and man divided in the Quran? And are all of them stated to belong to the men alone? Or no distinction is mentioned in it?
Further many verses are there in the Quran demonstrating the
6. Al-Mizaan Fi Tafseer Al-Quran, vol. XVI, pp. 173-174
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genetic and legislative talents and powers of human beings, using everywhere words of man and mankind with general expressions, with no exception on behalf of women or preference of men over women.
In regard of aptitude, the Quran referred to the following points:
Divine Spirit
Man has "inside" a Divine Spirit, and this merit is not distinguished alone to the men.
· "So when I complete him and breathe into him My Spirit, fall ye down unto him prostrating "in obeisance"." "15:29"
Fashioning and Modification in Creation
"Surely We created man of the best stature." "95:4"
"O thou man! What hath beguiled thee from thy Lord, the Most Gracious One. "He" Who created thee, and fashioned thee and "gave thee a body" justly proportioned." "82:6, 7"
Tools of Administration
"He it is Who caused for you the hearing and the sight and hearts; "very" little it is what ye give thanks "unto Him"."
The Divine Creation
"Then set thou thy face uprightly for "the right" religion, in natural devotion to the truth "following" the nature caused by God in which He hath made the people..." "30:30"
Moral Conscience
"By the soul as it is perfected. And inspired unto it "against" its vices and "about" its piety!" "91:7, 8"
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Bearing the Trust
· "Verily we offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid thereof..." "33:72"
Further, He considered all natural potentials to belong altogether to man, referring to them with plural form and with expressions like: "He made subservient unto you, created for you, and made for you":
· "And made subservient unto you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth." "45:13"
· "He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth..." "2:29"
· "Who made the earth a bed "resting place" for you and the sky a structure and causeth water to descend from heaven..." "2:22"
In regard of educating the human beings, the plural pronoun with terms of man are used:
· " "God", The Beneficent, Taught He the Quran. He created man, He taught him expression." "55:14"
· " "He" Who taught "to write" with the pen. "He" taught man what he knew not." "96:45"
In regard of delegating the apostles and legislating a religion, and sending down a scripture also there is no distinguishment of differentiation:
· "He it is Who raised among the ummies "illiterates" an Apostle from among themselves, reciting unto them His signs, and purifying them, and teaching them the Book "Quran" and wisdom..." "62:2"
What is Aim of Creation of Woman & Man?
Is there any difference in the objective of creation of woman and man? Has the Quran stated any distinction between women and men in this respect? The answers for these
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questions are definitely in negative, as the Quran mentions the goal of creation to be servitude and devotion, no difference is there in this regard between the woman and man. Also no separation is seen between the two in regard of the end of invitation "da'wah" of the messengers, which is life and living.
· "I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me." "51:56"
· "O ye who believe! respond ye to His Apostle "Mohammed" when He calleth you to that which giveth you life..." "8:24"
How Do Woman & Man Enjoy the Values?
A number of values are stated in the holy Quran that can be a moral measurement criterion for man, and in which no distinction or preference is seen. These values are the following:
Faith and Good Deed
"Whosoever did good, whether male or female, and he be a believer, then We will certainly make him live a life good and pure..." "16:97"
"Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have knowledge, to high ranks." "58:11"
Piety "taqwa"
"O ye people! Verily we have created you of a male and a female, and made you in nations and tribes, that ye may recognise each other; Verily the most honoured of you with God is the one of you who guardeth "himself" the most "against evil"." "49:13"
Competing in Faith
"And the foremost in the race, the foremost in the race. Those are they who will be brought night." "56:10, 11"
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Jihad "struggle"
"... And Allah hath distinguished those who strive above those who sit "holding back" by a great recompense." "4:95"
"So their Lord did respond to them "saying" "I will not suffer the work of any of you that worketh to be lost, be he male or female, the one of you being from the other. They, therefore, who did migrate and were turned out of their homes and suffered in My way and who fought and were slain, I will most certainly blot out their sins from them, and I will most certainly admit them into gardens beneath which flow streams; A reward from God! and God! Verily with Him "only" is the Excellent Reward." "3:195"
In continuing discussion of values it is proper to relate a tale from history of first stage of Islam.
Muqatil says: When Asma', the daughter of Ummays returned with her husband Ja'far from Abyssinia, she went near the wives of the Messenger of Allah "may God's peace and benediction be upon him and his Progeny" and said: Is there any verse revealed in the Quran regarding the women? The answer came to her in negative. Thereat she betook herself toward the Prophet"S" saying: The women are sustaining a loss and detriment, all the time. The Prophet questioned: Why? She replied: Since Allah has never referred to them in good terms, as He did in regard of men.
After that the following verse was revealed:
"Verily the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the almsgiving men and the
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almsgiving women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember God much and the women who remember God "much", Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense." "33:35"