Monday 22nd of July 2024
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Greatness and the values of prayer

Without any doubt prayer among all other worships has got high and special values. Emphasizing and focusing on prayer is more than all others worship acts in Islam. Prayer has come into one of the important point in Islam and in the will of Prophets, Imams, mystics, Philosopher and great scholars.

The holy book Quran has got many verses regarding prayer. One of the important issues in our valuable books including books of mysticism, books of ethics and specially books of traditions is prayer. Devine learning don’t count men as men who don’t offer prayer. Whoever ignores prayer will be in hell forever and will not get permission to enter into heaven. Whoever ignores prayer is counted in divine learning as lowest animal and lowermost men.

All prophets and those who are close to God; always use to pay attention to pray, and all of them use to try to bring others into this valuable space of prayer.

Though Prayer is obligatory (Wajib) for those who have full grown (Baligh), but because of its importance and great value; fourteen infallibles used to say: encourage your children to offer prayer when they are six or seven years.

عن معاویه بن وهب قال: سآلت ابا عبدالله (ع) فی کم یوخذ الصبی بالصلوه؟ فقال: فیما بین سبع سنین و ست سنین[1]

Moaviyeh son of vahab is the closest companion of 6th Imam (a.s); he asked Hazrate Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s): when we do invite our children to offer prayer? Imam jafer Sadiq (a.s) stated: ‘when they are six or seven years old’.

عن محمد بن مسلم عن احدهما(ع) فی الصبی متی یصلی؟ قال اذا عقل الصلوه قلت: متی یعقل الصلوا و تجب علیه؟ قال: لست سنین.[2]

Muhammad son of Muslim who is unique companion of Imams, he asked Imam Muhammad Baqir or Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s): when a child should offer his prayer? Imam stated: when a child understands and knows prayer. And then Muslim asked: when he understands and knows prayer? Imam stated when he is six years old.

عن الحلبی، عن ابی عبدالله (ع) عن ابیه قال: انا نآمر صبیاننا بالصلواه اذا کانو بنی خمس سنین، فمروا صبیانکم بالصلواه اذا کانو بنی سبع سنین.[3]


Halabi who is one of the greatest narrator of shiaeh, quotes from Imam sadiq (a.s) that Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted from his father Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) that we order our children to offer prayer when they are five years old, so you take and encourage your children for offering prayer when they are seven years old.  

Some important traditions in precious tradition books firmly interdict from ignoring prayer.

عن ابي جعفر (ع) قال: لا تتهاون بصلواتك فان النبي (ع) قال عند موته: لیس منی من استخف بصلواته، لیس منی من شرب مسکرا، لا یرد علی الحوض لا والله .[4]

Imam Baqir (a.s) states: Don’t take prayer frivolous, then Imam said: when the prophet (peace be upon him) was leaving this world, stated: whoever ignore prayer is not among me, whoever drink alcohol is not among me, Oath of Allah will not meet me in Houz-e-Kousar.

قال الصادق (ع) ان شفاعتنا لا تنال مستخفا بالصلوه.[5]

Imam jafer Sadiq (a.s) stated: whoever take prayer lightly, (doesn’t pray or pray but without paying attention) will not get our intercession.

عن آبی عبدالله (ع) قال: قال رسول لله (ص) لیس منی من استخف بالصلوه، لا یرد علی الحوض لا والله.[6]

Imam Sadiq (a.s) quotes from the Prophet (peace be upon him); that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: whoever ignores prayer is not among me, Oath of Allah will not meet me in Houz-e-Kousar.

قال الصادق (ع) في حديث: ان ملك الموت يدفع الشيطان عن المحافظ علي الصلواه يلقنه ان لا اله الا لله و ان محمدا رسول الله في تلك الحاله العظيمه.[7]

It’s quoted from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that he said: when the angel of the death takes soul from human body, if the person used to offer his prayers, the angel will protect him from the devil, so that the devil should not drive him astray in his last moment of the life. Not just will help him to be saved from devil but also will help him to remember his beliefs on monotheism and Prophecy.

قال رسول الله (ص) لا تضيعوا صلاتكم فان من ضيع صلواته حشر مع قارون و هامان، و كان حقا علي لله ان يدخله النار مع المنافقين.[8]

The prophet(peace be upon him) states: don’t spoil and waste your prayers, because whoever spoil his prayer will be called with Haroon and Haman in the day of judgment, and God will drop them in hell with Haroon and Haman.

عن آبي جعفر(ع) قال: بينا رسول الله (ص) جالس في المسجد اذ دخل رجل فقام يصلي فلم يتم ركوعه و لاسجوده، فقال (ص) نقر كنقر الغراب! لئن مات هذا و هكذا صلوته ليموتن علي غير ديني.[9]

Imam Baqir (a.s) states: Once upon a time the prophet (peace be upon him) was sitting in the mosque with his companions, meanwhile a man came into the mosque for praying. The man start to pray, but he was offering his prayer very fast and roughly. If anyone would see him could not imagine that he is offering prayer, because of his high speed he couldn’t genuflect (offer his rukoh) and prostrate nicely and completly. The prophet (peace be upon him) said, if he dies in this condition (not performing prayer completely) will die out of my religion.

