Sunday 29th of September 2024
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Zamzam Water Facts: What is Zamzam?



Zamzam is the name of the well that provides the water to billions of people, have thirstily drunk from throughout history, especially during the Hajj pilgrimage.

Zamzam is linked to some of the most important personalities in world history: the Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them) and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family), as well as Ismail's mother Hajira (may Allah be pleased with her).

According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) rebuilt the Bait-ul-Allah (House of Allah) at the site of the well, a building which had been originally constructed by Prophet Adam (a.s.), and today is called the Kaaba (Qiblah), a building towards which all Muslims around the world face in prayer, five times each day. Zamzam well is located approximately 20 meters east of the Kaaba. Zamzam well is located in Makkah, which is the heart of the Hajj pilgrimage. Zamzam well is 35 meters deep and topped by an elegant dome. The miracle water of Zamzam is still flowing until today. Subhanallah!

"The difference between Zamzam water and other (city water) was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of these was slightly higher in Zamzam water. This may be why this water refreshes tired Hajis, but more significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action."

"This well has never dried up. On the contrary, it has always fulfilled the demand for water. It has always maintained the same salt composition and taste ever since it came into existence. Its potability has always been universally recognized as pilgrims from all over the world visit the Kaabah every year for Hajj and Umrah, but have never complained about it. Instead, they have always enjoyed the water that refreshes them. Water tastes different at different places. Zamzam water's appeal has always been universal. This water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated as is the case with water pumped into the cities. Biological growth and vegetation usually take place in most wells. This makes the water unpalatable owing to the growth of algae causing taste and odor problems."


How the Zamzam came into being?

All traditions agree that Allah (SWT) created the well to provide Hajira, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), and her baby Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) with water in the hot, dry valley they were in, around the year 2000 BC.

In her desperate search for water, Hajira ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat between the two hills of Safa and Marwa to provide for her baby who was dying of thirst. Today, this same act is a necessary rite of Hajj pilgrimage all Muslims, mothers and fathers, must complete.

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) settled his family there as part of Allah's mission for him. The first thing Hajira had to do then was to look for water in the area. She was searching for it while watching at her son and would run whenever she could not see Ismail. Allah (SWT) saw her effort and miraculously blessed the spot with a water spring, at the feet of Prophet Ismail (as).

Zamzam before Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

The appearance of the Zamzam began the settlement of the Makkan valley, where the descendants of Prophet Ismail populated the area.

But as time passed, Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail's monotheistic message, which once dominated the region, began taking a backseat to pagan, polytheistic beliefs.

Nonetheless, the well of Zamzam retained its importance in later generations. The grandfather of the Prophet, Abdul Muttalib, was honored with the responsibility of taking care of the well and the pilgrims to Makkah.


Zamzam water: the power drink

One of the miracles of Zamzam water is its ability to satisfy both thirst and hunger. One of the Companions of the Prophet said that before Islam, the water was called "Shabbaa'ah" or satisfying. It was filling and helped them nourish their families.

After Islam, this powerful ability to quench thirst and fill stomachs remained. Prophet Muhammad said: "The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness."

According to the Muslim collection of Hadith, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, a Companion (Sahabi), noted that when he first arrived in Makkah during the early days of Islam, not only did he satisfy his hunger and thirst but he survived only on Zamzam water for a whole month.

More recently, in the last few decades, scientists have collected samples of Zamzam water and they have found certain peculiarities that make the water healthier, like a higher level of calcium.


Zamzam water: a cure for sickness

Apart from its ability to serve as satisfying food and drink, Zamzam water's health benefits are also commended. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said it was a healing from sickness. This is why pilgrims to Makkah to this day collect it in bottles to bring for relatives and friends back home who are ill.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) used to carry Zamzam water in pitchers and water skins back to Madinah. He used to sprinkle it over the sick and make them drink it.

Wahab Ibn Munabbah, who was from the second generation of Muslims, said 'I swear by Him in whose possession my life is, Allah Ta'ala will relieve the person of all illnesses who drinks Zamzam to his fill and will also grant him good health.'

