Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
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False Mahdism from non-religious viewpoint, political and apolitical

4.1 False Mahdism from non-religious viewpoint, political and apolitical
The coming of a Saviour from the non-religious point of view within the framework of politics: (a) One would have to consider that in many instances man is placing his trust in the UN as a body which will ultimately save the Earth through wise governance(b) On the other hand there are those who believe that the UN will make way for the coming New World Order which will bring salvation for those on Earth. This latter theory makes way for a tyrannical form of world Government.

4.2 False Mahdism from religious aspect
As seen in section 2.2 there are many false teachings. Of Judaism we find the belief of “The Messiah”. This doctrine does not accept of what is known of Imam Al Mahdi (a.s.), so it is reasonable to suppose that it is a false Mahdi.
In Christianity there are several beliefs regarding the return of Jesus (a.s.) but there is no teaching which equates with Imam Mahdi (a.s.). Some go as far as to preach against any that would rise up in such circumstances, for all other than Jesus (a.s.) will be false. However, there are those who believe that the return of “Jesus” will place Jews at the head of world government.
Of the New Age religions there are several areas of concern: In Gaia worship it is taught that God is to “mate” with Mother Earth and Lord Matreya will come forth. This would have to qualify as a false Mahdi as he is to save the Earth. Syncretists have probably forgotten any need at all for a Mahdi, as they have all the love and peace and are working on formulating the “best of religions”; Pantheist-based religionists see no need whatsoever for salvation after all they are “one with God and nature”.
>From the point of view of Islam we know that there have been false Mahdi’s in the past, and no doubt in the future it is possible where the pathway has been diverted.

5. Conclusion: Recognition of true Mahdi (a.s.) and its outcome.
“Allah has promised to make those of you who believe and do good deeds, successors in the land, as He has made those before them, and will establish their religion which He has chosen for them and change their fear into security. They will worship Me, and ascribe nothing as a partner to Me. Those who disbelieve are the wicked indeed.” Surah An-Nur (24:55) This verse which refers to the establishment of a Just, and Righteous, Government by Allah’s Vicegerent, our Imam of the Age (a.s.), undoubtedly is the promise for which the soul of mankind longs. We note again the repeated theme of Islam, monotheism and remember the commands and decrees of Allah which accompany it.

Over the centuries Believers have been told of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and the great events which will occur when he appears to mankind. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) told of his coming(a.s.): Allah will raise a man from my progeny, from my Ahlul-Bayt, by whom the earth will be filled with justice thoroughly, just as it has been filled with injustice and oppression[17], identifying him : Al Mahdi is from my progeny from the sons of Fatima (a.s.) [18]

All Muslims have knowledge of this to some extent - though differences remain in traditional understanding of the birth and history of the 12th Imam(a.s.). The Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (a.s.) has quoted the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as saying, Happiness is for the one who will attend the Gha’im of my Ahlul-Bayt and will follow him before his rise. This person will love his lovers and hate his enemies, and will accept the leadership of the Imams from before his advent. These ones are my friends, and are the most sincere members of my Ummah whom I honour very much.” [19]. In some of the other collections we see the following: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘The person who dies and has not known the Imam of his time has died the same as one who died during the Age of Ignorance.” [20]
The Imam of our Age, Imam Al Mahdi (a.s.) is , by the determination and Command of Allah to bring a Governance which will restore the order of mankind and the Earth. For us to be unaware of this vital part of our religious heritage is to place us in danger of Jahilliyah, not only in death, but in the way we live and in our system of values.
This era has witnessed turmoil of immense proportions worldwide. Morality and decency have been lost and justice has dwindled. Humanity staggers from one terrifying calamity to another and the world itself is reeling under the weight of wretchedness. Mankind has truly entered dark days. The door of hope is that of the return of our Imam (a.s.). However, the timing is with Allah, and we do not know how long we will have to wait. Nevertheless, even to be awaiting his deliverance gives us hope and prevents despair. As has been quoted by Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini in his book, Imam Zain Al-Abideen (AS) has been reported to have said, “To hope for deliverance and release in itself functions as the most profound form of deliverance.”

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