قال الصادق (ع) اول ما يحاسب به العبد علي الصلواه فان قبلت قبل منه سائر عمله و اذا ردت عليه رد عليه سائر عمله.[10]

 Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) stated: the first thing which will be asked on the Day of Judgment will be the prayer. If the prayer get accepted all other actions will be accepted, and if the prayer get rejected then all other worship actions will be rejected.

قال آبو عبدالله(ع) صلواه فريضه خير من عشرين حجه، و حجه خير من بيت مملو ذهبا يتصدق منه حتي يفني.[11]

Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) stated: one obligatory prayer is more valuable than twenty Hajjs, and every each hajj is better than a house which would be full of gold and all that gold would be given in the way of Allah.  

عن يونس بن يعقوب قال: سمعت آبا عبدالله (ع) يقول حجه افضل من الدنيا و ما فيها، و صلوه فريضه افضل من الف حجه.[12]

Yunus son of Yaqoub said that he had heard from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that Imam stated: performing a hajj is better than all this world including all things inside it, but one obligatory prayer is better than thousand hajjs.

عن آبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان تارك الصلوه كافر.[13]

It’s quoted from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that whoever doesn’t offer prayer is unbeliever.

عن آبي عبد الله (ع) عن ابيه عن جابر قال: قال رسول الله (ع): ما بين الكفر والايمان الا ترك الصلوه. [14]

Imam Sadiq (a.s) quotes from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) through Jabir: The prophet (peace be upon him) stated: prayer differs atheism and faith.  

Muhammad son of Sinan wrote a letter to Imam Raza(a.s) to ask him regarding the philosophy of worship. Imam Reza (a.s) in his reply talks about prayer and says: prayer is acknowledgment on God’s divinity, rejecting any his partnership, standing in front of God while you don’t have anything except Allah, prostrating shows that you are surrendered in front of God and his greatness, offering pray mean ask God to forgive your all sins, send blessings on you, be most merciful on you, keep and guide you on the right path, on the path of light, prayer mean demand Allah that he always look at you with a very close and kind look, prayer keeps you away from committing sins and will keep you on the divine path.[15]  

It’s quoted from the prophet (peace be upon him) that he stated: once Gabriel descended on me to give me the message of God, while the message was delivering we heard loud terrified noise, I asked Gabriel what was that? Gabriel said it was sound of black stone which was dropped thirteen thousand years ago by God into a well in hell and now that black stone has reached on the bottom of the well. I asked Gabriel, who will be placed in that well? Gabriel answered those who don’t perform their prayer.

The prophet (peace be upon him) stated: God gives fifteen punishments to those who don’t perform their prayer, six of them in this world, three of them in death time, three of them in grave and last three on the day of judgment.

Six punishments in the life:   

1.       Will be insulted

2.       Blessing will be taken away from his belongings.

3.       Age and wealth will decrease.

4.       His charity and good deeds will not be accepted.

5.       His supplication will not be heard.

6.       Any supplication from any other person regarding him will not be accepted.

Three punishments in death time:

1.       Having hard agony.

2.       Dying in hunger.

3.       Being thirsty.


Three punishments in grave:

1.       Always being in pain and sorrow.

2.       Being in darkness and gloom.

3.       Will be in under torture until the Day of Judgment.





And last three punishments on the Day of Judgment:

1.       Hard inspection.

2.       Will not get any kind of intercession and will be torture extensively.

3.       Will be awake from grave like an animal and with hardship will enter into the hell.[16]

قال رسول الله (ص) لا ایمان لمن لاصلواه له.[17]

The prophet (peace be upon him) stated who doesn’t pray doesn’t have any faith belief.

و قال رسول الله (ص) من احرق سبعین مصحفا و قتل سبعین نبیا وزنی مع امه سبعین مرات وافتض سبعین بکرا بطریق الزنا اقرب الی رحمه الله ممن ترک الصلوه متعمدا.[18]

The prophet (peace be upon him) stated: someone who burn seventy Holy Qurans, kill seventy Prophets, seventy times rape his own mother, rape seventy virgin girls, this person is closer to the mercy of God than the person who ignore prayer intentionally.

قال رسول الله(ص) ان تارک الصلوه لا یجد ریح الجنه.[19]

It’s quoted from the prophet (peace be upon him) that he said: the person who doesn’t perform his prayer, definitely he will not smell any perfume of heaven.

There are many reliable traditions regarding prayer which talks about importance and greatness of prayer, if someone collects all those traditions and put them together, there will be a thick book.

I think if readers come to know about importance and greatness of prayer, that’s enough for them.

