Sipah-e-Sahaba’s beloved author Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Numani (late) had cited the following Shi’a traditions from Usul-e-Kafi so as to mock the Shi’a viewpoint on Imamate:
These narrations are absolutely correct! The Shi’a believe in the justice of Allah [swt] and also acknowledges His (swt) mercy as well. We believe that our Imams are Allah [swt] ‘s ‘Hujjah’ [proofs] on earth, they represent Him [swt], His religion and the inhabitants of earth and itself cannot survive without a Hujjah’s presence on earth who is a form of Allah[swt]’s mercy to a sinful humankind. Ignorants such as Manzoor Numani may suggest that this is a concept exclusively held by the Shi’a but the reality is the very belief is present in Holy Quran and has been understood along the same lines by the Sunni Ulema, but since Nasibi like that of Sipah-e-Sahbah ( have failed to read the Quran without removing the spectacles of Shia-hatred they dedicate their energies on mocking this concept of Hujjah. We read the following hadith in Sahih al Bukhari volume 4, page 437, hadith number 658 about Imam al Mahdi [as]:
The Prophet (s) said: "What would be your situation if the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends upon you and your Imam is among you?"
The greatest Hadith master of Ahl’ul Sunnah Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani in the commentary of this tradition states:
الأرض لا تخلو عن قائم لله بحجة
“The earth is never devoid of him who stands for Allah with a proof (Hujjah)”
Quite similar wordings are also recorded from Maula Ali [as] in the famous Sunni work al-Iqd al-Farid, Volume 1 page 265.
One of the pioneer Imams of Maulana Manzoor Numani’s own school Shah Ismail Shaheed also made it clear that Prophets and Imams are Hujjah so that the people have no excuse that guidance was not sent to them on the Day of Judgement:
“The Imam is the representative of the Prophet, the system that is run by Allah (swt) for mankind through the Prophets is the same Imams, it is through them that the mission of Prophets are completed, so that the people are provided with the opportunity to redeem themselves, otherwise Allah (swt) would have no grounds for punishing sinners.
…We never punish until we have sent a messenger. (Surah Bani Israil)
And the duty to provide ultimate proof (Hujjah) also applies to the Imams.
Set forth to them, by way of a parable, the (story of) the Companions of the City. Behold!, there came messengers to it (Surah Yasin).
In the town of Antakia, Prophet Isa (as) sent his disciples to all the corners, but the residents rejected them and were liable for punishment. In regards to this we are told:
And We sent not down against his People, after him, any hosts from heaven, nor was it needful for Us so to do.
It was no more than a single mighty Blast, and behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent (Surah Yasin).
The Imam is Hujuthullah
Verily take it to your hearts that when an Imam openly declares his Imamate all sinners should know that proof of Allah (Hujuthullah) has arrived, and that Allah (swt) has fulfilled his promise, failure to adhere to it shall lead to the wrath of Allah (swt), and sins and wrongdoing against the Imams shall take lead one to doom.”
Had the Nasibi mullahs told their adherents about the necessity of Allah’s Hujjah on earth found in their books we would not have seen this ignorant supposed scholar mocking at such a belief. As cited by Shah Ismael Shaheed, Allah [swt] tells his messenger [s] in his glorious book:
"It is not for Allah to punish them while you are among them." (Quran 8:33)
The Holy Prophet [s] was Allah [swt]’s Hujjah on earth during his period and it is due to his [s] presence on earth that Allah [swt] did not send any punishment for the sinners living around the Holy Prophet [s], his physical presence ensured that the world would not be destroyed. After him (s), those that inherited his mission, as his legitimate khalifas were likewise Hujjah’s on the earth. In this regards we have this tradiiton in Sahih Muslim, Book 020, Number 4483:
The Islamic religion will continue until the Hour has been established, or you have been ruled over by twelve Caliphs, all of them being from the Quraish.
This tradition has fixed the period of Islam's supremacy till the day of Qiyamat and also fixed the number of Imams for this Ummah as twelve. In this Hadeeth it is clear that the lifespan of the Deen has a direct correlation with the lifespan of the twelve khalifas. No destruction will come of the earth as long as one of them remains on it. We know that the Sunni Khilafah ended in 1923, yet Islam remains intact, the Day of Judgement has not arrived. This means that the true khalifas of the Prophet [s] must have a presence on the earth; their existence following the death of the Prophet [s] has ensured that the world has not come to an end. The twelve khalifas, just like the Prophet [s] are the Proofs of Allah [swt] to the people of their time.
In this day and age we see grave sins being committed all over the world on a far greater scale than during the era of Holy Prophet [s]. The media constantly portrays images of oppression, killings, adultery, cruelty, lies, fraud, theft etc. When we are surrounded by a world of oppression, debauchery, perversion and misery what prevents Allah [swt]’s extreme wrath falling on the people? It is due to the presence of Allah [swt]’s Hujjah on earth, his final representative, without the presence of whom the earth would collapse. Sunni scholar Ibn Hajar Makki al Haythami under the explanation of the above cited verse echoes the same in his popular anti-Shia book:
“The Holy Prophet [s] has told the signs about his Ahlulbayt in these meanings, because just like Holy Prophet [s], they are amnesty for the inhabitants of earth as well. There are several hadiths on this topic, from amongst them we would like to cite a few.