Zamzam water and Hajj pilgrimage

During Hajj and Umra, pilgrims are recommended to drink Zamzam water to their fill to quench their thirst. They also continue the tradition of bringing it back for family and friends.

For example, despite tight US laws forbidding the import of foreign liquids and fruits, there is an exception made for pilgrims returning from Makkah, who bring water of the Zamzam home for loved ones.


A Halo of Koranic Steam

We have recently realized the value of the use of amulets. It has been scientifically proven that water is affected by what is recited over it. Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto has had a unique experience. He said that he had read in a book that each snowflake falling from the sky is unique. He said that his scientific instincts told him that this was not true. The geometric shape of the snowflake is determined by its chemical composition. The composition of water is well known - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So how come snowflakes that fall from the sky are different from one another? He said: "I was determined to prove that this theory was false." He built a laboratory, consisting of a deep freezer with a regulator, because no liquid, subjected to sudden freezing, can assume a geometric shape. The freezing must be slow, so the atoms have the chance to crystallize into the shape decreed by Allah (SWT). There was a deep freezer with a regulator, a cold room at the temperature of -7°C, and several microscopes equipped with cameras, so he could photograph the snowflake before it melted. The scientists working in this room wore warm clothing. He said: "I took samples from two faucets in the laboratory, I froze them, and each sample gave me a different snowflake. The samples came from two different wells, two different rivers, from two different lakes. I almost went crazy and thought this was witchcraft." A Saudi student at the University of Tokyo happened to meet him, and asked him what was wrong. Masaru told him his problem. The student said to him: "We have blessed water, called Zamzam water. I will give you a sample of this water so you can experiment on it. Zamzam water is not affected by witchcraft or Jinns, so using it can prove or disprove the whole theory." Emoto took a sample of Zamzam water, and said: "I couldn't crystallize it, even by diluting the water by 1,000." In other words, he turned one cubic centimeter into one liter.

He said that when he diluted the water by 1,000 and froze it, he got a uniquely-shaped crystal. Two crystals were formed, one on top of the other, but they assumed a unique form. When he asked his Muslim colleague why there were two crystals, he told him it was because "Zamzam" is composed of two words: "Zam" and "Zam."

Masaru Emoto said: "My Muslim colleague offered to recite Koranic verses over the water. He brought a tape-recorder and played some Koranic verses, and we got the most perfectly-shaped crystals. Then he played the 99 names of Allah (SWT). Each name produced a uniquely-shaped crystal. Then he began cursing the water. We said: Water, you are impure. You are not suited for consumption. The water, in this case, did not freeze, or produced an extremely ugly crystal." When they uttered bad words like "war" or "fighting," the water did not freeze, or else produced an ugly shape. When the man completed these experiments, which lasted 15 years, he published a five-volume book called Messages from Water. He wrote: "I have proven that water, that peculiar liquid, is capable of thinking, fathoming, feeling, getting excited, and expressing itself."

Following was written by a Japanese Scientist Masaru Emoto:

The quality / purity of Zamzam water has, will not be find any where else in the water on this earth.

He used the technology named NANO, and researched a lot on Zamzam water. And found out that if one drop of Zamzam water mix in 1000 drops of regular water, regular water will get the same quality like Zamzam water.

He also found that a mineral in one drop of Zamzam water has its own importance that will not be find any other water on this earth.

He also found in some tests that the quality or ingredients of Zamzam water can not be changed, why, science does not know the reason.

Even he re-cycled the Zamzam water, but no change it was still pure.

This scientist also found out that, the Muslims say BISMILLAH before eating/drinking. He says that after saying BISMILLAH on regular water, there are some strange changes happened in the quality of regular water. That make it best water.

He also found out that if some one recites the Quran on regular water, it gets the ability for the treatment of different diseases.

Masaru Emoto is a Japanese author known for his claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the words or thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water.


Wait a minute - Aren't you made up of Water?

Yes! 72% of your body is made up of water. Imagine how your words affect your own body. When you say, "I'm a failure," or "I'm hopeless," or "I won't get well," imagine how these words weaken your health.

Make a choice to say the best words out there. Say often, "I'm wonderful," and "I'm beautiful".


source : http://www.ezsoftech.com
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