Here I want to indicate a point which is really important. Some people think that prayer is kind of worship that its order descended in the period of last Prophet (peace be upon him) and it became obligatory for us. They think the prayer is just in religious law of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). But this thought and idea is completely rootless and groundless, because prayer is kind of worship which has been among all nations from the time of Hazrate Adam (a.s). Prayer started from the starting of human life. It’s been obligatory from the time of first human on the earth; Hazrate Adam (a.s). All the prophets from Azrate Adam (a.s) to last messenger Hazrate Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) were ordered to convey the message to human being that prayer is wajib. All prophets were ordered to invite their followers to perform pray.

In the next chapter we’ll talk about prayer in religious law of prophets according to Holy Quran and traditions, and through we’ll try to understand; what the reality and greatness of prayer. 


Prayer in lives of prophets and their nations

Hazrate Adam[20] (a.s) and prayer:  

Interpretation of Holy Quran written by Ali son of Ibrhim Qomi which was written in about third century of Islamic calendar and it was close to Imam Hassan Askari’s(a.s) period of imamat. Big and great scholars like Allama Tabatabaei who has written interpretation of Holy Quran named ‘Tafsir Al-Meezan’,  relies on Quran’s interpretation of Ibrahim Qomi and has quoted many quotation from his tafsir in his books.

Ali son of Ibrahim Qomi in his interpretation of Holy Quran regarding verse of “فتلقی ءادم من ربه کلمات”, translation : quotes a tradition from his father, his father quotes from son of Umair,  Umair quotes from Aban son of Usman and Aban quotes from Imam Sadiq (a.s), and this quotation is proved according to all Rijal books of shia. This quotation of Imam Sadiq (a.s) is regarding prayer that Imam states: when Hazrate Adam was expelled from the heaven and descended on the earth, forty days he was on mountain named Safa for prayers. Hazrate Adam stayed there forty days for doing worship and offer pray, while he was prostrating he was crying a lot because of being away from God and blessings which Allah had given him. Hazrate Gabriel descended on him and asked Hazrate Adam(a.s) for his crying reason. Hazrate Adam (a.s) replied: why I shouldn’t cry! Allah has expelled me; it means Allah has taken his look away from me; Allah has taken away hi all blessing from me.

Hazrate Gabriel said to Azrate Adam: O Adam come back to God and his blessings and do prostration. Hazrate Adam asked his how do I come back and do prostration. When God saw that Azrate Adam is firm in his repentance and will not make any other mistake, God send a light which made the place of Kaaba (the direction of all Muslims in Mecca) lighted and bright, and then God asked Gabriel to sign the place of Kaaba. Hazrate Gabriel was ordered to give message and ask Hazrate Adam (a.s) to get ready for performing the pilgrimage and acts of worship (Hajj) in that place and ask Allah to forgive him and send on him blessings again and have close look on him.

Father of all human being Hazrate Adam (a.s) by order of Allah did ablution (Ghusl) and put on Hajj uniform (Ahram), then for performing acts of 8th Zil Hajj (the 8th month of Islamic calendar) went to the Mena (land area of Mecca) and got order to stay a night there. In the morning of 9th Zil Hajj, Azrate Adam(a.s) moved to the Arfat (a mountain near Mecca), afternoon of 9th Zil Hajj, Gabriel asked Hazrate Adam (a.s) to do Ablution (Ghusl). Hazrate Gabriel Before the prayer of noon (Zuhr prayer), asked Hazrate Adam (a.s) to stand up and start to teach him the names which are descend from Allah on him to teach Hazrate Adam for doing repentance.

This tradition along being in interpretation of Holy Quran written by Ali son of Ibrahim Qomi, has come in many other books. This tradition shows that Hazrate Adam (a.s) who was the first human, Father of all human was ordered by God to perform prayer. But how was his prayer and how many units of prayer (Rakaet) were in his prayer or what time he was supposed to pray, or how many times he was supposed to offer or perform his prayer, all these question’s answers are unknown, and knowing that is not important and will not give us any benefit, what is important is to know that father of all human being Hazrate Adam (a.s) was ordered to pray, and he had prayer in his religious law.

There is tradition which is quoted in Beharul Anwar that says, Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) stated: when Hazrate Adam passed away and time of prayer on dead body came, Hazrate Hibatullah son of Hazrate Adam (a.s) said to the Gabriel: lead our prayer on our father(be our Imam Jamaet), let us to be behind you for performing prayer. Gabriel said, once God had ordered us to do prostration on your father and we did, and now I can’t come and stand in front of Hazrate Adam’s son, because you are more respected and more pious than us, so please you come in front and lead the pray with five Takbir (saying Allah Akbar) like it will be obligatory for followers of the last prophet (peace be upon him). So from the time of hazrate Adam prayer become obligatory and performing that has got high and deep rewards.[21]  Unfortunately some nations and many people get away from Islamic and religious culture, some of them became idolater, some of them don’t perform prayer on their dead bodies, they bury dead bodies without performed prayer and some of them they burn their dead bodies.

  Worst than all, many of them have become away from the prayer, being away from prayer mean being away from God.

