Friday 28th of June 2024
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Iranian Reciters Top Reciters in Islamic World

Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Iranian Quran reciters are among the leading ones in the Islamic world, said a Sri Lankan Quran reciter.

Jamil Mohammad, who attended the 27th international Quran competition in Tehran last week, told that Iranian reciters, including Masud Nikdasti who won the top title in Iran’s international contest and Jafar Fardi who came second last year in Malaysia’s Quran competition, have shown their talents in different international events.

He said Mr. Nikdasti deserved to win the first position, though the Tanzanian reciter also performed a beautiful recitation.

The Sri Lankan reciter of the holy Quran referred to the judgments at Tehran’s contest and said the members of the jury panel were fair in their judgments and all the contestants were happy with their decisions.

Asked about Quran instruction in his country, Jamil Mohammad said there are Quran memorization institutes as well as traditional Quranic centers in Sri Lanka where Muslims of all ages learn the Quran.

Mohammad, who attended the recitation category of Tehran’s Quran competition, is also a memorizer of the entire holy Quran.

Iran’s 27th international holy Quran competition was held from July 9-14 with the participation of 95 contestants from 60 countries.

source : http://abna.ir
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