Friday 28th of June 2024
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Int’l Quran Competition for Muslim Students Motivates Students

This is according to the head of the Dar-ol-Quran Center, Mehdi Qaresheikhloo, speaking to IQNA about the 3rd International Quran Competition for Muslim Students, which is scheduled to be held in Mashhad on Jan 9-11.

One of the main outcomes of such contests is to encourage young students to improve their abilities in terms of Quranic sciences and skills, he said.


Criticizing organizers of some Ouran competitions for not paying enough attention to quality, he pointed out that foreign contestants are usually not selected in an appropriate manner, which could end up damaging the credibility of the contest hosted by the Islamic Republic of Iran. “Paradoxically, this happens while Iranian contestants had to pass tough exams imposed by evaluators so as to qualify for the competition.”


Qaresheikhloo, who is a Quran reciter himself, underlined that keeping in contact with well-known Quran reciters and experts from other nations can help Iranians promote their abilities for a more powerful presence in international Quran contests.

source : http://www.iqna.ir/
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