Hazrate Idress and prayer:[22]

Allama Majlesi has quoted a tradition from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that Imam Sadiq (a.s) Says: if you go to Kufah, visit Mosque (Masjid) Sahleh, and offer prayer there and ask God to solve your problems and help you in this and next world, because that mosque was the place of Hazrat Idress, he used to tailoring there and used perform his prayer. Whoever do pray and asked God his demands, God will give him and will accept his supplication, and whoever pray there will be close to Hazrat Idress (a.s) in the day of judgment, and God will keep him under his blessings in this world and the next world. [23]

The great scholar Tabresi, counts Hazrate Idress oldest messenger and grandfather of Hazrate Noah’s father.[24]

Now we came to know that hazrate Idress (a.s) who used to live before Hazrate Noah (a.s) used offer pray, and his prayer place (Sahleh Mosque) is honor all muslims, and according to imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) whoever offer his prayer there God will send hi blessings on him.

Hazrate Noah[25] (a.s) and prayer:

It’s quoted a tradition from Imam Baqir (a.s) in Biharul Anwar. One of the principles of the Hazrate Noah (a.s) was worship. God has put worship, seeking God and being pure to God in human nature.

Allah had taken promise from Hazrate Noah (a.s) and all prophets that they all should obey him, and worships only him, and Allah ordered Hazrate Noah (a.s) to invite people for prayer and ask them being away from bad acts and say to all people to take care of Halal and Haram (lawful, unlawful).[26]


Hazrate Ibrahim[27] (a.s) and prayer:

Hazrat Ibrahim who is known as idol breaker, hero of monotheism, father of Prophets, meek, pious, pure and monotheist, was order by Allah to move from Damascus (Sham) to Mecca with his wife ‘Hajer’ and his suckling son Hazrat Isamaeil (a.s). When they reached to the Mecca Hazrat Ibrahim by order of Allah get them off on land of Mecca which was desert area in that time, no water no planet and Hazrat Ibrahim said to his wife goodbye and decided to come back. While he was coming back; his wife said to him: why are you going? Where will you go? Who you are leaving us for in this desert? Hazrate Ibrahim said to his wife ‘Hajer’ calmly: its order of Allah that I’m leaving you and the child (Hazrat Isamaeil) in this desert. When Hazrate Hajer heard his calm and agreeable voice left Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) to go, and accepted the order of Allah and said to herself, if it’s order of Allah being here then I don’t have any fear and fright because he (God) is the one who’ll look after and take care of us.

Hazrat Ibrahim came back, while he was coming back, his separation from his family specially from his son who was his candle of life was pressuring on him, but his piety and pureness gave him calmness and more strength being on his divine path. Hazrat Ibrahim did dua while he was coming back. It’s quoted in Quran that he said: “ربنا انی اسکنت من ذریتی بواد غیر ذی زرع عند , and translation here[28]

According to holy Quran Hazrat Ibrahim asked God to give him some imported things. God also accepted his prayer and supplications. One of the request of Hazrat Ibrhim was:

رب اجعلنی مقیم الصلوه و من ذریتی ربنا و تقبل دعائ”,  translation heree[29]


Hazrat Ismaeil (a.s)[30] and prayer:

The Holy book Quran Says about Hazrat Ismaeil (a.s):

\"واذکر فی الکتاب اسماعیل انه کان صادق الوعد و کان رسولا نبیا\"[31]


Hazrat Isaac (a.s)[32], Hazrat Jacob (a.s)[33] and other prophets from Hazrat Abraham’s(a.s) progeny and prayer:

Hazrat Jacob passed away in Egypt, his children transferred his dead body to Hebron and buried there.

Hazrat Jacob and other names of prophets from Hazrat Abraham’s progeny have come in holy book of Quran. It says: “ووهبنا له اسحاق و یعقوب نافله و کلا جعلنا صالحین.........[34] translation here


Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s)[35] and prayer:

God for guidance of People of Madyan who were corrupted and aggressive sent his messenger named Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s). God has talked about the divine knowledge of Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s) in Quran. He says:

2 verses and translations here. [36]

Teachings of hazrat Shuaeb (a.s) was insurance and guarantee for people of Madyan, but the people didn’t heard his voice and didn’t answer to his invitation to the right and divine path. The people of Madyan were so corrupted and caught in violent desires; that’s why they could not see and find the right path. They all knew that what’s the value of prayers, they knew prayer will keep them away from corruption and bad acts. They said to Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s):

یا شعیت اصلاتک  One verse and its translation here[37]

Prayer keeps you away from bad acts, prayer guides you to the exact right path, prayer keeps you away from absence, prayer keeps you away from devil and its orders, pray keeps you away corruption and designs calms and peaceful life here and hereafter.

[1] . Al-Tahzib 2/381 chapter 18, tradition number 7; Vasaeil Al-Shiaeh 4/18, chapter 3, tradition number 4397.

[2] . Al-Tahzib 2/381 chapter 18, tradition number 6; Vasaeil Al-Shiaeh 4/18, chapter 3, tradition number 4398.

[3] . Al-Kafi: 3/409, chapter صلاه الصیبان, tradition number 1; Vasaeil Al-shiaeh 4/19, chapter number 3, tradition number 4401.


