Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
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What does the Holy Quran say about Khalifatullah MahdiAS?


Apart from the ahadith which emphasize on the importance of accepting the MahdiAS and which make clear that one who does not accept becomes a disbeliever, what does the Holy Quran say about this subject?

 from the ahadith which emphasize on the importance of accepting the MahdiAS and which make clear that one who does not accept becomes a disbeliever, what does the Holy Quran say about this subject?

The Holy Quran has given information about the Mahdi in various verses. However, one should understand that indications of the MahdiAS are given in the Holy Quran just as indications about Hazrat MuhammadSLM were given in the Injeel (Bible). The word Mahdi is not used in the Holy Quran as this is the title given by Hazrat MuhammadSLM. 

Verse #1 (Sura Baqara 2:124)


The Holy Quran says:

And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled: He said: "I will make thee an Imam to the Nations." He pleaded: "And also from my offspring!" He answered: "But My Promise is not within the reach of oppressors." (Holy Quran 2:124)

Hazrat IbrahimAS prayed for an Imam to be made from his offspring. Allah accepted this prayer and Hazrat Imam MahdiAS was the result of this prayer. Hazrat Imam MahdiAS said, "Allah commands me that the Imam for whom IbrahimAS prayed to be born in his progeny is yourself and not anybody else."


Verse #2 (Sura Al-Maeda 5:54)

It is not just MahdiAS, but his entire community which is referred to by Allah in the Holy Quran. Allah has given glad tidings of the community of MahdiAS in the Quranic Ayat, 

O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things. (Holy Quran 5:54)

The companions asked Imam MahdiAS, "What is imperative for the seeker to reach Allah?" The ImamAS said, "That thing is ishq (love)."

Love for Allah is the key message of MahdiAS and this message manifests in different places in Mahdavia literature.


Verse #3 (Sura Hud 11:17)

In another place in the Holy Quran, Allah makes clear that those who do not believe in the MahdiAS are doomed for hellfire.

Is he (to be counted equal to them) who relieth on a clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him reciteth it, and before it was the Book of Moses, an example and a mercy? Such believe therein, and whoso disbelieveth therein of the clans, the Fire is his appointed place. So be not thou in doubt concerning him. Lo! It is the Truth from thy Lord; but most of mankind believe not! (Holy Quran 11:17)

In this Ayat, the word "Bayyana" (Clear proof) refers to Imam MahdiAS. And Allah makes it clear that "...but those of the Sects that reject him (the MahdiAS),- the Fire will be their promised meeting-place." Some people are under the impression that the word "Bayyana" refers to RasoolullahSLM. Such an impression is wrong. Allah is addressing the ProphetSLM and saying in this verse, "So be not thou in doubt concering it." Allah is referring to the "Bayyana" and telling the ProphetSLM not to be in doubt about him (the "Bayyana"). If we assume that the ProphetSLM is the "Bayyana", the question is - Why will Allah tell the ProphetSLM not to be in doubt about himself (ie. The ProphetSLM)? The ProphetSLM was never in doubt about himself. Therefore, the word "Bayyana" refers to another man, the Promised MahdiAS. To know more details of this entire verse, please listen to the following audio lectures in Urdu to realize that this Ayat refers specifically to the MahdiAS. 


Verse #4 (Sura Yusuf 12:108)

Another verse of the Holy Quran refers to the MahdiAS in this way:

Say thou: "This is my way: I do invite unto Allah,- on evidence clear as the seeing with one's eyes,- I and the one who follows me. Glory to Allah! and never will I join gods with Allah!" (Holy Quran 12:108)

In this Ayat, the "I" refers to Hazrat MuhammadSLM and "the one who follows me" refers to "MahdiAS".

Here it is mentioned that the ProphetSLM is inviting people towards the vision of Allah (a'la baseeratin) and so will the person who follows the ProphetSLM. There is reference to two personalities who will invite towards the vision of Allah. One is the ProphetSLM who is referred with the word "Ana" or I. The other is the perfect follower of the ProphetSLM, Imam MahdiAS. When "I" and "One who follows me" come in the same sentence, it is an indication about the status of the follower ie. "One who follows". Therefore, "one who follows me" cannot be a common person, as is commonly perceived. That is because a common person cannot follow the prophetSLM in all facets of religion perfectly, however hard he tries. And how can one think of taking the name of the ProphetSLM and a common person in the same breath. On the other hand, the Mahdi, being a Khalifa of Allah, was guided by Allah and hence followed the ProphetSLMperfectly in all facets of religion. After the ProphetSLM, nobody invited the masses towards the vision of Allah, except the Promised Mahdi, Hazrat Syed MuhammadAS of Jaunpur. Therefore, the person referred to in "one who follows me" is the MahdiAS.


source : http://www.mahdawiat.com
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