Sunday 21st of July 2024
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Today is Ashura dayl Today is the day of the 10th of Moharram.

Ashura day is the most tragic day for all Muslims, in particular Shi'as.


The day, when 72 brave and faithful men were martyred… The day of great sacrifice… The day Islam was saved from destruction.


The day the Holy Prophet leaves Heaven to join us in mourning, the day Mawla Ali leaves Heaven……..The day Bibi Fatemah leaves Heaven, to cry with us, for the 72 martyrs.

THE DAY OF ASHURA……..A very sad day…….A day full of tragedy.

What shall we recite today? Which tragedy shall we remember today? So much suffering! So many dead! So much sacrifice! So much patience!

Who shall we cry for today? Who shall we do matam for today?

So much to cry for. So much to do matam for.

My friends, if we do not cry today, when else would we cry?

If we do not do matam today, when else would we do matam?

Traditionally, we recite the Shahadat of Imam Husayn today. My fellow Husayni! I have neither the courage nor the heart to recite in detail the Shahadat of Imam Husayn.

Bibi Fatemah is with us. She would like us to recite the last farewell of Husayn from Sakina, Zainab, Kulthoom and the other ladies.

Ashura came to the land of Kerbala.

Ali Akber gave the Adhan. Everyone prayed Fajr Namaaz.

Yazid's men blew the trumpets to start the battle.

The battle began.

One-by-one, Husayn's friends and companions went to the battlefield and gave their lives for Islam.

By Zuhr time, all the friends and companions were martyred.

Auno - Mohammed, Bibi Zainab's young sons, went to the baftlefield and were martyred.

Qasim, Bibi Farwah’s only son, went to the battlefield and was martyred and trampled by the horses.

Abbas could not bear the sad cries of "AL-ATASH! AL-ATASH! AL-ATASH!", from his beloved niece, Sakina. He went to get water and did not return. His arms were severed.

Ali Akber, the 18 year old youth, went to the battlefield and was martyred with a dreadful wound in his chest.

Since dawn, Imam Husayn had carried 72 bodies to the camp.

Husayn was thirsty, tired, heartbroken…….but he kept on!

Patience was his prayer. And sacrifice to save Islam was his goal.

All Husayn was worried about was saving Islam.

By Asr time, Husayn was left with his baby Ali Asghar and his son, Sayyid-e-Sajjad - Imam Zainul Abideen who was ill.

Ali Asghar was very thirsty. Husayn took his baby son to get some water.

Ali Asghar, the young soldier, did not get any water. Instead he got an arrow in his neck.

Imam Husayn and Bibi Rubab dug a grave themselves and buried Ali Asghar.

Our poor Imam inflicted with so much suffering in just one day!

So many dead in one day!

Husayn is all alone, thirsty, tired and heartbroken. he stood in the centre of the camp and cried out:

"My salaam to you, O Zainab, O Umme Kulthoom! My salaam to you O Ruqayya! O Kubra! O Sakina! My salaam to you O Rubab! O Laila! O Umme Farwah! O Amma Fizza!…... KHUDA HAFIZ! KHUDA HAFIZ!"

All the ladies gathered around Husayn. They all cried and cried as they said their last farewell to Husayn.

"Zainab . . . . Take me to my son, Zainul Abideen. Zainab, let me say khuda hafiz to my son, Sayyid-e-Sajjad."

Husayn and Zainab went to Imam Zainul Abideen's tent.

Sayyid-e-Sajjad was lying unconscious on his bed. Bibi Zainab shook his shoulder and said:

"Son, Sajjad! Your father has come to see you.

Sayyid-e-Sajjad opened his eyes. He saw his father, who was wearing white clothes, marked with blood spots everywhere. "My son Sajjad! I have come to say khuda hafiz. I am going to the battlefield."

"Why you Baba? Where is Habib lbne Mazaahir?"

"QUTIL, my son! Habib has been killed, my son."

"Baba! Baba! AINNA AAINA, ABBAS? Baba, where is uncle Abbas?"

"QUTIL, my son, QUTIL. Abbas has been killed, my son."

"Baba…., AINNA AINNA ALI AKBER? Where is Ali Akber?"

"QAD QUTIL Ali Akber has been killed, son Sajjad."

Tears poured from Husayn's and Zainab's eyes, as Sayyid-e-Sajjad enquired about Ali Akber.