[4] . Al-Kafi: 3/269, chapter: من حافظ علی صلاه , tradition number 7; Vasaeil Al-shiaeh:4/23, chapter 6, tradition number 4413.

[5] . Man La Yahzurul Al-Faqieh: 1/206, chapter: فرض الصلاه, tradition number 618; Vasaeil Shiaeh:4/25, chapter 6, tradition number 4418.

[6] . Ellel Sharayeh: 2/365, chapter 70, tradition 2; Biharul Al-Anwar: 80/9, chapter 6, tradition number 4.

[7] . Man La Yahzurul Al-Faqieh: 1/137, chapter: غسل الميت, tradition number 369; vasaeil shiaeh: 4/29, chapter 7, tradition number 4429.

[8] . Uyoon akhbar Al-Reza: (عيون اخبار الرضا) : 2/31, chapter 31, tradition 46; Beharul Anwar: 80/14, chapter 6, tradition number 23.

[9] . Al-kafi: 3/268, chapter: من حافظ علي صلاته .., tradition 6; biharul anwar: 82/100, chapter 26, tradition number 1.

[10] . Man La Yahzurul Al-Faqieh: 1/208, chapter

[11] . Al-Kafi: 3/265, chapter فضل الصلاه, tradition 7; Vasaeil Shiaeh: 4/39, chapter 10, tradition 4456.

[12] . Al-Tahzib التهذيب : 2/240, chapter 12, tradition 22, Vasaeil Shiaeh: 4/40, chapter 10, Hadith 4460

[13] . Vasaeil Shiaeh وسائل شيعه: 4/42, chapter 11, tradition number 4465.

[14] . Vasaeil Shiaeh وسائل شيعه: 3/29.

[15] . \"ان أبا الحسن علی بن موسی الرضا (ع) کتب الیه فیما کتب من جواب مسائله أن عله الصلاه انها اقرار بالربوبینه الله عز و جل و خلع الآنداد و قیام بین یدی الجبار جل جلاله بالذل و المسکنه و الخضوع والاعتراف و الطلب للاقاله من سالف الذنوب و وضع الوجه علی الارض کل یوم خمس مرات اعظاما لله عز و جل و أن یکون ذاکرا غیر ناس و لابطر و یکون خاشعا متذللا راغبا طالبا للزیاده فی الدین و الدنیا مع ما فیه من الانزجار و المداومه علی ذکر الله عز و جل باالیل و النهار لئلا ینسی العبد سیده و مدبره و خالقه فیبطره  و یطغی و یکون فی ذکره لربه و قیامه بین یدیه زاجراله عن المعاصی و مانعا من أنواع الفساد\" علل الشرایع: 1/256, ellal Va Sharayeh; 1/256, chapter 182.

[16] .سألت أباها محمدا (ص) فقالت: \"یا أبتاه ما لمن تهاون بصلاته من الرجال و النساء؟ قال: یا فاطمه من تهاون بصلاته من الرجال و النساء ابتلاه لله بخسمه عشر خصله، ست منها فی دار الدنیا، و ثلاث عند موته، و ثلاث فی قبره، و ثلاث فی القیامه اذا خرج من قبره. فأما اللواتی تصیبه فی الدار الدنیا: فالاولی: یرفع الله البرکه من عمره و یرفع البرکه من رزقه و یمحمو الله عزوجل سیماء والسادسه لیس له حظ فی دعاء الصالحین.

و أما اللواتی تصیبه عند موته: فاولاهن: انه یموت ذلیلا و الثانیه: یموت جائعا، و الثالئه: یموت عطشانا، فلو سقی من آنهار الدنیا لم یرو عطشه.

و أما اللواتی تصبیه فی قبره: فأولاهن یوکل الله به ملکا یزعجه فی قبره و الثانیه: یضیق علیه قبره و الثالثه: تکون الظلمه فی قبره.

و أما اللواتی تصبیه یوم القیامه إذا خرج من قبره فأولاهن: أن یوکل الله به ملکا یسحبه علی وجهه والخلائق ینظرون إلیه، و الثانیه: یحاسبه حسابا شدیدا، والثالثه: لاینظرون الله إلیه، ولا یزکیه وله عذاب ألیم\" مستدرک الوسائل:3/23، باب 6، حدیث 2932؛ اسرار الصلواه:32 .

Mustadrek Al-Vasaeil :3/23, chapter 6, tradition 2922; Israrul Al-asslat:32

[17] . کنز العمال, Kanzel Al-Aamal tradition number 2164.

[18] . اسرار الصلوه, Israrul Al-asslat:33.

[19] . اسرار الصلوه, 34.

[20] . Hazrate Adam (a.s) the first man on the earth.  The name of Hazrate Adam seventeen times and in seven surah of Holy Quran, Al-Baqara, Al-A\'raaf, Al-Hijr, Al-Israa, Al-Kahf, Taa-Haa, and Saad has come.