…Ahmed in another hadith from Holy Prophet [s] recorded: “If the stars go away (i.e., become non-existent), the inhabitants of the heavens will be destroyed, and if my Ahlul-Bayt goes away (i.e., all die), the inhabitants of the earth will be destroyed”.
In another tradition which Hakim has termed Sahih on the conditions of Shaykhain says: ‘the stars help prevent the inhabitants of the earth from being drowned, and my Ahlul-Bayt is the protector of my community against disputes. Therefore, whichever groups among the Arabs opposes my Ahlul-Bayt, shall be split up by dissensions and will become (a party of) Satan.’"
What better explanation can be there other than given by the Holy Prophet [s] himself about the necessity of the presence of Imam on earth who is Allah [swt]’s Hujjah! This is why the demise of the twelfth Imam will bring the end of the world, and this is one of the reasons that he should be alive. In another place, Ibn Hajar Makki writes:
"The Ahl’ul Bayt, whom the Holy Prophet has designated as an amnesty are the learned men among his family, since guidance can be attained only through them. They are like the stars through whom we are guided in the right direction. If the stars are taken away (or hidden) we would come face to face with the signs of the Almighty as promised (i.e., the Day of Resurrection). This will happen when the Mahdi will come…”
On page 510 we also read:
“The traditions which describe the necessity of adherence to the Ahl’ul Bayt until the Day of Judgment also imply that the existence of the righteous members of the family of the Prophet will NOT terminate until the Day of Judgment. Because the Book of Allah tells the same and in this respect they (Ahlulbayt) are amnesty for the inhabitants of earth”
Worthy of note is this Hadith in Mishkat al Masabih:
“I heard the Apostle of Allah say ‘Islam shall not cease to be glorious up to twelve Caliphs, every one of them being from the Quraish”. (And in a narration) “The affairs of men will not cease to decline so long as twelve men will rule over them, every one of them coming from Quraish. And in a narration: The religion will continue to be established till the hour comes as there are twelve Caliphs over them, everyone of them coming from the Quraish”
Mishkat al Masabih, Volume 4 page 576 Hadith 5
In some traditions, the Holy Prophet [s] has also used the word ‘Imam’ instead of ‘caliph’. For example we read in Musnad Ibn Abi Royani, Volume 3 page 283 No. 746 that Abi Barza Al-Asalami narrated that Holy Prophet [s] said:
الأئمة من قريش
"Imams are from Quraish"
We read in Musnad Abi Y'ala, Volume 6 page 321:
حدثنا الحسن بن إسماعيل أبوسعيد بالبصرة حدثنا ابراهيم بن سعد عن أبيه عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الأئمة من قريش إذا حكموا فعدلوا وإذا عاهدوا فوفوا وإذا استرحموا رحموا
Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: 'Allah's messenger (pbuh) said: 'The Imams are from Quraish, if they ruled they would set justice, if they promised they would fulfill it, if they were asked for pardon they would be merciful''
More Sunni references:
1. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 4 page 421
2. Sunnan al-Kubra, by Bayhaqi, Volume 8 page 143
3. Al-Mu'ajam al-Kabir, Volume 1 page 252
4. Sunnan Kubra, by Nisai, Volume 3 page 467
5. Musanaf ibn Abi Shayba, Volume 6 page 402
6. Musnad Tayalesi, page 284
7. Al-Sunnah, by Khalal, Volume 1 page 96
8. Hulyat al-Awlya, by Abu Naeem al-Asbahani, v5, p7
Sunni scholar Hussain Salim Asad in the footnote of Musnad Abu Y'ala said:'The chain is Sahih'. Shaykh Shu'aib al-Arnaout in the footnote of Musnad Ahmad said: 'Sahih'. Imam Nasiruddin Albaani in his book Erwa al-Ghalil, Volume 2 page 298 also declared it 'Sahih'
If we bring these three traditions together we see that
· A representative of God always remains on the earth
· The earth will end if no Ahl’ul bayt (as) are their to guide the Ummah
· The Day of Judgement will come with the passing of 12 Khalifas/Imams
Alhamdolillah (s) we deem the Ahl’ul bayt (as) the representatives of Allah (swt) on the earth, they guide the people and the earth would end if they were not on it. They are the 12 Khalifas referred to by the Prophet (s). The earth will remain as long as these 12 Khalifas are on it. The Day of Judgement will not come until the 12 Khalifas have passed through the Ummah. The twelve Imams of Rasulullah (s) were the Imams of their time, and the earth exists as long as they exist, it will end, in other words sink into oblivion when the last Imam passes away. As per the belief of Ahl’ul Sunnah in this regard, the world should have ended by now as their 12 caliphs (including Yazid) have all died, then why are we still alive?
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