"Son Sajjad! Don't ask me about anyone else! My son, everyone is dead, except for you and me"

Sayyid-e-Sajjad tried to get up from his bed. He said:

"Auntie! Auntie Zainab! Give me my sword. I will go to the battlefield. I will save my father's life."

"NO, son Sajjad, no! You are too sick for Jehad. Son Sajjad, your Jehad is still to come."

Imam Husayn continued…….

"Son Sajjad, you will have a lot of work to do after my death. You will face lots of hardship and suffering, my son. Sajjad! Stay on the true path. Son Sajjad, do not be afraid to fight for truth and justice. Sajjad……Just be patient! Son Sajjad, maintain your patience at all times. Son, Allah is with people who remain patient. Patience, my son, patience."

Imam Husayn continued:

"My son Sajjad, convey my salaam to all my friends, my Shi'as, when you reach Medina. Son Sajjad, do tell them Husayn died for truth and justice. Lastly, my son, tell my Shi'as to remember me whenever they drink water, KHUDA HAFIZ, MY SON, KHUDA HAFIZ."

Imam Husayn and Bibi Zainab left the tent.

"Sister Zainabl My last will to you. Zainab, I am leaving you in charge of this caravan. Sister Zainab, take care of Sayyid-eSajjad. My sister, Zainab, I am leaving Imamat under your protection. Zainab……, O my sister Zainab! Look after my little Sakina. She will cry a lot after my death."

Tears flowed from Husayn's eyes as he spoke about Sakina.

"Sister Zainab, be patient. Patience, my sister, patience. My sister Zainab! KHUDA HAFIZ!"

Imam Husayn walked to his horse. Husayn had helped everyone to mount their horses, but now……Husayn is alone. There is no-one to help him mount his horse.

Bibi Zainab saw her brother struggling to get on the horse.

"Brother Husayn, bring your horse nearer my tent. My brother, let me help you."

Bibi Zainab held the reins as Husayn mounted his horse, ZULJANA.

Zuljana moved a few steps and stopped. Husayn gently stroked the horse's neck and said:

"My faithful horse, I know you are thirsty. I know you are tired.

You have been helping me carry the bodies from the battlefield since dawn.

My faithful horse, for the last time, take me to the battlefield. I will not bother you after that. Please Zuljana, let us go.

With tears in his eyes, the horse turned his neck and looked down at his legs.

What did Husayn see?

My friends, you will not be able to stop the tears flowing from your eyes.

Husayn saw his beloved daughter Sakina clinging to the horse's legs. Sakina - only four years old. Sakina - the answer to Husayn's prayers for a daughter - Sakina who loved Husayn like Bibi Fatemah loved Husayn.

Sakina, the delight of Husayn's heart.

Little Sakina was crying and saying:

"O horse! Do not take my father away. No, horse, no. You will not bring my father back. Since dawn, everyone who has gone to the battlefield has not come back. Please, horse, do not take my father away. I will not be able to live without my father. Please, horse, please."

What a tragic scene. This is when Bibi Fatemah cries most. She knows how Husayn felt. Husayn loved Sakina very much.

Husayn got off his horse.

"My darling Sakina. Do not cry my love! Did you not give me permission to go? Sakina…….go, my darling, go. Go and recite duas with your auntie and mother. Your grandmother is waiting for me.

"Father, I am so used to sleeping on your chest every night. Tell me, father, how will I go to sleep without you. Father, one last request! Please let me lie down one more time on your chest, father."

Husayn laid down on the sands of Kerbala. Little Sakina put her head on her fathers chest.

After a few seconds, Sakina got up and said:

"Go, father, go. Khuda Hafiz, father."

Husayn mounted his horse and headed for the battlefield. Thirsty, tired, wounded and heartbroken………

Husayn was not a coward. He was brave and strong. Husayn was the son of Ali.

Husayn fought the battle with his greatest might.

One-by-one, Husayn killed the best warriors of Yazid.

The enemy were pushed back by the mighty Husayn.

Our great Imam fought like a lion. He was the best.

No-one dared come near our Imam.

Imam Husayn reached the banks of River Furaat. He saw Abbas lying there.

"Abbas! My brother, Abbas! Did you see me fight? Abbas, did you see my Jehad? My brother, Abbas, I wish you were with me. We would have fought the battle together, Abbas."

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