Holy Quran talks about Hazrate Adam (a.s) and his existence. \"آن مثل عیسی عند الله کمثل آدم خلقه من تراب\" , in Holy Quran it’s quoted that the Hazrate Adam was created from the earth. There is some explanation of his creating in different interpretations of Holy Quran. 

 مِن طِينٍ  create of dust,  مِّن طِينٍ لَّازِبٍ Surely We created them of firm clay, مِّنْ حَمَإٍ مَّسْنُونٍ created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape, فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُ So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit,  وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي

خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا  Who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same (kind) and spread from these two,

Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) states: Hazrate Eve (Hava) was created from the rest earth of the Hazrate Adam (a.s).

Most interpreter of holy Quran believe that Hazrate Eve(Have) was created from one the rib of Hazrate Adam (a.s). there is also one quotation from the prophet (peace be upon him) that he stated: \"خلقت المراه من ضلع آدم (ع) ان آقمتها کسرتها و ان ترکتها و فیها عوج استمتعتها\" (مجمع البیان), Majmeh ul-bayan.


Hazrate Adam (a.s) was the messenger


Hazrate Adam was the first messenger of God. Holy Quran says: إِنَّ اللَّـهَ اصْطَفَىٰ آدَمَ وَنُوحًا, Surely Allah chose Adam and Nuh and the descendants of Ibrahim and the descendants of Imran above the nations.

it’s quoted from Hazrate Abouzar Ghafari that he says: I asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) who was the first prophet? The prophet (peace be upon him) stated: Harate Adam (a.s), was he messenger too? The Prophet (peace be upon him) stated: yes he was. Allah created him and made him the first messenger on the earth. And Allah talked to him, Hazrate Adam was speaking seryani language.

[21] . التهذیب, Al-tahzib: 3/330, chapter 32, tradition number 59; Vasaeil Shiaeh: 3/76, chapter 5, tradition 3058; Biharul Anwar: 11/260, chapter 8, tradition Number 3.

[22] . Hazrate Idress who was the prophet, and used to live in period after Hazrate Adam (a.s) and before hazrate Nooh (a.s). hazrate idress was grandfather of Hazrate Nooh’s father. Hazrate Idress is son of Yared son of Mahlaeil, son of Qainan son of Anoosh son of Sheies son of Hazrate Adam (a.s). it’s quoted that he was called Idress because he was giving many lectures and he used to spend his plenty of time for teaching. Hazrate Idress’s mother name was Qainoos, she is called Maslaseh Nehmeh (triangle of blessings) center of prophecy, kingdom and wisdom.

Name of Harate Idress twice has come in Quran, first time:, واذکر فی الکتاب ادریس.................. ”, (Surah: Meryam: 56), “و اسماعیل و ادریس و اذا الکفل کل من الصابرین, (Anbia: 85)

The last prophet (peace be upon him) said, 30 books descended on Hazrate Idress and he was the first who started to write, and had views about astronomy, and he was the first who dressed clothes because before him all people used to cover their bodies with leaves.

Quran says “” he had honor of being close to God and his messenger.

[23] . بهار الانوار, Biharul Anwar: 11/280, chapter 9, tradition number 10; مستدرک الوسائل, Mustadrakul Vasaeil: 3/413, chapter 39, tradition number 3899.


[24] بهار الانوار, Biharul Anwar: 11/280, chapter Qesas Idress.

قال طبرسی (رح) انه (ادریس النبی) جد ابی نوح (ع) و اسمه اخنوخ و هو اول من خاط الثیاب.

 25] . Hazrate Noah (a.s) was first great messenger (Ulul Azm), he used to live in Babul after Hazrate Idress (a.s). Hazrate Noah (a.s) was son of Lamak, who was son of Matoushekh, who was son of Ekhnoukh, who was son of Hazrate Idress (a.s), who was son of Mahlaeil, who was son of Qainan, who was son of Anoosh, who was son of Shaeis and Shaeis was son of Hazrate Adam (a.s).

It’s quoted from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that hazrate Noah (a.s) lived two thousand five hundred years. Eight hundred and fifty years before prophetic mission (Besat), nine hundred and fifty years from prophetic mission until the big storm (flood of Hazrate Noah (a.s)) and seven hundred years after the flood, it’s quoted  that two hundred  years took him to make the ship and five hundred years after the flood.

[26] . بهار الانوار, Biharul Anwar:11/331, chapter 3, tradition number 53; Ayashi commentary (تفسیر العیاشی), 2/144, tradition number 18.

[27] . Hazrate Ibrahim (a.s), the second great messenger among great messengers (Ulul Azm). Father name of Hazrat Ibrahim according to some traditions was ‘Aazar’ or ‘Aazer’. Hazrate Ibrahim’s father was idol maker or idol seller. It’s quoted that Aazer (Father of Hazrate Ibrahim) was not his real father; he was his real father or mother’s uncle, but then he had adopted Hazrate Ibrahim (a.s) as his son.

It’s famous tradition from the last prophet (peace be upon him) that he stated : لم یزل ینقلنی الله من اصلاب الطاهرین .. , God has given me pure religion father and mother and all ancestors, God never has given me any ignorant father and mother in my ancestors.

According to holy Quran: “انما المشرکون نجس” , mushrikan paleedand,  it’s quoted under this verse’s commentary that all ancestors of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were monotheist.

Late Faize says in safi commentary (interpretation of holy Quran): suppose Aazar or Aazer was the real father of hazrate Ibrahim and we don’t accept any adoption of Hazrate Ibrahim (a.s) to Aazer, then we do believe that his selling or making idol was just dissimulation. Because of some reasons he could not show his right beliefs and he hid his beliefs like hazrat Abu Tablib. Speech of Hazrate Ibrahim (a.s) when he was with sun, moon and star worshipers; was also from dissimulation point of views, so he can talk to them and they can listen him easily.

 Birth place of Hazrate Ibrahim was in Babul (IRAQ) named ‘Kosi Rabbi’. Hazrate Ibrahim was selected and guided by Allah and Allah made him the prophet.

Wife of Hazrate Ibrahim ‘Sareh’ who was his cousin (daughter of his aunt) also, was rich and had many farmlands. She gave all these farmland to Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s). Hazrat Ibrahim gave his time for growing this property. He grew it up; nobody could reach to his level.

It’s   quoted from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that when Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) passed away he was one hundred seventy five years old. It’s also quoted from Imam Sadiq (a.s) that Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) had two sons; one of them who (Hazrat Ismail (a.s)) was son of female slave (Kaniz) was the best.

Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) had two sons from his two wives; Hazrate Ismaeil was from his first wife named Hajer and hazrat Ishaq was from his second wife named Sareh. 

Hazrat Ibrahim after passing away of his wives, married with ‘Qantoora’ daughter of Yaqtin from Kanaan. Hazrat Ibrahim from Qantoora got following children, Nafshan, Maran, Madyan, Madan, Nashq and Sarrah. 

Imam Baqir (a.s) stated: when Hazrate Ibrahim finished his acts of hajj (Pilgrimage of hajj ) he came to Damascus (Sham) and died there. There is a story of his death, when God send his angel of death to Hazrat Ibrahim to take his spirit (rooh), but Hazrate Ibrahim had aversion from dying. The angel went back to Allah and told him that Hazrat Ibrahim dislike to die. God said to the angel leave Hazrat Ibrahim might he wants to do my worship more. After some period Hazrat Ibrahim saw an old man, who was eating something but while he was eating there was excretion (waste of his body) from him because he could not control himself.  When Hazrat Ibrahim saw him like this; he became fed up from his life. When hazrat Ibrahim came back to home he saw death angel with nice and pretty shape. Hazrat Ibrahim asked him who are you? The death angel answered: I’m the death angel. Hazrate Ibrahim said: Oh! who doesn’t like to see and meet you with this shape! The death angel answered oh friend of Allah (Khalilul Rahman) when Allah likes someone, sends me with this nice shape to him, and when Allah dislikes someone then sends me with other shape. It’s quoted that Hazrat Ibrahim passed away in that time. (Biharul anwar: 21/79 and Kamel bin Asir)  

[28]. Surah Ibrahim 14/37

[29] . Surah Ibrahim 14/40

[30] . Hazrat Isamaeil (a.s) was the eldest son of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s), his mother’s name was Hajer. According to son of Abas, when Hazrat Isamaeil born Hazrat Ibrahim was 99 years old and according to son of Masuod; Hazrat Ibrahim was 117 years old and they were in Palestine. Hazrat Ibrahim was ordered to take his family including his suckling child Hazrat Ismaeil (a.s) to the land of Mecca which was completely desert area in that time. When hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) left them there alone, God send his blessings on them and gave them ZamZam water. (zamzam is the name of fountain which came into existence under the feet of Hazrate Ismaeil). Then jurham tribe came there and stayed there. When Hazrate Ismaeil became four years, Allah send the order of sacrificing (act of doing sacrifice or Qurbani). Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrate Ismaeil both of them agreed, Allah accepted their decision, and send Hazrat Gabriel to put sheep instead of Hazrat Ismaeil. When hazrat Ismaeil grew up and reached on the age of marry, he married from Jurham tribe and got children. then God selected Hazrat Ismaeil as his messenger. “کان رسول نبیا, Hazrat Ismaeil started to invited people to follow God’s religion and follow religious constitution of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s), people accepted and followed what he said. He passed away when he was one hundred thirty years old. And he was buried close to his mother’s grave in Hajjer. “انه کان صادق الوعد”, it’s quoted in traditions that Hazrat Ismaeil was firm in his promises; it has come in history that, once a man took appointment time from Hazrat Ismaeil to meet him somewhere. Hazrat Ismaeil came on time on that place but the man who was suppose to come, didn’t come, but Hazrat Ismaeil stood on that place for three days or according to some other historian he stood there for one year till the man came. Some historian say Hazrat Ismaeil passed away before his father Harat Ibrahim (a.s). What Quran says “صادق الوعد”, was Ismaeil son of Hazqeel, one of the messengers of Israel, Allah had selected him as his messenger and sent him among Israelis, but Israeli people peeled his skin alive. God had put their (Israelis) punishment in his hand, but he asked God to forgive them. (Majmaul Bayan and Dehkhuda)

[31] . Meryam 19: 54,55

[32] . Hazrat Isaac is son of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s). He was youngest son of Hazrat Ibrahim. When Hazrat Ibrahim wanted to come to Mecca with his family, he left Hazrat Isaac in Palestine and came to Mecca with his wife and his eldest son Hazrat Ismaeil (a.s). That’s why Hazrat Isaac (a.s) becomes ancestor of children of Israel and Hazrat Ismaeil became ancestor of Arabs (converted arabs). Hazrat Isaac’s mother name was Sareh. When there was famine in Palestine, they moved to Jarar. Hazrat Isaac and his family because of having large amount of animals and having good standard of life, people of Jarar became jealous with Hazrat Isaac and his family, so they decided to leave area of Jarar and came back to Palestine. Hazrat Isaac Married with Rabqa daughter of Batooeil and got two children by following names: Hazrat Jacob and Hazrat Esau.

It’s quoted from Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) that Hazrat Isaac lived in this world one hundred eighty years. (Dehkhuda and Bihar:11/65). Seventeen times his name has come in Quran, his birth is counted as miracle because when his mother was giving him birth was very old.

وامرته قائمه فضحکت فبشرناها باسحاق یعقوب، قالت یا وی............................   surah Hood(11): 71, 72

And he was elected for being messenger of Allah.

[33] . Hazrat Jacob (a.s): hazrat Jacob was son of Hazrat Isaac (a.s) and Hazrat Isaac (a.s) was son of Hazrat Abraham (a.s). Hazrat Jacob’s another name or title is Israel. He is father of Israel and from messengers of Allah. Hazrat Jacob (a.s) with his brother Esau used to live in Kanaan the great old Syria. When Hazrat Jacob (a.s) passed away was one hundred and forty seven years old. He was born 2206 BC; his grave is in Palestine in Khalil (Hebron) city. (Dictionary of holy book and dictionary of Turkey names)

Hazrat Jacob (a.s) had twelve children by following names: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, and Issachar these six children were born from Leah wife of Hazrat Jacob and she was his cousin too. When Hazrat Leah passed away Hazrat Jacob (a.s) married with her sister named Rachel, and got children by following names : Hazrate Joseph and Benjamin, and last his four children by following names : Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher were from a female slave (Kaniz). (Kamil son of Asir), Hazrat Jacob passed away in great Egypt, his children transferred his dead body to Hebron and buried there.

[34] . Surah Anbia (21): 72-73

[35] . It’s said that his real name was Yathroon, he was son of Mukail who was son of Yashjab who was son of Madaya, who was son of Isaac and Isaac was son of Abraham (a.s). Mother of Mukail (father of Hazrat Shuaeb) was daughter of Hazrat Lout (a.s). Hazrat Lout (a.s) was one of the messengers of God and was from the progeny of Hazrat Abraham (a.s). According to the traditions Hazrat Lout (a.s) used to live in a period after Hazrat Hood (a.s) and Hazrat Saleh (a.s), and just short period before Hazrat Moses (a.s) and was his father in law also.

Hazrate Shoaeb (a.s) was blind, whenever the last messenger Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) used to call him name, he used to call him orator of all prophets. Because Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s) had great power of speaking and God elected him as hi messenger for people of Madayan. God had sent many blessing on people of Madayan, those who were unbeliever had big businesses but they were selling their products very expensive and they were behaving with ordinary people badly. Jafer Sadiq (a.s) states: when Hazrat Shueb said to his nation: “انی اراکم بخیرا”, Hazrat Shueb wanted to say, product’s prices are less but they are doing shortchanges in their business which will cause to destroy their all blessings from their business. Hazrat Shuaeb tried a lot to make them understand and gave them advices but they didn’t listen him at all. God because of their bad acts and unfairness with each other descended a torture and punishment. God send very wind to their city and the city become very hot. People start to go out of city for salvation and all moved to the desert. When the people went to the desert God send a fire cloud on them, all people gather under that cloud for getting rain so they can get coolness, but suddenly that cloud start to fire rain which burnt all that people. (kamel son of Asir).

When Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s) passed away, was one hundred forty years. (Safinat Bihar) it’s quoted from Imam Saiq (a.s) that he stated: Allah sent five prophet that were Arabs, these five are by following names: Hazrat Hood (a.s), Hazrat Saleh (a.s), Hazrat Ismaeil, Hazrat Shuaeb (a.s) and the last messenger Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him)

[36] . Surah Hood (11): 84,86

[37] . Suran Hood (11): 87

source : Aspect of Prayer/ by Great scholar Hussain Ansarian
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Weldone. Your jobs are appreicated. Pls,keep me posted at all time sir
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